WZ Posters Tournament: FINAL: Total Package vs. IrishCanadian25

Total Package vs. IrishCanadian25

  • Total Package

  • IrishCanadian25

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Sorry Wes, I've voted against Irish throughout most of this whole thing. So he gets my vote in the final for that reason.

Although, I'm amazed that this thing has gotten this type of a Final. This is almost as odd as the Giants/Ravens Superbowl several years back.
Voted For IC25, if Wes wins it will just make his ego bigger, and we just can't have that, besides IC25 is the better poster anyways
Voted For IC25, if Wes wins it will just make his ego bigger, and we just can't have that, besides IC25 is the better poster anyways

Hmmm, I think you'd have to truly clearify where. Wes has owned over Irish in bar room threads, and discussion. But Irish would definately own Wes over general wrestling and the all above discussions.. which the above section is what "should" be considered better, however the majority of the regulars tend to hang out in the bar room more often than not..

I can see Wes winning this via his bar room popularity alone. Although the general majority of the mods may back Irish, for their respect of his wrestling posts.
I voted for IC25, simply for the fact that Wes is a blind Cena hater.

:rolleyes: Anyone that doesn't kiss Cena's ass, to you, is a "blind Cena hater." :p Tell me, does he use lube when he rams you from behind, for you to suck up to him this more, or do you like it rough? :lmao: (kidding)
:rolleyes: Anyone that doesn't kiss Cena's ass, to you, is a "blind Cena hater." :p
Naw...just people like Wes who even go so far as to say that Cena is not a big draw, and will claim that many of Cena's best matches are crap.

So, Wes is a blind Cena hater. So my vote goes to IC.

Tell me, does he use lube when he rams you from behind, for you to suck up to him this more, or do you like it rough? :lmao: (kidding)
Please...like I would let Cena do to me what I do to your mom.


I'm f*cking Matt Damon!

(I shall rep anyone who knows what I'm talking about)
Please...like I would let Cena do to me what I do to your mom.

I'm perfectly fine with whatever you do with my Mom, just please do well not to describe it to me. Although she did mention not getting any satisfaction from the recent guy she met. :rolleyes: Didn't know what that was all about. :p


I'm f*cking Matt Damon!

(I shall rep anyone who knows what I'm talking about)

Where's my rep, bitch! :p
See IC defeated me which means if he wins there is no shame in losing and although I'd love to vote for Wes simply because he constantly cracks me up... I think I'm going to have to go against Wes in this one and give my vote to IC.
Sounds like you need to do a better job in bed to impress your mom. She always tells me I'm terrific.

I don't have Youtube here. What is it?


Everybody has youtube sly.

I voted for IC25...NOW CAN YOU DIG THAT SUCKA! He is cool and never flames, so he wins.

Everybody has youtube sly.
Not at work we don't. School filters any site with any remote chance of having improper material.

And yet, this site isn't forbidden by the filter...interesting.

But yes, what a great running gag the Matt Damon vs. Jimmy Kimmel thing is.
I vote for the man who beat me in the 1st round. I vote for the man who isn't an ass to me. Ladies and gentlemen I voted for the winner of the Final WZ Posters Tournament...IrishCanadian25!!!

So it is now 19 - 7 IC25...good I'm SO happy!!!
Psshh what sportsmanship.

JR: what great sportsmanship showed by Total PAckage.
King: that's just dumb JR. I mean - OMG Look!!



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