WZ End Of Year Awards: Promotion Of The Year

Which Has Been The Best Promotion Of 2007?

  • PWG

  • TNA

  • ROH

  • WWE

  • Pro-Wrestling NOAH

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Which has been the best promotion of the year. Also feel free to discuss which you think has been the worst.
I would say ROH. But the wrestling of theirs I watch could be from 2006 or 2007. I'm not sure. Same with NOAH. But I refuse to pick either TNA or WWE. Both are pretty bad. WWE is boring. But TNA is just total garbage. When they went to two hours I thout they would improve. I was wrong. instead of 1 hour of TNA stretched to fit two hors. They have just made iMPACT into x2 of the 1 hour show. I find it hard to find any positives in that show.

WWE wins for TV, TNA for PPVs.
I'm going with TNA. Simply because, they deliver when it counts most, and that's on pay per view. That's when the paying man cares if the product is good. I could watch ten hours a week of WWE programming, but if their pay per views are shit, I'm going to be pissed.

I personally don't mind Impact being considerably weaker then the pay per views. It makes spending money on the pay per view that much better when they deliver. TNA has only had two bad pay per views all year, where WWE has had only two good pay per views all year.

TNA has done the most to grow themselves this year. I just like how aggresive they have been with Spike and testing out other wrestlers
I'm agreeing with Conspicuous for this one. Besides, I honestly don't think TNA is consistently bad. They normally have at least one, considerably long and very watchable match, it's the lead up to it that varies. The Pay-Per-Views are top notch and well worth watching, even if it does last three days longer than it's supposed thanks to Bravo 2's need to endlessly air adverts every two minutes.

Then there's the fact of the growth that TNA has experienced this year, with the trend looking likely to continue. TNA's the easy winner for me.
I picked ROH, simply because I like the matches they give us better than what I get from WWE or TNA, ROH in my mind is just more entertaining, TNA would be in second cause they put on great PPVs and occasionally give us a good Impact, like about once a month but TNA has a lot they need to improve on, like their crappy storylines, overexposure of gimmick matches, and their inability to push the young superstars that should carry the company on into the future, WWE just has gone downhill IMO, it seems like the creative suffers from writers laze and they for some unknown reason tend to push guys with little or no talent more then the guys with talent, the other two promotions I haven't seen much of so I can't really say anything about them, but for me this one has to go to ROH, by far the most entertaining Promotion out there IMO
I Picked RoH because of what the others on this thing have lacked.

WWE has stagnated or gotten worse in terms of their ability to draw in the Crowd over this past year only recently having been above the average it had been for a long time.
TNA has improved slightly, they have turned it on for the PPVs but Lance Storm goes through what they need to do better, they should follow his advice and then they will increase exponentially.
PWG and NoaH both fall into the same category no exposure to the market in terms of International market unless you go looking for the stuff you aren't going to get it.

Which brings us back to Ring of Honor. It has skyrocketed above TNA this year in terms of improvement. I say this because it got a PPV deal. And it is an affordable price for a PPV $10-$20 dollars is what I understand it to be. It may not have a TV deal but it does show that there is a Legit number 3 promotion in the US. Whereas before it could be argued CZW or PWG could be in that place. The PPV deal sets them apart on this basis.
ROH, this promotion was very stable this year with great matches and no bullsh*t. TNA had it's ups and downs, and WWE had even bigger ups and downs so it is hard for me to vote for either of them.
IMO the 3 top promotions are WWE, TNA, ROH. WWE this year wasnt as good this year then the past. This maybe due to injuries(taker, edge, cena, hbk, hhh, ect) or bad storylines McMahon death angle or bastard son, but WWE is still the #1 Overall. ROH on the other hand provides some amazing matches, feuds, and wreslters. Its a great alternative to both WWE & TNA, and I hope they only keep improving because of they do they may be the best next year. But this years crown goes to TNA. Yes they have some shit storylines and they have theri problems but this was a great year. They went 2 hours, got Booker T, and TNA is improving(still not the best)they have some amazing wrestlers(angle, styles, daniels, lax, christian, roode, kong, kim ect) + their PPV's have consisently been better than WWE's this year. I can only hope TNA keeps improving because it's good for the business.
I have to vote for WWE. It's my main wrestling source and I think TNA needs to do a whole lot better until i watch it. I have never seen a ROH or NOAH so i do not know what it is like.

My reason for picking WWE is because they have all of the big stars. Y2J, Cena, 'taker, Batista, Mysterio, HHH, HBK, and so many more. I also think their PPV's are pretty good but i cannot go into detail about it since i can't buy them on PPV i rent them from Blockbuster.

To me, the WWE is just all around better.
ROH - hands down; not even a decision. I love TNA, but they can't even hold a candle to the type of product that ROH is putting out. They have the best matches, best shows, best PPV's, best gimmicks, best factions, and the best storylines.
I voted for WWE for 2 simple reasons: Wrestlemania & 5 hours of quality TV. Wrestlemania 23 was the most successful professional wrestling event in North American history. It generated more revenue than any event in the history of professional wrestling on this continent. Also, WWE produces 5 hours of television each week. Each show (Raw/ECW/Smackdown) are consistently the top rated show on their respective channel. Raw has gone against Monday Night Football all fall and has maintained the level of ratings they had before. For these 2 factors alone, I must say that WWE is the best promotion of the year.
I voted for ROH. The matches they put on are seriously some of the best I've seen in the last 5-6 years. They have the talent and now the crucial PPV deal. They remind me so much of the old ECW with their exciting matches and storylines. Get Paul Heyman to book for them and they could sky rocket into the #2 promotion easily. If they could just get a TV deal then I think they would grow so fast that no one would see it coming.
ROH...i know for fact that i wouldve given up on wrestling altogether if it wasnt for Ring of Honor...simple, easy to follow storylines that make sense, wrestlers that are out there wrestling like they have something to prove, not just coasting along like WWE, some of the BEST matches i have seen in years.
such a great blend of old school NWA style/MMA/Puro, and to top it off the crowds at these shows really remind me of the crowds at the original ECW shows...a room FULL of wrestling nerds just going nuts...awesome
The WWE is really the best choice here. They've had the best matches throughout the year, the most interesting storylines, the best character development, and have made the most money. Wrestlemania drew the best PPV buyrate of any wrestling show ever. And, they've done all of this while being incredibly snake bit all year.

First, Triple H goes down on the way to main-event Wrestlemania. HBK needs knee surgery, Rey was out for half of the year, Cena gets injured the Monday before a PPV, and never gets to put anyone over for his belt, they had to suspend several wrestlers for steroid problems...and, oh yeah. That whole pesky Chris Benoit thing during one of the biggest and most shocking angles the WWE has done in years.

WWE is really the best choice. TNA has done all right, I just don't feel their character development has been near as strong. ROH is still incredibly overrated, and their first PPV "Driven" was a piss-poor show, which booked a pre-taped match after a 4 minute squash match for the ROH title. Stupid booking, on a crap PPV, on a show that is supposed to make people interested in the product.

WWE is really the best choice here.
My choice is between WWE and TNA, since I can't see ROH, Noah, or PWG on free tv. So between those two, I will choice WWE.

I agree that TNA delivers better PPVs in terms of wrestling. But ultimately they don't mean anything as compared to WWE's PPVs. Say what you will about WWE. Though you might not like the guys they push, at least they push their younger talent. Guys like Cena, Batista, Edge, Punk, Lashley, Umaga, Kennedy, Morrison, and Orton. While TNA continues to push the ex-wwe superstars over guys like Joe, Daniels, Styles, and Abyss. WWE is letting their young guys run with the ball while TNA has become Total-Nonstop-Angle. It's like with Jarrett, only with a better wrestler, who holds the title for a million years without putting someone over.

So b/c of that I give my vote of promotion of the year to WWE by default. God knows they have had a topsy-turvy year with all the injuries and steriod allegations. Yet somehow they have perservered through it. And now with guys returning they have put together a string of three consecutive PPVs where they have delivered the goods, imo.

Here's hoping that this trend continues into the new year. And here's hoping TNA can start turning things around, and one of the other three promotions mentioned can get a national tv deal. And most of all here's hoping for another wrestling boom, like in the mid to late '90s.
My choice is AAA but for some reason they not nominated. And how can you leave out the best Japan promotion quality wise in New Japan. NOAH has been weak this year and New Japan has definitely improve alot.

Between the 5 nominated,I guess ROH?
ROH, but then I'm a McGuinness mark. WWE's had a poor year but it often wasn't their fault.
I'll go with ROH in terms of the wrestling on the show. Some of the bits in between on the ROH telecasts are pretty cool, too (Sweet and Sour Inc. makes me laugh). WWE was such a fat pile of horseshit that I stopped watching in mid-June and have had better Mondays and Fridays as a result (and have even had a better cumulative attitude in life when I finally woke up and realized it was tripe of the Nth degree). TNA has had some solid PPV offerings (I purchased three this year total), but the weekly Impact! telecasts are some of the dumbest shit I've seen since...well...WWE.

ROH isn't what I'd describe as complete perfection...but they only cost $10 for a PPV and get the job done in two hours. Whereas the competition bleeds plenty more money and often times has filler in the cards. Overall, ROH is the only thing that has made me shift my attention even slightly from MMA, which I've found much more entertaining this year comprehensively. Wrestling is in a sad spot. TNA needs to learn how to chop the shit out of a two-hour broadcast, and on the whole both the WWE and TNA need to stop writing the shows in a fashion that panders to fucking idiots. It's sad as all hell when I choose a podunk promotion out of Philly over two other promotions that are jam-packed with talent and have a larger budget and production values at their disposal. It's also sad when I watch old clips of Nitro and Raw from 96-99 on youtube that are still better and more intelligent than the shit on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Fridays. Disgusting.
I chose WWE. I think the accusations that fans who prefer WWE are ignorant is ignorant itself. I watch TNA and ROH, and while ROH has drop dead amazing matches, it's just not enough. I personally have to be emotionally involved, and I need the storylines WWE provides. TNA falls extremely short in that area as well. They try, but it hasn't worked yet. Not for me. I'm not saying WWE is perfect by any means, but it gets my vote and always will until someone starts putting on a better combination of match quality and storyline depth.
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