WZ End Of Year Awards: Gimmick Of The Year

What Has Been The Best Gimmick Of 2007?

  • Santino Marella - Condemned Hater

  • Randy Orton - Legend Killer

  • Jay Lethal - Black Machismo

  • Kurt Angle - Egotist

  • A.J. Styles - Cowardly Heel

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It's got to be Santinos gimmick. I don't know who came up with it. But it's genius. Santino giving a very fair and true rating of The Condemned. I bet the person who came up with that is laughing at Vince. That revierw came from the heart. It was also what the majority of people were thinking.

It also gave Santino a personality. Which he didn't have as a face. People complained when he became IC Champ. But I bet they would have been all for it if he showed that much personality then.
I'm all about the AJ Styles cowardly heel gimmick. The guy is learning from two of the best in the business on how to develop a good character and mic work. Angle and Cage are just fine tuning a well oiled machine. Styles has always had the in ring ability, but the character was lacking. I love Black Machismo, but so much good is going to come from AJ's year or two under the tutelage of Angle and Cage.
I agree about Styles. One of the best wrerstlers out there. But man was he dull. The only problem I see is that I don't think he'll be able to move his persona over into a face gimmick. I just can't see it working. Although as a face I don't think he needs a personality anyway.
I've got to go with Jay Lethal's "Black Machismo" gimmick. This gimmick did wonders for him. He was great in the ring but lacked personality, which this gimmick gave him. I'm not sure if this gimmick could last forever, but for right now its the best gimmick in wrestling.
AJ Styles-the Cowardly Heel gimmick, that's what gets my vote, AJ has always had the ability but now he was finally given the gimmick needed to give him a personality, I would put Orton's Legend Killer gimmick in second place, no one seemed more cold and sadistic than that one, he pulled it off with perfection
ooooooohhhhh yeahhhhhhhh! Jay Lethal lol. This gimmick made him, even though it is Randy Savage's gimmick, but that just goes to show that Lethal can be as great of a performer as the Macho Man himself.

Santino's gimmick is great, but it is pushing him into jobber status instead of helping him win titles.
I dont have cable but when I did catch a TNA at my Mom's house this year, watching Jay as "Black Machismo" made me laugh. What a dead on impersonation. Love the old school promos.

Santino's heel turn was out of the blue and very well done. He is headed back from championship status to mid-carder though. Look at the RVD match he had. Nice sell of that kick though.
I love comedy so i was stuck between Black Machismo and AJ Styles. I had to vote for AJ because his gimmick is simply funnier. I just wish they would have given someone besides AJ that gimmick. Dont get me wrong hes doing an awesome job at pulling it off but someone who has dominated TNA for years shouldn't be a coward. I was waiting for AJ to stand up to Angle and say "This is my company not yours. I'm the best here" But instead they did the exact opposite.
My initial choice was Santino..but the tie-breaker i used was who's mathces were more entertainig...so i decided to go with..

Black Machismo.

Im a huge Macho Man fan and in the beginning i got a kick out of it, but still thought it was only temporary. But it went on and on, and soon faded away from being an imitation of Macho Man and more of Black Machismo. It incredible to take one of the best ever in the business' mannerisms and attire and persona and make them your own without seeming like a duplicate and carry it on your own.

I dont think it will last forever, but as long as it does, im supporting it.
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