WZ End Of Year Awards: Angle Of The Year

What Has Been The Best Angle Of 2007?

  • Bastard McMahon

  • Angle Title Reigns

  • Orton Concussion King

  • Dead McMahon

  • Rated R Ultimate Oppertunist

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Dead McMahon. And that angle didn't even get a concluisive finish. Thanks to Benoit. But the reason I'm picking that is because the quality of angles this year has been poor. Their hasn't been anything this year that has been terribly exciting.
Dead McMahon, horrible idea, probably up their with Katie Vick in terms of shit angles.

Bastard McMahon: Good in thought, terrible in execution. Hornswoggle? Horsnwoggle, what the fuck were they thinking.

I voted for Kurt Angle. Angle is a wrestling god. He is hated by the TNA smarks that feel Samoa Joe is the man, and it makes me happy. What better way to piss your loyal fan base by sticking all the gold on the one guy they hate the most. It's brilliant. It's like the WWE sticking the title on Cena for over a year. They know the people that hate it are going to tune in to watch them lose, and when they don't they get pissed but more hooked.
The Bastard McMahon would have been considerably different though. If Kennedy hadn't got caught buying steroids, or Kennedys doctor, whatever. Then the whole outcome would have been different. It probably would have changed the Wrestle Mania main event as well. We would probably be seeing Kennedy/HHH instead of HHH/Batista. Obviously not better but different.
That's why I'm pissed with it. Why did the WWE need to rush through the results? They could have milked that storyline out for another few months, Kennedy would have been back, and no one would have known the difference. The WWE is about instant gratification anymore, and it sucks. For once a well developed, long drawn storyline with a big pay off would be nice.
I like Edge always getting the ultimate opportunities. The great thing is his opportunities comes at a very unpredictable time when no one is expecting it which makes things more entertaining in my opinion. Who would of thought that Edge would become the World Champion from Mr. Kennedy's Money In The Bank? Out of nowhere, Edge wins the Money In The Bank and shortly after Edge wins the World Championship out of nowhere. It just sucked that he eventually got injured, but that's not stopping the Rated R Superstar. He is back in track and he always know what to do. This is what the entire "love" angle between Edge and Vickie is about right now.

Above all, it's not only the storyline but the performer which in this case it's Edge who makes it all possible and above all, he makes it entertaining.
Well, I was going to vote for Karen as the best Angle of the Year. After I realized she wasn't a choice, I voted for Dead McMahon. It was the one time this year an angle had me completely interested. I didn't see it coming at all. Sadly, we never saw the conclusion of it because of the Benoit tragedy.
Edge's whole ultimate oppertunist angle has been an amazing angle. Since the whole affair with Matt Hardy and Lita Edge has been pretty much the top heel in the WWE. His gimmick suits him perfectly Rated R and he does very well with the oppertunist part as well. If WWE was looking for someone to fill that role they certainly have in Edge
They couldve gotten SO far with the McMahon bastard son angle. If fuckin Kennedy hadnt bin caught on the Signature Pharmacy list, he would have bin headlining Wrestlemania 24 and become a top player in the industry. But after he WAS caught, and Hornswoggle was revealed as the son, the angle went down the drain. In the summer, I was getting so excited that one of my favourites was gonna get the push of his life, but I've lost interest in Kennedy now. The current angle of the year is the Rated R Ultimate Opportunist, even though it isn't an angle its more of a gimmick...
Angle Of The Year

Nothing really stands out to me this year as a solid angle, so after quick thought, have decided to give my vote to the 'Orton Concussion King'.

Good way to build up Randy's character as a heel that everyone hates, rather than one with a small to moderate fan base (Kennedy/Edge) etc.

The choice of people he 'concussed' established him further with RVD, HBK, Rhodes etc taking the 'Punt'. Also, when he got Cena Senior (kind of rhymes) it made the Orton v Cena rivalry more personal and more aggressive and I feel that this angle has ultimately got Orton to where he is now as the WWE Champion
Edge wasn't painful to watch, unlike three of the other four, which were possibly the three worst angles of the year. Orton's was good but he just isn't as entertaining as Edge.
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