WZ Battle Royale

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
I gave myself the idea. I'm a fucking unadulterated genius some of the time. I lie. Most of the time. Instead of getting friends or even *********ing, I sit around thinking about inventive thread topics. Aren't I a trooper?

Anyway, if we were all dumped onto an island and it was kill or be killed with a time limit - a la Battle Royale, the motion picture - which member or members would you kill off first? Which members do you think would form a short-lived clique that would quickly collapse in a hail of bullets?

Personally, I'd kill Jake, Jonny and Luther off first. You can't trust those shifty British, don't you know. I'd use Becca as a meat shield until the very end, should I survive long enough. She seems trusting, so obviously I'd kill her last.
You ever read the manga that the movies were based off of Sam? Those were sicker and crazier than the movies, but if we had a WZ Battle Royale, I'd just kill whoever got in the way, machete, knives, frying pans, machine guns, whatever was necessary.
As I recall, the stipulation dictated that if 24 hours passed without a death, everyone got exploded.

Now, aside from superior intelligence, I have absolutely nothing going for me in a battle royal situation. I'm also a pretty bitter person, so I'd most likely find myself a hiding place and stay there, safe in the knowledge that I was taking everybody else with me.
I would talk everyone into a cult/mass-suicide. I'm that good.

The survivors would be so busy questioning their faith that they'd be easy targets.
I'd kill you with the crossbow I'd inevitably be dealt, Irish boy. Being English, I'm more efficient with the long bow, but hey, whatever.
I would kill whomever would get in my way, but if i had a choice I think i would have to go with Brad the Great first, hes an annoying little shit so i would hunt him down and kill him, I would then nourish myself by eating sam (have to stay alive) then hunt down every mod i could find and take out the rest whilst your all huddle in a little hut praying to stay alive mwahahaha
In a battle royale I'd inspire the numbers to take out FTS, Norcs, IC, Ricky, and any other big people.
prim k dface brings up a great point. Will weapons be involved freely? If I wanted a Saiga-12 Shotgun, can I find one underneath a rock?

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