Wyclef Running for President of Haiti


You don't want it with me.

Apparently he faces some eligibility hurdles and a bit of scandal.

I believe that, at this time, Jean is the perfect man for the job. He isn't going to be conducting war and is in a position to learn government on the job. Haiti needs a unifying force and someone who wants to help the people. They do not need a politician to build a bureaucracy that will cost funds and hinder the speed at which help arrives.

Wyclef appears to be a man of the people, a populist when a populist is needed.
I disagree. Haiti doesn't need a populist, they need a strong leader. I've also heard a lot of accusations of mismanagement thrown at Jean regarding his charity. If he can't handle his own charity, how could he handle a devastated country. I've heard Bill O'Reilly on the right and Sean Penn on the left be critical of him, and if you have got both of those guys being critical of you, then I'd be wary.

Here is what Sean Penn said:


This is somebody who's going to receive an enormous amount of support from the United States, and I have to say I'm very suspicious of it, simply because he, as an ambassador at large, has been virtually silent. For those of us in Haiti, he has been a non-presence

Penn, who has been active in Haiti since the earthquake, highlighted allegations that Wyclef mishandled $400,000 donated for the country through his Yele Haiti foundation. "He claims he didn't do it. That has to be looked into it," said Penn, who has been running a 55,000-person tent camp through the J/P Haitian Relief Organization he co-founded. "I've been there. I know what $400,000 could do for these people's lives."

He added, "I'm not accusing Wyclef Jean of being an opportunist; I don't know the man," Penn told Wolf Blitzer, who was filling in for Larry King. "One of the reasons I don't know very much about Wyclef Jean is that I haven't seen or heard anything of him in these last six months that I've been in Haiti." He added, "I think he has an important voice. "I hope he doesn't sacrifice that voice by taking the eye off the very devastating realities on the ground, and the very difficult strategic future that it's got in putting it back together."

Here is a clip of Penn discussing Jean on Larry King Live last night (Penn starts talking at around 2:30 and again at 6:10)


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