Wyatt's might be down a man.


With the safety off!!
After last night's RAW, which I might add was one of the worst I've seen two weeks before any Wrestlemania, it appears that Luke Harper may have gone down with a knee injury.

A dark match was announced Ambrose, Reigns, Ziggler, Zayn against the Wyatt's and according to reports Harper took an awkward bump, rolled out of the ring, and wasn't used again. Doctor's came to his aid and he had to be helped to a waiting ambulance.

If this is true and he is out, with Wyatt's back problems, God only knows what is going to happen with this group.

Oh and some idiot fan decided to deck Braun Strowman in the face as well during the match. Of all people to punch in the face Strowman would be the last on my list.

I've never seen a year like this before with a wrestler going out almost weekly. Last week it was Neville, this week Harper. Wrestlemania is looking rather grim right now.
Shame about Harper as he's one of the best big men to come along in quite a while. I also most definitely agree with the Strowman comment; if I'm gonna try to slap the taste outta somebody's mouth, it sure as hell ain't gonna be Braun Strowman. I didn't know about Harper's injury until I read the OP's post, though I did hear about the incident with Strowman and I thought, for a second, that Strowman might be in some deep trouble because he ripped the person apart and ground their bones to make his bread.

I do have to disagree about the Raw comment, however, at least for most of the first 2 hours, as I was entertained, especially by an opening promo segment that was kept short & sweet and played to Reigns' strengths and a very strong 20 minute match with Styles and Owens.
Shame about Harper as he's one of the best big men to come along in quite a while. I also most definitely agree with the Strowman comment; if I'm gonna try to slap the taste outta somebody's mouth, it sure as hell ain't gonna be Braun Strowman. I didn't know about Harper's injury until I read the OP's post, though I did hear about the incident with Strowman and I thought, for a second, that Strowman might be in some deep trouble because he ripped the person apart and ground their bones to make his bread.

I do have to disagree about the Raw comment, however, at least for most of the first 2 hours, as I was entertained, especially by an opening promo segment that was kept short & sweet and played to Reigns' strengths and a very strong 20 minute match with Styles and Owens.

Yea I'm bummed about Harper and hope it doesn't take him out for a few months. I just think he's one of the best on the roster and really enjoy watching him in the ring.

As for RAW being horrible, well when you have Strowman in the main event, because basically you have no one else. Pretty bad. It started out great but kind of went downhill with the announcement of a 7 man ladder match for the IC title. When you are low on star power don't put a few of them in one match. And Vince's announcement of either Taker wins or he's out, well I thought this was going to be Taker's last Mania anyway.
I am upset about Harper's injury because I agree that he's quite talented.

With that said, maybe this is a blessing in disguise and writing on the wall that it's time to end the Wyatt experiment.

If Harper needed to go to an ambulance immediately, it's fair to assume something is wrong that will keep him out for a while. Then have Bray rest up his back. Rowan isn't good enough to be used in any capacity. Send Strowman down to NXT to learn how to actually wrestle.

Either re-form them when all are healthy or just go singles with all of them because the Wyatt's are the poster boy for how bad WWE's writing/creative team has been the last 2 years or so. Completely wasted and mismanaged.

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