Wyatt Theme To Be Played At Mania?

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Bray Wyatt's theme song "Live In Fear" will be performed live at WrestleMania 30. Mark Crozer, who has toured with Jesus and Mary Chain and did the song with his group Mark Crozer and The Rels, posted the following to Facebook:

"Well as I'm no longer able to contain my excitement I may as well let you know... I'm playing Wrestlemania! I'll let you know more details when I get them."

The message has been taken down since its posting.

Anybody else think this will take away from their gimmick?
Just a bit.

If the band comes out with fake beards a la Soggy Bottom Boys, I won't complain though.
On the one hand it will make them look more important, but on the other, yes, it will do some harm.

I don't get why the Wyatt theme isn't just the bass with the occasional strum. The lyrics and the chord progression is unnecessary.
If they simply do it as the guy who performs it playing simply because its Mania, then this is *****s. I do think there are some ways around it however. For example, in his early NXT promos Bray mentions being born and growing up in Lafayette, Louisiana, so it would make sense he would have a lot of followers in the state, so if they present the guy who performs the song as one of his "brothers" then it would make more sense.
If they simply do it as the guy who performs it playing simply because its Mania, then this is *****s. I do think there are some ways around it however. For example, in his early NXT promos Bray mentions being born and growing up in Lafayette, Louisiana, so it would make sense he would have a lot of followers in the state, so if they present the guy who performs the song as one of his "brothers" then it would make more sense.

Why are you using "*****s" out of context?
No reason to have certain themes played live, but if done right- this could be creepy.

The problem will be how they dress & light the band. If they keep the band hidden for the most part (say minimal lantern lighting) & they look right out of the bayou- it will work fine. That will be the factor. Since the band looks too clean cut the WWE cannot just let them go out & play like a normal gig. This is going to come down to presentation & im not talking about hokey beards & prop gators.
Every year there has to be at least one person who has their theme played live. Not sure why they picked the Wyatts this year. I would have loved to see Cena rap his theme one more time.
Thought it would be Saliva this year, playing Batista's theme, but The Wyatts are also a good choice.

Anybody but those ***** that do Orton's theme.
Stupid idea, then again NorCal's suggestion might save it. Hope the band ain't too Catholic.

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