Wyatt/Lesnar Supposedly Scrapped


King Of The Ring
I think this was pretty clear based on everything that happened last night, but it's just been "officially reported" that Lesnar will indeed have a new opponent for Mania 32. The report goes on to say that the original plan for the Fast Lane main event was to see The Wyatts interfere and take out Brock to set up their match, but obviously an audible was called.

Don't really know why this match was scrapped to be honest. They just seemingly decided to sour on the Wyatts within a couple of weeks. I think WWE is bipolar.

I'm thinking we see Ambrose/Lesnar considering all that's happened over the past couple of weeks. What with him losing his title, plus the teasing and all. Interesting to say the least. I still think the burial of The Wyatts was unnecessary last night, but it is what it is.
Thank you!

I was of the opinion that this match would have sucked and we all know Wyatt would lose making it all a formality really. Heyman Wyatt promo followed by a Wyatt family beat down followed by Lesnar running through them all.

Hopefully they have seen the reactions Ambrose Lesnar have been getting and have decided to give the match to Dean. Right now I couldn't think of anyone else that makes sense and with Dean been insane and seemingly void of feeling pain he is the perfect opponent for Lesnar. Sure he's gonna get his ass kicked but he fucking enjoys it when it happens.
That's the right decision not that I would've disliked Bray vs Brock. But I believe Brock vs Ambrose is the right match and the better match to go with at this point.
This disproves the IWC theory that WWE ignores the audience. The only thing I'm hoping now is that this is a no hold barred match because just a traditional match won't cut it. Not only that, it's just not plausible that he can co-exist in the same ring as Lesnar unless it's under No DQ rules.
Well, that's a start at least.

I wouldn't have liked the Wyatt and Lesnar match quite honestly. Wyatt is the sort of person that liked to control the tempo and the offence of a match. But the same goes for Lesnar. Lesnar is a wrecking ball and him taking Wyatt to task would go against the entire character of Wyatt. Actually, Lesnar destroying Wyatt would kill all of the momentum that Wyatt has struggled to gain since starting his PPV losing streak.

Ambrose is a good match for Lesnar because Lesnar can control the match and Ambrose can have the big finish. I would be very surprised if it isn't a carbon copy of the main event at WrestleMania last year with Reigns. Well, what it would have been had it not been for the MITB Cash in.

The real story is how the WWE seems to have gone off of the Wyatt Family really quickly. The loss at Fastlane was significant and no one seen it coming. So what happens with Bray now? He probably goes on to face Ryback, Jane or The Big Show at Mania... Christ.
The real story is how the WWE seems to have gone off of the Wyatt Family really quickly. The loss at Fastlane was significant and no one seen it coming. So what happens with Bray now? He probably goes on to face Ryback, Jane or The Big Show at Mania... Christ.

If it came to that, I'd rather they just pull him off TV entirely. Give the entire Wyatts a hard reset after Mania. No chance of that happening with the slimmed down roster though so you're probably pretty close. I can see them possibly doing something with the Usos/Dudleys.

Most likely though I think, is Ryback.
While I'd love me some Ambrose and Lesnar, I feel bad for Bray and the Wyatt family. They never won anything meaningful and with their loss yesterday, it seems WWE has given up on them. I still hope that they can do something with them, at least with Wyatt and to a lesser extent Luke Harper. They have the talent and need a feud where they don't look like buffoons.
The more I think about it, the more I would love to see a match between Harper and Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania this year. It's a pretty simple match that could be booked very early from tonight onwards. Basically, Wyatt comes out and tells everyone who disappointing it was to see his own flesh and blood being taken apart by three men who have become old and past their best days. Wyatt continues to bury his family until Harper finally turns on him, saying that they might not have been beat had Bray actually gotten involved in the match. Harper goes on to say that Wyatt has used all of them like puppets and that he is sick of it. With that, Harper turns face and Wyatt takes him on at WrestleMania. Simple.

I'd really hate to see something recycled at WrestleMania this year. Having Wyatt go against anyone of Kane, Show, or Ryback would make me quite angry actually. Have Strowman do that for something new and have the implosion of the Wyatt Family take centre stage on the biggest stage of them all.
The more I think about it, the more I would love to see a match between Harper and Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania this year. It's a pretty simple match that could be booked very early from tonight onwards. Basically, Wyatt comes out and tells everyone who disappointing it was to see his own flesh and blood being taken apart by three men who have become old and past their best days. Wyatt continues to bury his family until Harper finally turns on him, saying that they might not have been beat had Bray actually gotten involved in the match. Harper goes on to say that Wyatt has used all of them like puppets and that he is sick of it. With that, Harper turns face and Wyatt takes him on at WrestleMania. Simple.

I'd really hate to see something recycled at WrestleMania this year. Having Wyatt go against anyone of Kane, Show, or Ryback would make me quite angry actually. Have Strowman do that for something new and have the implosion of the Wyatt Family take centre stage on the biggest stage of them all.
I've been hoping for that scenario for quite sometime, they've missed several opportunities with the stable as a whole, Harper needs to turn on Bray Wyatt to make me care at all at this point
Well we're still getting Harper and Lesnar on the WWE Network in a few weeks so there's that. And yes, I am looking forward to their match.
At this point, Ambrose vs. Lesnar seems like the much, much better option. I agree that I saw no need in burying the Family last night but, with that being said, this option just feels like one that's much fresher with a more optimistic outlook.

Ambrose is ready to main event, in my opinion, and if he scored a win over Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania, he'd come out of the event with much more buzz than Roman Reigns winning the title from Triple H. That may not be something Vince would necessarily want to happen, but it'd happen due to Ambrose's popularity.

The potential downside, at least for me, is for Ambrose to ultimately be fed to Lesnar so they can resume a Reigns vs. Lesnar program later on in the year. Lesnar is 38 years old and, realistically speaking, probably will be gone once his current 3 year deal with WWE is finished and, in the meantime, WWE has an opportunity to use him a handful of times to really build up a handful of guys to help carry the company for the next decade. Lesnar losing to Ambrose at WrestleMania will NOT be the end of the world as Lesnar is not only established as perhaps THE monster in WWE history, but Ambrose has the popularity to warrant beating Lesnar. Ambrose has too much overall talent and popularity to spend his career as Roman Reigns' sidekick.
Well we're still getting Harper and Lesnar on the WWE Network in a few weeks so there's that. And yes, I am looking forward to their match.

I'm looking forward to it as well. I was assuming (silly me) that they might actually let Harper shine a little at Fastlane and in the coming weeks leading up to the Toronto event to build more excitement about the match as Harper is capable of putting on a very entertaining match with Brock. After the burial at Fastlane it seems set that he'll just be Brock's tackling dummy for 10 minutes and get little to no offense, oh well it could still be entertaining
It has been confirmed because Brock attacked Dean when he was arriving

There's a video of Lesnar attacking Ambrose, including putting him through the windshield of a limo resulting in Ambrose being "taken away" in an ambulance.

They'll most likely show the video on tonight's Raw sometime, probably just around the beginning, leading people to wonder whether or not Ambrose will be on Raw tonight or if they pick things up next week. Personally, I think it'd be kinda cool to see Ambrose staggering out into the arena all beaten up and call Lesnar out as it play into the whole "indestructible" claim and plays into the story of Lesnar not being able to keep him down.

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