Wyatt + Ambrose Tag Team?!


Getting Noticed By Management
Bray Wyatt, as a part of his feud with Dean, cut a promo about how both of them are the same etc and how he will try and heal Dean Ambrose. Let's assume that Bray beats Dean and somehow heals him / makes him join him. We could then be talking about those two guys making a tag team, which would be obviously the best tag team in the division at the moment. And I'm not talking just taking a step down and simply entering the tag team division exclusively. They would be involved in main storylines, they would have little fights between them, but they would be the most dominant tag team around.

Their characters are very strong, their promo work is fantastic and they are pretty good in the ring... They deliver in most, if not all, parts, and that is something that has been missing from pretty much all tag teams. The Usos have good in ring skills, but no promos. Dusties have good promos but average ring work. I could go on. Pairing those two up would definitely be a huge step forward for the tag division, and it could lead to great main event matches, main event storylines even as single competitors and good tv overall.

I know that eventually Dean vs Seth has to happen, with Dean beating Seth, and it wll probably happen at WM, so I understand why they might not pull the trigger on Dean and Bray teaming up. Sure, they have like 4-5 months to make something good, but I believe these two guys, if they are to be teamed up, could go for at least one year. Enter the Ascension at some point, and we could be talking about one of the most memorable tag team feuds for a very long time.

There are a lot of scenarios that can happen. It definitely seems good on paper and I'd like to see how it would work out. Certainly a new dynamic.
I actually thought a similar scenario may take place. If Ambrose simply beats Wyatt without embracing Bray's "teachings", then we literally watched the same story take as Cena vs Wyatt take place.

I see the playout a touch different then you though. I see an alliance between the two, but while Bray is trying to lure Dean into his way of thinking, Bray ends up falling into Dean's way of thinking. In a less cryptic explanation, I see Bray turning face at the end of this program, as opposed to Dean turning heel (though you didn't quite say Dean would turn, I felt it may have been implied).

It'd be interesting to see these two play completely different variations of the anti-authority, tear down the company characters. I have two hesitations, though. Firstly, I don't want to see the entire Wyatt Family disband, simply to fall into other affiliations. It is too early to say, but so far it seems as if Rowan and Harper are falling into their own new alliances. If that's the case, Bray Wyatt needs to be the true lone wolf post-Family.

Secondly, on paper it's a great idea to see Bray and Dean on the same side, but there has to be a clear direction in that angle. Are they after tag team gold (please no), are they trying to tear down the WWE, or the Authority? Targeting Triple H? Targeting Lesnar? Whatever it is, Dean & Bray are too vulnerable right now to directionless booking. It absolutely cannot be something thrown together because "hey, it's an interesting beginning to a story". There's got to be an endgame.
I actually wouldn't mind seeing Bray Wyatt have a face turn and join Ambrose in going after the Authority. That is assuming the Authority is still around after Survivor Series, which is still up in the air.

It would make for some very interesting matches, even against Harper and Rowan, and might breathe some life into the Bray Wyatt character for a time anyway.
I'm not so sure about this. Sure, it seems like a great idea. But at this moment, I just don't se it clicking. Maybe down the line when Wyatt turns face. As of right now, it would certainly make some great storytelling. But I just don't see how it works out. How does Wyatt get Ambrose to team with him? Then where does it go? I just don't personally see clear answers to these questions. While the team would be very cool, I think these two can create an interesting storyline without teaming up. At this moment, I'm just not feeling the Ambrose Wyatt team,

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