WWF Pay-Per-View's 1998

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Royal Rumble
January 18, 1998 - San Jose, CA


1. MATCH: Vader defeated Goldust..

2. MINIS MATCH: Max Mini & Mosaic & Nova beat El Torito & Tarantula & Battalion

3. MATCH: The Rock defeated Ken Shamrock by DQ

4. TAG MATCH: Legion of Doom defeated The New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn & Roaddog) by DQ..

Shawn Michaels defeated The Undertaker to retain the WWF Title!

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin eliminated The Rock to win the Royal Rumble!


1- Cactus Jack (1- Brandi by Cactus & Chainsaw before #4)
2- Chainsaw Charlie (2- Cactus by Chainsaw before #8)
3- Tom Brandi (3- Mosh by Kurrgan before #13)
4- Rocky Maivia (4- Blackman by Kurrgan before #14)
5- Mosh (5- Kurrgan by 6 bef. #15)
6- Phineas Godwinn (6- Chainsaw by Mankind before #17)
7- 8-Ball (7- Mankind by Goldust before #18)
8- Bradshaw (8- Jarrett by Owen before #19)
9- Owen Hart (9- Shamrock by Rocky before #20)
10- Steve Blackman (10- Owen by Goldust w/HHH & Chyna b4 #20)
11- D-Lo Brown (11- Skull no showed before #23)
12- Kurrgan (12- Ahmed by Henry & D-Lo before #23)
13- Marc Mero (13- Phineas by Henry before #23)
14- Ken Shamrock (14- Mero by Austin before #25)
15- Thrasher (15- 8-Ball by Austin before #25)
16- Mankind (16- Bradshaw by Dude Love before #29)
17- Goldust (17- D-Lo by Faarooq before #30)
18- Jeff Jarrett (18- HTM by Vader)
19- Honky Tonk Man (19- Thrasher by Austin)
20- Ahmed Johnson (20- Kama by Austin)
21- Mark Henry (21- Savio by Austin)
22- Skull (22- Vader by Goldust)
23- Kama Mustafa (23- HOG by Dude Love)
24- Stone Cold Steve Austin (24- Goldust by Chainz)
25- Henry Godwinn (25- Chainz by Austin)
26- Savio Vega (26- Henry by Faarooq)
27- Faarooq (27- Dude Love by Faarooq)
28- Dude Love (28- Faarooq by Rocky)
29- Chainz (29- Rocky by Austin)
30- Vader (Winner: Steve Austin)

Most Eliminations : (By themselves)

01. Steve Austin - 7 (Rock, 8-Ball, Marc Mero, Thrasher, Kama, Savio Vega, Chainz)
02. Farooq - 3 (D-Lo Brown, Mark Henry, Dude Love)
03. Rocky Maivia - 2 (Ken Shamrock, Farooq)
04. Kurrgan - 2 (Headbanger Mosh, Steve Blackman)
05. Goldust - 2 (Mankind, Vader)
06. Mankind - 1 (Chainsaw Charlie)
07. Dude Love - 1 (Blackjack Bradshaw)
08. Mark Henry - 1 (Phinneas Godwinn)
09. DOA Chainz - 1 (Goldust)
10. Owen Hart - 1 (Jeff Jarrett)
11. Vader - 1 (Honkytonk Man)
12. Henry Godwinn - 1 (Himself)
13. Chainsaw Charlie - 1 (Cactus Jack)

Longest Lastings : (In ring)

01. Rocky Maivia - 51:32
02. Blackjack Bradshaw - 35:45
03. D-Lo Brown - 32:21
04. DOA 8-Ball - 30:43
05. Phinneas Godwinn - 28:48
06. Headbanger Thrasher - 28:08
07. Goldust - 26:01
08. Chainsaw Charlie - 25:19
09. Honkytonk Man - 19:55
10. Marc Mero - 19:38
11. Mark Henry - 19:07
12. Stone Cold Steve Austin - 15:58
13. Kama Mustafa - 13:58
14. Headbanger Mosh - 13:09
15. Henry Godwinn - 11:32
16. Farooq - 10:03
17. Savio Vega - 9:29
18. Cactus Jack - 9:21
19. Ken Shamrock - 9:15
20. Dude Love - 7:53
21. Steve Blackman - 5:58
22. DOA Chainz - 4:56
23. Kurrgan - 3:38
24. Ahmed Johnson - 3:18
25. Vader - 2:15
26. Mankind - 2:07
27. Owen Hart - 2:00
28. Jeff Jarrett - 1:05
29. Tom Brandi - 0:12
30. DOA Skull - 0:00 (Never showed up)
In Your House 20:
No Way Out of Texas
February 15, 1998 - Houston, TX - Compaq Center drawing 16,110 ($241,992)


1. TAG MATCH: The Headbangers beat Marc Mero & Goldust..

2. MATCH: Blackjack Bradshaw beat Jeff Jarrett via DQ..

3. MATCH: The Godwinns beat The Quebecers..

4. MATCH: Taka Michinoku beat El Pantera..

5. MATCH: Kane beat Vader..

6. MATCH: Ken Shamrock/Ahmed Johnson/DOA beat The Nation of Domination..

7. MAIN EVENT: Steve Austin/Owen Hart/Cactus Jack/Chainsaw Charlie beat HHH/New Age Outlaws/Savio Vega..
Wrestlemania 14
March 29, 1998 - Boston, Mass - Fleet Centre


LOD 2000 (A mystery entrant with Sunny as their manager) won the match..
* Los Boricuas (Savio Vega & Miquel Perez) were eliminated when Savio Vega was thrown out..
* The Truth Commission (Sniper & Reacon) were eliminated when Kurrgan w/Jackal came down and tossed them..
* Bradshaw & Chainz were eliminated when Barry Windham came down and tossed Chainz..
* The N.O.D. (Mark Henry & DLo Brown) were eliminated when DLo was thrown over the top rope..
* The Quebecers (Jacques Rougeau & Pierre Oulette) were eliminated when Jacques was thrown out..
* The RockNRoll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson) were eliminated when Ricky Morton was tossed..
* The N.O.D. (Farooq & Kama Mustafa) were eliminated..
* Los Boricuas (Jose Estrada & Jesus Castillo) were eliminated..
* The Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher) were eliminated..
* Too Hot (Brian Christopher & Scott Taylor) were eliminated when Scott Taylor was tossed..
* The D.O.A. (Skull & 8Ball) were eliminated..
* The Godwinns (Henry Godwinn & Phinias Godwinn) were eliminated..
* The New Midnight Express (Bob Holly & Bart Gunn w/Jim Cornette) were eliminated..
* THE LOD 2000 WIN THE BATTLE ROYAL! === Sunny celebrates with her new tag team!

TAKA Michinoku defeated Aguila to retain..

3. EUROPEAN TITLE MATCH: Triple H w/Chyna defeated Owen Hart to retain..
* Chyna was handcuffed to Commissioner Slaughter for the duration of the match..
* Late in the match, Chyna threw powder in Slaughter's face, and low blowed Owen Hart!
* Triple H then hit the Pedigree on Owen Hart and pinned him to retain his title!

4. MIXED TAG MATCH: Marc Mero & Sable defeated The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust & Luna Vachon..
* Sable hit the Sablebomb and the TKO on Luna Vachon for the victory..

5. IN THE RING: Tennessee Lee (aka Robert Fuller) + Double J Jeff Jarrett & Jennifer Flowers..
* Jeff Jarrett does his "ain't I great" shpiel and helped Jennifer Flowers announce the next match..

6. IC TITLE MATCH: The Rock w/The Nation defeated Ken Shamrock to retain the IC title..
* Ken Shamrock initially won the match, and started attacking the members of the Nation of Domination..
* Ken Shamrock beat off the Nation members, until Farooq ran down and stood on the apron watching..
* Farooq ended up giving The Rock the finger and walking off as Shamrock reapplied the anklelock!
* The referee reversed the decision after Ken Shamrock refused to release the anklelock submission..
* Therefore the Rock retains his Intercontinental championship!
* Ken Shamrock snapped and attacked the crew of referees and backstage officials..

7. DUMPSTER MATCH: The Hardcore Legends (Mick Foley & Terry Funk) beat The New Age Outlaws to win the Tag titles!
* Brutal hardcore style match that ended backstage with Terry Funk drop the NAO off a forklift into a dumpster!
* The decision of the match was reversed the next day because they didn't use the ringside dumpster..
* The Tag Team title belts were returned to the New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn & Roaddog)..

The Undertaker defeated Kane w/Paul Bearer..
* Pete Rose came out (billed as a Future Hall of Famer) before the match and cut a heel promo on Boston..
* Pete Rose then introduced Kane, and his manager Paul Bearer | So Kane tombstoned Pete Rose in the ring!
* It took three tombstone piledrivers for The Undertaker to score the pinfall over his brother Kane..
* Paul Bearer attacked The Undertaker after the match but ended up getting knocked down by Taker!
* Kane got to his feet and smashed a steel chair over The Undertaker's backside!
* Kane then gave Undertaker a tombstone piledriver of his own on top of the steel chair!
* Kane & Paul Bearer left, as The Undertaker sat up and walked backstage under his own power..

Steve Austin defeated Shawn Michaels to win the WWF title!
* Special guest referee Mike Tyson, who had previously aligned himself with DX, helped Steve Austin win!
~Mayhem in Manchester~
April 4, 1998 - Manchester, England - Nynex Arena

1. Jeff Jarrett beat Brakkus via submission.

2. Henry & Phineas Godwinn beat Skull & Eight Ball in a "strap" match.

3. Justin Bradshaw pinned Marc Mero.

4. Ken Shamrock & Owen Hart beat Rocky Maivia & D-Lo Brown when Shamrock forced Brown to submit.

5. Cactus Jack beat Goldust via DQ.

6. LOD 2000 beat WWF Tag Champs The New Age Outlaws via DQ.

7. WWF World Champ Steve Austin pinned Hunter Hearst Helmsley.

8. The Undertaker pinned Kane.
In Your House 21: Unforgiven
April 26, 1998 - Greensboro, North Carolina


Ken Shamrock/Steve Blackman/Faarooq defeated The Rock/Mark Henry/DLo Brown w/Godfather..

2. IN THE RING: Steve Austin threatens Timekeeper Mark Yeaton not to be a part of a screwjob later..

Triple H defeated Owen Hart to retain..
* Chyna was suspended above the ring in a shark cage because of her contrant interference in HHH's matches..
* Late in the match, Chyna managed to bend the bars of the cage, and Roaddog lowers the cage!
* X-Pac entered the ring and whacked Owen Hart with a fire-extinguisher allowing Triple H to win!

The NEW Midnight Express w/Jim Cornette defeated The Rock-N-Roll Express..
* During the match, Jim Cornette got into a sparing battle with referee Tim White..

Luna Vachon w/tAFKaGoldust defeated Sable..
* Mark Mero came down midway through the match and Sable started screaming for him to leave!
* Luna Vachon snuck up behind Sable and ripped her evening gown right off!
* Luna Vachon crawled under the ring but Sable chased her and re-emerged with all of Luna's clothing!!

6. IN THE RING: Vince McMahon, Pat Patterson & Gerald Brisco..
* Vince McMahon talks about how he was born in North Carolina so he's a Native of the State..
* Vince McMahon says there is a rumor going around that he'd try to screw Steve Austin out of the title tonight!
* Vince McMahon says he won't dignify that accusation with a response..
* Vince McMahon says he will not be held responsible for what happens in the ring if "Stone Cold screws Stone Cold"

New Age Outlaws defeated Legion of Doom 2000 w/Sunny to retain..
* Roaddog brings out a "guest manager" Dean Smith (Former NC Basketball Coach) -- except it's a blowup doll..
* Hawk hit a splash from the top rope, but Billy Gunn whacked him with a title belt for a 2-count!
* Roaddog went to hit Hawk again but accidentally whacked his partner Billy Gunn!
* Hawk pinned Billy Gunn and celebrated as NEW Tag Team titles!
* Howard Finkle announces that The New Age Outlaws are the winners because Hawks shoulders were pinned!
* After the match, Hawk & Animal gave referee Jack Doan the Doomsday Device!
* Commissioner Slaughter came down and yelled at LOD 2000 for their actions..

Tennessee Lee introduces Jeff Jarrett & Sawyer Brown lipsincing "Some Girls Do"..
* Concert ended when Steve Blackman attacked Jeff Jarrett..
* Tennessee Lee & Jeff Jarrett got the upper hand and beat up Steve Blackman!

9. INFERNO MATCH: The Undertaker defeated Kane when Kane's arm was set on fire!
* Kane tried to walk out midway through, but Vader came out and battled with Kane back to the ring..
* The Undertaker leaped over the flames onto Kane & Vader outside of the ring!
* The Undertaker whacked Kane with a steel chair knocking him out..
* The Undertaker stalked Paul Bearer up to the stage where he beat the hell out of him!
* ~~~While this is going on, Kane slipped under the ring to slip on a flammable sleeve for the final stunt..
* The Undertaker returned to ringside where he brawled with Kane, until Kane's arm was set on fire!

Dude Love defeated Steve Austin by DQ..
* Midway through the match, Vince McMahon came down and took a seat on a chair at ringside..
* A few minutes later the referee got knocked out and Dude Love got the mandible claw on Steve Austin!
* Steve Austin & Dude Love fought over a chair at ringside..
* Steve Austin got the chair and whacked Vince McMahon in the forehead with it, knocking him out!
* Steve Austin got in the ring and covered Dude Love and counted his own 1-2-3 and celebrated his victory..
* Gerald Brisco used his authority to reverse the decision and DQ'd Steve Austin for striking a WWF official!
* Vince McMahon was put in a neck brace and carried out on a stretcher by EMTs..
In Your House 22: Over The Edge
May 2, 1998 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin


1. MATCH: Jeff Jarrett defeated Steve Blackman after an assist from Tennessee Lee..

2. INTERGENDER MATCH: Marc Mero defeated Sable in a match for Sable's "freedom"..
* Marc Mero acted as though he would allow her to simply pin him..
* But instead, he cradled her for the easy three count..
* The stipulations read that if Sable lost, she was to leave the WWF..

3. HANDICAP MATCH: Kaientai defeated TAKA Michinoku & Justin Bradshaw..

4. IC TITLE MATCH: The Rock defeated Farooq to retain..

5. MASK VS MASK MATCH: Kane defeated Vader..

6. 6-MAN TAG: Owen Hart & D-Lo Brown & Kama Mustafa over Triple H & New Age Outlaws..

7. WWF TITLE MATCH: Steve Austin defeated Dude Love to retain..
* Special guest referee Vince McMahon refused to make the three-count for Steve Austin..
* Dude Love swung a chair at Steve Austin, but missed and knocked out referee Vince McMahon!
* Steve Austin hit a Stunner on Dude Love and covered him and forced McMahon's unconcious hand 1-2-3!
King Of The Ring
Off With Their Heads!
June 28, 1998 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - Civic Arena


1. The Headbangers and Taka Michinoku defeated Kaientai

2. Brian Christopher and Scott Taylor defeated Al Snow and Head via pinfall
* Jerry "the King" Lawler officiated.

3. X-Pac defeated Owen Hart via pinfall.

4. Tag Team Champions New Age Outlaws defeated Midnight Express.

5. Undertaker defeated Mankind via pinfall in a Hell in a Cell Match.

6. Kane defeated Steve Austin in a First Blood Match to capture the WWF Title.

7. King of the Ring tournament:

* Semi-Final Match: Rocky Maivia over Dan Severn.
* Semi-Final Match: Ken Shamrock over Jeff Jarrett.
* Final Match: Ken Shamrock over Rocky Maivia.
In Your House 23: Fully Loaded
July 26, 1998 - Fresno, California.


1. OPENING MATCH: Val Venis defeated Jeff Jarrett w/Tennessee Lee..
* Southern Justice (Mark Cantabury & Dennis Knight) were banned from ringside by referee Tim White..
* Yamaguchi San & Kai En Tai came down, Kai En Tai was ejected, and Yamaguchi joined the announce team..
* Yamaguchi San avoided questions about his wife appearing in one of Val Venis' adult films..
* After the match, Val Venis said that Yamaguchi's wife was right, he'd never "measure up" to Val Venis..

DLo Brown w/Godfather defeated X-Pac w/Chyna to retain..
* The Godfather distracted X-Pac briefly allowing DLo to hit the Low-Down for the victory!

3. WWE.COM UPDATE: Kevin Kelly & Tom Pritchard announce that The Undertaker has not arrived to the arena..

Farooq & Scorpio defeated Bradshaw & Terry Funk..
* Before the match, Terry Funk said he'd be taking time off to recharge his batteries - upsetting Bradshaw..
* After the match, Bradshaw blamed Terry Funk for the loss and attacked him!
* Farooq & Scorpio came back to help, but Bradshaw attacked them too!
* Bradshaw hit Scorpio with a brutal Lariat on the floor, and whacked Farooq with a chair!

5. MATCH: Mark Henry defeated Vader..
* Vader hit a massive second rope splash, but Mark Henry miraculously kicked out!
* Mark Henry eventually hit a powerslam and a standing splash for the victory!

6. IN THE RING: Paul Bearer & Kane/Mankind + New Age Outlaws..
* Paul Bearer says he knew Undertaker wouldn't show up because he doesn't want to face is brother..
* Paul Bearer says that Stone Cold is in the wrong place at the wrong time, cause they're gonna finish him!
* Suddenly, the New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn & Roaddog) hit the ring with a microphone..
* Roaddog challanges Kane & Mankind to defend their tag team titles tomorrow night on RAW!
* The New Age Outlaws attack Kane & Mankind and they have a major pull-apart brawl..

7. TAG MATCH: Disciples of Apocalypse w/Paul Ellering defeated The Legion of Doom..
* Paul Ellering distracted the referee and DOA pulled a "switcheroo" to pin the LOD for the win!

8. IN THE RING: Vince McMahon & Gerald Brisco/Pat Patterson & Sgt Slaughter..
* Vince McMahon says he's upset at the possibility of the Undertaker not performing at Fully Loaded..
* Vince McMahon tells the crowd not to blame HIM if Undertaker no-shows..
* Vince McMahon says it is Stone Cold Steve Austin's fault for whacking him with a steel chair on RAW..
* Vince McMahon says that all the newspaper ads and programs stated that the "card is subject to change"..
* Vince McMahon reads from the program that "the promotor reserves the right to replace a no-show"..
* Vince McMahon introduces the Brooklyn Brawler!!!

9. DUNGEON MATCH: Owen Hart defeated Ken Shamrock (Dan Severn was special guest referee)..
* This match was fought in the famous "Dungeon" at the Hart Family Mansion under "submission" rules..
* Late in the fight, Ken Shamrock missing a spinkick and knocked out Dan Severn!
* Owen Hart knocked Ken Shamrock out with a dumbell, and lifted his limp arm in a tap out motion!
* Dan Severn woke and declared Owen Hart the winner..

The Rock (heel Champ) vs Triple H (babyface) w/Chyna went to a draw..
* Midway through the match, Mark Henry hit the ring and splashed Triple H on the outside floor!
* Billy Gunn ran down to chase Mark Henry away but the damage had been done..
* A few minutes later, DLo Brown tried to interfere but Triple H knocked him off the top rope!
* The Rock capitolized and hit the Rock Bottom on Triple H and pinned him to win the FIRST FALL!
* XPac later ran in and gave the X-Factor to The Rock, and then Chyna nailed a DDT several moments later!
* Triple H crawled over and pinned The Rock to even it up ONE fall a piece..
* Triple H later hit the pedigree just as the 30 minute time limit expired, resulting in a DRAW!
* Mark Henry, DLo & Godfather ran down and attacked HHH until X-Pac & The NOA made the save..

11. WWE.COM UPDATE: Kevin Kelly & Tom Pritchard announce that the Undertaker has arrived!

12. BIKINI CONTEST: Sable defeated Jacqueline (Jerry Lawler MC)..
* Jacqueline came out with a very revealing bikini and did a $2 stripper dance and her boob fell out..
* Sable wore a "conservative" top, explaining that Vince McMahon told her not to wear what she planned..
* Sable said there was nobody who could stop her from doing what she was about to do..
* Sable tore off her top revealing bare breasts with hand prints painted on each breast..
* Jerry Lawler had an anyrism and Vince McMahon came out and ordered Sable to cover up..

The Undertaker & Steve Austin over Mankind & Kane to win the tag titles!
* The Undertaker & Stone Cold exchanged glances and hand gestures before the match..
* The Undertaker took a beating for the first half of the match then got the hot tag on Stone Cold..
* Mankind took a brutal bump off the apron and landed on the spanish announce table, which did not collapse..
* Stone Cold then took a beating for a while and then tagged in The Undertaker..
* The Undertaker tombstoned Kane and pinned him to win the Tag Team titles for his team..
* The Undertaker grabbed the title belts and walked away with both of them in hand..
Summer Slam
August 30, 1998 - New York City, New York - Madison Square Garden.


D-Lo Brown defeated Val Venis by DQ to retain..

2. MATCH: The Oddities defeated Kaientai & Taka Michinoku..

3. HAIR VS HAIR MATCH: X-Pac defeated Jeff Jarrett!

4. MIXED TAG MATCH: Sable & Edge (Mystery partner) defeated Jacqueline & Marc Mero..

5. LIONS DEN MATCH: Ken Shamrock defeated Owen Hart via submission..

The New Age Outlaws defeated Mankind & Kane to win the Tag Team titles!
* Kane no-showed and left Mankind to defend the titles by himself..

7. IC TITLE LADDER MATCH: Hunter Heurst Helmsley defeated The Rock to win the title!

Steve Austin pinned The Undertaker to retain..
~Breakdown 1998~
September 27, 1998 - Hamilton, Ontario - Copps Coliseum drawing 17,405 ($322,099)


1. DARK MATCH: Golga (John Tenta) defeated Headbanger Mosh..

2. TAG MATCH: Matt & Jeff Hardy defeated Mens Teioh & Sho Funaki..

8Ball defeated Billy Gunn and Skull..

4. MATCH: Owen Hart defeated Edge..

5. TAG MATCH: Al Snow & Too Cold Scorpio defeated Brian Christopher & Scott Taylor..

6. MATCH: Marc Mero defeated Darren Drosdov..

Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw defeated Vader..

8. MATCH: D-Lo Brown defeated Gangrel..

The Rock defeated Ken Shamrock and Mankind..

10. MATCH: Val Venis defeated Dustin Runnels..

11. 6-MAN TAG: Billy Gunn & Jesse James & X-Pac defeated Jeff Jarrett & Southern Justice..

The Undertaker and Kane defeated Steve Austin..
* This was a 3-WAY for the WWF championship which saw Kane & Taker both pin Stone Cold in the end..
* Vince McMahon came down and confiscated the WWF championship belt and declared the title vacant!
* Steve Austin chased Vince out to the parking lot where Vince gave Austin the finger and left in his limo!
Judgment Day
October 18, 1998 - Rosemont, Illinois - Rosemont Horizon


1. MATCH: Al Snow defeated Marc Mero..

2. 6MAN TAG: LOD 2000 & Droz defeated DOA (Skull & 8Ball) & Paul Ellering..

3. LIGHT-HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: Christian pinned TAKA to win the title!

4. MATCH: Goldust defeated Val Venis..

5. EUROPEAN TITLE MATCH: X-Pac pinned D'Lo Brown to win the title!

6. TAG TITLE MATCH: The Headbangers defeated New Age Outlaws (Champs) via DQ..

7. INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Ken Shamrock defeated Mankind to retain..

8. MATCH: Mark Henry pinned The Rock..

9. FEDERATION TITLE MATCH: Undertaker vs Kane was declared a no-contest by guest referee Steve Austin..
* After the match, Vince McMahon fired Stone Cold Steve Austin..
Survivor Series
November 15, 1998 - St. Louis, Missouri


# Sable defeated Jacqueline
# New Age Outlaws defeated Headbangers & D-Lo Brown/Mark Henry

First Round Matches:

° Mankind over Duane Gill.
° Al Snow over Jeff Jarrett.
° Steve Austin over The Big Boss Man via DQ.
° X-Pac wrestled Stephen Regal to a double countout.
° Ken Shamrock over Goldust via submission.
° Rocky Maivia over The Big Boss Man. Triple H was not able to wrestle and The Big Boss Man was announced as his replacement.

Quarter Final Matches:

° The Undertaker over Kane.
° Rocky Maivia over Ken Shamrock when Maivia intercepted The Big Boss Man's nightstick.
° Mankind over Al Snow.
° Steve Austin receives a bye due to the outcome of the X-Pac/Regal match.

Semi-Final Matches:

° Rocky Maivia over The Undertaker via DQ.
° Mankind over Steve Austin when Shane McMahon turned on Austin by refusing to make the pin.
~Capitol Carnage~
December 6, 1998 - London, England - London Arena drawing 10,441 ($421,147)


1. Droz pinned Mosh (6:00).

2. Gangrel pinned Al Snow (5:51).

3. The Headbangers beat Droz & Animal (3:21) when Mosh pinned Droz.

4. Val Venis pinned Goldust (5:33).

5. Tiger Ali Singh pinned Edge (2:51).

6. Sable & Christian beat Jacquelyn & Marc Mero (4:49) when Sable pinned Jacquelyn.

7. WWF I-C Champ Ken Shamrock beat Steve Blackman (6:51) via submission.

8. Hunter Hearst Helmsley pinned Jeff Jarrett (6:55).

9. WWF Tag Champs The New Age Outlaws beat D-Lo Brown & Mark Henry (12:34) when Gunn pinned Brown.

10. WWF Champ Rocky Maivia beat X-Pac (12:34) via DQ.

11. Steve Austin beat Kane, Mankind, and The Undertaker (16:07) in a "fatal four-way" match when he pinned Kane. Gerald Brisco was the special referee.
Rock Bottom 1998
December 13, 1998 - Vancouver, BC - General Motors Place drawing 17,677 ($270,421)
Announcers: Michael Cole & Jerry "The King" Lawler..


* LHW TITLE: Duane Gill pinned Matt Hardy to retain..
* MATCH: Kevin Quinn pinned Brian Christopher..
* MATCH: Hunter Hearst Helmsley pinned Droz..
* TAG TITLES: New Age Outlaws beat Farooq & Bradshaw via DQ to retain..

2. TAG MATCH: Mark Henry & D-Lo w/Jacky&Terri beat The Godfather & Val Venis..
* Jacqueline & Terri interfer to help Henry/DLo win..

3. TAG MATCH: The Headbangers beat Kurrgan & Golga w/Silva & Luna..

4. MATCH: Steve Blackman beat Owen Hart by COUNTOUT..

5. SIX-MAN TAG: The Brood beat The J.O.B. Squad..
* The Brood = Gangrel, Christian & Edge.
* The J.O.B. Squad = Al Snow, Bob Holly & Scorpio..

Jeff Jarrett w/Debra beat Goldust..
* Jarrett wins after a guitar shot..
* Shawn Michaels comes out and reverses the decision disqualifying Jarrett..
* As per stipulation, Debra McMichael had to strip.
* Debra gets's down to her bra & panties..
* The Blue Blazer runs down and covers Debra up with his cape..

7. TAG TITLES: New Age Outlaws beat Big Bossman & Ken Shamrock w/Commissioner Michaels..

Mankind beat WWF Champ Rocky Maivia via submission.
* Retained the belt due to a reversal by Vince McMahon.

9. BURIED ALIVE: Steve Austin beat The Undertaker..

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