WWE's Next Poster Child?


Dark Match Jobber
Round 2 on the threads, lets see how it goes :p

First there was Hogan, then Austin and the Rock, now there's Cena (there was kind of Batista) and sort of CM Punk.

My question is simple, who do you think the WWE's next poster child will be? Is it someone currently being pushed, or have we not yet discovered said talent?

I love the WWE's new young crop of talent, Barrett, Bryan, Sheamus, DiBiase (He'll come good soon, I just know it), Rhodes, Ziggler and even guys like Hunico and Camacho have the potential to be exciting. However I just don't see any of the aforementioned superstars being the face of the WWE, I have no doubt most of them will Main Event for an extended period but I just can't see them being the top guy, at least not in their current characters.

I think it will be a few years yet before another talent the likes of Cena or Punk surfaces in the WWE, but what do you think?
CM Punk is the obvious choice, 2011 was the beginning of CM Punk and his popularity is only going to increase. Other than him, I think Cody Rhodes has the potential to be a top main eventer, he is decent on the mic, he's a great wrestler and he's brought back prestiege to the Intercontinental Championship.
The next face of WWE is certainly nowhere to be found right now. Why do they need it?

Cena is in the middle of his run, do you really think anyone in WWE right now can be the next John Cena, the next Rock, or the next Stone Cold?

CM Punk is the next best person, but he will never be "the guy".
this might sound funny, and I'm not to huge of a fan of his, but I honestly see Wade Barrett as the next face of the WWE in the future. No Homo, he's a handsome guy, has a accent, and carries himself in a respectable manner, and "technically" came up on the wwe "reality show" NXT. I could see him as that guy that grew up with this generation and sooner then later becomes the next face of the WWE
Although this may be controversial of the current crop of superstars the one with the most potential to be a future poster boy of WWE as you put it would be The Miz.

He is a heel at the moment but despite being a number of years into his career he is still perfecting his craft both in the ring and on the mic and his natural arrogance suits the heel persona for now. However, when he is ready i believe WWE will nurture him into the baby face of the company. In my opinion Miz has the charisma, he's entertaining and his in ring work is easily sufficient, he definitely has the ability to be one of the faces of the company.

If you look at the two biggest "poster boys" of the WWE at the moment Cena and Orton they both started out as heels and once WWE knew they were ready they pushed them both to the moon and here they are today, like them or hate them.
It the Miz, It is on record that Vince said that the Miz reminds him of cena back in the day when cena was just starting out. i say the Miz has another full Year of being Heel till he becomes a Face and becomes a main stay(as in he could win the championship ever pther ppv).
Call me crazy, but I think that 3-5 years down the line Alex Riley will be WWE's top guy.

He has the look, the charisma, and he's not too bad in the ring either. He reminds me a lot of The Rock. I know I'll be bashed for saying that, but they have similarities. They have similar builds, both are better on the mic than in the ring, and they both have the football background.

Anyway, once Riley finds a character, fine tunes his ring skills, makes good with the higher ups, and starts to build a bigger fan base, I think he'll get the full green light push, and I think he'll make the most of that opportunity.

I know it may be a stretch, but I think Riley has all the tools to be the top guy.

*Honorable Mention*

Sheamus. This guy is on a hot streak right now. He has a unique look, he's good in the ring, and the fans love him. It also doesn't hurt the Hunter is his buddy. Don't be surprised when Sheamus is drafted back to Raw, and picks up the slack if Cena turns heel.

Sheamus is a guy that can fill in now, Riley is a man of the future.
In my opinion, which i dont see ever happening, i would like to see a heavier superstar being the face of WWE. I was thinking maybe someone like Brodus Clay.
Really, no offense man but I'm sick of these threads asking who will replace Cena, etc. I feel I need to get out my VERY strong opinion on this topic, so hear me out. The next "face" of the WWE will not emerge until JOHN CENA RETIRES. Cena will not retire for close to another 10 years, so talking about his replacement, IMO, is pointless at this point in time.

Now...why do I think this? Look at history. The top poster boys of the companies history were Hogan, Bret, Austin, and now Cena. You can also makes cases for Shawn and Rock. Now look at this fact..Bret didn't "officially" become the face of the company until Hogan LEFT. Then, Austin didn't really become the face of the company until Bret LEFT. Lastly, Cena didn't become the face of the company until Austin LEFT. There has never been a point in history where Vince's poster boy has officially been his poster boy while his past one was still working with him. Even when Shawn and Rock were arguably the new poster boys in their time, Bret and Austin (respectively) were not around. In Shawn's case, this was 1996 (Bret was gone practically the whole year). In Rock's case, this was 2000 (Austin was gone practically the whole year). Bottom line: There can only be one. And seeing how Cena will be around for a long time...ladies and gentlemen, be patient. We most likely do not even know the name of his successor.
Really, no offense man but I'm sick of these threads asking who will replace Cena, etc. I feel I need to get out my VERY strong opinion on this topic, so hear me out. The next "face" of the WWE will not emerge until JOHN CENA RETIRES. Cena will not retire for close to another 10 years, so talking about his replacement, IMO, is pointless at this point in time.

Now...why do I think this? Look at history. The top poster boys of the companies history were Hogan, Bret, Austin, and now Cena. You can also makes cases for Shawn and Rock. Now look at this fact..Bret didn't "officially" become the face of the company until Hogan LEFT. Then, Austin didn't really become the face of the company until Bret LEFT. Lastly, Cena didn't become the face of the company until Austin LEFT. There has never been a point in history where Vince's poster boy has officially been his poster boy while his past one was still working with him. Even when Shawn and Rock were arguably the new poster boys in their time, Bret and Austin (respectively) were not around. In Shawn's case, this was 1996 (Bret was gone practically the whole year). In Rock's case, this was 2000 (Austin was gone practically the whole year). Bottom line: There can only be one. And seeing how Cena will be around for a long time...ladies and gentlemen, be patient. We most likely do not even know the name of his successor.

I think this type of mindset is what stagnates the WWE and causes situations where no real stars can flourish.

The current "posterboy" in any generation needs to put over and be there when the new one transitions in or else it doesn't really work...

Hulk Hogan was NOT the first poster boy, that distinction really belongs to Andre the Giant. Hogan reached the heights he did when he bodyslammed Andre and gave him his first loss at WrestleMania 3.

Hogan bailed without successfully passing the torch to anyone, Bret Hart was there to pick it up, and Bret ran with it like a champ, but he didn't reach the level of success, nor was wrestling as popular during Bret's time at the top.

Bret actually passed the torch twice, once at Wrestlemania 12 against Shawn Michaels and again at Wrestlemania 13 against Stone Cold Steve Austin. Under Austin, wrestling becomes bigger than ever before.

Austin passed on the torch to The Rock, who then turned around and passed that torch onto Brock Lesnar, who really seemed like he was going to be successful.

Brock decided to bail, and like Hulk Hogan before him, just dropped the torch instead of passing.

John Cena then picked it up much like Bret Hart before him, and also like Bret faced and is facing a lull period in professional wrestling.

Cena can still hold it for a while, but for the sake of the business he HAS to pass it while he's still considered to be in his prime, and he has to stick around for a bit to make sure it sticks.
Sheamus looks to be on the cusp of becoming a huge breakout face for the WWE. He's unique, hes aggressive and he gets a great reaction from the crowd. If he can continue to gain fans and remain popular long term I believe he could be the next face of the WWE.

I would also put money on Cody Rhodes due to having a great look, being great on the mic, and having a great reaction from the fans. He's improved so much in the past year that its impossible to look him over in terms what he'll be able to do over the never few years.

David Otunga, you may hate him now, but someone like him a lot. He's been getting pushed since the entire walk out angle. He was in the Main Event tonight, he's been in matches with Orton, Cena and Big Show. Give him time and he could develop into something great.
Cody Rhodes.

I watched wresling for 7 years(98-04) before I took a long 7 year break from it. when I tuned back in (3 months ago) because of the Y2J return rumor. I quickly realized that didn't reconize anyone but Cena (who I never cared for) and Orton (who I liked but would never just watch a show just to see him). Among all the other ("new") guys the ones stood out to me but Wade and Cody. I think Wade is good but he does not keep me glued to my tv. With Cody though, I always want to see what we is going to do next. He made me tune back every week just to see his segments.
That is what makes the face of a company. The ability to grab casual viewers and new viewers and make them want to tune evey week just to them (no matter if the show itself is shit). I truly believe that Cody has the ability and with more time he only get better and appeal to more people.

It was a smart move by the wwe to have Chris Jericho on Raw and have Cody Rhodes back off from Raw and start appearing more strictly on SD. Now I will have a reason to watch both Raw and SD every week.
Cody Rhodes.

I watched wresling for 7 years(98-04) before I took a long 7 year break from it. when I tuned back in (3 months ago) because of the Y2J return rumor. I quickly realized that didn't reconize anyone but Cena (who I never cared for) and Orton (who I liked but would never just watch a show just to see him). Among all the other ("new") guys the ones stood out to me but Wade and Cody. I think Wade is good but he does not keep me glued to my tv. With Cody though, I always want to see what we is going to do next. He made me tune back every week just to see his segments.
That is what makes the face of a company. The ability to grab casual viewers and new viewers and make them want to tune evey week just to them (no matter if the show itself is shit). I truly believe that Cody has the ability and with more time he only get better and appeal to more people.

It was a smart move by the wwe to have Chris Jericho on Raw and have Cody Rhodes back off from Raw and start appearing more strictly on SD. Now I will have a reason to watch both Raw and SD every week.

Agreed. Rhodes is the only reason I watch Smackdown. He's very good at his job, all around.
I believe that the next poster child would be Drew McIntyre. He hasn't been given the push he needs yet but he has the potential to carry the company for a long time after John has left
I disagree with the it wont come until Cena is gone.

When Cena gets older he'll pass the torch just as triple h did to cena in 2005/6.

I think its Ziggler or Miz. Sheamus potentially, but I think the fact he isn't American might have an impact, thats not a racist statement either in any way.

Miz has the potential, I'm just not sure if they are sold on Miz as a permenant top star. Ziggler I think will become it, and I think he would become a popular face.

So Ziggler/Miz for me.

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