WWE12 - My Universe


Your Eternal Reward
Brief Explanation - Well obviously based on the title this Book This is based on my WWE12 Universe Mode. Now I've been playing through Universe mode to get through several Wrestlemania's and have been posting my progress in the General spam Discussion topic. What i noticed lately is I'm going into full detail about some of my events and honestly I might as well do this. :shrug: So if you haven't guessed it yet these storylines, feuds events and what not will all be coming from WWE12. Of course things such as promo's and what not will be made up since those do not happen but in general the basis will be from WWE12 Universe Mode.

The Roster
Note Red = Heel, Blue = Face. Faces and Heels may seem random but its the will of the game that determines who is face and heel.

Active Superstars
AJ Styles
Alberto Del Rio

Big Show
Booker T

Brock Lesnar
Brodus Clay
Bully Ray
Chris Jericho

Christopher Daniels

CM Punk

Cody Rhodes
Daniel Bryan

David Otunga
Dolph Ziggler


Evan Bourne
Frank West (A CAW I'll explain this below)


Jack Swagger
James Storm
Jeff Hardy
John Cena
John Morrison

Kevin Nash

Kofi Kingston

Mark Henry

Michael McGillicutty
Mick Foley
The Miz
Mr Perfect

R truth
Road Dogg

Randy Orton
Robert Roode

Randy Savage

The Rock

Scott Hall
Shawn Michaels

Triple H
The Undertaker

Wade Barret
William Regal

Zack Ryder

Active Diva's
Beth Phoenix
Brie & Nikki Bella
Trish Stratus

Kelly Kelly

Michelle McCool

Also Featuring
Vickie Guerrero
Ricardo Rodriguez
Vince McMahon
Stone Cold Steve Austin

Authority Figures
Myself (I'll make feuds and change matches to suit myself)
The Game (It works on trying to randomize and occasionally ruin my universe)

Note - There are more people in the game that might be added at any time, I'll obviously keep track of such things.

Championships & Accomplishments
WWE Championship (Attitude Era Design) - The Undertaker
Intercontinental Championship (Classic) - Sheamus
Hardcore Championship - CAW Frank West
Unified Tag Team Championships - CAW Frank West & Michael McGillicutty
Royal Rumble - The Undertaker
Money in the Bank - CM Punk (Cashed in)

Tag Teams and Stables
The Order - Frank West, Michael McGillicutty, Mr Perfect, Beth Phoenix
The Insiders - Randy Savage & The Big Show
The Outsiders - Kevin Nash & Scott Hall
Team Vickie - Vickie - Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, Cody Rhodes
Beer Money Inc - James Storm & Robert Roode
The Industry - The Rock, Bully Ray, John Morrison, The Miz
Round Table - Booker T, Goldust, Wade Barret, William Regal
John Cena & Zack Ryder
Alberto Del Rio & Brodus Clay
D-Generation X - Triple H & Shawn Michaels with AJ Styles
Christian & David Otunga + Trish Stratus
Mark Henry & Vader

TV Shows
Monday - Raw
Thursday - Impact
Friday - Smackdown

Royal rumble
Elimination Chamber
Extreme Rules
Clash of Champions #1 (free event)
Money in the Bank (only place someone can win the MitB now)
Night of Champions
Clash of Champions #2 (free event)
Bragging Rights
Survivor Series

Brief Explanation of this Book This

So here I will explain what my universe is up to at this point. My first event will be of the completed "Wrestlemania 7". Here I will explain the various main feuds and go into a bit of the history of my universe. Sadly only 11 matches (4 Raw/Smackdown, 3 Impact) can be made each week which limits the amount of Wrestlers i can use so if I tend to forget about some superstars here and there its mostly because I've just run out of things for them to do. Also Diva's might not get matches every week because they are Diva's and i don't really care for them. Anyway I think that's it time for Wrestlemania 7 but it is more about back stories of current feuds and wrestlers, i'll do a more wrestling orientated style after this.

Wrestlemania 7 - Universe Backstories

Last Man Standing - CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan

Punk and DB have always been a team in my universe. AT royal rumble #6 Daniel Bryan won the Rumble and at Wrestlemania won the World title. After he lost it at Fatal Four Way he was put on the back burner in favour of the biggest storyline in my universe (Miz vs Steve Austin). At money in the Bank CM Punk won the MitB. At Summerslam the two of them won the tag titles from Beer money Inc. They teamed on and off for the next couple of months with Daniel Bryan moving back into the world title scene as well eventually regaining the World title at Bragging Rights of Year 6. Punk cashed in the MitB straight afterwards to take the title of DB.

At Survivor Series in the main event Punk turned on DB costing them the tag titles and turned heel in the process. At the Rumble Daniel Bryan won the World Title in a fatal four way which also included Miz/Morrison. At this point the two were attacking each other every single week getting more and more brutal as they went on. The feud was planned to end at the Elimination Chamber with Punk winning the title and moving onto a planned feud with the planned winner of the Rumble Sheamus but Taker won the Rumble in his place and I kind of needed HHH to win the title to finish off Taker&HHH's rivalry.

So with Punk's Mania plans ruined I decided a true final blow off to this feud was needed. Thus I put them into a Last Man Standing. The end result was Punk managing to put DB out for the ten count. They shook hands post match turning Punk face once again.

Unified Tag Team Championships Christian & David Otunga (c) vs Frank West & Michael McGillicutty

Much simpler explanation here. Frank West my CAW debuted after Summerslam of 2006. He quickly went on a roll beating established superstars such as Vader and Batista. Christian and David Otunga were originally feuding with Christian being a face and being beaten badly. Trish, Christian's partner started showing up with Otunga before and during matches. This eventually led to a tag team between the two and the tag titles shortly after. They continued to feud until the Elimination Chamber event where Christian turned heel attacking and injuring John Cena forcing him to miss Wrestlemania.

Christian and Otunga started beating down the competition after the Elimination Chamber on teams including AJ Styles/Daniel and Mr Perfect/McGillicutty injuring Mr Perfect. The week after that McGillicutty was being beaten down by Christian/Otunga when Frank West made the save leading to this match. Frank West is also the Hardcore Champion going in after beating Mark Henry a few weeks earlier (I'll explain later).

Womens title - Beth Phoenix (c) vs Trish Stratus

Not much explanation needed. Trish is the evil diva, Beth isn't. Due to allot of injuries before Mania I had two spaces open. They are also in opposite stables. Beth retained in a whatever match.

Intercontinental Championship Six Pack Elimination Challenge - Sheamus (c) vs Edge vs Booker T vs Goldust vs Jack Swagger vs Dolph Ziggler

Sheamus was planned to win the Rumble for the past two years with Daniel Bryan and The Undertaker winning instead and because of that he has ended up in the IC title scene forever. He had been feuding with Edge for a few months and Goldust/Booker were feuding with Swagger/Ziggles so here we are. Sheamus once again retained to keep his title reign going strong.

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Randy Orton

Lets see how long this will be. So Austin and Orton were a tag team within the 5th year of my universe. During the second half of the year Austin got into the biggest rivalry of all time with The Miz which lasted for a year. During that time Orton faded away. Austin was a face while Miz was a heel. They exchanged the world title a couple of times and eventually a six month double turn happened. At Summerslam year 6 in the biggest match of all time in my Universe The Miz retained the WWE title against Austin which forced Austin into an early retirement.

Austin turned face that night and wouldn't be seen until The Royal Rumble of year 7 where he was a surprise entrant. During the course of the event Randy Orton made his return for the first time in 18 months. They had a stare down but were both eventually eliminated. This match originally was going to be Cena vs Orton but Cena got injured at the elimination chamber so I thought this would make a great match. Orton won the match.

WWE Championship - Hell in a Cell - Triple H (c) vs Shawn Michaels

Here we are, the biggest storyline that features numerous other storylines mixed into well this. This feud originally started as AJ Styles (HHH's ally) and Mick Foley (Taker's Ally at the time) back during the first half of the year over the hardcore title. Their feud eventually led to HHH/Styles vs Taker/Foley at Summerslam. The ppv resulted in Triple H vs The Undertaker (Taker was a heel at the time). They got into a best of five series match during the second half of year 6 with each getting two wins over the other. The night after Taker's second victory which tied the series at 2-2 Taker turned face when Kane and Batista attacked the two of them. Taker and HHH took care of them and formed a mutual respect. At the Royal Rumble Taker went on to win the Rumble earning himself a shot at the World Title. I had planned for the blow off match to be at Wrestlemania so i hot shot the title onto Triple H at the Elimination Chamber to make this match happen.

Now the annoying part. The night after the Elimination Chamber Mark Henry the Hardcore champion injured The Undertaker in a match with recovery time uncertain the main event of wrestlemania was missing one of the participants. HBK who had been feuding with Henry cost Henry the Hardcore title to Frank West and injured him the following week. The same night after HHH beat Vader in a match HBK came out and nailed HHH with the title. This was a blessing at it sets up a perfect main event match for the title at Wrestlemania. So HBK jumped HHH a few times over the coming weeks leading to this.

HHH and HBK both made their entrances and were about to get underway when Vince McMahon walks out. He says there will be a third man in this match, the rightful challenger to the world title The Undertaker. No memories of the match itself other then it ending when Taker tombstoned both men, pinning HHH to capture the WWE Championship.
Punk beat Daniel Bryan in a last man standing match.
Frank West (CAW) & michael McGillicutty defeated David Otunga and Christian to win the unified tag team championships.
Beth Phoenix retained the womens title against Trish Stratus.
Sheamus retained the IC title in a Six Pack Challenge.
Randy Orton defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin.
The Undertaker won the WWE Championship inside a hell in a cell also featuring now former champion Triple H and Shawn Michaels.

I'll be adding the first real event, Raw soon.
Remember this is just the first real event. If I make any references to events prior to the start of the series I'll explain at the end of the show. I'll also be adding two superstars biographies at that section as well after every show to just give a little bit of history of each superstar at this point.

Monday Night Raw

The show kicks off with the usual intro. Michael Cole and Jerry 'The King' Lawler introduce us to the show. The new WWE Champion The Undertaker will be in action right now. Cole also announces an IC Title match with Sheamus defending against Randy Savage and Randy Orton will be wrestling his first match on Raw in 18 months.

The gong sounds and the lights go out. Druids enter the arena as Taker does his longer then usual entrance. Cole informs us that this is a tag team match featuring the participants in the main event last night. Triple H enters next and doesn't look happy. The two men go face to face in the ring as Shawn Michaels interrupts them. He stands back on stage and has a mic.

Shawn goes on to rant about how it was meant to be one on one and that he should be champion as he slowly makes his way to the ring. Triple H exits the ring which makes HBK run back up the ramp. HHH gets half way up the ramp when Mark Henry's music hits. Henry walks past Shawn the man who injured him before mania and instantly starts brawling with HHH. HBK joins in as they double team HHH. At the bottom of the entrance ramp with all three men up Taker does his running over the top rope ring dive onto Henry and HHH with HBK moving out of the way. HBK scoops up Taker and slides him into the ring. HBK follows as the match is now underway.

Triple H and The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels and Mark Henry

HBK goes for a cover straight away as Taker kicks out. He slides straight out of the ring and is frustrated. HBK hits Sweet Chin Music on HHH. HBK re-enters the ring but cowards in the ropes until Henry is up in the corner to tag himself out. Henry now enters and goes to blows with Taker with Taker getting the upper hand which is followed by two corner splashes and a big boot. Taker goes for old school as HBK knocks him off the ropes as we got to our first break.

Back from the break and Shawn is in control as he has Taker in a figure four. During this a replay from the break shows Henry hitting a Worlds Strongest Slam on HHH outside the ring. Shawn still has the figure four on and reaches out to tag Henry in. Henry runs in and hits a splash which gets a two count. Outside the ring HBK pushes HHH into the crowd to keep him down a bit longer. In the ring Henry gets a couple of clothesline and a corner splash, covering for a two count. HBK tags back in and starts his signature sequence with two clothelines, a atomic drop, scoop slam and the flying elbow from the corner. He sets up Sweet Chin Music but its caught by Taker.

HBK scurries away and tags Henry back in who is instantly in control after a headbutt. Henry grabs Taker and puts him into a bear hug. This goes on for a few seconds, the camera focuses outside the ring as HHH is up once more, HBK tries to delay him but gets knock down. HHH climbs up onto the apron encouraging the tag. Taker fights out of the bear hug and gets the hot tag on HHH. HHH clears house hitting face busters on both men, a spinebuster to Henry. A Pedigree is set up but HBK kicks his face off once more. A worlds strongest slam ends this clean.

Winners - Mark Henry and Shawn Michaels​

After the match HBK grabs the world title and celebrates with it outside the ring. Inside the ring Henry hits another Worlds Strongest Slam on HHH and another on Taker to leave the former and current champ down and out as we head to another break.

After the break and Goldust and Booker T are in the ring. CM Punk makes his entrance for his tag match against them when Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger jump him. Daniel Bryan runs out to make the save but gets jumped by Cody Rhodes. Punk and Daniel Bryan and put into the ring and take finishers from everyone (including Booker and Goldie). booker and Goldie leave as Ziggles gets on the Mic.

Ziggles: Punk do you really think you made the best decision to reunite with this hack. Look at me and Jack, a year ago we were at each others throat. We eventually settled our differences and where did we end up? At the back of the line, we went from headlining Wrestlemania too not even getting TV time. Punk and Daniel Bryan this is a just a friendly warning, don't be friendly with each other or else you too will lose your spot on the card. We head to another break as Ziggles, Swagger and Rhodes leave the ring.

Back from the break and R Truth is waiting in the ring. Randy Orton's music hits to a monstrous ovation (I'm going to start using these here, should of been from the start). R Truth tries to jump Orton to no avail.

Randy Orton vs R Truth​

Orton quickly fights back with some clotheslines. A powerslam to Truth and Orton drags him out of the ring. Middle rope DDT. Orton coils as he gets ready to and hits the RKO. Easy pinfall as Orton wins his first match back on Raw in 18 months.

Winner - Randy Orton​

After another break its time for the main event.

Intercontinental Championship - Sheamus (c) vs Randy Savage​

Before the match a little video package is shown of their last encounter from last year where Sheamus won the IC title from Savage. Savage enters first to a loud course of boo's. Sheamus is out next to a big pop. The bell rings as they two lock up in a test of strength. Sheamus overpowers Savage and gets him into a corner. A thumb to an eye sends Sheamus stumbling back. A clothesline puts Sheamus down as Savage goes for a cover which gets a two count. Savage grabs Sheamus's hair to get him but surprisingly Sheamus gets a roll up which is enough for a three count.

Winner and still Intercontinental Champion Sheamus​

Before Sheamus is even on his feet Edge is at ringside. He grabs the IC title and nails Sheamus with it. Edge exits the ring and grabs two chairs as Savage joins in the beating inside the ring. Edge enters and suggests a con-chair-ton with Savage. They get ready for it when John Cena's theme hits as the crowd goes wild. Cena runs out with a chair in hand to make Edge and Savage flee. Cena helps Sheamus up only to nail him with a chair. Cena smashes Sheamus a couple of times and sets up the two chairs earlier. He places his chair ontop of the two and picks up Sheamus. He hits the AA through the chairs. The show ends with Cena walking up the ramp and to the back.

Mark Henry and Shawn Michaels defeated Triple H and The Undertaker.
CM Punk and Daniel Bryan vs Goldust and Booker T never started.
Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger turned heel.
Randy Orton defeated R Truth.
Sheamus retained the IC title against Randy Savage via a roll up.
John Cena turned heel against Sheamus.

History Lesson

Prior to Wrestlemania 6 Dolph Ziggler was feuding with Sheamus over the IC Title. Swagger accidentally cost Ziggles a title match at an event. The week after Ziggles, Rhodes and Lesnar (they were all in a stable) turned on Swagger. Swagger and Ziggles was the main rivalry and it got so heated it was the second last match at Wrestlemania 6 which Ziggles won after Rhodes and Lesnar interfered on his behalf. Afterwards Lesnar went his separate ways while Ziggles eventually reunited with Swagger. After the two reunited however they stopped getting TV time and for around half a year didn't get any. Even after they got into their feud with Booker/Goldust and in the Six Pack challenge at Wrestlemania 7 they still weren't getting regular TV time. That will do as I don't want to reveal future events.

With the Sheamus feuds with Savage and Edge. Savage after turning heel stole the IC title from Sheamus during the 6th year. Sheamus won it back shortly after and Savage was put on the shelf with an injury. Edge took his place and repeated the action by winning the IC title in a brilliant match at TLC only to lose it again at the Rumble. Essentially Sheamus has been feuding with several people over the title and has mostly been dominant yet while I've wanted to move him further up in the card the main event is so packed there is just no room.

Superstar Biography

Alberto Del Rio

He was the original world champion at the start if Year 1. He didn't hold onto that for long before he dropped it to Randy Orton. He became a lacky for The Rock for the next couple of months before turning face and helping Orton in his feud against Rocky/Morrison/Bully Ray. During the second year Del Rio won the title from Orton and held onto it for well over 18 months until dropping it to James Storm at Wrestlemania 4. He mostly disappeared for a year until returning and winning the 5th Royal Rumble. He won the world title from James Storm at Wrestlemania 5 only to lose it to MitB winner The Miz the night after on Raw.

Afterwards he formed a team with Brodus Clay after he debuted the night after Summerslam 5. They went on to win the tag titles a couple of times. Rolling into the 6th year and Del Rio has faded away due to injuries. He'd probably be ranked as the #1 face in the company due to his 5+ years at the top.

AJ Styles

He was brought in during the 1st year but didn't get much appearances until the start of the 6th year where he got some victories over a heel Triple H. HHH turned face and the two formed an alliance. Styles shortly won the Hardcore title soon after and got into a big feud with Mick Foley. They battled it out exchanging the hardcore title with each other (and Vader) for the second half of year 6. He was put out with an injury at the start of year 7 and has yet to have returned.

Feedback is welcomed. I know it wasn't perfect, could of been a bit longer and could of used more commentary but just having a hard time thinking about how to put words into wrestlers mouths. :shrug:

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