WWE - You've got it, so use it!


Pre-Show Stalwart
Since 2009, I, like many of you have noticed a huge drop in the quality, creativity and originality in WWE programming. 2008 as we know was the beginning of the PG Era, and it was a fairly good year; we got Undertaker/Edge, HBK/Chris Jericho, HHH/Orton/Cena, HBK/Flair etc, which were all good, entertaining rivalries. They produced some very good matches, specifically HBK/Jericho matches, even having some real bloodbath matches, yet it was all PG. The rating didn't restrict them from having good storylines, segments and feuds. It was 2009 when things began to go downhill.

More and more recently I have become so bored and sick of the programming we've been provided with. The general impression I get from the programming is laziness; the writers etc are not putting in all their effort to the programming, but just going on passively. The PPV's are lackluster and the card always seems thrown together, the storylines aren't original and most of the matches are average.

But when The Rock returned last week, for those 20 minutes I was completely captivated. And with John Cena's rap promo this week, which I thought was brilliant. Even the HHH/Undertaker segment, which I didn't particularly like, was captivating. It all got me thinking, the WWE can still put on some good programming, but they just don't put in the effort. And like many of you have said on here, when the veterans have gone, the WWE and the fans are in trouble.

Stone Cold, The Rock, Bret Hart, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, HHH, Booker T, Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, John Cena, Batista etc. If you look at all of those names and more, compare them to today's up and comers in the following ways. In something as simple as an entrance; Undertaker's entrance? Unique, HHH's entrance? Unique, HBK's entrance? Unique, Mysterio's entrance? Unique and so on. When each of these guys makes their entrance, they make it their own; there is so much energy and charisma in them. Even their music is specifically suited for each of them. Look at today's guys, all their music sounds so similar, they all walk to the ring normally, get on the turnbuckles or whatever - IT ALL LOOKS THE SAME. There is nothing unique about their entrances; John Cena gets a big pop when he comes out, partly because when he comes out he's so lively and energetic. You are not gonna get a pop if you make your entrance like Dolph Ziggler, Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes etc, who pretty much walk to the ring, making small generic taunts along the way. The music also - when you hear a gong, its Undertaker, when you hear "It's time to play the game", its HHH, when you hear "If you smellll!" its the Rock, when you hear glass smashing, it's Stone Cold. Today, if you hear a lot of the entrance music, it's all so similar, so you won't instantly know who it is like you do with those guys, and sometimes not until the person even walks out. Another thing is taunts - at the moment, you see kids impersonating the wrestlers's taunts like Undertaker, Cena, Orton etc. But the younger guys for the most part don't have any taunts, they generically raise their arms up, they won't even be able to keep the kids' interest.

The promo style has completely gone - when Cena would rap, it was his thing, Undertaker's promo's are his thing, Flair's promos are his thing, Jericho's promos are his thing and The Rock's promos are his thing. Now, the promo's the young guys make, whenever they do, are all the same, no one has their own style. And finally, what has happened to the gimmick? One of the most essential parts of getting over. Once again I look at Stone Cold (red-neck rebel), Cena (rapper), Undertaker (deadman), CM Punk (straightedge masiah) etc - they all have great, different gimmicks, which are one of the main reasons they got over IMO (remember how unpopular The Rock was as Rocky Maivia?). Nowadays, which of the young guys has an actual gimmick? Pretty much no one, again showing how they are almost all the same. And it's not because WWE creative has run out of ideas, it's because they haven't been bothered enough to do anything. Mr Kennedy - great gimmick, only 2006 they made it, MVP - also 2006, was entertaining when it began. They can still do all this, but for some reason haven't put in the effort at all. No one even has their own 'look' like all the aforementioned guys do. All of these factors give the wrestlers an identity unique to them; the guys today have pretty much no identity.

Anyway, that's enough of my rant, how does everyone else see this?
I'm not going to lie to you, and don't take offense, but I didn't read your comment. I skimmed through it, and caught a couple of words as I know even from the opening lines what this would be about.

I'm predicting what you said though.

- WWE's talent these days don't compare to the Attitude Era
- Storylines aren't exciting enough
- Wrestling/PPVs arent good enough
- WWE's stars of the youth movement arent good enough

I'm taking a guess that's what you said, and I have the answers.

This isn't the Attitude Era, the days of Austin, The Rock and Shawn Michaels are gone. The same way that 15 years ago the days of Savage, Warrior and Hogan came to an end. It's called change and it has to happen. There is no magic potion which allows guys like Austin, Johnson and Triple H to wrestle forever, they have bones, they have bodies which can wear and tear. They have other dreams they wish to persue. They can't stay around forever.

Comparing them to the guys of today is silly. As has been said in about ten threads in the last two days, these guys can't be amazing in two seconds. Every "big" name started shit. Rock as Rocky Maivia, Stone Cold as The Ringmaster, Kane as Issac Yankem, Triple H as the blue blood Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Shawn Michaels as The Rocker and so on, so forth.

They evolved. The Miz, evolved and has became someone who can stick it. John Cena evolved from "The Doctor of Thuganomics", Randy Orton from "The Legend Killer", Edge from "The Vampire" and once again so on so forth.

These guys need room to grow. Dolph Ziggler has came on leaps and bounds, great in-ring wrestler, bland gimmick but that's WWE's direction these days.

They realize that everyone now knows that some guy walking down to the ring acting like he was on fire and is emotionally disturbed after eating someones face isn't believble and won't work.

The label of a gimmick, itself has evolved. Now WWE don't use gimmicks, and if they do even they are made to look as real as possibly. Example is Alberto Del Rio, rich Mexican artochrast. But personas have taken over. John Morrison is the guy who can do amazing things, The Prince of Parkour(sp?), Ziggler is a pre-Madonna, Bryan Danielson is the submission specialist, Ted DiBiase is the rich son and so on so forth. "The Viper" could be considered a gimmick but once again, it's just a persona. Gimmicks are almost gone, but it's the way things have evolved.

Onto the quality of the wrestling/entertainment. Elimination Chamber is getting rave reviews. The Royal Rumble got rave reviews. WWE have made them much better, surprises are being thrown in everyone and currently it looks like Wrestlemania is on course to be pretty good. I think it's a matter of opinion though, but there isn't a need to complain about it because the truth is they're working hard to get everything together into one good package, and its not looking bad.

You need to lighten up on the WWE, a lot of people do. You try opening and running a global wrestling company with an estimated couple thousand employees, trading on the stock market, recording three - four shows a week and even five when a PPV is added in there, as well as always being scrutinized and see how you do. You won't do very well.

The Rock returned, be happy. They got interesting storylines and matches leading up to Wrestlemania, they've got things hidden in their sleeves as well. And they don't need to be TNA, there is no need for WWE to send two guys out and almost kill themselves just to look decent, by putting on matches of which are half the quality, still better then TNA.
I take your point, WWE still can captivate us but its almost a case of can they be bothered for the small increase in viewership? No. But I've got to add if they did fans would be left more satisfied and there would be less hate on wwe.

I totally agree ahout the wwe and most people watching it wanting to do same old same old when it comes to gimmicks, funds, entrances etc. The talent in the wwe is good enough to hold their own with a completely new gimmick. For example, the reason i like Cody Rhodes is because he has a fresh self centered gimmick and has the talrnt in the ring and on the mic to back it up. I'll be hoping he gets pushed to the moon after hopefully going against Mysterio at WM (if thats the case I hope he even goes over and possibly retires Mysterio because Mysterio can't seem to take the punishment anymore).

Sorry about typos I'm on my phone >.<
I agree with TakerFan 93, but Jason Scene makes some good points too.

Theme music, taunts, entrances, and even post match celebrations (Jake with Damien, Brutus cutting hair, Hacksaw with the flag) can really be used to separate and get somebody over as unique. Also, midcarders were presented as more serious threats in their own right back then, as opposed to punching bags for main eventers.

That being said, we have to stop comparing them to the Legends and our own nostalgia. Their will never be another Savage, Warrior, Roberts, etc...but the new breed of Miz, Ziggler, Del Rio, Mystico, Kong, Bryan...can forge their own unique legacies as well if we let them be amplified versions of themselves. (Ex: The Rock is an extreme amplification of Dwayne Johnson, but Rocky Maivia blew.)

Also, our fondess for the past clouds our judgment...even from the best of eras! For every Bret Hart, there was a Bastion Booger, Goon, Man Mountain Rock, DOA, Truth Commission, Red Rooster too. Those eras all had their glaring flaws that time is now gentle on.
I agree that it's not as good as what it used to be. Although I do think they are improving. They have had to deal with the loss of several big names, a transition to a PG rating, changes in creative and had to build and establish several new guys. Not to mention they are directly in the shadow of one of the greatest eras in wrestling. Could they do better? Sure they can. Do they make a lot of boneheaded moves? Sure they do. But right now they are rebuilding, and trying to figure out their new product. Now with Trips taking a bigger role, I think it will continue to improve.
First of all, great idea for a thread.

I was thinking of creating one along similar lines a few days ago.

I think WWE's 'creative' team is doing a sub-par job at the moment.

While I'm not suggesting a return to the days of 'The Goon' or 'T L Hopper', I do think that more 'creativity' needs to be involved in the WWE establishing differing identities for its' wrestlers.

How many Kurt Hawkins, Darren Youngs, or Vance Archers, or whatever bland name the computer apparently spits out will we see?

These wrestlers need an identity - a hook - something! - that separates them from other wrestlers and gives the fans something to identify them with.

Here's an example I was thinking about the other day while watching Superstars - a place where young talent toils in obscurity while I sit through Cena/Orton, the 10,000th rematch!

Tyler Reks was getting a 'mini-push' ( as much as one can on Superstars) with a few wins strung together. And it made me notice how the guy has transformed himself by losing some excess bulk and was putting in some solid matches.

Matt Stryker made a few comments about him and as is his style, thre out several quality monikers - The 'Dreadlock Demolisher' (I like Dreadlock Destroyer better myself) - and talked of his 'Lone Wolf' style of not needing anyone.

Either of those descriptions can and should be used to separate Reks from other young competitors and give fans something to identify with.

If you want people to take notice, give them something to differentiate one competitor from another.

If you want to market someone, give them an identity to market!

Too many guys coming out simply using a 'generic wrestling name' and nothing else.
I agree with the OP, WWE is lazier than ever. The PG rating can produce some great stuff but the WWE restricts itself and becomes very predictable. John Cena always wins, Taker always wins...and so on. The heels are made out to look ******ed and the faces oh so generic. No one is unique anymore and that hurts the WWE. I really only watch out of habit and sometimes that's good because of nights like when The Rock returned, but the other 51 weeks of Raw are boring. Nights that they hype up like The Slammy's or Old School Raw all suck because of predictability. Does anyone Remember SmackDown!: XTreme? It was a special episode of SmackDown! from early 2001 that was genuinely exciting (I was there too, but still) There was a WWF title triple threat, a first blood match, a table match and a lot more all on free tv. It was more exciting than some WWE PPV's of today
Just like Jason, I didn't read the full post. Mostly because I saw where it was going. It's the same bullshit bitching that's on here quite often, no offense.

Personally, I find the WWE MORE entertaining right now. A few years ago, I just kept up with the program, but now I'm actually back watching it.

But when it comes to these bland characters, the WWE was listening to the IWC when we were complaining about the characters being too gimmicky. Their last real gimmicky character was Hornswoggle and Boogeyman, both of whom the IWC didn't take too well. And those gimmicky characters from the 80s and especially 90s didn't really last too long.

I like the realism that WWE is trying to pull off. It's making it interesting.

The E has been around for a while, they've pulled off nearly everything in the books. There's not much originality that can come through. If you want something different yet somehow want to be nostalgic and watch the gimmickiness of wrestling, watch TNA. There's a reason they aren't any competition to WWE.

Also, I believe that the IWC will read one person's opinion on what feud or card they want to see that's MONTHS away, and then it spreads like the plague. If that feud or card or match doesn't happen, then "WWE sucks!" Honestly, I don't remember hearing reports of HHH vs Sheamus at this year's Mania again. The WWE was in talks about Barrett vs Taker at Mania, but that was months ago and things are always liable to change. The IWC is holding WWE to extremely high standards, standards that are only met with instant gratification. Promotions that feed to instant gratification either fail or don't really move on up. Look at TNA.

Honestly, I don't want to see another Isaac Yankem. I don't want to see a cartoonish character come in for a week or two just to get jobbed and fired.

Back in the 90s (my source is the Hardy documentaries), the televised matches were usually a big named star vs a jobber. I don't want to see that. The WWE has star vs star on every televised event now. It makes for a better program.
I really do see what you are saying. As a huge fan of pro-wrestling I enjoy WWE in any form that it comes in, but i do realize that there are certain things that do not compare to the old days. I agree that today's wrestlers have lost what the others had. The new guys do not really have any cool gimmicks, phrases, or anything. The creative team is just lazy or else they just suck. Also, yes, alot of the newer guys music sounds similar and there is nothing in the songs that really defines the wrestler (like the glass shatering, the "time to play the game, the "Can you Smell...", and so on). There are certianly things that can be done to improve the WWE and help set up the company for the days where people like 'Taker, Kane, HHH, Edge, Big Show, and Rey Mysterio will be gone. You could also throw in Dusty Rhodes, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, The Rock, Chris Jericho, Roddy Piper, and Steve Austin because they still keep in touch with the business. One day, the young guys will be on their own and if Vince and the bookers do not watch out, the business could turn out like it did in the early to mid nineties (less successful).
I have been a WWE fan for about 14 years and I can easily say I can barely watch the shows anymore. I want to like it but I cant. It just seems like the same stuff every week. In terms of the current storylines like the raw GM, they just suck. Writers are really really lazy and not thinking outside the box. You may say well they are trying to go in a new direction now but I feel they have managed the youth movement poorly as well. Over the last yaer in a half WWE pushed 4 guys to the top who were not ready, just to give them the label of world champion, so there could be another face in the title picture. None of have been great champions. Unless Miz beats Cena his reign was a joke. Anyways look how quicly Del Rio is getting pushed, Main Eventing mania in less than 9 months, also this being his WM debut. Whatever happened to letting the artist work his craft and get better. WWE is not building any legitimate stars that could be huge in the likes of a cena,orton,batista, or edge.

The number of people tuning in to watch the show has dropped considerably over the last couple years because of that and the lack of creativity in the storylines. The PG era is limiting the ways a character can express himself, kofi kingston is like a 2011 version of rocky mavia who jst smiles for the crowd. How would austin or rock ever be succesful in todays format. The whold blood thing is ridiculous as well, even in the 80s and early 90s they used it. It serves a purpose in helping build a more intense fued or memorable performance. The passion and animosity in a fued feels gone and most of the heels feel so bland and generic today, there is no edgeiness to any of them.

Im not saying we need to go back to 1998 but something has got to change. WWE's changes dont reflect long term success, more like short term gains. Now we have 2 hell in the cells every year and whoever is fueding at the time, regardless how crappy the fit is forced into this match that was once something special. No every ppv has been changed and is a gimmick, How has that helped the buyrates, Vince ? Maybe creative should try letting the MITB holder lose when they cash it in, how about something unpredictable on those lines WWE. That would really bring animosity into a fued.

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