WWE WrestleMania XXXIV: WWE Intercontinental Championship Triple Threat Match


This is a bout that has the potential to steal the show. They had a three way dance on Raw last May in a #1 contenders match and it was one of the top WWE matches of the year.

I see Seth Rollins coming out on top and leaving with the title to become the latest Grand Slam Champion in WWE.
I really think this will be a great match as well. In terms of booking you need to look at the situation like this:
Rollins and Balor both look to be moving to SmackDown after Mania (or at least one of them), and they are not flipping the midcard titles again between the shows.
This is a situation where eveyone can win the title here, but I think The Miz needs to retain here. There are already a lot of almost certain title changes at Mania anyways (Universal, WWE Title, SD Womens, Raw Womens, Raw Tag, SD Tag and Cruiserweights), and they need to have some champions retain, so if it was up to me, Miz will be the one to retain, and he will continue he reign. Also keep in mind that Miz didn't win a Mania match since WM29, and he deserves a Mania win as a sign of appreciation for his work.

Prediction: The Miz retain the title by pinning Rollins
I think this match goes on first and now Maryse has had bubs, I'd have Miz retain, only to drop the title on Raw the following night then give him a few weeks off at home with his daughter and wife. Return in Saudi Arabia and win the Greatest Rumble Ever and set him on s main event run
This could be a fun match to watch. The building hasn't been anything special, but it didn't need to really. After all, Miz is gold, Balor and Rollins are great wrestlers. so we could see a good match.

I can see either man winning the IC title, but personally I would prefer that Miz steal a win.
As crazy as this sounds, I haven't been at all invested in this match as I am with the U.S title match. After all the entrances, this is going to be my washroom/smoke break match. I guess because I see that The Miz will retain to push this "long run" - which itself is confusing - I thought he was IC champ since January unless they're talking about total number of days of his career. I like the OP's prediction of Seth Rollins winning the title to make him a grand slam champ. I never looked at it that way and would love to see that to.

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