WWE Wrestlemania XXXIV- Universal Championship: Brock Lesnar(c) VS Roman Reigns

That N Word

Actively evolving

Reigns to challenge Brock for Universal Title at WrestleMania 34
Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns will once again meet on The Grandest Stage of Them All, as The Beast Incarnate defends his Universal Title against The Big Dog at WrestleMania 34.

I have yet to see a section for WrestleMania 34, or threads for matches on the card. We're only four weeks out from the biggest show of the year and nothing. I don't know what's going on,but I figured I'd be that guy.

As for the match, this is not something many people are looking forward to, but let's remember WrestleMania XXXI and everyone thought it would suck before it went on to STEAL THE SHOW! We all know who's winning, but that isn't a always a bad thing. This should be a great hard hitting bout. Brock and Reigns seem to have great chemistry. A lot of people would complain about the way we got here, but it's actual great to see the company finally planning a long term story and sticking with it. They knew what they wanted and they've built it up well thus far, other than having Reigns hypocritically call Brock "Vince's boy." Roman has been doing some of the best mic work in the company in recent weeks, let's hope that continues. Next logical step is to have Reigns "invade" RAW next week and beat the **** out of Brock Lesnar, and maybe even Spear Heyman for good measure. I no longer see this closing the show, however.

Roman has been doing some of the best mic work in the company in recent weeks, let's hope that continues.

Has he, though?

Roman sounds like he either continues to be nervous or does not fully grasp how to time his own cadences. He doesn't sound like he yet fully knows what to do when he has the microphone. This past Monday when he was cutting that "disrespect" promo, you could see on his face that he lost his place mentally and started searching. This is an ongoing issue in Reigns promos.

Not to completely crap on what you are saying, I think Roman is getting better.

But we aren't going to sit around and let ourselves be fooled into thinking that a promo was good because Roman calls someone a "bitch" are we? That may shock the kiddos, but it does not mean he cut a good promo.

I am curious that they are letting him basically so far be the build to this match. I know Lesnar will at some point show up and Heyman will be back, but I am interested to see how well he holds up against Heyman verbally and against Brock in the build to WM and how much of the build they allow him to shoulder.
I agree. Reigns isn't too bad at promos when nobody is there to counteract or retort. However, when you get someone in there who had decent mic skills, it reverts to "I'm gonna beat your ass" or "you're a bitch." I can't throw it all on to Roman as I'm sure Vince or "creative" is in his ear scripting what to say. I wish they would just let wrestlers have some bullet point highlights to hit and let them go. Some you have to script because they would be god awful if not but many who are scripted would do better just being themselves.
On a personal level, This is the match that i'm looking for the most at mania this year. I love those type of really physical match that doesn't have a tone of moves and tell a story which this one will have.

I really loved their match a few years ago and roman's as grown tremendously as a performer since then so i feel it would be ten times better then the first one.
It's a match .... ok. I guess it's something to look forward to.

I dunno considering its 99% sure this match will close the show let's put things into perspective:
- This will Roman Reigns' 4 consecutive WM where he will close the show. This means he will surpass Stone Cold (who headlined 3 consecutive WM's). He's also closed more as much WM's as The Rock.
- This also means Roman Reigns era has out lasted the entire Attitude Era

This seems really wrong
Reigns doesn't compel me with his looks of serious concern. He always looks like he's trying to figure out a brain teaser when he's supposed to be shocked by an occurrence.

Beyond that, his promos are like listening to a mid-level manager try in vain to convey a CEOs vision statement to his subordinates. The best comebacks he's ever had involve saying some variation of an idea that someone should just shut their mouth. Albeit; there's been little evidence in the past two years that Brock Lesnar is capable of speaking at all. Just saying; you and I are on different planets when it comes to our interpretations of Roman's mic abilities.

I'll admit that I enjoy seeing Roman get beaten up, so there's that. He's not a bad wrestler, I just see his matches as being very "paint by numbers". I'm not saying that he needs to whip out a fresh spot everytime he wrestles, it would just be nice that a PPV have some kind of surprise in store. Maybe Roman hits a superman punch off the top rope, or he finally turns heel and signs with Paul Heyman. I don't want to see a repeat of their last WrestleMania match, minus Seth Rollins obviously. It's not just Roman's match to win, it's Roman's chance to make a difference in his otherwise stagnant career.

I wouldn't mind seeing Brock win, but at that point there really is nothing left for him. They fed Braun to him, and I don't think that the WWE is creatively prepared or creatively inspired to tell some kind of Rocky story where AJ Styles beats Brock at next year's WrestleMania. I will be cheering for Brock (obviously), but I think that -- under ideal circumstances mind you -- Roman should win this match. It will work for me if Roman stops playing the "Aww, come on you guys" sympathy card while the crowd boos him and instead lights a fire under our asses by directing his rage about not getting his due at the crowd.
If this goes on last and Reigns beats Brock (which is about 99% probably happening) and that's it and they still portray him as a face then expect the boos.

However, if they are dead set on this being the main event, Roman is already getting booed like a heel. He has been for past 4 years almost. f I was booking I'd pull a swerve and have Heyman turn on Brock realizing Roman's future in WWE and Brock wanting to go back to UFC which leaves Heyman without an advocate. Reigns turns heel with help of Heyman and Heyman is now advocate for Reigns (which helps him in promos and will hype him up plus help him get over with smarks). The next night on Raw would definitely ne hyped to see why Reigns turned heel and why Heyman turned on Lesnar. Then I'd have Reigns take the mic after Heyman was done with his explanation and just shit on the crowd for all the grief they've given him over the years. That would be nice!
Let's give credit where credit is due, Vince mcmahon is smarter then all of us. The guy knew all along that by leaking the fact that he wanted Reigns to be a top guy to Meltzer and every other dirt sheet writers that the IWC would turn on him right away. The point of this whole push for Roman was never to make him a Austin Level babyface but they wanted another John Cena and that's exactly what they are getting right now.

The reason i write this is simple, more then ever you have a section of the crowd that hates him for whatever reason and you got another section that loves him, so no matter what they do with him from now on, you're going to have this 50/50 dynamic and that's how you make money with a guy. The fans that loves him will buy his merchandise and some of the fans that don't love him will secretly buy his merchandise as well.

So the point i'm making is that in the end, When Reigns wins this match against Lesnar and become the universal champion, you're going to have a portion of the fans that will cheered for the guy and a portion that will boo him. That's kinda were the WWE is mentality is headed right now. Their motto seem to be '' We don't cares if you cheer or boo a guy, all we ask for is that you react''. So Is reigns the best choice to Beat Lesnar, Right Now i would say Yes because he his the face of Raw right now even if some fan really don't like that. The guy that makes the most money for the company should be the champion and Reigns is that guy.
Let's give credit where credit is due, Vince mcmahon is smarter then all of us. The guy knew all along that by leaking the fact that he wanted Reigns to be a top guy to Meltzer and every other dirt sheet writers that the IWC would turn on him right away. The point of this whole push for Roman was never to make him a Austin Level babyface but they wanted another John Cena and that's exactly what they are getting right now.

The reason i write this is simple, more then ever you have a section of the crowd that hates him for whatever reason and you got another section that loves him, so no matter what they do with him from now on, you're going to have this 50/50 dynamic and that's how you make money with a guy. The fans that loves him will buy his merchandise and some of the fans that don't love him will secretly buy his merchandise as well.

WHAT??? They don't want a universally loved face that would sell more merchandise? Faces sell more than heels. Top faces sell more than faces. Universally loved top faces sell more than top faces. That way you get kids and adults buying. Imagine how much more Cena would have sold had he been universally loved. What evidence do you have that people are secretly buying his stuff?

Reigns wasn't booed because he was picked by Vince. He was booed because he was pushed too soon. Messed up on promos and was lackluster in the ring at first. He fixed the in ring part and stopped the cheesy promos but his character still isn't framed right. His promos are better but still nothing special.

Vince didn't leak shit. It was obvious they were building him up. People forget, he was liked in his initial push but when his flaws became apparent, people began to turn.

Braun had the same issue. He was pushed too early and people booed. However, he improved and became an awesome monster. Why isn't he still half/half? Is it because you pulled this whole thing out of your ass?
WHAT??? They don't want a universally loved face that would sell more merchandise? Faces sell more than heels. Top faces sell more than faces. Universally loved top faces sell more than top faces. That way you get kids and adults buying. Imagine how much more Cena would have sold had he been universally loved. What evidence do you have that people are secretly buying his stuff?

Reigns wasn't booed because he was picked by Vince. He was booed because he was pushed too soon. Messed up on promos and was lackluster in the ring at first. He fixed the in ring part and stopped the cheesy promos but his character still isn't framed right. His promos are better but still nothing special.

Vince didn't leak shit. It was obvious they were building him up. People forget, he was liked in his initial push but when his flaws became apparent, people began to turn.

Braun had the same issue. He was pushed too early and people booed. However, he improved and became an awesome monster. Why isn't he still half/half? Is it because you pulled this whole thing out of your ass?

Don’t even bother dude... regarding his “statements” numerous people have given him factual information that proves, how incorrect he is regarding the topic. Just let him live in his own bubble, when it regards Roman
Let's give credit where credit is due, Vince mcmahon is smarter then all of us. The guy knew all along that by leaking the fact that he wanted Reigns to be a top guy to Meltzer and every other dirt sheet writers that the IWC would turn on him right away. The point of this whole push for Roman was never to make him a Austin Level babyface but they wanted another John Cena and that's exactly what they are getting right now.

The reason i write this is simple, more then ever you have a section of the crowd that hates him for whatever reason and you got another section that loves him, so no matter what they do with him from now on, you're going to have this 50/50 dynamic and that's how you make money with a guy. The fans that loves him will buy his merchandise and some of the fans that don't love him will secretly buy his merchandise as well.

So the point i'm making is that in the end, When Reigns wins this match against Lesnar and become the universal champion, you're going to have a portion of the fans that will cheered for the guy and a portion that will boo him. That's kinda were the WWE is mentality is headed right now. Their motto seem to be '' We don't cares if you cheer or boo a guy, all we ask for is that you react''. So Is reigns the best choice to Beat Lesnar, Right Now i would say Yes because he his the face of Raw right now even if some fan really don't like that. The guy that makes the most money for the company should be the champion and Reigns is that guy.

So, fans who don't love Roman Reigns will also buy his merchandise? Really? Do you really even think before speaking the same things over and over with sheer lack of evidence? Or you just don't want to accept facts and want your opinion to be taken as a fact? Or do you secretly buy merchandise of the wrestlers you don't like? You don't, right? If you do, then I can understand.

So, fans who don't love Roman Reigns will also buy his merchandise? Really? Do you really even think before speaking the same things over and over with sheer lack of evidence? Or you just don't want to accept facts and want your opinion to be taken as a fact? Or do you secretly buy merchandise of the wrestlers you don't like? You don't, right? If you do, then I can understand.

Do You watch raw or go to live event? If you do then you would have realize that they're some fans that do buy stuff from wrestlers they don't like. Every week you can see on raw a couple of guy wearing a Roman reigns shirt and still booeing him. Same goes at every single live event that I went to.

I'm not saying that everybody that hate reigns will buy his merchandise but there some of them that will. Stop, being blinded by you're hatred for reigns and open your eyes. That's what's happening right now. It's what I like to call the cena effect. Reigns isn't truly hatred, they just love to boo him, that doesn't mean they hate him or won't buy is merch, it just mean that they like to boo him.
Do You watch raw
Yes, sir.

or go to live event?

If you do then you would have realize that they're some fans that do buy stuff from wrestlers they don't like.
Evidence? Any factual evidence?

Every week you can see on raw a couple of guy wearing a Roman reigns shirt and still booeing him.
Firstly, it's rare that I notice Roman Reigns' shirt worn in audience. Secondly, he's gonna be booed. Don't tell me that he isn't at fault.

Same goes at every single live event that I went to.
So, that means similar things happen at each and every event?

I'm not saying that everybody that hate reigns will buy his merchandise but there some of them that will.
Factual evidence to prove it?

Stop, being blinded by you're hatred for reigns and open your eyes.
Oh! GOD! If I keep my opinion, I'm hating Roman Reigns. Thanks a lot for telling me that I hate Roman Reigns. I didn't know. Because I don't believe in hating. Still, thanks for your partial judgement like always. At least, you're consistent being partial. I love consistency.

That's what's happening right now. It's what I like to call the cena effect.
Nope. Cena gets a far positive reaction than Roman Reigns. The one who beats the heck outta Cena isn't cheered as heavily as the one who beats Roman Reigns.

Reigns isn't truly hatred,
Lol. Numerous moments, Roman Reigns is getting beaten and he gets "You Deserve It" chants. That's possible when hatred is involved.

they just love to boo him,
How do you know?

that doesn't mean they hate him
How do you know? The audience reaction says otherwise.

or won't buy is merch,
How do you know? Have you conducted some survey in which people admit that they boo Reigns just for fun and still buy his merchandise? Or do you do similar things?

it just mean that they like to boo him.
Or may be voice their dislike or hatred towards him.
Yes, sir.


Evidence? Any factual evidence?

Firstly, it's rare that I notice Roman Reigns' shirt worn in audience. Secondly, he's gonna be booed. Don't tell me that he isn't at fault.

So, that means similar things happen at each and every event?

Factual evidence to prove it?

Oh! GOD! If I keep my opinion, I'm hating Roman Reigns. Thanks a lot for telling me that I hate Roman Reigns. I didn't know. Because I don't believe in hating. Still, thanks for your partial judgement like always. At least, you're consistent being partial. I love consistency.

Nope. Cena gets a far positive reaction than Roman Reigns. The one who beats the heck outta Cena isn't cheered as heavily as the one who beats Roman Reigns.

Lol. Numerous moments, Roman Reigns is getting beaten and he gets "You Deserve It" chants. That's possible when hatred is involved.

How do you know?

How do you know? The audience reaction says otherwise.

How do you know? Have you conducted some survey in which people admit that they boo Reigns just for fun and still buy his merchandise? Or do you do similar things?

Or may be voice their dislike or hatred towards him.

I don't want to start a argument with you about this because it always end up getting out of control. I have my opinion about reigns and you have yours. We been through that many time and nobody wins. So let's just agree to disagree on this one. I've seen as much reigns haters wearing on reigns t-shirt on raw then actual fans of his.

I'm not saying that what I'm writing is 100% fact or true, it's just something I saw happening a lot while watching raw and going to live event. If you think you opinion is right and mine is wrong, good for you I won't argue with you, but give credit we're credit is due, Vince did what he wanted to do with reigns and he turned him into a top star even if there's a group of fans that did rebel against that push and used the dirt sheet to his advantage to make sure he gets what he wanted and That's another tweeter character that will make money for the company.
I don't want to start a argument with you about this because it always end up getting out of control. I have my opinion about reigns and you have yours. We been through that many time and nobody wins. So let's just agree to disagree on this one. I've seen as much reigns haters wearing on reigns t-shirt on raw then actual fans of his.

I'm not saying that what I'm writing is 100% fact or true, it's just something I saw happening a lot while watching raw and going to live event. If you think you opinion is right and mine is wrong, good for you I won't argue with you, but give credit we're credit is due, Vince did what he wanted to do with reigns and he turned him into a top star even if there's a group of fans that did rebel against that push and used the dirt sheet to his advantage to make sure he gets what he wanted and That's another tweeter character that will make money for the company.
There's a big difference between argument and discussion. I'm trying to do the latter. Don't know about you. And there is no win or loss in discussion.

Oh. Yeah. I'll give Vince credit. For forcing a wrestler who wasn't good enough and still isn't good enough to be on the top. I'm really grateful to Vince that he did so. I respect his smartness as well. Pushing wrestlers not good enough like Roman Reigns, Jinder Mahal to the top must be too smart. And so I'll prefer being naive. But Vince is smart. Damn smart.

P.S - And please don't decide from my side that I hate Roman Reigns. I'll notify you once I find him enough to hate.
There's a big difference between argument and discussion. I'm trying to do the latter. Don't know about you. And there is no win or loss in discussion.

Oh. Yeah. I'll give Vince credit. For forcing a wrestler who wasn't good enough and still isn't good enough to be on the top. I'm really grateful to Vince that he did so. I respect his smartness as well. Pushing wrestlers not good enough like Roman Reigns, Jinder Mahal to the top must be too smart. And so I'll prefer being naive. But Vince is smart. Damn smart.

P.S - And please don't decide from my side that I hate Roman Reigns. I'll notify you once I find him enough to hate.

So Let's start a discussion then, So in your eyes what makes a wrestler good enough to be on top?

For me, it's somebody that can have a interesting match every night without having to resort to have a lot of high spot to make the match interesting.

It's somebody that gets a reaction, good or bad, every time he show up

It's somebody that can elevate another superstar to the next level

It's somebody that can make money for the company

It's somebody that's able to go the extra miles for the company

That's what it take to be good enough to be on top in my eyes and Roman Reigns like him or not does all of that on a regular bases.

The guy hasn't had a bad match since mania last year and most of that match was Taker's fault.

He made Strowman a bigger star just by feuding with him

He in the top 3 as far as reaction goes if you don't count part timers (Cena,Bryan,Lesnar)

In merchandise sale alone, if you don't count part timers, he's been in the top 3 and something the top selling guy as far as merchandise is concern.

Also don't forget that he's been in the business for 8 years already and he's a second generation wrestlers and he's part of wrestling royalty.

So i don't know what more does it take for him to deserve a top spot in the company but i'm sure interested in finding out why you don't think he deserve a top spot.

P.S.: Vince didn't forced anything, he just took somebody that was super over and strap the rocket to his back, the whole narrative that Roman was forced down people throats was started by the dirt Sheet which lead to the backlash that Reigns got from the fans.
So Let's start a discussion then, So in your eyes what makes a wrestler good enough to be on top?

It's somebody that can make money for the company.

This is the only answer.

P.S.: Vince didn't forced anything, he just took somebody that was super over and strap the rocket to his back, the whole narrative that Roman was forced down people throats was started by the dirt Sheet which lead to the backlash that Reigns got from the fans.

Roman was cheered initially after the Shield. It was obvious they were going to push him strong. Still cheered. Then he started doing promos where he messed up a lot and had lackluster matches. He wasn't ready yet and people knew it. Still ignoring how Braun Strowman went through the same thing and yet he is cheered now. If your theory was correct, Strowman would never be cheered.
So Let's start a discussion then, So in your eyes what makes a wrestler good enough to be on top?
I ain't in WWE so I'll say from my own perspective. A wrestler who's good enough to be on top will make me watch him. Even if I may or may not be in mood to. Someone like Braun Strowman. I watch him each and every week. Regardless if I am in bad or good mood. I could skip the whole Raw but not skip seeing Braun Strowman. And no, he isn't the best wrestler. He won't deliver classics. Each and every time. But I'm always interested to know what's up with him. His match ups are interesting, promos are intriguing and nowhere near bad. He's damn over. Plus, he has improved heaps since his arrival. Now that's a guy good enough to be on the top. Not just because I love him. But because of his talent. A top guy should make me invest in him via promos or matches. Roman's matches are good. That's it. And let's not even start about promos.

For me, it's somebody that can have a interesting match every night without having to resort to have a lot of high spot to make the match interesting.
I don't think that Roman Reigns has interesting matches anymore. They don't make me want to watch him anymore.

It's somebody that gets a reaction, good or bad, every time he show up
True. But bad for someone you would like others to cheer?

It's somebody that can elevate another superstar to the next level
True. Who did Roman Reigns elevate? Braun Strowman? Braun himself and his booking did it. Reigns defeated him in their first match. Don't tell me that a monster is elevated in the first match via a defeat.

It's somebody that can make money for the company
You're right.

It's somebody that's able to go the extra miles for the company
Right. Wellness Policy Violation will do it, right?

That's what it take to be good enough to be on top in my eyes and Roman Reigns like him or not does all of that on a regular bases.
Nope. I used to like him. Still do somewhat. But I am not interested anymore.

The guy hasn't had a bad match since mania last year and most of that match was Taker's fault.
Bad match? How about a great match? None. I'm taking just singles matches.

He made Strowman a bigger star just by feuding with him
Lol. No. Strowman and his booking did it.

He in the top 3 as far as reaction goes if you don't count part timers (Cena,Bryan,Lesnar)
A hero getting booed?

In merchandise sale alone, if you don't count part timers, he's been in the top 3 and something the top selling guy as far as merchandise is concern.
Good for him.

Also don't forget that he's been in the business for 8 years already

and he's a second generation wrestlers and he's part of wrestling royalty.

So i don't know what more does it take for him to deserve a top spot in the company but i'm sure interested in finding out why you don't think he deserve a top spot.
Told you.

P.S.: Vince didn't forced anything,
Oh dear. He did. Surely. He did. Ask Reigns or Jinder.

he just took somebody that was super over and strap the rocket to his back,
Super over? Before Royal Rumble, while Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins were having one of the best feuds. And what was Roman doing? Well, just defeating Randy Orton.

the whole narrative that Roman was forced down people throats was started by the dirt Sheet which lead to the backlash that Reigns got from the fans.
Nope. Not everyone reads these sites. He was forced. And I can say it without reading any site. It was pretty evident to anyone. Who's not partial.
I ain't in WWE so I'll say from my own perspective. A wrestler who's good enough to be on top will make me watch him. Even if I may or may not be in mood to. Someone like Braun Strowman. I watch him each and every week. Regardless if I am in bad or good mood. I could skip the whole Raw but not skip seeing Braun Strowman. And no, he isn't the best wrestler. He won't deliver classics. Each and every time. But I'm always interested to know what's up with him. His match ups are interesting, promos are intriguing and nowhere near bad. He's damn over. Plus, he has improved heaps since his arrival. Now that's a guy good enough to be on the top. Not just because I love him. But because of his talent. A top guy should make me invest in him via promos or matches. Roman's matches are good. That's it. And let's not even start about promos.

I don't think that Roman Reigns has interesting matches anymore. They don't make me want to watch him anymore.

True. But bad for someone you would like others to cheer?

True. Who did Roman Reigns elevate? Braun Strowman? Braun himself and his booking did it. Reigns defeated him in their first match. Don't tell me that a monster is elevated in the first match via a defeat.

You're right.

Right. Wellness Policy Violation will do it, right?

Nope. I used to like him. Still do somewhat. But I am not interested anymore.

Bad match? How about a great match? None. I'm taking just singles matches.

Lol. No. Strowman and his booking did it.

A hero getting booed?

Good for him.



Told you.

Oh dear. He did. Surely. He did. Ask Reigns or Jinder.

Super over? Before Royal Rumble, while Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins were having one of the best feuds. And what was Roman doing? Well, just defeating Randy Orton.

Nope. Not everyone reads these sites. He was forced. And I can say it without reading any site. It was pretty evident to anyone. Who's not partial.

Thanks for the response, i didn't want to reply point by point but here a few things I have to disagree with you on.

First, I'm happy to see that you think that what it takes to make it on top is somebody that make you watch. That good but if everybody was doing the same thing, WWE wouldn't be successful. The fact is look at the ratings, why is it that the hour reigns is on his always the highest hour in the ratings. Why is clips on YouTube are always the more viewed. You might not be interested by him but their a lot more fans that are interested in watching him

Do you remember where strowman was before his feud with Reigns? Absolutely nowhere. They where booking him the same way they did this year, the difference is, that they put him against reigns and had a great feud during the summer which elevate strowman from a guy that wasn't getting a lot of fanfare to one of the most over guy in the company. That how he elevated strowman.

Thirdly, reigns as had some of the best matches of his career this year, his feud with strowman alone was one of the most entertaining feud of the year for his pure destruction. The cena match was a little long but still entertaining. He had great matches with Joe & Finn. Even the taker match was pretty good considering how much taker wasn't in shape for the match. The point I'm making is for me, the guy as grown as a performer in the last few year even with all the bad booking even through some fans are not saying it,

As far as saying that the dirt sheet didn't have anything to do with fans turning on him, I beg to differ on this. The guy was super over coming out of the shield splitting up in fact, if you remember, he was the more over out of the 2 that they tried to push as a babyface. So why wouldn't Vince go with the most popular guy?

Fans, especially smart fans (which are the one that turned on reigns), read the newsletters, read what on wrestling sites like this one and believe what Meltzer write like it's the gospel. So when Meltzer goes on his newsletter and write that reigns is Vince's guy and they will put the rocket on his back instead of their guy, which at the time was Daniel Bryan, then they will turned on him.

Like somebody said before, reigns could have a 5 star match every night and fans would still boo him. For certains fans, reigns doesn't deserve his spot no matter what he does and that a shame because he worked real hard for that spot but because he got stuck getting push while Bryan was still wrestling.

I'm predicting the same thing will happen to strowman when he will win the universal title and stays on top for a while.
Thanks for the response, i didn't want to reply point by point but here a few things I have to disagree with you on.
You're welcome.

First, I'm happy to see that you think that what it takes to make it on top is somebody that make you watch. That good but if everybody was doing the same thing, WWE wouldn't be successful.
Like I said, I'm speaking on MY behalf. I watch it to be entertained. Not to think about how WWE will gain profits. That is their work.

The fact is look at the ratings, why is it that the hour reigns is on his always the highest hour in the ratings. Why is clips on YouTube are always the more viewed. You might not be interested by him but their a lot more fans that are interested in watching him
I never disagreed with this.

Do you remember where strowman was before his feud with Reigns?
Squashing jobbers each Raw.

Absolutely nowhere.
Nope. After the split from Wyatt Family, he actually started from the bottom. Unlike Roman Reigns.

They where booking him the same way they did this year, the difference is, that they put him against reigns and had a great feud during the summer which elevate strowman from a guy that wasn't getting a lot of fanfare to one of the most over guy in the company. That how he elevated strowman.
Strowman got over. Due to multiple reasons. His monster look plus believable booking. He was BOOKED perfectly. Not just because he faced Roman Reigns. Sheamus, Rusev etc also faced Roman Reigns. None were elevated. Instead, it was opposite.

Thirdly, reigns as had some of the best matches of his career this year,
Good ones. But if this is his best, then I'll prefer not seeing.

his feud with strowman alone was one of the most entertaining feud of the year for his pure destruction.
Because his booking was good. Unlike now. Where he's calling out Brock as Vince's guy in total irony.

The cena match was a little long but still entertaining.
Really? Nope. He got beaten in promo battles every week and then won an underwhelming match.

He had great matches with Joe & Finn. Even the taker match was pretty good considering how much taker wasn't in shape for the match. The point I'm making is for me, the guy as grown as a performer in the last few year even with all the bad booking even through some fans are not saying it
He has grown. He has improved. But a top guy should give a better promo. If not then please give Cesaro the top spot as well.

As far as saying that the dirt sheet didn't have anything to do with fans turning on him, I beg to differ on this.
Your prerogative.

The guy was super over coming out of the shield splitting up in fact, if you remember, he was the more over out of the 2 that they tried to push as a babyface. So why wouldn't Vince go with the most popular guy?
Really? Like I said earlier, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins were having one of the best feuds of all time. And Roman Reigns? He was just there. Super over? Yeah. Dean was. And Vince pushed Roman Reigns. We all know why. Don't tell me that he was the top merchandise seller when Vince decided to push him.

Fans, especially smart fans (which are the one that turned on reigns), read the newsletters, read what on wrestling sites like this one and believe what Meltzer write like it's the gospel. So when Meltzer goes on his newsletter and write that reigns is Vince's guy and they will put the rocket on his back instead of their guy, which at the time was Daniel Bryan, then they will turned on him.
Not everyone who turned on him reads Meltzer. It was pretty evident that even without Meltzer telling, that he was being over pushed for a spot he wasn't ready. And still isn't.

Like somebody said before, reigns could have a 5 star match every night and fans would still boo him. For certains fans, reigns doesn't deserve his spot no matter what he does and that a shame because he worked real hard for that spot but because he got stuck getting push while Bryan was still wrestling.
Everyone works hard. Roman Reigns isn't someone different to work hard. For some reason, he doesn't belong on the spot. Because this is his 4th consecutive Wrestlemania main event and he still hasn't made me feel like he belongs. Lame promos aren't doing any good.

I'm predicting the same thing will happen to strowman when he will win the universal title and stays on top for a while.
Of course. You'll predict so. While totally ignoring the difference between Roman and Braun. A wrestler over pushed. And a wrestler's organic rise.
You're welcome.

Like I said, I'm speaking on MY behalf. I watch it to be entertained. Not to think about how WWE will gain profits. That is their work.

I never disagreed with this.

Squashing jobbers each Raw.

Nope. After the split from Wyatt Family, he actually started from the bottom. Unlike Roman Reigns.

Strowman got over. Due to multiple reasons. His monster look plus believable booking. He was BOOKED perfectly. Not just because he faced Roman Reigns. Sheamus, Rusev etc also faced Roman Reigns. None were elevated. Instead, it was opposite.

Good ones. But if this is his best, then I'll prefer not seeing.

Because his booking was good. Unlike now. Where he's calling out Brock as Vince's guy in total irony.

Really? Nope. He got beaten in promo battles every week and then won an underwhelming match.

He has grown. He has improved. But a top guy should give a better promo. If not then please give Cesaro the top spot as well.

Your prerogative.

Really? Like I said earlier, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins were having one of the best feuds of all time. And Roman Reigns? He was just there. Super over? Yeah. Dean was. And Vince pushed Roman Reigns. We all know why. Don't tell me that he was the top merchandise seller when Vince decided to push him.

Not everyone who turned on him reads Meltzer. It was pretty evident that even without Meltzer telling, that he was being over pushed for a spot he wasn't ready. And still isn't.

Everyone works hard. Roman Reigns isn't someone different to work hard. For some reason, he doesn't belong on the spot. Because this is his 4th consecutive Wrestlemania main event and he still hasn't made me feel like he belongs. Lame promos aren't doing any good.

Of course. You'll predict so. While totally ignoring the difference between Roman and Braun. A wrestler over pushed. And a wrestler's organic rise.

Don't have any problem with most of what you have what you have written. My only problem is saying that strowman had a organic rise. Did we watch the same guy. Strowman got as overpushed as reigns, the difference is that after a year of getting either no reaction or plain heel reaction, they put him against reigns who was red hot at the time because of the taker win and it put strowman over the top as a babyface, which by the way was Vince's plan. The only reason reigns never got the same reaction as strowman is getting right now as nothing to do with Vince overfishing him or not being ready for the spot and has everything to do with the fact that he wasn't Daniel Bryan and That's who the fans wanted to see get the main event push at the time and he never recovered from that.

Strowman doesn't will entertain doesn't deserve the spot he's getting either if I use your logic.
Don't have any problem with most of what you have what you have written. My only problem is saying that strowman had a organic rise. Did we watch the same guy. Strowman got as overpushed as reigns, the difference is that after a year of getting either no reaction or plain heel reaction, they put him against reigns who was red hot at the time because of the taker win and it put strowman over the top as a babyface, which by the way was Vince's plan. The only reason reigns never got the same reaction as strowman is getting right now as nothing to do with Vince overfishing him or not being ready for the spot and has everything to do with the fact that he wasn't Daniel Bryan and That's who the fans wanted to see get the main event push at the time and he never recovered from that.

Strowman doesn't will entertain doesn't deserve the spot he's getting either if I use your logic.
Oh. Come on.

Dean Ambrose was damn over. And was one of the few who were cheered at Royal Rumble 2015. Why couldn't Roman Reigns be cheered? Well, he wasn't ready. And it was visible to everyone. Not just the ones on internet but others as well. Dean Ambrose was obviously not Daniel Bryan so why was he being cheered? Because audience made a connection with him. Through his feud against Seth Rollins. Unlike Roman Reigns. Don't try to cover up Roman Reigns' weakness and make a lame excuse that he was being booed because he wasn't Daniel Bryan. Try better to cover the lack of character in Roman Reigns. By the way, a young hero getting destroyed by Kane and Big Show and needing The Rock's help to fight them in 2015 of years isn't how you make me feel for Roman Reigns.

Coming onto Braun Strowman, he had obviously an organic rise. Totally opposite of Roman Reigns. That's not my opinion. That is a fact.

Let's compare through facts.

The first Wrestlemania Roman Reigns entered as a singles competitor, he main evented it. Straight to main event.

The first Wrestlemania Braun Strowman entered as a singles competitor, he was in Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Funnily, he didn't even last until the end, let alone win it.

That's one of the big differences. Vince gave Roman Reigns a rocket push. But the same Vince let Braun grow into a interesting monster. That got so over that they had to turn him face. And let's not even enter Roman Reigns being face discussion.

Now, Roman Reigns is main eventing his 4th Wrestlemania. Consecutive one. While Braun may be on the pre-show in a tag title match. Huge difference between these pushes. Stop trying to mould facts to support your opinion.

Also, Braun has had more of a character improvement in an year than Roman Reigns has had in so many years.

Side note - Braun started feuding with Roman Reigns before the latter faced The Undertaker. Much before Wrestlemania 33.

Strowman more than deserves the top spot. He has consistently improved. And entertained a lot. Be it matches or promos. One of the best characters in a long time.
Oh. Come on.

Dean Ambrose was damn over. And was one of the few who were cheered at Royal Rumble 2015. Why couldn't Roman Reigns be cheered? Well, he wasn't ready. And it was visible to everyone. Not just the ones on internet but others as well. Dean Ambrose was obviously not Daniel Bryan so why was he being cheered? Because audience made a connection with him. Through his feud against Seth Rollins. Unlike Roman Reigns. Don't try to cover up Roman Reigns' weakness and make a lame excuse that he was being booed because he wasn't Daniel Bryan. Try better to cover the lack of character in Roman Reigns. By the way, a young hero getting destroyed by Kane and Big Show and needing The Rock's help to fight them in 2015 of years isn't how you make me feel for Roman Reigns.

Coming onto Braun Strowman, he had obviously an organic rise. Totally opposite of Roman Reigns. That's not my opinion. That is a fact.

Let's compare through facts.

The first Wrestlemania Roman Reigns entered as a singles competitor, he main evented it. Straight to main event.

The first Wrestlemania Braun Strowman entered as a singles competitor, he was in Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Funnily, he didn't even last until the end, let alone win it.

That's one of the big differences. Vince gave Roman Reigns a rocket push. But the same Vince let Braun grow into a interesting monster. That got so over that they had to turn him face. And let's not even enter Roman Reigns being face discussion.

Now, Roman Reigns is main eventing his 4th Wrestlemania. Consecutive one. While Braun may be on the pre-show in a tag title match. Huge difference between these pushes. Stop trying to mould facts to support your opinion.

Also, Braun has had more of a character improvement in an year than Roman Reigns has had in so many years.

Side note - Braun started feuding with Roman Reigns before the latter faced The Undertaker. Much before Wrestlemania 33.

Strowman more than deserves the top spot. He has consistently improved. And entertained a lot. Be it matches or promos. One of the best characters in a long time.

But you're forgetting something here, Reigns did grow organically has well, if you remember i went from being the guy that nobody cared about in the Shield to the one that got the biggest cheer out of the three when they broke up. So i don't blame Vince for strapping a rocket to his back since he saw dollar signs when he heard the reaction he got. Sure the booking wasn't perfect and it hurt him in the end, but their also the part that he was getting a push instead of Bryan that kill his momemtum.

on a side note, Reigns as improved a lot since they first started pushing him. The guy is more confident with his promo while they're not the best in the company are way better then what he did when he first started and finally fit his character and has a wrestlers, he became a more well rounded guy compare to when they started pushing. The guy learn how to be a main eventer on the job which his a hard thing to do when you always get criticize by fans and dirt sheet writers that never been in the ring once but thing they know everything. So i applaud him for getting better every single years since this major push started. Compared to some other guys that got the same type of push in the past, he didn't just rest on the fact he was getting push, he took the opportunity to get better and prove that he deserve that spot.

As for Strowman, the guy got super over because he went into a feud with Reigns not because improved in the ring or at promo's. The only difference between reigns and Strowman is that Vince realize that the best way to have Strowman go over with the crowd is to put him against the one guy that the fans hated and that's reigns. That feud they had over the summer never happened, Strowman wouldn't be were he is today because for everything that he's good at, when not protected by his opponent or put in short matches, the guy is expose at how bad he his as a performer. Case in point, both Lesnar matches where awful matches. The fact is right now the guy is popular because he destroyed everybody which fans notice because he beat up the one guys fans wanted to see get destroyed and that's Reigns. Reigns helped him get over with the fans. The he just rode the momentum with his other feud and beside his one on one match with lesnar which was atrocious, he got pretty well protected by everybody else he worked with.

The fact his Strowman is still quite new to wrestling, he still as time to grow as a performer. Do i see him being a main eventer, sure i see him being pretty much the new version of Kane since he's pretty much willing to do whatever stupid crap WWE ask him to do. But do i think he need more training in ring before that happens, Yes i do. It's not a knock on the guy because i love the guy, but until he's able to wrestles a main event caliber matches without having to be protecting by his opponent all the time, he's not ready to be a main eventer and right now, if fans don't see that he had the rocket attach to his back since he started on the main roster 3 years ago then that's too bad. the only difference between Reigns and Strowman is that Reigns started on the main roster and got time to elevate his game while being part of the shield and the booking decisions kill him and bad timing with Bryan return and the fact that fans wanted Bryan to be the face of the company and not Reigns, not his lack of skill or promo skill.

Anyway, let's finish discussing this topic with what this thread is really about and that'S the mania match between lesnar and Reigns. I'm not so sure this will be the main event match at mania. I could very well see them put the mixed tag match as the main event just because of Ronda's involvement in the match so you're theory of Reigns main eventing four consecutive mania might not happen. The thing is no matter were this match is place, this will be a entertaining brawl in my opinion since they're last match was awesome and the storytelling was pretty good as well. Three years as past since that match and Reigns as become a better all around performer since then so i'm expecting something even better then their last match.

The whole build up to this match as been awesome and Reigns is cutting is best promo of his career. I could actually say that they are main event worthy promo's that he's cutting for the first time in his career.

You might not be entertain or see how much reigns as grown as a performer and that's your choice but i been a big fan of the guy since the beginning of last year and i've seen how much he has improve over that period. he made me care about a guy that at the same date last year, i couldn't care less about in Braun Strowman and he's more then deserving of the spot he's been given in my opinion.

The weird thing is, we might have the same discussion about braun strowman in a couple of years when fans start to turn on the guy because they are tired of him doing the same stick every time and being put in mania main event every single years which will probably happen by next year's mania since Reigns is pretty much set up for life as a top guy and vince can put all his attention on his second pet project.
Let's give credit where credit is due, Vince mcmahon is smarter then all of us. The guy knew all along that by leaking the fact that he wanted Reigns to be a top guy to Meltzer and every other dirt sheet writers that the IWC would turn on him right away. The point of this whole push for Roman was never to make him a Austin Level babyface but they wanted another John Cena and that's exactly what they are getting right now.

So that explains why WWE had The Rock come endorse Reigns at the end of the 2015 Rumble and editing out videos to make him appear to be more popular than he is?
But you're forgetting something here, Reigns did grow organically has well, if you remember i went from being the guy that nobody cared about in the Shield to the one that got the biggest cheer out of the three when they broke up. So i don't blame Vince for strapping a rocket to his back since he saw dollar signs when he heard the reaction he got. Sure the booking wasn't perfect and it hurt him in the end, but their also the part that he was getting a push instead of Bryan that kill his momemtum.

The guy that no one cared about on Shield was Rollins not Reigns.

on a side note, Reigns as improved a lot since they first started pushing him. The guy is more confident with his promo while they're not the best in the company are way better then what he did when he first started and finally fit his character and has a wrestlers, he became a more well rounded guy compare to when they started pushing. The guy learn how to be a main eventer on the job which his a hard thing to do when you always get criticize by fans and dirt sheet writers that never been in the ring once but thing they know everything. So i applaud him for getting better every single years since this major push started. Compared to some other guys that got the same type of push in the past, he didn't just rest on the fact he was getting push, he took the opportunity to get better and prove that he deserve that spot.

I've never been a heart surgeon. Never done heart surgery. But if a doctor sucks at heart surgery, I'm going to call him out.

A lot of guys get better as they go on. Reigns isn't unique in that regard.

As for Strowman, the guy got super over because he went into a feud with Reigns not because improved in the ring or at promo's. The only difference between reigns and Strowman is that Vince realize that the best way to have Strowman go over with the crowd is to put him against the one guy that the fans hated and that's reigns. That feud they had over the summer never happened, Strowman wouldn't be were he is today because for everything that he's good at, when not protected by his opponent or put in short matches, the guy is expose at how bad he his as a performer. Case in point, both Lesnar matches where awful matches. The fact is right now the guy is popular because he destroyed everybody which fans notice because he beat up the one guys fans wanted to see get destroyed and that's Reigns. Reigns helped him get over with the fans. The he just rode the momentum with his other feud and beside his one on one match with lesnar which was atrocious, he got pretty well protected by everybody else he worked with.

Strowman got over by being a big scary dude who could flip giant heavy things.

The fact his Strowman is still quite new to wrestling, he still as time to grow as a performer. Do i see him being a main eventer, sure i see him being pretty much the new version of Kane since he's pretty much willing to do whatever stupid crap WWE ask him to do. But do i think he need more training in ring before that happens, Yes i do. It's not a knock on the guy because i love the guy, but until he's able to wrestles a main event caliber matches without having to be protecting by his opponent all the time, he's not ready to be a main eventer and right now, if fans don't see that he had the rocket attach to his back since he started on the main roster 3 years ago then that's too bad. the only difference between Reigns and Strowman is that Reigns started on the main roster and got time to elevate his game while being part of the shield and the booking decisions kill him and bad timing with Bryan return and the fact that fans wanted Bryan to be the face of the company and not Reigns, not his lack of skill or promo skill.

This perfectly explains why the fans booed everyone else on the night Reigns won the Rumble...oh wait they cheered others? Others who were more ready than Reigns was. Others who had more skill.

They booed the shit out of Strowman when he started being pushed. Strowman improved. They stopped booing. Are you lying or talking out of your ass about things you have no memory of?

The whole build up to this match as been awesome and Reigns is cutting is best promo of his career. I could actually say that they are main event worthy promo's that he's cutting for the first time in his career.

No it hasn't. The storyline has consisted of one good beatdown segment and not much else.

You might not be entertain or see how much reigns as grown as a performer and that's your choice but i been a big fan of the guy since the beginning of last year and i've seen how much he has improve over that period. he made me care about a guy that at the same date last year, i couldn't care less about in Braun Strowman and he's more then deserving of the spot he's been given in my opinion.

How are you so bad at grammar yet still get couldn't care less right?

The weird thing is, we might have the same discussion about braun strowman in a couple of years when fans start to turn on the guy because they are tired of him doing the same stick every time and being put in mania main event every single years which will probably happen by next year's mania since Reigns is pretty much set up for life as a top guy and vince can put all his attention on his second pet project.

THE FANS ALREADY DID THIS WITH STROWMAN. They booed the fuck out of him but he improved into a big scary monster.

So that explains why WWE had The Rock come endorse Reigns at the end of the 2015 Rumble and editing out videos to make him appear to be more popular than he is?

Obviously WWE wouldn't want another Austin. Why would they want another guy who lit WWE on fire?

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