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Wwe: Wrestlemania 23 Aftermath!!!

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Dark Match Winner
Wrestlemania Results


World Heavyweight Championship Undertaker Defeats Batista (23.57)

Undertaker reverses the batista bomb and counters it with the tombstone piledriver.

WWE Championship - John Cena defeats Shaun Micheals (20.23)

Cena Wins after 2 F-U's.

"Hair v Hair" Match - Lashley defeats Umaga (17.10)

Vince accidently hits Umaga with a chair, Austin precedes to Stunner Vince and Lashley spears Umaga for the Pinfall. Eugene then gets the honour of shaving Vince's Head.

Money in the Bank III

Mr Kennedy climbs the ladder after Orton scarfices himself to RKO Edge. (25.29)

The Great Khali Defeats Kane (13.23)

Khali wins after several Chops and headbutts.

ECW Originals Defeat the New Breed (17.25)

Rob Van Dam wins the Elimination Match after the 5* Frog Splash and then pin on Kevin Thorn.

Chris Beniot Defeats M.V.P (10.55)

MVP submits to the crossface.

Rumours has it Donald Trump has won not only the hair match but 50% stake in the company. More on this to come.

Note - I intend to keep all my shows in one thread, to help keep fueds together, mind be again rules but its my preference so i hope you can respect that!! :)
kewl predictions idk if thelast one is such a good idea maybe it is but not for trump but ust in my opinion and mvp should be beating benoit on sunday and kane should have won(that is only bc i want him ot win i think everyone does lol) but other than that good job!
WWE.com - Direct from Donald Trump

It gives me great pleasure to announce that on sunday night at Wrestlemania 23, not only did I defeat Vince McMahon and shave his head bald, but due to part of the contract that Vince didn't read there was a stipulation in small print that read, Should Vince lose then I also own 50% of World Wrestling Entertainment. So now being 50% owner I can confirm Raw will be the only surviving brand in the WWE and the roster is enclosed below and also all championship remain unless changed otherwise.


John Cena - WWE Champion
Shaun Micheals
Undertaker - World Heavyweight Champion
Mr Kennedy - Money in the Bank Holder
Triple H - Injured
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio - Injured
Ric Flair
Chris Masters
Mark Henry
Chris Beniot
CM Punk
Umaga - Intercontinal champ
Bobby Lashley - ECW champion
King Booker
Gregory Helms
Rob Van Dam
Chavo Guerrero - Cruserweight Champ
Johnny Nitro
Jimmy Wang Yang
Lance Cade/Trevor Murdoch
Matt/Jeff Hardy
Brian Kendrick and Paul London
Willaim Regal and Dave Taylor
World's Greatest Tag Team
Cryme Tyme
Raw Review

Vince's Trump Card

After losing 50% of his company and having his head shaved bald, a lot of focus tonight will be on the chairman of the company Mr McMahon. It guaranteed he wont take the news of losing his company to Trump lightly. So be prepared for a Vince rant. Rumors have it that Vince has reunited a returning tag team to take on Trump.

Heart Broken Kid

After losing to John Cena last night how will Shaun Michaels react as he faces Money in the Bank winner Me Kennedy in 1 v 1 action.

R-Rated Rivalry

With Edge and Randy Orton being at each others throats for weeks and with Orton sacrificing himself to take out each in Money in the Bank with an RKO, find out Edge's thoughts on the cutting Edge.

Tag Team Tournament

Also Donald Trump will announce that a decision has been made regarding the tag team title. Stay tuned for Raw this Monday.
WWE RAW - April 2nd

WWE Introduction begins.
It then cuts to a Wrestlemania recap.
It shows us Hogan Slamming Andre and Gorilla Monsoon saying "The imortal force verus the imovable object."
Then it cuts to Macho Man Randy Savage and Elizabeth celebrating at Wrestlemania 4.
Then it moves to Stone Cold on the turnbuckles and J.R famous words - "The Austin Era has Begun"
We then see Eddie Guerrero and Chris Beniot hugging in the ring with there championships.
It then moves on to a recap of last nights amazing Wresltlemania 23.
The highlight reel begins with MVP and Beniots entrances, then shows clips from the match before MVP taps to the Crossface from Beniot. It then moves onto the ECW Final match ever with the new breed coming down the entrance ramp whilst the Originals cut threw the crowd. The highlights include Sabu's flip to the outside landing on the hole of the new breed before it shows RVD with the 5 star frog splash on Kevin Thorn and the 3 count followed by the Originals celebrating in the ring. Next up the Money in the Bank match and it quickly goes threw the participants entrances, notable highlights include Finlay using the Shaileigh on Matt Hardy and Orton RKOin Edge off a ladder to sacrifice himself also showing Kennedy winning and celebrating. It then shows Khali destroying Kane and getting the easy pinfall on him. Then the highlight reel slows down, and shows clips of the ongoing McMahon and Trump Saga, before showing Vince laying out Umaga with a chair and Austin stunning him and Lashley spearing Umaga to set up the 3 count. There is then a clip of Eugene shaving Mr McMahon hair. We then move onto Shaun Micheals v John Cena, notable clips are John cena's entrance and HBK's Superkick, in the end though it shows Cena F-Uin HBK twice to pick up the win, it then shows him celebrating. It then shows Batista in the ring and then the druids coming out before the deadman the Undertaker appears. We see the Powerslam threw the ECW announcer table and Batista setting Taker up for the Batista bomb, before Undertaker counters and Tombstones him, we see Taker celebrating before a Vince Clip appears where he signs the contract for the hair match which without knowing gave trump 50% of the WWE. A black screen appears and the WWE logo comes up with the words. What next?

Then we jump to the RAW Intro with Papa Roach - To Be Loved - and as this plays the Pyro goes off to the roar of the crowd.

J.R - Hello ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls welcome to the first RAW after the exciting wrestling extravaganza that was Wrestlemania 23. And what a show we have for you tonight after the fallout of last night, we will see Money in the Bank winner Mr Kennedy square off against the Heart Break Kid Shaun Micheals.

King - Thats right J.R I cant wait till Mr Kennedy knocks sense into the HasBeenKid. But most of all what about our poor beloved chairman Mr McMahon is bald.

JR - And he's not just bald King, he lost 50% of his company as well last night!!

King - Well lets hope to see some revenge extracted tonight.

"No Chance" plays and Boo's echo around the arena.

JR - Here comes our newly bald chairman and owner of this company.

King - Not Funny JR.

Vince McMahon walks out, his face is bright red with anger, he is fuming as he walks down to the ring.

JR - His face is a red as a babies smacked behind King.

King - You better watch your mouth JR

JR - Oh brighten up King, Mr McMahon is not a nice man, he is satin himself and he deserved everything he got last night.

King - How can you say that?

Vince picks up the mic and this capacity crowd start to chant "Baldy"

King - These people are so disrespectful.

Vince - Last night at the biggest wrestling event of the year I was in embarrassed in front of the whole world. Not only did I get my hair shaved completely bald, but i also lost 50% of my company, my creation, my legacy and I lost it all to Donald Trump.

Crowd Cheers

Vince - Well enough is enough Trump, God dam it, I want back and I want it now!!!! So Trump get your ass out here now!!!

Trump - Vince, Vince, Vince

Trump appears on the titantron screen.

Trump - Last night I embarrassed you in front of the whole world but not only shaving your hair but by getting 50% of your company. Yet you still want to challenge me to get it back? Even though i will just embarrass you again.

Vince - Thats where your wrong Trump - Revenge is sweet.

Trump - So Vince whats your latest master plan?

Vince - How about at the next pay per view - Backlash - we have an 10man elimination tag team. Both of us pick 5 representatives and the winner gains full ownership of this company.

Trump - Brilliant Idea Vince,not only are you giving the people a great match, but also your letting them see me kick your ass again. I'll be seeing you at Backlash.

Donald Trump cuts off.

Vince - Well ladies and gentlemen now that Trump is gone, let me introduce to you the first two members of team McMahon - With their manager Ted DiBiase, i present the former tag team champions - the newly named - Texas Millionaires - the team of John "Bradshaw" Layfield and Ron Simmons.

"Foghorn" plays and the 3 men walk down to the ring.

Vince - Ted, thats a fine tag team you have assembled.

Ted - Yes Vince, this is the single most impressive tag team that money can buy.

J.B.L - Your dam right it is, you see when you team me John Bradshaw Layfield - a true wrestling god an icon in this industry with the nastiest bastard in this company Ron Simmons, you know there is no one technically better or richer than us.

The screen comes on again and Cryme Tyme are outside a locker room.

JTG- Yo yo yo, you ready to go in boy.

Shad - Dam rite.

Cryme Tyme walk into the locker room and seem to looking for something.

JTG - Yo dis where the money at?

SHAD - Chea, ask this dude.

They tap a pirate like character on the shoulder. He turns round and its no other than Paul Burchill.

Burchill - Yarr

JTG - hey whattup Pirate dude, yo know where J.B.L locker is?

Burchill - So yar looking for the buried treasure ?

JTG - Yea man where the money at?

Burchill - Stand aside Matey

Burchill runs up and Kicks locker in and the door bursts open, Cryme Tyme look at the locker in amazing.
Shad walks to the locker and takes out a brief case, he open its up and together the 3 men go "Woooow"
Then Shad and JTG look at each other and say their usual catchphrase.

"Money Money, Yea, Yea"
They walk out the locker room with Burchill as camera's go back to the ring.
J.B.L is in shock and looks at Vince.

J.B.L - Vince, what are you going to do about that, they cant just steal our money from me, I mean i am J.B.L, I am a wrestling god. I am the longest reigning World Heavyweight Champion of all time.

Vince - Your right, so tonight you seek revenge as it will the Texas Millionaires in tag action tonight again Cryme Tyme

They both look at Simmons.

J.B.L - Hey Simmons what do you think?

Ron Simmons looks at J.B.L, then the Crowd then pauses.

Ron Simmons - DAMM!!!!
They crowd laughs as Foghorn hits and everyone makes their way to the back.

J.R - It seems like Mr McMahon and CO got a piece of their own medicine from those cocky gangsters Cryme Tyme.

King - And you can bet your life on it that Vince will have a plan back so J.B.L can get his cash back.


J.R - Welcome back everyone and now time for our first contest of this evening, now over to Lillian Garcia.
The bell rings.

LG - The following contest is scheduled for one fall.

"Helms" plays and Gregory Helms walks out refusing to shake any fans hands.
LG - Introducing First, Gregory Helms!!!!!!!!

J.R - This man is nothing but a piece of bad work.

King - You have to admire his in ring ability thought J.R, I mean he was the longest reigning Cruserweight Champion of all time.

J.R - Yes King, i agree but some fights he has to bends the rules in.

LG - His Opponent -
"This Fire Burns" Plays and CM Punk runs out to the roar of the crowd.

Match One
Gregory Helms V CM Punk

Ending - Punk's is up on the top and has Helms nearly beat, he goes for a elbow drop OMG, Helms moves out the way and all Punk gets is canvas and both men are down lying on the mat motionless. The referee begins the count.






Gregory Helms gets to his feet first and kicks Punk in the back, he repeatedly kicks and punches Punk and has weakened him, he then rubs insult to injury with a slap to the back of the head. He picks Punk up as if for a grapple but Punk reverses and elbows him the stomach region. CM Punk then runs off the ropes and lands a perfect running DDT on Helms and goes for the cover.



Kickout by Helms

Punk picks up Helms, but Helms counters with a punch to the gut before he moves back and runs towards Punk and performs Shinning Wizard, with Punk seemingly motionless Helms goes for the fall.




kick out by CM Punk.

Helms goes for the cover again




kick out again by CM Punk

Helms picks up Punk and whips him off the ropes, Helms goes for the clothesline but misses and Punk Counters with a excellent Cross Body into a pin.



kick out by Helms

Punk goes for the clothesline but Helms reverses it into a rollup



Helms has the bloody tights


Here is your winner via Pinfall Gregory Helms - (11.23)

JR - Damm King Helms cheats his way to victory again.

King - Impressive thought JR admit it, and it wont be too long till we see Gregory Helms in the Cruserweight title picture again soon.

JR - Well we now hand over to Josh Matthews who is standing by with Mr Money in the Bank - Mr Kennedy.

JM - Yes JR I am here with last nights Money in the Bank Winner - Mr....
Kennedy stops Matthews from finishing.

K - Who the hell do you think you are? Get lost punk this is my part.

He pauses as Josh Matthews clears off.

K- Anyway know that I have your attention I would like to remind you that I am Mr Money in the Bank, MISSTTERRR KENNEDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........KENNEDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He pauses again.

K- Now everyone knows that in this briefcase is a title shot for me whenever I want, whenever I choose. The question is when will i cash in on this baby, that answer will be answer whenever I feel like it. Now onto tonight I have a match against HBK Shaun Michaels, The Has Been Kid, the only surviving member of Degeneration X. HBK, if i were u I wouldn't even bother showing up tonight, because you know and i know that I will win tonight because i'm am the future champion in the business. And also as you would normally say. If you ain't down with that I got two words for ya!!!!!!!!!

Kennedy Pauses.

K- MISSSTERRRRRR KENNEDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He smirks and walks off as we cut to a commercial

We then end up at Trump Tower - with Donald Trump 50% owner of World Wrestling Entertainment preparing to make a statement.

DT - Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, it seems to me that Vince McMahon is trying to destroy this company, this of course became evident before I made the stipulation in the contract. You see all Vince cares about is complete control of this company, he doesn't care about how his company runs. Thats why I am taking a stand and at Backlash the newly vacated tag team title will go on the line in a Tag Team Elimination Chamber Match. It will be the same rules as a Normal Elimination Chamber except both members most be eliminated, however as soon as one member is eliminated that superstar must go the back. Participants for this will be Paul London/Brian Kendrick, William Regal/Dave Taylor, Finlay/King Booker, The World Greatest Tag team, Lance Cade/Trevor Murdoch and one other surprise team who will be named on the night of the Backlash. So Vince do you really think you can top that.

We are directed back to the ring for our next match

"Brooklyn" is played and Cryme Tyme come to down to the ring with JBL's suitcase full of money.

King - I cant believe these idiots actually went backstage and stole JBL's money, it is so wrong.

JR - Well i cant excuse their actions, maybe they will be able to show us what they can to do in the ring.

King - What a rob a victory, like then take JBL's money.

"Foghorn" plays and John Bradshaw Layfield and Ron Simmons walk to the ring accompanied by their manager Ted DiBiase.

King - Know this is what i call a tag team.

Match Two
Texas Millionaires W/ Ted DiBiase v Cryme Tyme

Ending - JBL Suplexs JTG 3 times to again disrespect Eddie Guerrero's 3 amigo's which creates heat from the crowd. He then tags in Simmons and they begin the double team on JTG, with various chops,punches and kicks to the stomach. Before Simmons does a snapmare. Then proceeds to put JTG in a sleeper,he struggles to get out of it but after about 30 seconds begins to gain some momentum he kicks Simmons in the gut and then goes to do it again, though Simmons counters and catches his foot, JTG thought counters this also and does and lethal Inzaguri to the face of Simmons which sends both men to floor.
The ref begins the count.







Both JTG and Simmons make it their respective partners and Shad and JBL join the match, they run at each and Shad takes down JBL twice with clotheslines, he picks JBL up and delivers a suplex which sends him crashing to mat and try a quick pin.



An easy kickout by JBL, who when picked up by shad elbows him in the rips and tags in Simmons, simmons repeatedly punches Shad in the face and then whips him off the ropes and delivers a back body drop. He then lifts him up and gives him a devastating Backbreaker. He then puts in a headlock before taggin in JBL, JBL slams Shad before going for the fall.



Shad kicks out

Ted DiBiase goes up on the apron and this distracts the referee, all hell breaks lose as all four men battle inside the ring. JTG runs at JBL and he delivers and sickening Clothesline from hell, before Simmons picks up Shad and delivers the Dominator before JBL goes for the cover on him.




Your winners Via Pinfall The Texas Millionaires (15.34)

We then cut to Mr McMahon's room where he has a speech ready for us.

Vince - Ladies, Gents, I'll admit Donald Trump certainly shocked me by announcing the tag team elimination match for Backlash, it was indeed as masterstroke, but in saying that, not only will my team defeats his at Backlash but I will defeat him by making a bigger match than him. Not only will this be the biggest match of this year but possibly the biggest match ever. It has come to my attention we have the WWE Champion - John Cena and we have the World Heavyweight Champion - The Undertaker.

Crowd Cheers

So how about at Backlash we will unify the title as John Cena goes one on one against the Undertaker with the winner being the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

Crowd Cheers again.

Although that sounds good, I still need to make it bigger than the elimination chamber, so this match will be a .........BURIED ALIVE MATCH!!!!!!!!
Beat that Trump!!

Crowd roars loudly.

JR - I cant believe it King, a buired alive match, what chance in hell does John Cena have in this.

King - Your right JR - We might see the end of the Doctor of Thugonomics.

"Metalanguis" plays and Edge walks down to the ring.

Edge - Hello and welcome again to another edition of the legendary Cutting Edge with me your host Edge. I ain't going to blabber on but tonight my guest is one of my opponents from last nights Money in the bank Match, he is the loser killer, Randy Orton.

Crowd Roars

"Burn in my light" plays as Randy Orton makes his way to ring.

Edge - So Orton how does it feel to know that you RKO'd me from the top of a ladder last night and cost me my chance of being the world champion once again. You don't even know what it feels like to be champion.

Orton - Think your wrong there Edge, I think you need to remember that I am the Youngest World Champion in WWE History. And one day i will reign again. Of course its not arrogance, its destiny.

Edge - Destiny haha , listen to yourself, you sound a grade A loser like your Pap's Cowboy Bob Orton, Your a disgrace to this company Orton, i dont know why this company even wastes its time on you.

Orton smiles turns round and runs and RKO's Edge leaving Edge motionless in the middle of the ring.

JR - Go on Orton, Show that Egomaniac who's the man

King - I cant believe he did that to the R-Rated Superstar. Edge!!!!!!!!!!


"My time is now" plays and John Cena comes down to the ring with his newly retained WWE Title.

JR - The fans may not like it, but it was a monumental effort from John Cena last night to defeat Shaun Michaels.

King - Your right JR, I wonder what Cena's reaction to getting put in a buried alive match with The Undertaker at Backlash will be.

Cena gets a mic a begins to talk.

Cena - Yo Yo Yo chill chill chill!!!

Crowd boo's

It seems to me I've got taker in Buried Alive,
As the deadman looks for title reign number five,
He thinks he tough with his deadman Inc
I ain't gonna lose to him if that what you think.
You see WWE Champion I will remain
As i beat Undertaker at his own game.

The Arena goes completely dark as we hear the bell which singal's Undertaker music, his music plays as does his Video but no-one appears. Cena looks like he's seen a ghost.

Then we hear a voice - its the Undertakers.

Undertaker - John Cena, As your famous saying goes, your time has come, your time is now, its your turn to rest in peace!!!!!!!!

Cena is visibly scared a runs out of the ring and to the back, whilst Undertaker just laughs.

We cut to a Backlash Promo.

Lillian Garcia - It is now time for tonight featured Main Event.

"Misssster Kennedy" plays and he just points at Lillian Garcia. He walks into the ring and picks up the mic

Kennedy - Now that I have your attention, I would like to remind you that tonight I weigh in at two hundred fourty six pounds, I hail from Green Bay, Wisconsin. I am Mr Money in the bank.

He Pauses

Mr KENNEEDDDDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KENNEDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Are you Ready" plays and Shaun Michaels runs out doing the D-X motion on the ramp.

Kennedy - My opponent - He is the only gay member of Degeneration X and he has no hope in hell of winning here tonight, I give you.... Whats his name?

Michaels reacts to this angrily.

Main Event
Mr Kennedy v Shaun Michaels

Ending - HBK has kennedy beat, he suplexs him, then goes to the top rope, he jumps and lands the elbow drop straigh to the heart of Kennedy, He looks to go for cover but doesn't he gets ready to toot the band. As he stomps his feet off the ground, he waits and lands a sweet chin Music on Kennedy. He goes for the cover.




Here is your Winner the Heart Break Kid Shaun Michaels. (5.42)

HBK isnt done though as he goes to Mr Kennedy and locks him in the sharpshooter, he keeps in it despite the frequent ringing of the bell and the referee trying to pull him off. He lets go and leaves the ring and walks up the towards the back, however he turns back round and walks round to the announcers position, he goes and gets a steel chair and walks into the ring, and starts to hit Kennedy's ankle repeatedly with the chair, he hits it around 5 times, surely breaking Kennedys ankle in the process. He turns round to hit him again, when someone runs in from the back. Its Matt Hardy, Matt and HBK start trading lefts and rights until Matt Hardy uses the side Effect, he lets HBK get back up before he plants him with the Twist of Fate. Matt calls for a mic.

Matt- Hbk, don't you come out here and think you can pick on other stars, just cause you lost, if you think your good enough then why don't you pick on Matt Hardy Version One.

"Tornado" plays as Matt heads to the back, HBK is in the ring motionless while Kennedy is being treated to by Medics.

Join us next week on WWE Raw.

Quick Results

Gregory Helms Bt CM Punk
Texas Millionaires Bt Cryme Tyme
Shaun Michaels Bt Mr Kennedy.
Damn good predictions for wrestlemania

A few good fueds brewing with Edge Orton, Taker Cena and Hbk Hardy.

Can't wait for Backlash.

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