WWE Wants More Pay Per View Buys - Change The Start Time


WZCW Veteran
WWE has started pay per views at 8:00 EST, for as long as I can remember. But in a time period where the main focus is on kids should it be time to change the time.

WWE is aiming for kids PG 13 which means 13 or under, and the pay per view's usually go from 8:00-10:45 pm. As a teen who is currently 16, I can remember when I was under 13, I was not allowed to buy most of the pay per views because they were on too late.

So my proposal to WWE. Start your show at 7 pm and have it run to 9:45. On a school night 9:45 is around the time kids will head to bed and they will be allowed to watch the show because they can stay up the extra 10 minutes to watch the ending.

What do you think?
I like the idea. But, I would say start it at 9 eastern because it starts so early on the west coast. People are out doing things during the day and I believe more people would be home to watch across all of America with a later time.
I dont know about that I live in california and for me pay-per-views start at 5 and are over by 7:45 I think ending a pay-per-view by 6:45 is way to early. kids will order pay-per-views anyhow if they have the opportunity to.
Here in australia PPV's start at 12:00 midday.If they were started at 7:00 in America then they would start at 9:00 and who would get up at that time to watch a ppv.Most people are still sleeping,plus kids have to get the replay anyway at 4:30 cause it's monday and their at school.

So no leave them as they are cause it affects everyone that gets it around the world.It would just be annoying.People have jobs and other stuff to do,so having it on at 9:00 would really have hardly anyone buying it.
I have to disagree with this proposal. Maybe it would be better for you and the other fans in that timezone, but you have to remember that it would be harder for others to watch thru the US. If you start it at 7, that means the west coast start time would be 4pm. that is too early. even 5 is too early for a lot of people. so the time should and will stay the same
Also, given that Raw, Smackdown and ECW/NTX start a promptly late times, why change the system that we're use to? We know WWE is on late (especially in the UK 1am/2am!) and it's something we're use to for over 20 years, if it's not broke don't fix it.

Problem is the PPV buys are affected by them being overpriced and too many, the rise in internet streaming and poor bookings, not the start time. If WWE fixes those up then that's how the PPVs will get fixed. Nothing wrong with the start time IMHO, unless you live where I do.
Easiest way is not the timing but price strategy. Rather than $45 a PPV why not offer a season ticket where if you buy all 12 PPVs you get then for $20 each. That in turn saves you $25 and also guarantees that you'll buy all 12 PPVs. The timing is not an issue as WWE is a worldwide brand, if the UK can get used to it (and Iused to syat up aged 13 to watch it) then I'm sure you can.
I agree. I get it at 8 myself, and sometimes it sucks gettting up the next day for work(Im 29) after I make sure everyone gets home safely and out of my house.(I dont drink, my friends do) Im assuming like my friends and myself, the majority of the people sit around and talk about the ppv, and what they thought about it on it on a whole.

But you know what? Wds good to me, We're the only time zone here on the east coast that holds it at 8 oclock. In essence, were kinda in the minority here. So while your theory sounds great to people like us. it really screws over some people, especially those who live on the west coast and have unorthodox hours. I have a sister in Seattle, and two friends in Nevada. Alot of times they forgot about the time zone and will call me at 10 or 11 oclock......their time.

I just think that if a kid wants to watch the ppv bad enough, especially if his parents are fans, he will. The bigger problem lies in the age of internet, where results are so readily available. Most kids I know( and I work with them) have the patience of a gnat. They couldn't wait til say, Monday at 3 to order the replay. So changing the time would mean less buys, wherever you're located.

The other thing is this: Raw runs til 11 my time, sometimes 11:05, 11:10, 11:15 even on special occasions. Would you want them to change to start time for Raw as well? The logical argument would be, "well west coast viewers have until 6 to tune in." But for us in the east coast, it's still 9. The kiddos who are fans are still going to be up, sometimes even later, to watch it. So changing it, if you ask me, would be a huge mistake.
WWE wants more Buys on their Pay Per View, either lower the price or give us more bang for our buck, never watched the Elmination Chamber because it was to prodictiable, knew shawn would cost undertaker the title, if the pyro was a screw up sure they will use it as an angle. Cena gets screwed for the title, lead up to bret and cena vs vince and bastisa or something like that, just not giving us our money worth.

How about putting the Pay Per Views on a saturday instead of sunday, everyone who works days monday either go to bed late and is tired on monday or will record it and watch it the next day.

Sunday at 8PM where I am from.

1)lower the cost or make the show better so people want to get it
2)change the time and day its on, saturday works and earler so more kids can watch it, who lets their kids stay up till 11:30pm on a school night and they call WWE PG rating, well if they are doing it for kids not a good example having it go from 8pm-11:30pm sunday night.

thats my thoughts
Remember, WWE used to have their PPVs on earlier in the day.


This made the West Coast feed at 1PM back in those days. But in the 90s, they started pushing them back to later and later. They've even had PPVs on days that aren't considered traditional PPV Days (Survivor Series was either on Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving Eve, Tuesday Night In Texas and the 1991 Royal Rumble was held on a Saturday Night). But eventually, the evolution of PPV has pushed the events to be on at 8pm on Sunday Night, something that for the most part hasn't changed in years.
If you ask me, if the WWE wants more pay per view buys, they should lower their freaking prices. $44.99 plus taxes/charges ends up being $55-60 for 2 hours and 45 minutes. That is ridiculous if you ask me. At least TNA charges a reasonable amount for the same length. I can't stand how expensive WWE PPVs are. Hardly any of them are worth it, anyways. And WM will probably be $54.99 plus taxes. Jesus...that is just so ridiculous.
I don't think that changing the start time for a PPV will really have any major effect on the PPV buys. If they want to get more people to buy them then they need to give them a reason to. It's hard to come up with the money for some fans. I have a friend who I often order the shows with, and on average we end up paying half of it each. Doing so once a month, for college students, can get expensive quickly. I actually like Lee's idea. You'd be buying every single PPV but at a lower price. Other organizations do stuff like that all the time and I think that WWE would get more PPV buys by doing something like that. They also need to give us fans a better product though, otherwise we aren't going to buy the shows. It's that simple. "Stale boring feuds" seen at 9PM is going to be just as boring as "Stale boring feuds" seen at 7PM.... so changing the start time won't make much of a difference. Providing a better product and better deals on said product, are the most likely ways for WWE to get more PPV buys because it gives the fans a reason to buy the show in the first place.

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