
Pre-Show Stalwart
This is an updated look at the Global Force Wrestling Roster:

* Jeff Jarrett
* Karen Jarrett
* Shelton Benjamin
* The Young Bucks
* Chael Sonnen
* Scott Hall
* Jim Cornette
* PJ Black
* Thea Trinidad
* Karl Anderson
* Doc Gallows
* Sonjay Dutt
* Lance Hoyt
* Davey Boy Smith, Jr.
* Moose
* George T. Murdoch, f.k.a. Brodus Clay
* Luke Hawx
* Andrew Everett
* Takaaki Watanabe
* Trent Baretta
* Seiya Sanada
* New Heavenly Bodies
* Jimmy Rave
* Jigsaw
* Jamin Olivencia
* The Hotshots
* Cliff Compton
* Chuck Taylor
* Lei’D Tapa

So my question is.....Do you think GFW will be able to give WWE true competition with the roster that you see before you or will they turn out to be TNA 2.0?!
Of course GFW won't compete with WWE... and it's really not meant to. It will be a promotion on the scale of ROH, as a niche alternative to the WWE monopoly. Anyone thinking GFW will give WWE legitimate competition is expecting much too much from a start-up wrestling company.

The WWE is a global multi-billion dollar company. It airs in 154 countries to millions of viewers each week, and brings in revenue from multiple platforms including music, film, and product endorsements. GFW on the other hand, has yet to secure a TV deal... so to answer your question, no GFW won't be true competition for WWE. That doesn't mean it will be a flop (if that's whats you're implying with your TNA remark).
Are you fucking high? :lmao:

First off, one can not determine wether they will be competitive based on roster alone. Just ask WCW.

Second, Its an absurd question to even pose with that group of also-rans posted above (with the exceptions of Moose and The Young Bucks)

Third, no one will compete with WWE for a real long time.....and chosing not to is your surest way to survive.

As for TNA 2.0, it all depends on the style and direction of the booking. From what I understand, pre-2010 TNA was quite good. Once Dixie stopped listening to anyone, is when we headed down the road we have arrived at.
When it comes to "competition" in terms of GFW making money, brand recognition and audience size when compared to WWE, it's laughable to mention "GFW", "competition" and "WWE" in the same sentence. Now, of course GFW is competition in the sense that it's a rival wrestling company, but they're not competition in the sense that they're any sort of threat to WWE in any way, shape or form. I know that there are TV tapings scheduled to begin next month, but do they even really have a TV deal in place? Are the tapings being held in order to have something to show when/if they land a TV deal? I'm not asking to be sarcastic, btw, I seriously don't know if they have any sort of TV deal in place because I haven't read anything saying so.

Anyone expecting GFW to "compete" with WWE at any point in the remotely foreseeable future is kidding themselves, is delusional, has FAR too lofty expectations for a brand spankin' new company or any or all of the above. Right now, the LAST thing on Jeff Jarrett's mind should be worrying about getting into some sort of macho pissing contest or whipping it out to see who's is bigger with WWE because he's going to be humiliated if he tries; Jarrett needs to build his company's reputation, its fanbase, get as much positive buzz & hype surrounding GFW as he can, land as lucrative a television deal as he can wrangle, be able to make payroll, etc. and the only way all of that can happen is with the passage of time.
I know that there are TV tapings scheduled to begin next month, but do they even really have a TV deal in place? Are the tapings being held in order to have something to show when/if they land a TV deal? I'm not asking to be sarcastic, btw, I seriously don't know if they have any sort of TV deal in place because I haven't read anything saying so

Not than anyone knows. From all indications, their "TV tapings" will be closer to say, a tv show filming a pilot to shop around.

So yea, no. A brand that doesn't even have a tv show isn't going to spoken of in the same breath as WWE for quite some time. If they are smart, they will present themselves as an alternative for hardcore fans (the roster and working relationships appears as though that is indeed the objective)
Can they compete with ROH or LU is the real question and without any sort of TV the answer is NO.

Jarrett loves the business that's why he keeps creating these new promotions but he's no fool, he won't come knocking on the big dog's doorstep for a long, long time.
TV deal, really. I thought they were doing their shows in small ballparks. I did hear something about TV tapings, but maybe that was for later.

This whole thing is preposterous. GFW takes on the WWE, oh it will be over quicker than a Diva's match on RAW. I have no idea why Jarrett can't just sit on his ass and enjoy life. Seems to me he been making announcements forever on this promotion and never gets anywhere. Somewhat like a Bray Wyatt promo.
If you are trying to compare GFW to WWE, you are comparing apples to kumquats. GFW is being made into a 'rasslin company. WWE is an entertainment company, with wrestling as a component of that company. Unless Jeff Jarrett is going to invest in movie studios, and try to get record deals under the GFW Records imprint, it is insane to compare the two. Jarrett knows this, which is why he is concentrating on the 'rasslin end of it. And, comparing this company to any other company, whether it is WWE, ROH or Ma's Rasslin Association in Foggy Bottom, before they even put on a show, is asinine at best.

From the looks of it, on paper, Jarrett has his shit together. Cornette is a big plus, and will help in development. Right now, we need to see what they have on paper. Who knows? the production value could at WWE levels or PWS levels. That will tell the tale. If Jarrett can secure a TV deal, whether they pay him, or he buys the airtime, it will be a nice plus as it will generate more exposure. But, until these things come into place, nobody can really compare or contrast nothing to something.
Are you fucking high? :lmao:

First off, one can not determine wether they will be competitive based on roster alone. Just ask WCW.

Second, Its an absurd question to even pose with that group of also-rans posted above (with the exceptions of Moose and The Young Bucks)

Third, no one will compete with WWE for a real long time.....and chosing not to is your surest way to survive.

As for TNA 2.0, it all depends on the style and direction of the booking. From what I understand, pre-2010 TNA was quite good. Once Dixie stopped listening to anyone, is when we headed down the road we have arrived at.

No sir I am not high & have never been so in my life - I am simply bringing a discussion to the board based on a comment that I heard from James E. Cornette. He said that he believed with the young talent they are putting together that in 3-5yrs they could be competing against WWE in a major way for the hearts & minds of wrestling fans.

So, nope not high just posing a question :)
Of course GFW won't compete with WWE... and it's really not meant to. It will be a promotion on the scale of ROH, as a niche alternative to the WWE monopoly. Anyone thinking GFW will give WWE legitimate competition is expecting much too much from a start-up wrestling company.

So somebody starting a new company of any kind shouldn't determine in their heart that they are going to be the best & is going to unseat the "King of the Mountain"?! That mindset is what is killing America - people are content to set in their mamas basements, playing video games & eating hot pockets :banghead:

I am so glad you aren't running any major corporations or sports teams - because you would always be content with second place! What a shame!
A lot will depend on whether they can get TV quickly and who their top guys are going to be... anyone on that list and it's a no, they ain't competing...

But, there are a lot of rumors swirling about certain talents right now, most notably Dolph Ziggler... if he is running his contract down and is gonna be free in the next 2 months... then someone like that, a "fresh" steal from WWE, who can not only "go" but has enough name and fan recognition that TV would be interested in GFW.

Also what happens with TNA is crucial... if rumors are true and DA is pulling out in September, then suddenly the Hardyz, Angle and others come into play and GFW has more name recogniton.

Remember how WCW escalated themselves in 91-96... they started picking up WWE releases that they "dropped the ball on". Even before Hogan came, they'd picked up Rick Rude who arguably was in the same situation Ziggler is now... they picked up guys like Big Bossman/Bubba who you could say is pretty close to Brodus in terms of wasted potential... and solid veteran workers like Haku, The Barbarian and they also picked up a lot of talent from the other attempt out there are the time, GWF... Guys like the Patriot, Booker T, Cactus, Bagwell... who would be the equivalent of a lot of the TNA younger guys now...

Jarrett seems to have the right idea though, he's not looking to take over or for places like TNA to fail... he has worked out, quite rightly that what the business needs is a new NWA style model, and that if he can provide that and work with the other companies rather than trying to put them under, then THAT is how to fight Vince.. instead of it being a TV show set in a wrestling company, GFW becomes THE wrestling company. That's the key.
So somebody starting a new company of any kind shouldn't determine in their heart that they are going to be the best & is going to unseat the "King of the Mountain"?! That mindset is what is killing America - people are content to set in their mamas basements, playing video games & eating hot pockets :banghead:

I am so glad you aren't running any major corporations or sports teams - because you would always be content with second place! What a shame!

Ah man, you had to go there... I was trying to be a good guy but I'm going to say what I originally wanted to... you're an idiot. Everyone has an opinion but yours is usually 15 miles off the mark. Not even CLOSE to logical.

To answer your asinine questions, somebody starting a new WRESTLING company should definitely not try to compete with WWE, unless they want to be swept into the trashbin within 3 months. GFW doesn't have the revenue, the fanbase, the TV DEAL, the history, or the talent to compete with a multi-billion dollar conglomerate... especially not Vince Mcmahon who would buy you out as quick as sneeze at you if he thinks you're trying to knock him off his throne.

Sports TEAMS are different... God, I can't believe I'm taking the time out of my day to explain this to you. If I were running say, a football team already affiliated with the NFL, than I'm not competing with the monster that is the NFL. However, if I begin a start-up football company, OF COURSE I'm not going to go head to head with the NFL, because just like wrestling, I would be destroyed.

It doesn't take 3 damn months to become a competitor, especially in the wrestling business. I'm not saying GFW shouldn't try to be the best, but to expect it right off the bat is friggin RIDICULOUS. First they have to actually prove they have lasting power, and than they have to build over years and years to even be in the conversation of competitor. But go ahead and respond with some other unintelligent crap you constantly spew.
So somebody starting a new company of any kind shouldn't determine in their heart that they are going to be the best & is going to unseat the "King of the Mountain"?! That mindset is what is killing America - people are content to set in their mamas basements, playing video games & eating hot pockets :banghead:

I am so glad you aren't running any major corporations or sports teams - because you would always be content with second place! What a shame!

Don't understand this response, it suggests you don't have a realistic idea of how business works in any country.

You can have all the desire and determination you want. If you don't have the money, resources and connections of the top business ahead of you, you'll never come close to overtaking them. There is nothing wrong with a young business realizing where it is going to fit in the food chain and doing its best to make that happen. I'm sure TNA had those aspirations. Recently they had trouble paying their talent.
No sir I am not high & have never been so in my life - I am simply bringing a discussion to the board based on a comment that I heard from James E. Cornette. He said that he believed with the young talent they are putting together that in 3-5yrs they could be competing against WWE in a major way for the hearts & minds of wrestling fans.

So, nope not high just posing a question :)

The same Jim Cornette who has been fired from nearly every promotion he worked for and was in charge during ROH's darkest days?

So somebody starting a new company of any kind shouldn't determine in their heart that they are going to be the best & is going to unseat the "King of the Mountain"?! That mindset is what is killing America - people are content to set in their mamas basements, playing video games & eating hot pockets :banghead:

I am so glad you aren't running any major corporations or sports teams - because you would always be content with second place! What a shame!

Yeah, 'Murica isn't the same with this youth running this country. If you ain't first, your last. Amirite?"

GFW isn't looking to compete. They are looking for a piece of the pro wrestling pie. Why does everyone obsess over a wrestling company competing with WWE?
GFW isn't looking to compete. They are looking for a piece of the pro wrestling pie. Why does everyone obsess over a wrestling company competing with WWE?

Because the WWE is hit and miss most times. They can either hit it out of the ballpark, or completely screw it up. I just think wrestling fans, not WWE fans, fans of wrestling itself, are looking for an alternative.

Maybe GFW can deliver, and they will get themselves a nice niche little group, but that won't be enough to keep them going. TNA is bigger than GFW right now, has more talent on the roster and a TV deal, and look at what's happening to them. There are rumours that Destination America has an out of the TV deal come September, and if that happens, then I think TNA is done. Actually it's not Destination America it's the company that own's them that has the out.

Now that might help GFW because there will be a lot of talent looking for work, but Jarrett has an uphill climb ahead of him. It would be nice to see them succeed in some capacity, but they will never get big enough to stick it to Vince McMahon. TNA tried and failed and they are the second biggest promotion in the US.
Ok, let's put things in perspective here.

Asking if GFW is competition to WWE is like asking is that start up general store in your hometown competition to Wal-Mart? The answer is not really. Sure, that general store may take some customers away from Wal-Mart because it appeals to certain consumers more than the other (because of location, products offered, price, customer service, etc.) but to suggest that it is REAL competition to Wal-Mart is absurd.

That's what GFW is to WWE. They are an ALTERNATIVE to WWE but they are not competition.

Just like that local general store, though, maybe, just maybe, if they stay in business with good business decisions for long enough and keep growing loyal customers, in maybe 5-10 years they can start to expand out and become a more regionally or even nationally recognizable company. At that time, maybe they will start to force a juggernaut like Wal-Mart to notice them, but it would still be a major spot down the road when there is any real, true competition to the big company.

Actually, WWE may be able to thank GFW a few years down the road as probably GFW will be like ROH, New Japan and to a degree TNA, where they will give some unknowns a chance to get some exposure and they will turn that into an opportunity to get a contract with WWE.

GFW will be nothing more than a elite league that still isn't the top league in the world like European and AHL leagues that often develop players for the undisputed big league NHL. No one will take the crown from NHL. The WHA tried years back and they failed just like WCW tried years back. That will be the only time in history I can see a company truly competing with WWE.
I am so glad you aren't running any major corporations or sports teams - because you would always be content with second place! What a shame!

He would probably be content to continue to exist, as GFW should be.

It is YOU whom should not be running a corporation or sports team, as it would likely fold and have everyone out of work within a year.

You say they may be able to compete in 3 to 5 years? There is NOTHING to indicate they will even BE AROUND in 3 to 5 years, which is what they need to focus on.
I am so glad you aren't running any major corporations or sports teams - because you would always be content with second place! What a shame!
On the getting high thing- start. If you're just getting into the whole marijuana thing, it'll keep you from typing coherently and posting stuff like this.

Where do we begin the absurdity? Let's begin with your "3-5 years" comment. While I'm sure this sounds like a significantly long time frame to you, and any longer would kill America, 3-5 years is typically the time frame it takes for a new, successfully run business to make up the debts they incur from opening and turn over consistent profit. Then you remember we're talking about professional wrestling, where successfully run businesses are the exception, rather than the rule. Over the past twenty-five years there has been exactly one professional wrestling company which has been consistently profitable. (Fair point- ROH, if they keep up their current run, could soon be considered the second company.)

Then, we look at the disparity between companies. GFW has yet to hold their first show. The WWE is a massive corporate behemoth, with tendrils in film and reality TV. They've expanded beyond 'professional wrestling' to become a company which specializes in the creation and promotion of ready-made role models (God help us all). In their first year of operation, GFW will make less in revenue than the WWE will make in profit. Taking on the "King of the Mountain" (wrong promotion) is a laudable long-term goal. Looking to take on the WWE before you open up would be like buying a few hammers and telling people that you're going to be bigger than Home Depot or Lowe's. People would think you're an idiot for suggesting something like that, and would s****** at your idea of what good business sense is.

Or hey- we could look at very recent history. TNA, before the bloom came off their rose and became everyone's favorite promotion to LOL over, spent seven years building from a small promotion with an equally small TV deal to a name which fans could finally distinguish from "Tits N' Ass". They decide that they're going to take on the WWE, invest a whole mess of money into talent and production- and then got completely slaughtered in a head to head matchup, despite offering what was actually pretty decent programming. (This was before Garrett Bischoff and Brooke Hogan. At this point, they were still sincerely trying.) TNA is still recovering from that decision, and the long-term odds suggest that they never will. Mind you, TNA was around for seven years before challenging the throne; 3 to 5 years in, they were still operating on their first TV deal with Fox Sports (when Fox Sports was a MUCH, MUCH smaller channel than it is today.)

But let's just say "fuck it", and pretend we're GFW and we're going to take on the WWE right away, or hell, even after 3-5 years. You'll need at least two things- 1) a television deal with a major cable network, and 2) oodles and oodles of cash to spend on talent and the production team capable of the production with which professional wrestling fans have come to expect from the WWE.

In answer to #1, the landscape on television for professional wrestling right now is bleak. One of the stations which has been consistently airing professional wrestling for the past decade has just decided to reformat their programming, and professional wrestling won't be a part of it going forwards. As the cable landscape contracts as people realize there isn't anything good on TV that you can't get elsewhere for cheaper, the amount of channels will likewise contract, and so will the available hours of programming. Even the WWE took the shaft in their last TV deal renegotiation. *If* GFW gets a TV deal, they won't be starting on a network even approaching the viewership of USA; they'll start out somewhere on channel 672.

For #2- where does the money come from? Forget about the idea of talking to a bank for a commercial loan. Pretend for one second that you're a bank executive whose job may well hinge on the success or failure of the business you're loaning to, then look at the track record of professional wrestling companies. So the conventional route is straight out. The professional wrestling fan might say "but I read on the front page that Toby Keith", and I'll stop you there. In order to purchase all of the equipment, the arena rentals, storage, and probably the cheapest item on the list, the talent, we're talking about a high-7 or low-8 figure expense in GFW's first year of operation. (This number's probably a tiny bit high compared to what they'll actually spend, but we're talking about a fantasy universe in which they decide to be competing against the WWE in 3-5 years, meaning we have to also assume that #1 isn't a factor.) This is just the first year mind you- there is absolutely no expectation that you'll be getting that money back anytime soon, and the long-term odds suggest that you probably won't ever see that money again. If you are the kind of person to wager $10 million on those kinds of odds, or know anyone who is, please send me a private message. My company's at the point where I could do some pretty awesome things with venture capital, but convincing people to invest in the professional frisbee business is about as hard as it is to convince them to invest in the professional wrestling business. And I'd be asking for a lot less.

Most people with that kind of cash have that kind of cash because they aren't making silly decisions like pissing away $10 million dollars on professional wrestling. Or they're Floyd Mayweather. Stranger shit has happened, but I wouldn't count on shit that strange happening.

So before anyone talks about taking on the WWE, maybe GFW should worry about actually putting on a show first.
It is impossible to consider GFW as competition at this stage of the game. They are a new company, who are basically starting from scratch. It would essentially take them around 6-7 years to reach the ranks of TNA who are lightyears away from WWE. Remember, WWE is an established name that has grown for effectively, over 30 years. To put it in perspective, if GFW were to pose any sort of threat to WWE it would be in around 20 years time and that is solely dependent on whether or not their cash flow is in place (an issue TNA has had many a times) and also their consistency. With WWE, they have monopolised the industry and target all demographics. In order to take away those demographics they must do outlandish never before done things on a consistent basis in order to garner more interest and take some of WWE viewers. Even then though, it would be stupid for them to air their show at the same time as WWE as it would badly affect them. Furthermore, the roster may be impressive but look back at TNA in 2007/2008 when you had Booker T, Sting, Angle, AJ Styles, Kevin Nash, Steiner, Beer Money, Motor City Machine Guns, Samoa Joe, etc. Its all good having a nice roster, but there are so many other factors you must consider.
GFW may pose a threat to TNA in a few years time but I don't think any company at this point can pose any threat to the WWE as it is too big of a machine for any company to tackle.
This is an updated look at the Global Force Wrestling Roster:

* Jeff Jarrett
* Karen Jarrett
* Shelton Benjamin
* The Young Bucks
* Chael Sonnen
* Scott Hall
* Jim Cornette
* PJ Black
* Thea Trinidad
* Karl Anderson
* Doc Gallows
* Sonjay Dutt
* Lance Hoyt
* Davey Boy Smith, Jr.
* Moose
* George T. Murdoch, f.k.a. Brodus Clay
* Luke Hawx
* Andrew Everett
* Takaaki Watanabe
* Trent Baretta
* Seiya Sanada
* New Heavenly Bodies
* Jimmy Rave
* Jigsaw
* Jamin Olivencia
* The Hotshots
* Cliff Compton
* Chuck Taylor
* Lei’D Tapa

So my question is.....Do you think GFW will be able to give WWE true competition with the roster that you see before you or will they turn out to be TNA 2.0?!

They're too young. They're better off competing with ROH and TNA. GFW got potential to be great but it's going to be decades before you could even consider GFW as legit competition to WWE and that's if they make it that far.

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