WWE Videogame Licence Up in the Air: THQ Closes Doors, Sells Assets

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Two bits of news here, really. Number one, THQ is going under and has sold a number of its assets at auction. Number two, that means - you guessed it - no more WWE games are going to be published by THQ. Because THQ won't exist soon. You see how this works?

The WWE licence, for one reason or another, isn't THQ's to sell. Whether it is now with another publisher is therefore not up to THQ, or anyone, to disclose.

There are two prevailing rumours at the moment. Depending on who you listen to, the licence now belongs to, or is in the process of being transferred to, either Electronic Arts or 2K Games. EA are obviously the publisher behind such annual series as FIFA, Madden, Mass Effect and, of course, EA Sports MMA. 2K are the publisher behind Bioshock, Borderlands, The Darkness and XCOM.

Do note the difference between "publisher" and "developer". For example, THQ published the old WWE games, but it was Yuke's Interactive who developed them (with the exception of WWE All-Stars).

Feel free to speculate, commiserate and, if you're feeling up to it, *********e.

Edit: Oh, and THQ still owe WWE about $40 million.
Definitely going to *********e with this one. Just don't see how people go from possibly the best wrestling game of all time in Smackdown Here Comes the Pain and then try enjoy a horrible game such as WWE 12. It seems like WWE games are the COD of the Wrestling game franchise, then again it's not like there's any other companies putting out other wrestling games which is probably why people cling to these so much. Now I can't say much about WWE 13 considering I haven't tried it but it literally just looks like WWE 12 with an attitude era paint job. That's just me though, I'm sure others have different opinions.

Why I'm glad this is happening though is that maybe if we get a new company to start making the games we get a new, fun, direction with the gameplay (I've found the controls of the series to be god awful since SVR 07). And if they can't find a new License ....oh well.
Yuke's have been using the same engine since, ooh, when was Just Bring It? Yeah, 2001. I think "a lick of paint" is putting it kindly. It's been the worst of incremental update series for years.

Assuming whoever picks up the WWE licence doesn't also pick up Yuke's, which is likely, then the first thing you can expect is a big graphical upgrade.

An update to this story according to IGN:


Yes I know IGN isn't everyone's favorite gaming site, but I think this is excellent news. The NBA2k series has been excellent, and if Take Two decides to let the 2k studios take a crack at it, we could be in for a fresh take on a WWE game in what has been forever. That being said, there's no word if Take Two purchased Yukes as well, I'm really hoping not, their game engine is slow as shit and hasn't been significantly updated in some time.

It's time for something different, and 2k would be the perfect studio to take a crack at it.

Edit: Also something to consider, with Take Two taking over, perhaps we'll get a PC version of the next WWE game. This would be awesome, simply think of all the modding capabilities the PC crowd would be able to utilize.
I agree with the graphics statement. Someone has to step up and get the graphics engine an upgrade. The game is great but I prefer N64 graphics more than this crap. HA!

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