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WWE Vengeance 2011 - Christian vs. Sheamus


That's all folks.

Sheamus vs. Christian

As announced on Friday Night Smackdown.

From WWE.com
Revenge is said to be a dish best served cold but, the fierce rivalry between bitter foes Sheamus and Christian has traveled so far beyond the boiling point that, at Vengeance their combined thirst for payback is red hot.

At WWE Hell in a Cell, Sheamus emerged victorious over Christian with a booming Brogue Kick. In the weeks that followed, the volatile insurgency between the two Superstars only increased. Sheamus, for his part, handed his resentful adversary three frustrating tag team defeats. In the 12-Man Tag Team Match on the Oct. 3 edition of Raw Supershow, The Great White joined Team Cena to triumph over Christian and the rest of Team De Rio. Then, alongside Randy Orton on SmackDown four days ater, the Irish Superstar reigned supreme over Christian & Cody Rhodes. The Celtic Warrior then teamed with Zack Ryder jus two days before Vengeance, collecting yet another victory over Christian and his partner, United States Champion Dolph Ziggler.

Despite the success of the first Irish-born WWE Champion in the win loss column, the always-dangerous Christian managed to be a painfu thorn in Sheamus’ side. On the Oct. 14 edition of SmackDown – after being eliminated for the largest Battle Royal in WWE history for a chance at the World Heavyweight Title – the cunning Superstar reentered the ring and eliminated The Celtic Warrior. On the same night, he cost his enemy an important match against WWE Champion Alberto Del Rio. And by blindsiding the Irishman with the spear on the final SmackDown before their pay-per-view showdown Christian has made it clear that he heads to Vengeance hungrier-than ever to bring further misery to Sheamus.

Every time Sheamus and Christian enter the ring together, the result is absolute mayhem. Can Christian get revenge against The Celtic Warrior at Vengeance? Or will Sheamus continue his successful run against the former World Heavyweight Champion? Find out Oct. 23 a 8/7 CT, only on pay-per-view.

I love how this feud has progressed over the last few weeks. But one question, what's this feud about? Seriously? One moment Christian is running from the ring and next Sheamus is wanting Christian dead. This match has potential to be a phenomenal bout between two fine wrestlers from Smackdown. I think they're just feeding Christian to Sheamus hopefully building him up to be a potential threat to Mark Henry and his World Heavyweight Championship. I see Sheamus winning here in a show stealer.

Hamler's Prediction - Sheamus will defeat Christian
Christan was showed up by Sheamus at Hell in the Cell, to save face and not drop lower in the World Title contenders spot, Christan will cheat to win but he will win.
i really couldn't care much less for this match.
I think it should at least be for the number one contender.


It could have a cool ending with D.Bryan coming out and attacking both stars.
That would start Daniels build to the main event.
This will probably be an extra incentive on the card. Two big stars going at it again, they've met a good three times in singles action I believe and Christian is yet to defeat Sheamus. Should be a good solid match between two good wrestlers, I'm looking for a Christian win but won't mind one for Sheamus. Just a little incentive really. Should be a match which could potentially steal the show.
Sheamus here without a doubt. Christian has moved into Jericho's role as the main event jobber. Not to mention Sheamus will be a permanent fixture in the main event in the very near future and this little mini feud with Christian will get him there
It should be a very solid match and could have the potential to be match of the night if not outdone by the Last Man Standing match. For storyline purposes, I feel that Vengeance will by no means be the last time these two face off which leads me to believe that it will be Christian who picks up the win here which will lead to a one on one rubber match probably at Survivor Series or after that if these two happen to be on opposing teams. However, I would certainly not be opposed to Sheamus picking up the win here in order to build him up further towards being a top contender to Henry's world title (as I don't think Show is gonna go over).
I really hope Christian goes over here. My undying love for Christian might be falsely predicting this, but it makes sense. He lost at HIAC so, I really doubt he'll lose again especially seeing as it looks like the feud will continue as Sheamus' WHC push isn't being granted just quite yet (Show/Henry feud will continue on to Survivor Series by the looks of advertised shows). The winner of this feud will (unfortunately) be Sheamus but it won't end yet, by my books.
The match will be great as these two can both go in the ring, but I have to go with my guy.
MY PREDICTION: Chrrrrrrrrrrristiaaaaaaaaaaan by sneaky pin.
Here is my pick for the show stealer. Both guys have been doing a really great job lately and I am happy no matter who wins. Sheamus has my predicted victory because he does need the win more. Christian can always find some other way to sneak in ONE MORE MATCH for the world title. Sheamus winning here could give him momentum for a potential upcoming match with whoever wins the Henry/Show match. I would not be against this feud continuing though.

Sheamus will defeat Christian
I didnt even see this match be announced, to be completely honest. If this match is anything like their's at Hell in a Cell, it will be a very good mafch. Christian worked his rear off to put the very talented Sheamus over, and what we got may have been the best match of the show.

One of my hopes is that this is not the opener again. I known how important the opener is at setting the pce for the show, which is why Id rather see the tag titles in that prestigious position.(It is in my mind!) This match is a middle of the card, maybe between the titles match. As much as I despise gimmick matches just for the sake, this match deserves one. They've been feuding ever since Christian fell out of the main event picture two months ago, and a gimmick match would serve it perfectly. I know we already have one in Del Rio/Cena, but when has that stopped WWE before? This match is far more dserving then Del Rio/Cena, because of its build.

I love how this feud has progressed over the last few weeks. But one question, what's this feud about? Seriously?

To answer your question, Hamler, Sheamus is sick of the whining from Christian. Sick of the "One More Match", when he feels he's more deserving, yet he watches Christian get shot after shot. I wish I could find the promo, to be honest. Anyway, this came to a head at NOC when Sheamus Brogue kicked Christian as they both were chanting for one more match. And that's the essence of the feud. Sheamus doesn't think he deserves it, and Christian is mad Sheamus is getting in his way. The only other thing I can think of is when Christian reffed the Sheamus/Orton title match in June, and missed Sheamus' pinfall on Orton.

So here's the thing about this match when you break it down. If Sheamus wins, this feud is absolutely over. He'll have gotten the best of Christian at 3 straight PPV's, which dosnt give him a leg to stand on for "one more match", even with Sheamus. The only plausibility I could see is Sheamus being propelled to Number 1 Contender with the win, and Christian interferring again. Since I dont see them in a match at SS(unless both captain their teams, I think the more likely scenario is Sheamus goes over again. Unless we see a SS match between the two teams, there's no place left for this feud to go. If they do have the match, we could see the gimmick match at TLC. Im going with that option. As Hamler said, it could be a case of Christian eing fed to Sheamus to make Sheamus a title contender. The only problem is this: I dont see Mark Henry/Big Show match ending clean. I see Henry retaining due to DQ, which will only prolong their feud. So I don't think they're ready to put Sheamus in that spot, or they would have already. I think he'll be the one to take the title from Henry, possibly at Royal Rumble. But Im entirely wishy-washy on my prediction for this match.

LSN Prediction: Christian defeats Sheamus by a fluky pinfall.
I would be shocked if Christian wins. Sheamus doesn't lose much anymore. And when he does lose he still looks dominant. When Christian cost him his match ADR, after the match Christian had to spear him twice. Christian cost him the battle royal but Sheamus still looked dominant during it.

It looks like Sheamus is going to be the one to beat Mark Henry. Their feud didn't really have a winner. Orton is feuding with Cody. Sheamus will probably become the WHC at SS or Royal Rumble.

They have been pushing Sheamus to be that 2nd big time babyface on SD, with Orton. Like they have on Raw with Cena and Punk.
I doubt Christian wins. This is just a feud to keep both busy. Sheamus needs to be with other established stars since they're making him look like a big deal and losing to Sheamus doesn't hurt Christian because he's a vet and his character is that of a whiny bitch anyways.

I'm thinking ahead with the SD main event scene. Big Show and Sheamus likely switch places. Sheamus obviously the next in line babyface on smackdown and who better to be a foil for Christian's chickenshit antics than the biggest (phsyically) badass babyface on smackdown?

Smackdown is really fun, and has been really fun, from a character development standpoint. Mark Henry is a legit main eventer, Christian is a legit main eventer, Cody Rhodes is on the cusp, and Sheamus is about to become a star. It's a lot of fun to watch this stuff evolve.
Sheamus wins, and I really can't see this going any other way. Sheamus has been on a roll with his face turn, and he could move on to the World Heavyweight Championship picture after this. Where could Christian go if he wins here? He's already spent a good amount of time in the championship picture this year, and if he wins, he will have to be elevated in some way. Christian won't fade away, and I'm sure he'll hang around the mid card, and he will continue to produce entertaining matches and feuds, but he won't return to the title hunt anytime soon.

Sheamus and Christian delivered a superb match at Hell In A Cell, and I expect another high quality contest here.
Eh, pretty uninspired by this paring, although I like the concept behind it, very old school and logical.

Has felt pretty meh, and certainley not the sort of feud the heel wins over in. I see Sheamus picking up the W, and continuing on to bigger things, although im not sure quite what. Should be a decent outing though.
I am pumped for this one, I'm not crazy about the build up but it was decent. What makes up for that is how excellent their match is going to be, at HIAC they had a great one and I expect just as much from this one and Sheamus will walk away with his hand raised and hopefully hopefully Christian doesn't beg for one more, but if he did it'd be a great match. I see Sheamus winning and going on to feud with the World Heavyweight Champion whoever that may be and Christian will focus on his stable and wreaking havok in the WWE with his bitching.
Gunslinger's Prediction
Sheamus Wins

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