WWE Universe-You Decide! Undertaker Vs Stone Cold - Episode 1

Undertaker Vs Stone Cold, Who Did You Decide?

  • Undertaker

  • Stone Cold

  • Draw

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Dark Match Winner
Ok so im starting a new series of threads, where you the wwe universe decides who is/was an all round better wrestler, ill try and keep away from the generic eddie vs hbk, etc.
Episode 1:
Undertaker Vs Stone Cold
Both have had unprecedented and excellent careers, both have held major world titles on multiple occasions.
Undertaker most famous for his streak, and character
Austin most famous for being the face of the attitude era

Here are the categorys
Promo Skill
In Ring Skill
Better Career
Your Personal Favourite
Promo Skill - Stone Cold
In Ring Skill - Undertaker
Better Career - Undertaker
Personal Favourite - Undertaker
For me undertaker won, i guess i am a bit biased as i grew up watching undertaker and only started watching wrestling from early 2004 so ive only seen highlights and youtube videos of austin career, so please im keen let me hear your opinions!
Promo Skill - Undertaker
In Ring Skill - Stone Cold(especially before Owen broke his neck)
Better Career - Undertaker
Personal Favourite - Stone Cold
Well that's a tie I guess, but Austin was the one who saved the WWF in the late 90's and was the face of the attitude era and that makes him my personal favourite.
Undertaker had a 20+ plus year career, held multi world titles, and has a soon to be 20 - 0 winning streak at Wrestlemania, so he had the better career.
You should have an add number of categories to avoid draws because my answer is a draw too. Maybe add impact on the WWE or bigger legacy or just about anything to make it 5 categories instead of 4. If you didn't give us categories I would've said Undertaker though.

Promo - Austin
In Ring - Taker
Career - Taker
Personal Favorite - Austin.
Promo Skill - Stone Cold
In Ring Skill - Stone Cold
Better Career - Undertaker
Personal Favourite - Stone Cold

I have to agree with @S.J. Maximus that there should be a 5th category so there wouldn't be a draw but again I am not sure what it could be. Possibly Locker room presence, outside media presence, or something. But as for my choices I had to go with Austin over Taker. Austin's promo's were amazing not just for his catchphrases such as What!?, stone cold said so, and the Austin 3:16 promo wins that contest for me alone. As for the in ring skill I am thinking about his whole career and I mean the guy was the ringmaster but also really awesome before his neck injury. For better career I had to go with Taker I mean the simple fact he has been around for so long wins that and then my personal favorite goes with Austin just because he was that awesome
I think its 4 for 4 for Austin, I think most people have longer career confused with better career. While Taker has been a top guy for many years, he was never THE top guy. And early in his career maybe up until the earl-mid 90's, Taker was still very green in the ring, while Austin was always very good albeit limited after the neck injury. And promo wise it's no contest. And of course I think most would consider Austin their favorite, the man is the most popular (in wrestling at least) superstar of all time.
This is a tough one...
Promo Skill - Stone Cold..yet taker can cut a great promo without speaking..takes skill
In Ring Skill - Undertaker, for a man his size through his career, especially his young days he did alot of things that men his size can't and also added moves to his set when in most cases wrestlers delete them.
Better Career - ahh.. How can you compare a dominant career as one fo the top guys for twenty years to someone who sky rocketed to fame and saved wrestling in the 90's? Tie.
Personal Favourite - Undertaker, but I love Austin.

This is hard to say, I mean you have two true legends ( that word is thrown around far too often), one is in the Hall of Fame and the other has the golden ticket whenever he wishes to be in. All in all you can't say who is better..it would come down to pure opinion.
Promo Skill

No contest, Austin. Charismatic, great at cutting promos.

In Ring Skill

No contest again, Austin. He's had greater matches than the Undertaker.

Better Career

IS this a joke? Austin again. Second biggest star in professional wrestling history!

Your Personal Favourite

You know what? I like both guys, but I'll have to go with Austin, so it's a clean sweep.
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