WWE Universe - You Decide - Edge Vs Chris Jericho - Episode 2

Your Decision, EDGE OR JERICHO

  • Chris Jericho

  • Edge

  • Draw

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Dark Match Winner
Well Episode 1 was a success with austin winning your votes against the undertaker, the results were austin 55%, taker 23%, draw 22%.

In this clash we will match up chris jericho and edge
Jericho the first undisputed champion, and loved by all wrestling fans but tossed between main event and mid card throughtout his career
Edge a 10 time world champion who over the last few years became a staple in the main event scene.
Both have had unprecedented and excellent careers, both have held major world titles on multiple occasions.

Here are the categorys
Promo Skill
In Ring Skill
Better Career
Your Personal Favourite

in the last one we had complaints about there being an even number of categorys, the point is to allow for draws as some wrestlers were just as good as each others.

Please leave positive rep
Heres mine to kick things off,
Promo Skill - Jericho hands down
In Ring Skill - Again jericho hands down
Better Career - This is a tough one for me as the last few years edge has been the number one guy for smackdown and jericho has been tossing betwwen main and mid card, so im going to say EDGE
Personal Favourite - Edge
all due respect, but i dont like jericho at all.

-jericho, preh good on the mic, good as a heel or as a face.
-edge, really good, really gets with the crowd.

inring skill:
-jericho, he is good inring amazing ability, still dont like him though, but thats a personal opinion.
-edge, great inring ability, without a doubt no questions asked hands down one of the greatest to have ever wrestled.

better career:
-jericho, had a preh good career, might have a lil bit more if he chooses to return.
-edge, had a great career, unfortunetly, it was ended prematurely.

personal favorite:
edge is my personal favorite without a doubt. love his finisher, like how he handles himself, really awesome performer, sad that his career is over.
i like this topic. i like both of these guys a lot and they are deff. two of the best from their generation. as much as i love edge and think that he deff is in the top 20 of all time, Jericho sweeps all of these for me!!

i bought his dvd the other day (better late than never) and it is one of the best one's they have put out. the last few years jericho has taken the "best in the world at what i do" promo and made it better than any from edge in the last 5 years or so and old edge promos are good but then to go to "neeeeever" old jericho is just golden. in ring skill jericho qualifies in the top 10 in my opinion, and Jericho being first undisputed champ and winning the i.c title 34 times is slightly better than winning the tag titles 34 times like edge has done. personal fav also gives a slight nod to jericho. "gimme my holds!!! "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUcTHmZ9luY

so i loove edge and he has had an incredible career and deff one of my favs, but this round he was put against one of the greatest of all time....Jericho!!!!!!!!!!
Promo Skill

Jericho, Edge can talk and has cut some really good promos. But Jericho is really one of the best mic guys of all time.

In Ring Skill

Jericho hands down. He's a better wrestler and has had much better matches than Edge.

Better Career

Can I make this a tie? Not sure here. Both guys have been in big matches at 'Mania and have numerous world titles under their belt.

Your Personal Favourite

Love Edge and Jericho. So for me a tie here.
Jericho EASILY

Hes easily better on mic and in ring than Edge was

Plus "Better career" category Edge was forced to retire earlier than he wanted to , Jericho can still come back at 100% whenever he wants and continue his legacy

I don't think I actually commented in the other topic but Austin > Taker easily too. Taker has like , a 2 on the 1-10 scale of mic skills but Austin has an 11 on that 1-10 scale of mic skills so yeah , easy win for Austin

Now if you do the 2 winners vs each other (Austin Vs. Jericho) now thats a harder choice
This one's easy. Jericho on all fronts. Lets look at some facts:

Promo Skill - This one goes to Jericho hands down. He is probably the only one besides Austin who can match The Rock. Every gimmick he's gotten his hands on after "Lionheart Chris Jericho" he's done perfectly.

In Ring Skill - Also goes to Jericho pretty easily. The biggest reason being that Jericho DOES NOT get injured, nor does he injure others. I honestly can't remember a single time Jericho was out due to injury. I can think of plenty of times that Edge has been on the sidelines because he slips up or lands wrong. Jericho can also work with pretty much anybody due to the fact that he's wrestled in at least 5 different countries, and has been successful in all of them.

Better Career - Again, Jericho. Seeing a pattern? Edge has held World titles an amazing 10 times, and he's been a tag champ more times than I can count. He's also been constantly in the main even picture, and more or less carried Smackdown. He's written an autobiography, and has made multiple appearances in commercials and tv shows. Jericho has held the Intercontinental title more times than anyone. He's also the first ever undisputed champ, which he got by beating Austin and The Rock in the same night. He's also had a lot more international success and exposure than Edge. He's 2 time best selling author, and lead singer of a pretty successful band (though i'm honestly no Fozzy fan). Really both have had very comparable careers success-wise, but the clincher is that Jericho still has more success ahead of him when he comes back. Edge still has a career, but it won't be on wwe tv, it'll be behind the scenes.

Your Personal Favorite - If you couldn't tell by now, I strongly believe Jericho is the best wrestler in the world. Period. Edge is very awesome, but Jericho just has much more going for him. WCW Jericho / Y2J will always be my favorite wrestling character of all time.
This is a comparison which will show what people value more in Wrestling, do you value Titles, Feuds or Legacies...

Titles - While Edge has held the World Title many more times, he rarely had a long or memorable title reign. He had several memorable title wins, but i cant really say whether any one of his title reigns will go down as a great one. Edge may well go down as THE greatest Tag Team wrestler of all time though having been a huge part of reinventing tag team wrestling during the Attitude Era.

Jericho on the other hand had the Undisputed Title reign, which while not a lengthy title reign will always go down as a great title reign to me. He also is one of the most successful Intercontinental Champions of all time having several very good title reigns. With that in mind i give the titles section to Jericho.

Feuds - This is a very difficult one to call, Edge can rightfully look back on his feud with the Undertaker as a great feud, add that to his feuds with Cena, Hardy and several other top stars and you see where his success has come from.

Jericho had a great feud with The Rock on his debut, add to that his feuds with Austin and HHH and he feuded with 3 of the greatest ever. But his shining feud was clearly his feud with Michaels that will go down as one of the greatest EVER feuds. The two brought out the best in each other, which considering how great both men are, shows why it will be a history making feud. Hell they could make a DVD based on that feud. So again i would have to give this to Jericho.

Legacies - This is again a tough split, but one where i would give it to Edge. He and Cena carried Raw during a time where they were lacking in top stars. He then went to Smackdown and carried that show for a long time helping to make some top stars and giving Taker and Batista a new lease of life.

Jericho on the other hand has never really taken either show by the scruff of the neck, hes often carried the undercard through great feuds but never been THE man on either show. Admittedly hes not had the opportunities which Edge had, but then you cant hold that against Edge.

Legacies - I cant separate the two here, they have both helped elevate stars to the next level, had incredible matches on the Grandest Stage of them all, provided us with memories which we will all treasure for as long as were fans. They will both (rightfully) be first ballot Hall of Famers, be remembered as two of the true greats of our business. Both men have a huge amount left to give the business to add to their legacies so this one goes down as undecided.

So at this current time, id say Jericho gets the nod, on a 2-1 basis. Will that be the same in 5-10 years? who knows..
I think this threads are about "our" favorite, not rating anybody!!
Make John Morrison vs Rey Mysterio and you will see -.-

Promo Skills: Why is Jericho better than Edge? As far as I see, Jericho is an awesome talker, but IWC says that every guy that talks slowly is great in the mic.
For Me Jericho can be better, but just for a little bit and for more exposure

In Ring Ability: In my book, Edge is better than Y2J. Edge was with the company for more time than Y2J, he was the few ones that made is life everything about WWE, so his arsenal are more varied than Jericho..
We have, Edgecator, Spear, Diving Spear, Edgecution, Kill Switch, Figure Four, The Fucking Con-Chair-To and a lot more.. He has a lot more memorable matches than Y2J...

Better Career: Edge wins by a landslide!! First Mr. Money in The Bank, the greatest superstar in TLC and Ladder Matches.
He was the one that made Kurt Angle be bald for the rest of his life and he made SEX with LITA!! LIVE XD...

11 Time World Champion with the WWE
5 Time Intercontinental Champion
1 United States Champion
14 Time Tag Team Champion
1x King Of The Ring
1x Money in The Bank
Winner of Royal Rumble 2010

My Personal Favorite: It is hard to say, because i like them both, they are in the TOP5 of the all time greatest superstars.

If you just start to think, you see that Edge is better than Y2J, but just by a bit difference!!
promo-jericho was second only behind the rock.
inring-jericho was more athletic and performed better.
career-edge never took any breaks and was really a top star the past 4 years.
personal favorite-jericho, he is the best in the world at what he does and he could still make a return.
Promo Skill: This one is a landslip for me. Jericho wins. While Edge is by no means a bad talker, I find his promos lacking if they aren't comedy esq. I find his serious promos come off unrealistic and he can't cut a great face promo. Jericho has shown he can cut funny or serious promos from both a face and a heel angle. Edge is pretty good on the mic, but Jericho is one of the best.

In Ring Skill: I've never been a huge fan of Edge's in ring work. By no means do I think his bad, I'm just usally not looking forward to an Edge match unless there is a gimmick attached to it. That said, he has proven me wrong many times (his matches against Del Rio and Eddie Guerrero stand out) by putting on good matches. But again, Jericho is one of the best we have ever seen. Looking back to his Japan, ECW, and WCW days, he westled the more fast paced technical-crusierweight style (ala Malenka, Guerrero, Benoit). After debuting in the WWE, he wrestled a more heavyweight-technical style and looked just as good doing it. Not to forget the many ladder matches he has done too. Both sell well and tell an excellent story in the ring. But Jericho gets the nod here again.

Better Career- Again, I give Jericho the advantage here. Jericho made a huge name for himself in Japan in the early 90's. Once he came back to North America he did a good job getting known in ECW and WCW. Ever since he came to the WWE he's been over huge since. There's never been a time where the majority of the crowd did not want to see him (aka have X-Pac heat). Edge, however, has had this problem. Edge was a face and was booed in Toronto. I found Edge was only effective as a cocky heel or tweener. A good guy just didn't work for him after 2003 and the obessed psychotic character was a bit too much. He was most over playing the cocky, funny, goofy guy.

I won't bring up win and losses, but have been sucessful from a title perspective. Edge has won the world/wwe title a ridiculous amount of times, but Jericho has done a better job holding it. He also won his first few world titles with much tougher competiton (competing against Rock, Austin, HHH, Taker, Angle). I'd say Jericho is more well known nationally due to working in other countries. As far as I know, Edge just worked the Canadian independant scene before joining WWE. I also believe the majority of fans see Jericho on a higher level than Edge. At this point, I believe there is a greater chance Jericho will still continue his career while I'd say there is a good chance Edge is done for good. Jericho again wins here.

Your Personal Favourite: As I'm sure you can tell by, it's Jericho. He's one of my alltime favorites for the reasons listed above.
IF you would have put Edge up against almost anyone else, I would have said him. But. I have been a huge Jericho fan since his WCW days, and couldnt pick Edge in this one. Jericho can play the crowd like a puppet master on any given night, and his in ring ability is up there with the best in the company.
Jericho in every aspect aside from career. For me that goes to Edge. He was a career guy in the WWE and has held more titles than any other wrestler in the history of the company.

Jericho is my favorite of all-time and has had significantly more GREAT matches than Edge. He has the ability to bring the absolute best out of any opponent no matter how new they may be to the company (his match with an admittedly great Daniel Bryan on NXT, for example) or an old guy on the downside of a Hall of Fame career (brought out the final truly epic matches of Shawn Michaels career save for the matches with Undertaker).
career-edge never took any breaks and was really a top star the past 4 years.


You call yourself a wrestling fan..?? Adam's have had many injuries.. The latest being in July 2009 which shelved him off tille he came back in Royal Rumble 2010... Shmuck!!

Promo Skills: Why is Jericho better than Edge? As far as I see, Jericho is an awesome talker, but IWC says that every guy that talks slowly is great in the mic.
For Me Jericho can be better, but just for a little bit and for more exposure
I guess you started watching wrestling in 2009.. Chris Jericho needs exposure.. Sure, and all of us need 95 years old women for having sex...

Have a look


Slow Talker.. Indeed...

For the thread.. Fabulous comparison dude..

Promo-- As a poster above me said, few could catch up with Rock and SCSA.. Y2J is one of them..

In Ring Ability-- The guy with the 1004 holds.. Hala..

Career-- Now I shall say that it's a tie.. Both of their careers run parallel and both specialized in their own respective type of wrestling.. Both of numerous titles.. Can't say in this case..

Personal Fav-- Have to give the nod to Rated R Superstar here.. He grew on me since that Rated R Persona..

Overall, a 2-1 match to WWE IS JERICHO!!
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