WWE Universe - You Decide - Bret Hart Vs Ric Flair - Episode 3

Your Decision - Bret Hart Or Ric Flair

  • Bret Hart

  • Ric Flair

  • Draw

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Dark Match Winner
Hi guys episode 3 is a classic matchup, bret hart vs ric flair
Previous results - Stone Cold def Undertaker, Jericho def Edge
Flair a staple main eventer throughout the 80s and 90s, 16 time world champion,
Bret possible the best there was, there best there ever will be
Both have had unprecedented and excellent careers, both have held major world titles on multiple occasions.

Here are the categorys
Promo Skill
In Ring Skill
Better Career
Your Personal Favourite

in the last one we had complaints about there being an even number of categorys, the point is to allow for draws as some wrestlers were just as good as each others.

Please leave positive rep
ok so ill kick things off with:
promo - ric flair , best talker in the business beside the rock
in ring - again ric flair
career - rick flair
personal favourite - ric flair

so for me its a clean sweep in favor of ric flair
To me this is easy all but personal favourite go to flair, personal favourite would have gone to flair if he had not have joined TNA after telling everyone he was to retire after being beaten by HBK. So in this case it is brett who wins that 1. But as you can see flair wins 3-1
Flair worked the same match every night with anyone he would wrestle, and do things that didn't make sense. In-ring skills goes to Bret Hart, as well as personal favorite. Flair wins on promo skills, and he has had a longer career, won the title 16-times, and has the ability to work a real match at his age today, so Flair is a slight favorite in that category, though Bret helped re-define the WWF in the 1990s as well as winning all 3 available titles multiples times, so its close.
while I would usually be biased in this comparison, I'm glad there R categories, so here's my breakdown....

Promo Skill: Flair, he paved the way 4 cats like The Rock & Austin. Flair while boastful & cocky, he let U know "2 be THE MAN, U gotta beat THE MAN!" & He was THE MAN!

In Ring Skill: it's been said that they wrestle the same match night in, night out, however, I have 2 disagree with that because I've 2 many of their matches where they did'nt have 2 win with their respected finishers. anyway, because he grew up in the business & came from a wrestling family, gotta go with Bret.

Better Career: I'm gonna pick Bret 4 this one, only because as long as I've been watching Flair, he's always been a heel & has always been World Champion. I feel Bret had a better career because I watched him go from a tag team specialist 2 The Best There Is, The Best There Was & The Best There Ever Will Be!

Your Personal Favorite: Bret Hart
First off, i'll go ahead and get my personal bias out of the way right up front by saying that the Hitman is my all time favorite wrestler. i grew up watching the Hitman and the way he'd use the same wrestling moves to set up the sharpshooter always seemed badass to me. anyway hart vs. flair is a pretty interesting match up.

Promo-Flair easy wins the promo side of this debate. No one is running around the message boards claiming the Hitman to be great on the mic. he was workable but against the Nature Boy, no one is winning that battle.
In-Ring Ability- is a really interesting point to discuss. Flair was really good inside the ring. he knew all the holds and plus he knew a feel that weren't in the rule book. i know it was part of Flair's character but i could never stand the sitting on the mat, hands out yelling no to his opponent. just rubbed me the wrong way. the Hitman on the other hand, was flawless. the thing i've always loved the Hitman for, was his ability to take a beating and actually make it seem like he was taking those hits. his greatest ability was to make each and every opponent he faced seem like a legitimate contender. i give the edge to the Hitman because in all the matches he had he never hurt anyone and he's regarded as one of the best, if not the best, technically sound wrestlers of all time.
Better Career- this is also something that's a really great contrast. Flair ruled wrestling for a really long time and it's incredible how many title wins he has to his name. the Hitman, in my opinion, was the bridge between the old school wrestling that Flair ruled and the insane Attitude Era that he helped propel Austin into. it's hard to argue against Flair's world title reigns and i really feel that the Hitman could still be going today, if he hadn't gotten so badly injured and suffered a stroke, but as painful as it is to admit, Flair takes this one.
Personal- i don't think it's gonna be any secret. My Pick's the Hitman. I know i'll probably receive some heat for saying it but Hart vs. Michaels Wrestlemania 12 Iron Man Match is one of the greatest matches of all time. I feel it was a couple years ahead of its time but even still, it was incredible to see two wrestlers go the distance. it was something i'd never seen before and i've not seen an iron man match since that's come anywhere close the level they set.

so my break down is a draw. Flair 2 Hitman 2. Good Post OP
I would have to say clean sweep for Flair. I love Brett but Flair is one of the reasons i love wrestling, Im luckey enough to have seen Flair in his earlier days when he was wrestling for nwa /JimCrockett promotions in the Mid atlantic region, even back then before he was a huge star his skills shined above everyone else, a lot of you younger guys may not be familiar with the early days and only know the man he is today , at one time he was the best thing going in pro wretling , no one came close, he will always be my fave regardless of what he does now or in the future.
Promo: Ric Flair takes the edge here. However, I think that Bret was underrated in this category. Ric was obviously more well-spoken, dynamic, charismatic, and amusing on the mic than Bret. However, as much as I love Ric Flair, he often came across as a bit of a cartoon character (as do many of the best promo-artists of today, such as the Rock). Whereas Bret Hart made it feel real; a task sorely unappreciated even in the latter days of kayfabe. I would much rather watch a standalone Ric Flair promo than Bret Hart promo based on pure entertainment value, but back in the day nobody could get me interested in a match or a feud like Bret. Bret came across as a genuine no-nonsense tough-guy, and he managed to infuse his matches and feuds with a sense of realism and gravity not only in the ring, but also in his promos. Maybe it was because Bret sounded more like an athlete than an entertainer, and unlike many other wrestlers who found themselves in that position he didn't attempt to hide it. Rather Bret stuck to simple, straightforward promos which achieved their goals - putting over the match, the opponent, and himself - and delivered them competently and confidently. That confidence and seriousness worked for Bret and made him believable and intense, whereas many wrestlers who have tried to do the same have come across as boring and/or fake. Obviously Bret can't compare with Flair's raw, natural charisma on the mic (Flair could hold an audience captive with his words in a way that few others have ever done), but Bret did well with the skills he had and didn't expose his weaknesses as often as he might have. So while I've got to go with Flair in this category, I've got to give Bret some credit as well.

In-Ring Ability: Bret Hart takes this. Flair was great, but Bret may have been the greatest (IMO, it's up between him, Angle, or Benoit). It's very hard to criticize the in-ring skills of Ric-Flair, as he was pretty damned amazing. However, as with his promos, Ric did tend to come off as a cartoon character (which can be a good or a bad thing, depending on your perspective), as characterized by his face-flops, top-rope mishaps, and overuse of low-blows and eye pokes. And as others have mentioned, Ric was slightly repetitive. Mind you, those are very minor criticisms which I point out only in contrast to Bret's abilities; Ric stands head and shoulders above the majority of wrestlers in terms of in-ring-ability. In the ring, however, Bret Hart was pure perfection. He simply did not make mistakes. And as as storyteller (ring psychologist), he was unrivaled. Bret elevated pro-wrestling as a storytelling medium to an art-form.

Better Career: I've got to go with Flair on this one. While I could argue that Bret was top-dog in the biggest show in the land more times than Ric, Ric's career was simply incredible. Few wrestlers have had more championships, more accolades, and more respect than Ric Flair. Bret may have upset Ric in this category if his career hadn't tragically been cut short, but it does no good to speculate on maybe's. Ric has done it all, been everywhere, and is still helping to put over young wrestlers today. It's impossible to think of Ric without thinking of his epic sendoff from the WWE, basking in the praise of an entire generation of young stars that he helped to influence. Whereas it's impossible not to think of the unfortunate circumstances surrounding the last few years of Bret's active career: The Montreal screwjob, the death of his brother Owen, the Goldberg incident, and later his stroke. This is no slight against Bret; his career was legendary, and in recent years Bret has been able to reclaim his WWE legacy and put a positive spin on it. However, Ric Flair has simply done more, and for longer, than Bret Hart.

Personal Favorite: Undoubtedly the Hitman. I've always been more interested in the 'sports' than in the the 'entertainment' aspect, and in my opinion Bret Hart is simply the finest wrestler to ever grace the squared circle. And Bret was also in my favorite match of all time (the Iron-man match against Shawn Michael's). And whereas I've always loved Ric Flair's flamboyant and over-the-top persona, I never really identified with it to the same degree as I did Bret's character. Bret Hart's integrity, self-confidence, dedication, toughness, and perhaps most importantly his believability made his character one of my childhood heroes. To this day, he remains my favorite wrestler of all time.
On the mic- no contest, flair takes this category

In Ring Skills- again, no contest, while flair was a good heel in the ring, bret was the much much better technician, bret wins this round

Carrer- well its been said before" to win 16 world championships, you gotta lose 16 times as well"...im giving this one to bret because he brought prestige to three diffrent titles in the WWF and although he got the WCW world title at a shitty time, the way in which he won it was a very old school, clean cut way that i think gave that belt some of its credibility back.

Personal Favourite- im canadian, but even if i wasnt itd still be bret lol...

so my breakdown gives 1 flair 3 hart
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