WWE Tough Enough in the UK?


Dark Match Winner
Hello there, my name is Emily and this is my first ever proper thread so if it's rubbish then i'm really sorry!

Anyway I have been looking all over the internet for any news of the new Tough Enough series airing in the UK and noticed it doesent appear that the new series will be shown in the UK.

Now truthfully I dont really like Tough Enough but with Stone Cold, Booker T and Trish all on it, I cant help but wanna watch the new series and if it doesent make its way here I will be seriously depressed...

So do u guys see Tough Enough making it to the UK? If so what channel? And if it doesent will u even care or is it just me?

PS please go easy on me. Thanks!! xx
I would love to see Tough Enough here. I enjoyed the original few series when they were shown here because they were something completely different and showed a different side to the business and showed how involved and attatched the current superstars were to it and they didn't want anyone to take it for granted. I imagine if it gets shown in the UK it will be on Sky Sports as they show all the current WWE programmes. Although saying that, Sky as a whole has the contract to broadcast WWE television shows in the UK so it could wind up on another channel owned by them. I think the original Tough Enough was shown on Sky 1 if that's anything to go by. I know it took WWE Superstars a few weeks to be shown in the UK after its USA debut so its hard to tell when it will show up! Sky never seem to bother to tell us about when new WWE shows are going to air! Just keep checking the Sky Sports website or the tv guide i guess!
Hi Emily,

Though there's nothing confirmed so far (or at least as far as I have seen!) I think Tough Enough will probably end up on Sky Sports 3. There is also the possibility of it being shown on Sky 1. WWE & Sky have a long standing deal in which Sky get all exclusive rights to WWE programming, so that should be that. I don't see WWE holding off putting TE onto UK TV. I sure hope not!
Hi Emily,

also a first time poster here, just signed up! I'm like you, never really had an interest in tough enough and watched it now and again when it was first on but with Stone Cold, Booker T and Trish, I'm intrigued to see this new series.

My guess is it will show on Sky Sports so just keep checking once wrestlemania is over, it may not appear for a few weeks but it will appear eventually.
We had Tough Enough in the past, so I would expect we will get this series too, especially as its quite big news with Trish, Austin and Booker involved.

Sky Sports have the WWE rights so I would expect it would be one one of their channels....

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