WWE Too Predictable?


Occasional Pre-Show
I'm posting this in general WWE cause it's about the whole WWE, not just the Battle Royal from SD! I'm going to focus on.

Randy Orton entered to spectate then they went to commercial.

After the break, we see the likes of Sin Cara, Wade Barrett, Sheamus and Mark Henry enter the ring.

Now, I'm not saying the fact that Henry won was obvious, although I did see it coming, but the fact that the only 4 Superstars that the TV fans saw enter were the last men standing.

This isn't the only time I've seen this happen, if someone enters during a break they're going to lose. It happens a lot for squash matches against jobbers, which I understand, but why with other bigger names?

They've had guys in the midst, even some main eventers, of a push already be in the ring when they come back from commercial. The common fan knows who's going to win.

There hasn't even been a handful of times when this philosophy failed, and when it does it's in a fluke style.

I honestly feel like it's poor writing for WWE because it makes it too predictable.

Has anyone else noticed this?
Do you think it's as big of a deal as I'm making it seem to be?
Do you think it will ever change?
It is not a big deal cause anyone with half a brain can know how is going to win if they have a big push.So it was obvious that Henry was going to win the match.I think wwe can't do much with this since it is to know the winner cause of the push they have.
Lulz. There were 20 fucking people in the Battle Royal. Did you really want to sit through all of those entrances? They waited until the end for the 4 biggest names in the Battle Royal. Why does it matter?

Predictable would be having a match for the number one contender slot between Sheamus and Henry. At least this was a bit more interesting.

I swear, after every unpredictable thing the WWE has done over the past couple of months, they do one remarkably standard thing and someone jumps down their throats. Unbelievable.
I stated that Henry winning wasn't what I was talking about. I understand this adds to his push and I like that. I'm talking about having the final 4 wrestlers being the only 4 wrestlers to have gone through an entrance routine

And it's not that I wanted to watch every entrance, that's dumb. They all probably came out at once anyways. I'm saying they could've had someone else in the final 4. They had Ted and Cody in there and a few others who are just as big, if not bigger than Sin Cara and Wade Barrett.

I love the unpredictable stuff and know they can't do it too much, but I don't like how they did this. And it's in general of doing this for years as well
It's always been the same, and it's not going to change. Of course the big guns will be the only ones to get entrances and will probably end up in the latter stages of the Battle Royal scenario's. Seriously, what would the point of, say, Trent Baretta getting an entrance if he is going to be eliminated so quick. Even a higher up of the likes of Cody Rhodes, if there is no plan for him in the latter stages of a Battle Royal, why waste an entrance on him. The guys who get the entrances, let's be realistic, if anyone thought someone outside of Sheamus, Henry of Barett (I'll exclude Cara) would win needs their head examined. They are the ones being built up on Smackdown, their challengers to the title, they are the big guns and they’re going to get the entrances in situations such as the battle royals. It all sounds pretty logical to me.
You mean you think the WWE should do something illogical so that it wont be predictable. Henry and Barrett were the only two that had a chance to win. Well duh the last four people would be important, think how much more predictable it would of been if Henry, Kidd, Slater and Regal were the final four.

To answer your questions:

Has anyone else noticed this?
Has anyone not noticed it, would be a better question.

Do you think it's as big of a deal as I'm making it seem to be?
No, not even close.

Do you think it will ever change?
Well ever is kind of a long time, so no shit.
yes and no. wwe does dumb things that makes them come across as predictable. for example, i think it is safe to say that no one sees Mark Henry as World Champ yet they have been giving him a decent push lately so it seems pretty predictable that he would become number one contender after summerslam seeing as it is a while until the next big ppv and orton needs someone to feud with before then. things like that make it seem predictable since people don't really believe mark henry is a threat. it was like when r-truth and cena were feuding - while a lot of people wanted to see it, no one really believed that r-truth would win the title so his loss was predictable. but there is the flip side too. i am sure many people thought hhh would screw over punk at the ppv yet he called it fairly. i don't think anyone really thought punk would win the title when he was leaving the company too. here you have two cases where wwe wasn't really predictable. i think the problem is wwe has things a bit backwards at times - when they should go with the straight forward storyline, they throw in some needless swerve yet when they should do something unexpected, they swerve fans again and don't do it. i think that is why they are coming across as predictable - your guts say they should do something but you know that they won't.
On top of everything else in the end it is a television show. So producers/directors/whomever is in charge needs to further storylines at every aspect.

So when the final four entrances just so happen to be the final four contenders, its done specifically to draw the viewer's attention to those men. Now, tbh, I didn't see the battle royal but I can be sure that when those entrances were made the announce team made a point to mention the wrestler and possibly handicap they're chance of winning.
Rather than having a shitty over the top battle royal they could have had a rematch between Sheamus and Henry to determine a #1 contender.

Its been pretty clear for over a month that Henry was going to receive a MEGA HEEL PUSH to face Super RKO once Orton and Christians program was finished. Henry took out Kane and the Big Show, and has been destroying anyone and anything that crossed his path.

Sheamus vs Orton would not have worked, since Sheamus is currently in the top 5 faces on Smackdown, but to have Sheamus vs Henry end in a double count out at Summerslam when we all know this feud isn't over.

I smell a Fatal Four Way coming... Sheamus vs Christian vs Orton vs Henry for the WHC at the Fatal Four Way PPV whenever that happens in the next couple of months.

(yes I just made a thread about why I hate when the WWE uses battle royals instead of having one on one matches to determine #1 contenders)
Lulz. There were 20 fucking people in the Battle Royal. Did you really want to sit through all of those entrances? They waited until the end for the 4 biggest names in the Battle Royal. Why does it matter?

Predictable would be having a match for the number one contender slot between Sheamus and Henry. At least this was a bit more interesting.

I swear, after every unpredictable thing the WWE has done over the past couple of months, they do one remarkably standard thing and someone jumps down their throats. Unbelievable.

i couldnt agree more! wwe has been pretty unpredictable this summer and now they had 1 predictable match which just happened to be a battle royal and people start bitching like people say its impossible to please the members of the IWC! :banghead: but as for the last 4 people in the match being the ones to get enterances...thats never gonna change the big guns get the enterances when its battle royal time! plus the fact that nobody wants to sit and watch all 20 people enter the match!
Actually, the result of this sort of surprised me in one way. A lot of times, one of the final four is someone you didn't expect to be there. Either they are the plucky little underdog somehow hanging in there or the cowardly heel who hid for most of the match. They kind of become the sub-story in the match. Then, they get eliminated and leave two or three top contenders to finish up. This time, they didn't really do that. That was about the only surprise here. Still, it's better than just having Mark Henry cutting a promo saying he's going after the title. At least we got to see him "earn" his way into that spot.

As far as the overall WWE product being too predictable lately? No. They've thrown us enough curves to keep us guessing. Can you guess 90% of what is going to happen? Yes, thank God. When bookers go bonzo and just throw swerve after swerve: you lose all sense of anticipation and character development; upset wins are no longer shocking; you get annoyed because things just seem random; and finally--IWC fans don't feel smart anymore!:p
Think about it, Mark Henry is a MONSTER right now. The WWE has done a perfect job in pushing Henry into the position of top monster on the roster, so it's not that it's predictable that he'll win it's just logic. It's like Brock Lesnar vs. GSP. Logically, Lesnar's getting the V, but anything can happen. That's real life, and it's both predictable and logic. If you can predict that the WORLD'S STRONGEST MAN is going to win a battle royal, that just means your brain is working. It's like, what can the E do to make Henry #1 contender and not make it predictable? Nothing. Cause due to logistics, the World's Strongest Man with his latest mean streak was destined to get to the World title sometime.

Onto the Jobbers. Are they on the roster? Nope. They are demonstrations, to make the Superstars ON THE ROSTER look better. They always get squashed, always. You call that a prediction? Again, I call it logic. Why would the WWE get wrestlers who can defeat wrestlers who are on the roster? That would make no sense. If they're that good, why wouldn't they be on the roster? Think about it.

Try predicting that CM Punk wins at MITB, leaves with the title. Predict Nash shows up and clubs punk. Predict Masters getting fired, Del Rio cashing in, the title changing 4 times from Orton to Christian in the past 4 months.

Here's the definition of predict.

Predict: To state, tell about, or make known in advance, especially on the basis of special knowledge. NOT COMMON SENSE.
Stop reading spoilers and dirt sheets and just watch the shows. That will help.

Also, so what if it's "predictable"? Would it be better if an "unpredictable" thing like Hornswoggle winning the battle royal would to happen?

In wrestling you PUSH a star, you don't have him randomly win after being a total nobody and get a number 1 contenders spot.

People complaining about them doing basic wrestling 101 is just ridiculous and pathetic.
Wrestling has been too predictable for well over 10yrs lol and been predictable for decades, you only just cottoned on? The fact that the final 4 were the only ones to get entrances, well that's just normal, they are the ones they want you to concentrate on.

What about the fact that the majority of the time whomever comes out second is the winner and they make that even more predictable when they have the contender come out after the champion in championship matches, if that happens chances are the champ is going home without the gold.

I'd agree with others though that atleast the past few months it hasn't been totally predictable which is a change.
I Hate nit pickers. Just set back and enjoy the show, if your just setting there trying to find stuff wrong, you will and it just ruins it. When i watch wrestling, i watch it with a clear mind and turn on the little kid in me, but if i try to pick out the "bloopers", "Why are they doing it like this, when they should do it like that" you know, being one of those Couch potato Bookers, then it just ruins the match/show for me and i can't get into it. It's only predictable, because you let it be predictable.
it's not that wwe is too predictable but more that there is only a few ways many angles can go and as a fan of many years probably like yourself im now smart enough and wise enough to see and understand where they are usually going with a storyline. Kind of like when you go see a horror movie. You pretty much know who is going to survive at the start (The Big Name Star) and you have a idea who is going to get killed off (The lesser known stars). It's hard to shock anyone these days because pretty much everything original has been done already so give the E a break.
There is a predictability level to anything. I predicted half of Shutter Island, still a good movie.

The thing is, there MUST be some predictability. If it's all willy nilly and some random ass dude wins this match, then it doesn't make sense does it? Just look at the predictions threads and all the threads about people speculating what will happen next. It's not that predictable as far as the things that matter go.
it's not that wwe is too predictable but more that there is only a few ways many angles can go and as a fan of many years probably like yourself im now smart enough and wise enough to see and understand where they are usually going with a storyline. Kind of like when you go see a horror movie. You pretty much know who is going to survive at the start (The Big Name Star) and you have a idea who is going to get killed off (The lesser known stars). It's hard to shock anyone these days because pretty much everything original has been done already so give the E a break.

Couldn't agree more, but give everyone a break more to the point.
Obviously not for people that haven't watched wrestling for alot of years, but in my case and countless others, having watched wrestling since 1983, everything that could be done has almost been done and storylines tend to follow set paths each time they use them, like going to a play and though the actors may be different the show is still more or less the same, with some minor differences that go with the actors.

i think the problem is not the rehashing of storylines, it's not even bothering to change the way they pan out or shows/companies using the exact same ideas at the same time. and in the case of WWE this exists between Smackdown and Raw for years they have mirrored each others storylines almost down line with the differences being mainly the stars and very little other difference.

Raw sets a title match for a PPV, Smackdown sets and almost identical one
Raw has a qualifying match for #1 contender, Smackdown does the same thing.

Bold and the Beautiful - someone gets blown up, Young and the Restless - someone dies :)
The WWE has to crank out episode after episode of cliff hangers and dues up until a conclusive PPV. I feel bad for them because sometimes in an effort to please everyone, they wound their reputation or destroy continuity with a finish that's either too predictable or so much of a swerve that the crowd doesn't know how to react.

Remember when Cena and Benoit were going to be on the same team at a Survivor Series as part of Team Angle and out of nowhere Cena did the FU to Benoit because the writers wanted to show the audience that Cena plays by his own rules? The crowd was like "Oh. Do we boo or...?".

As this is the information age and we are the IWC, few will ever actually admit that they weren't 100% sure of the finish that already happened. I don't usually watch for the finishes anyway, I watch to see what kind of innovative spots they'll be pulling out.
There is a predictability level to anything. I predicted half of Shutter Island, still a good movie.

The thing is, there MUST be some predictability. If it's all willy nilly and some random ass dude wins this match, then it doesn't make sense does it? Just look at the predictions threads and all the threads about people speculating what will happen next. It's not that predictable as far as the things that matter go.

Funny you should mention Shutter Island. I had considered what turned out to be the ending but thought "That would betray half of what I've been fed so far, it's too silly to be true.".

Wrestling storylines can parallel that. You think you know how something will turn out, but deny it because that would just be too stupid even for a tv show. Then it turns out that Hornswoggle is Vince's son and that Vince is the higher power The Undertaker was speaking of.
I really don't see what the problem is.

WWE is more unpredictable now than it has been in a long time, Daniel Bryan winning MitB, Nash taking out Punk (it's arguable whether or not that was a good thing, but I bet nobody saw it coming.) And those things happened within the last couple of months.

What exactly do people want, Russo booking?
OK, in the past two months, we've just had one of the most incredible wrestling storylines for years, Daniel fucking Bryan win Money In The Bank, Mark fucking Henry become #1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship and Kevin fucking Nash return. In two months. Is WWE predictable? Don't be so fucking ridiculous.

I knew Mark Henry was going to win that Battle Royale. Was it because they televised his entrance? No. It was because he's been on fire recently, and WWE have built him properly.
Uh, to be honest I thought (and hoped) Cody Rhodes was going to win. Well that was also because I went to sleep after Alberto Del Rio and Daniel Bryan's match. It hasn't been predictable at all lately.
Hmm you raise some interesting points.

I will agree with the general idea that I don`t want to sit through 20 entrances, but I find it kind of a diss to some of the guys in the ring that those four got an entrance. To answer your question I guess I have more a problem with who they picked to stay in that match, given that henry was the only guy out of them I can see as a threat. Overall I would`ve prefered they all were already in there by the time they came back from commercial.

Honestly though the main reason I clicked onto this thread was the word ``predictability.` while I agree a little twist here and there is entertaining I think people complain too much about it and I`ll tell you why. I don`t want to see someone who is doing extremely well with a well deserved push suddenly be pushed to the side in favour of some upstart just for ``a twist`` . often times people will say wtf are they doing, and a few weeks later the thing was a bust and is dropped.
It's a tried and true formula that they have always used. They are going to highlight and put the guys on tv that they WANT you to see.

Yes. I have noticed it. It's how the business works, and no, I don't see it changing any time soon. Why would it? If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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