WWE to reform The 'Net'work? Internet Darlings

Too bad over 3/4ths of the WWE Universe didn't care and follow along with you


Yes Bryan is good at working the crowd during a match. When he's not working the crowd and walking down to the ring, you can hear a pin drop thus proving he's not over with the WWE crowd.

Except when they're cheering for him. Which they do.

I don't believe everything I read but I do believe the report of a Kaval & Bryan tag team because I expect for WWE to kill off any little momentum they have left since they have nothing but morons working there.

These are the same morons who have taken Wade Barrett from 'nobody' to main eventer in 6 months, and taken 8 randomers and got each oth them over.

Can you give me the exact death date of Mr.McMahon while you are at it?

June 11, 2007

No they are not. It's probably the #1 way if not the number 1 way to determine if someone is over. Guys who were truly over like Rock and Austin came out to huge pops as soon as their entrance music hit. Guys like Warrior were so over that the crowd roared when the cord to his theme hit. Today, when Cena music hits, he gets pops and boos, but either way he gets a big reaction. When Orton comes out, the crowd explodes. Those guys are over. Now lets talk about Charlie Haas. When Charlie Haas came out, it was quiet, there was absolutely no reaction almost all the time which meant most people in attendance did not care for him.

LEK, you have an uncanny grasp of the obvious.

Fast forward to 2010 and that is the same position where Daniel Bryan is in with the exception of a few indy smarks coming to WWE shows to show their support for him and chanting his name.

I'd attatch a video where the crowd are clearly popping for DBD, but it's late and I can't be arsed. I'm sure Doc will oblige.

Yes from indy smarks attending WWE house shows to prove a point. No casual WWE fans who probably knew nothing of his firing cared to go to a WWE show to chant his name. Daniel Bryan followers from the independents were the only few to go to WWE shows to do that.

Here, you have a point.

I understand that but now in the PRESENT, Bryan has not reached the level of being over in WWE and you all don't want to admit that.

if you had the reading comprehension of a five yearold you'd notice that Doc said that DBD WILL reach that level. meaning that he has bnot yet reached it. meaning that Doc knows DBD isn't at that level in the present.

Yet everyone here expects Desmond Wolfe to be in the TNA world title picture in TNA. Why don't you tell them to stop being impatient? Why don't you condemn them as well? Or perhaps is this a double standard?

Desmond Wolfe debuted by beating the living shit out of Kurt Angle, with the untra smarky TNA crowd loving him before he arrived. Given how long it took Angle and RVD to win the title Wolfe certainly shoiuld have. Instead he was jobbed out to Abyss and is teaming with Brutus Magnus.

Tell that to all the WWE marks and anyone who commented on Wolfe, TNA, and everyone else then.

you could have ingnored them.

On topic, I doubt this is going to happen. DBD and Kaval need to do their things separately tbh, and WWE aren't going to go out of their way to market towards the IWC. We're in the keep net, they aren't going to waste worms on us.
I like the idea but, I figured the "Network" would of been a possible name for what is now Nexus and the were just covering their bases on ideas on what to call them. I actually don't think they copyrighted the name for the use of those guys. I also don't believe the time line really fits to what actually went down. Had Bryan not been suspended odds are he would of still been in the Nexus. I think Kaval no matter if it was a forgone conclusion was going to win NXT that they would have this that planned out.

Tyler is just now hired and most likely has a couple months before he's even shown on WWE TV if not getting the same treatment as Kaval and being in FCW for a while. I think Cole's ranting about the "internet darlings" was just a way to embrace the heat he was already receiving well before these guys ever entered the company. Plus it's an added "FU" from the WWE to us in IWC.

Once again I like the idea but doubt that it will ever happened.
The Network stable is a great idea!

Lets face it, it gives all four men a little something to do for the next few months while establishing themselves as the next big WWE thing. CM Punk as the mouthpiece is a great idea, and giving them little bit moments on the mic, they can ween them all onto the mic bit by bit.

Black and Kaval as a tag team is a truly great idea, and having Bryan as the mid-card champion and bringing him up the card would be amazing. Great idea, here's hoping they do it!

Truth hurts.:shrug:

Except when they're cheering for him. Which they do.

Yes he's over during a match when he is wowwing the WWE Universe with his inring skills. His name being chanted by his followers going to WWE shows doesn't prove he's over.

These are the same morons who have taken Wade Barrett from 'nobody' to main eventer in 6 months, and taken 8 randomers and got each oth them over.

Wow a fellow WWE mark told us to stick to Daniel Bryan but since you wanna go there, the Nexus is already ruined. WWE has already killed their heat and took lots of their momentum away and with the loss of Sheffield the group is finished. Nexus with maybe the exception of Barrett will soon be spirit squaded out of WWE.

June 11, 2007

Great now give me his next death date when God comes calling and not one made up by a mentally incapable creative team to come up with something so stupid.

LEK, you have an uncanny grasp of the obvious.

Too bad your fellow WWE Universe brothers don't have that or else they could be able to see when someone is truly over or not.

I'd attatch a video where the crowd are clearly popping for DBD, but it's late and I can't be arsed. I'm sure Doc will oblige.

A video. Lol at this being singular. You mean you're going to pull up a single video where the crowd may have happened to be loud while Daniel Bryan was out.:lmao: Either way it wouldn't prove Daniel Bryan is over since it's only on 1 instance. I'm sure you can pull up a video of even Charlie Haas getting a pop from the crowd, it still wouldn't prove he was over as himself during his time in WWE.

Here, you have a point.

Thank you. I'm glad I'm getting somewhere.:worship:

you'd notice that Doc said that DBD WILL reach that level. meaning that he has bnot yet reached it. meaning that Doc knows DBD isn't at that level in the present.

That was my whole point since the beginning that Daniel hasn't reached a level of over in WWE. So my question is why is Doc going back and forth with me then if he agrees with me?:confused:

Desmond Wolfe debuted by beating the living shit out of Kurt Angle, with the untra smarky TNA crowd loving him before he arrived. Given how long it took Angle and RVD to win the title Wolfe certainly shoiuld have. Instead he was jobbed out to Abyss and is teaming with Brutus Magnus.

Just because you debut strong doesn't mean you have to win the world title within that same year. You guys throughout the debate sit there and tell me to be patient with Daniel Bryan and his WWE situation but yet you WWE fans aren't patient with the Wolfe situation or any TNA situation whatsoever.

you could have ingnored them.

On topic, I doubt this is going to happen. DBD and Kaval need to do their things separately tbh, and WWE aren't going to go out of their way to market towards the IWC. We're in the keep net, they aren't going to waste worms on us.

Okay we'll see as time goes on.

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