WWE To Possibly Revive The Manager Role

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According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, the WWE is discussing reviving the manager role for some heel performers that just simply aren't all that good on the microphone. During the SmackDown! portion of this week's WWE Superstars, SmackDown! head writer Michael Hayes accompanied Tyson Kidd to the ring for his match against Trent Barreta.

I'd love to see the WWE go through with this. There are a some talented guys on the WWE roster, like Tyson Kidd for instance, that are just lacking in the promo department. Having someone be the mouthpiece for them could open up a new world of possibilities for some WWE heels.
Dude, this is the best thing they could possibly do to get these younger heels over. A prime example would be Dolph Ziggler. Yeah he has taken quite a fall from grace as of late but dude, not even 4 months ago he was wrestling for and even briefly won a World Title and it was all based on the heat he gets from Vickie Guerrero. Without her by his side, where the hell would Ziggler be right now? Hell I'd be surprised if he was still employed with the company.

You have a lot fo these guys like Drew, Swagger, and Kidd who can flat out get it done in the ring and really do the heel psychology well, but they just cannot talk at all. You give them some mouthpieces to help out and they can improve significantly, especially if they can actually learn how to do it on their own like how Shawn Michaels improved thanks to Sherri.

Really good news to hear them going through with this. It should improve the product immensely.
This is probably a good thing. If they have people that they have no other way to get on television, try throwing a manager with them. It does however continue to show that the developmental process sucks as they still can't get over with a crowd as heels and we need someone else to come in and do their promos for them. This should help a bit as if nothing else it'll let the young guys not have to embarrass themselves trying to sound tough.
This is not as good of an idea as everyone thinks it is. The fact is, with the way pro wrestling is currently promoted, there is no need for a manager anymore. The kaybe point of a manager was NOT to do the talking for his client, but rather to...you know...be a MANAGER of the talent. The manager was the guy who got his wrestlers matches and title shots, negotiated his contract, etc. Yes, in theory, it was to also provide a mouthpiece and an easy way to get a talent over, but there had to be a kayfabe reason for it as well.

In today's wrestling world, GM's make matches, not managers. GM and match type determines title shots, not managers. There's really no need for managers in today's kayfabe wrestling world. And since a manager is not needed, why have him there? It just makes a wrestler look weak when he has to have another man do his talking for him.

I'm sorry, but the manager is just a thing of the past, as long as wrestling operates in it's current fashion.
IT just makes a wrestler look weak when he has to have another man do his talking for him.

Not in all cases. Heyman did the talking for Lesnar and it didn't hurt him for the most part. Same with about half of Andre's promos with Heenan. They work better for monster heels but for regular guys the managers don't mean a ton. As for monsters though, they can help. Monster heels don't need to talk.
This could help, but also fail at the same time. Its going to depend on the talent & person selected to manage them.

Hayes dosent make alot of sense for Kidd other than his background as a wrestler. Maybe someone like Dean Milenko would have worked better due to his great work as a cruiserweight.

Finlay might be a good fit for someone like Mc Intyre to get over with more of an edge.

This would definately work for Ezekiel Jackson as the monster heel type does well with a manager by their side. Someone like Tyler Reks would benefit as well.

Pairing someone with a Diva isnt a great idea as seen by Ted jr. here recently. It just wasnt going to work even with the help of the smoking hot Maryse.

It also brings to light the fact that there arent any managers that stand out anymore. Heyman, Jim Cornette- those type of personalities are few and far between. In my opinion, the greatest manager of all time- Bobby Heenan, will never be replaced. Just not the same effect now as it had back then.
If they go threw with this I will be so happy, it can really help a guy get over + it can add more dimensions to feuds and opens up more possibilities for creative. Also to the person saying the manager was there to book matches and negotiate contracts at the end of the day the managers never had the final say in the matches that got booked they just helped them get booked, like any manager for a band or actor would in real life, I have no idea why they wont be able to implement that kayfabe-wise and incorporate it into storyline so I think thats a bit of a non argument.
I really hope this starts happening. We've seen in it work before, and with WWE's talent pool getting progressively more talented in the ring, managers can be a great way to help get heels over. I think managers could do wonders for guys like Kidd, Reks, and Swagger.

Managers don't have to be used to get their clients matches, or title shots, or anything like that. Well they could lobby to "General Managers," but that's not how I'd see them being used.

And when they get over enough as a heel, they can easily be turned face by either attacking the manager, or having the manager leave them for another client. It's brilliant booking! It worked back in the day with guys like The Brain, Jimmy Hart, Paul Bearer, and Mr. Fugi. I'm sure it could work now.
Good it's a role that shouldn't have been dropped, and hopefully maybe get a mini stable going like the old days.
I do need to borrow from a current Superstar... "Really? Really?" Do you really believe that the managers back in the day were actually booking matches for the wrestlers? They were part of the stable of the company, much like they would be now. Bobby Heenan was a character--one of the greatest characters in the history of wrestling. He was not really running the business of his "family". You really think that Slick and Paul Ellering were cutting backroom deals? Apparently they were great at their jobs if they had you convinced that Mr. Fuji was going through contracts and doing anything more than what the promoters told them to do.
I am kinda with Sly on this one.

I think having a manager do the talking for you will just pin point someone's biggest flaw. It might be okay for roid monkeys like Skip Sheffield, Zeke Jackson, and Mason Ryan because they look intimating and move like beasts. And for the these guys they were slapped with people who clearly were better than them at talking by leaps and bounds.

But for the most part, everyone else is about the same size as everyone else around them. Being able to talk is one of the things that separates people these days. Guys who are good at talking get more promos than guys who aren't good at talking. More promos means more obvious character development.. Which, for the most part, leads to better crowd reaction. They have plenty of 'good' in-ring talent, but what is going to separate the Ziggles from the Drews from the [insert shit mic worker here]?

Unless they can REALLY captivate the audience in the ring, I don't see how having someone else get you your heat can benefit someone. Look how the crowd cares very little about what is going on with Dolph or Swaggie are when their mouth pieces aren't actively involved in what they are doing.
This could help, but also fail at the same time. Its going to depend on the talent & person selected to manage them.

Hayes dosent make alot of sense for Kidd other than his background as a wrestler. Maybe someone like Dean Milenko would have worked better due to his great work as a cruiserweight.

Finlay might be a good fit for someone like Mc Intyre to get over with more of an edge.

This would definately work for Ezekiel Jackson as the monster heel type does well with a manager by their side. Someone like Tyler Reks would benefit as well.

Pairing someone with a Diva isnt a great idea as seen by Ted jr. here recently. It just wasnt going to work even with the help of the smoking hot Maryse.

It also brings to light the fact that there arent any managers that stand out anymore. Heyman, Jim Cornette- those type of personalities are few and far between. In my opinion, the greatest manager of all time- Bobby Heenan, will never be replaced. Just not the same effect now as it had back then.

Malenko? did you ever hear him in the mic? Good wrestler lousy mic work. Hayes has the gift of gab on the mic. Managers are long over due. Today's wrestlers don't get over because 1/2 of them have no mic skills. It was the same back in the day but you had the Heenan's, Blassie's, Albano's, Hart's etc getting these guys over. My favorite manager of the classic days and not many may remember was the Grand Wizard.
Defo managers always add a bit of spice to feuds and sometimes feuds over managers can be great i dont remember alot of old school manager feuds but i do remember the feud between E&C & Hardys for the services of terri. But bringing back bangers can give people that are crap on the mic a mouth pice and you can also use divas as valets which makes use of some that arnt used to make and make them more relevant#

To add to what people are saying Mangers seem to pair with big monster charcters as people are saying and the Valets would pair with Normal kind of stars. Ted & maryse could have worked great if it wasnt for her wanting to be the main attraction i remeber when they were teasing a Miz & maryse team after seeing whats happend with ted im glad it didnt happen.

Remeber the Jericho,Trish,Christian that was a great feud i thought
I do need to borrow from a current Superstar... "Really? Really?" Do you really believe that the managers back in the day were actually booking matches for the wrestlers? They were part of the stable of the company, much like they would be now. Bobby Heenan was a character--one of the greatest characters in the history of wrestling. He was not really running the business of his "family". You really think that Slick and Paul Ellering were cutting backroom deals? Apparently they were great at their jobs if they had you convinced that Mr. Fuji was going through contracts and doing anything more than what the promoters told them to do.

I'll tell you what. Before I rip you a new hole, I'll let you go back and read my post again, so maybe you can catch something you obviously missed before.

I am kinda with Sly on this one.

I think having a manager do the talking for you will just pin point someone's biggest flaw. It might be okay for roid monkeys like Skip Sheffield, Zeke Jackson, and Mason Ryan because they look intimating and move like beasts. And for the these guys they were slapped with people who clearly were better than them at talking by leaps and bounds.

But for the most part, everyone else is about the same size as everyone else around them. Being able to talk is one of the things that separates people these days. Guys who are good at talking get more promos than guys who aren't good at talking. More promos means more obvious character development.. Which, for the most part, leads to better crowd reaction. They have plenty of 'good' in-ring talent, but what is going to separate the Ziggles from the Drews from the [insert shit mic worker here]?

Unless they can REALLY captivate the audience in the ring, I don't see how having someone else get you your heat can benefit someone. Look how the crowd cares very little about what is going on with Dolph or Swaggie are when their mouth pieces aren't actively involved in what they are doing.
I agree. And there's a reason managers went out of style in the first place. At the end of the day, the wrestling business wants guys who can draw, and if you can't draw without someone talking for you, then you obviously aren't very good. To have a manger SOLELY for the purpose of talking for you just makes you look like an inferior worker, and especially would today given how "smart" people in the IWC think they are.
I do need to borrow from a current Superstar... "Really? Really?" Do you really believe that the managers back in the day were actually booking matches for the wrestlers? They were part of the stable of the company, much like they would be now. Bobby Heenan was a character--one of the greatest characters in the history of wrestling. He was not really running the business of his "family". You really think that Slick and Paul Ellering were cutting backroom deals? Apparently they were great at their jobs if they had you convinced that Mr. Fuji was going through contracts and doing anything more than what the promoters told them to do.

Jesus.. You are dead.. Trust me.. In any case, you missed the keyword Slyfox used, they used to KAYFABE do it... I'm gonna love the response.. CHUCKLE..

In any case even though I agree with Slyfox ONE HUNDRED PERCENT that in today's era where entertainment is the main factor and you do it by cutting promos and telling the story in the ring, one thing I guess he missed out.. How the wrestlers used to evolve then, and how they develop now... See we orgasm on Punk and call him one of a kind because of the fact that how he DEVELOPED HIMSELF.. How he came up trying to be himself and walk, talk and be CM PUNK.. No one taught him how or what t speak. No one taught him what to say in a promo.. He was allowed to be himself.. Right now, with the need to be non-offending and playing inside the line they are hardly allowed to do that.. Imagine a wrestler growing up, cussing all around, cracking jokes like the Old D GEN X used to do.. He comes into WWE, notice his character and tell him, "DUDE, It's not gonna work.. You look nice enough to be a face.. Go water yourself down Son.." and we have a generic miniature version of goody goody Joe.. Till the time that the wrestlers are allowed to absorb their character in their skin and cut promos accordingly, you need to have some attached with the guy to help him off..

But also the thing is, these dudes don't need to think that "Yeah man, now that I have the cushion of a mouth-piece.. Lets fool around.." They should be told that they are getting managers for a specific amount of time.. Till that they should work on their promo cutting.. After that tenure they are out by themselves.. If they can get over, fine, if not "F-YOU!!"
I do need to borrow from a current Superstar... "Really? Really?" Do you really believe that the managers back in the day were actually booking matches for the wrestlers? They were part of the stable of the company, much like they would be now. Bobby Heenan was a character--one of the greatest characters in the history of wrestling. He was not really running the business of his "family". You really think that Slick and Paul Ellering were cutting backroom deals? Apparently they were great at their jobs if they had you convinced that Mr. Fuji was going through contracts and doing anything more than what the promoters told them to do.

wow...paul ellering was an absolute genius and YES he did everything for the road warriors, handled their money, got them to events, did negotiations, etc. ellering did it all...he really should not have been mentioned, you dont know much about ellering, i can see.
I don't think you need a bunch of people being managers or (maybe) instead of manager call them agents, but IF got the right person it would work. I don't think it could be a far reach to think that someone like Edge, could become a Bobby Heenan type of a manager/agent. Have him look over several wrestlers. He's had won more titles than anyone else in WWE. He knows how to be a champion. He knows how to get the reaction needed from the crowd. He's been involved in feuds with just about everyone in the business. Who else can boast that. I think Edge would could be the rub that some of these guys need to move them from mid-card to top tier.
According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, the WWE is discussing reviving the manager role for some heel performers that just simply aren't all that good on the microphone. During the SmackDown! portion of this week's WWE Superstars, SmackDown! head writer Michael Hayes accompanied Tyson Kidd to the ring for his match against Trent Barreta.

I'd love to see the WWE go through with this. There are a some talented guys on the WWE roster, like Tyson Kidd for instance, that are just lacking in the promo department. Having someone be the mouthpiece for them could open up a new world of possibilities for some WWE heels.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't miss managers at all. There's no use for them now and if someone can't talk, either that guy has to work on it or just wrestle.
Managers are still relevent. WWE has just convinced you they are not. Tyson Kidd, Jack Swagger and many other young wrestlers could be world champions with a manager

So, compare those two other upcoming, 'future' world champions like Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett. That and Swaggie was already a world champion.

I just don't buy that managers are needed. The wrestling biz has evolved to the point that promo are just as important as matches. 20-30 years ago when managers were much more relevant, promos were basically 30 seconds to a few minutes of shouting how much you hate so and so [insert catchphrase here]. Heck, I would say promos have involved 10 years ago because catchphrase and pandering to the crowd doesn't cut it any more. I do think it because performers these days are just flat out better when it comes to acting than those of yesteryear.

I've made it not secret that I am the biggest Wade Barrett fan here.. But does anyone really think that program last year would've been as interesting if it wasn't for Wade and Cena's ability to talk on the mic? They weren't just spewing out things that were on the back or front of their shirts. They were doing top notch acting while delivering a dialogue and the crowd ate that shit up like a fat woman loves cookies.

Like I said in the earlier post, mic skills these days separates guys. Pairing them with someone just because they can't talk will make it even more apparent.
Managers are still relevent. WWE has just convinced you they are not. Tyson Kidd, Jack Swagger and many other young wrestlers could be world champions with a manager

No, managers are not relevant today. The best manager in wrestling over the last 5 years was probably James Mitchell for Abyss, and yet, he was easily expendable as well. Perhaps you meant to say "they COULD be relevant", but then again, you still would be wrong, with regards to kayfabe purposes of having a manager.
I have never understood what is so great about managers. Yes, they can be the mouthpiece for an inferior talker but having a manager in the first place will never let a guy improve his skills as a talker for he will not get much of a chance to cut a promo. And let us not kid ourselves, having a manager is just a temporary solution to what is a permanent problem. We all know that a manager will not stick around with a client for the entire duration of one's career and there is no guarantee that the guy will improve. In fact, as I just mentioned there is a good chance that a manager might ruin whatever chance you might have at improving your promo skills.

It is basically admitting that your guys have a problem when it comes to cutting a promo which is itself a slur on the developmental facilities that the WWE runs. It's not really much of a solution to be honest.
See I dont see Managers just about talking.

Managers also distracted the ref so something underhanded could happen via the Heel, Or call the attention of the ref that his mans foot was on the rope during a pin cause well he or she put it there.

In the case of Cornette he would wack the opponent of his man in the head with his loaded tennis racket when the ref was not looking.

Paul Heyman would use his cell phone they were like a big brick back in the day.

Classy Freddy Blassie would hit people with his caine.

But think about it Alex Riley is in essence The Manager of the Miz
Michael Cole as well for the Miz and Swagger

Managers not only spoke but took pot shots at their guys opponent during matches and sometimes like Paul Heyman and Cornette at eachother. I remember Paul running down and smashing a phone in the back of cornettes head one time then beating him with his own loaded tennis racket it was hillarious.

When Sherri's man be it Harlem Heat, Booker T, Shawn Michales or whomever was down and out she would start flirting with the ref to distract him from counting.

MR. Fuji would throw powder in peoples eyes with Yoko, Dino Bravo and all the ones he managed.
I think it would be great
Some of the pro-manager arguments haven't been presented very well. I'll take a shot at it.

I really like this idea. As others have said, some of these guys just do not have what it takes on the mic. Guys like Big Zeke, Jack Swagger, Mark Henry, Mason Ryan, Skip Sheffield, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd, and Tyler Reks. It's much more likely these guys will do well with a manager, who can hide their inability to cut promos, and have combative dialogue with other wrestlers. Some other names to consider here would be David Otunga, Husky Harris, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, Brodus Clay, D.H. Smith, Drew McIntyre, and Mike McGillicutty. Should all of these guys have managers? No, absolutely not. Some of them shouldn't be around, at all.

WWE has several people, already in place, who could easily transition into the role of a manager. Michael Cole, Vickie (already doing it), William Regal, and Matt Striker (as much as I hate him, he's an option).

In all reality, WWE wouldn't need more than four managers anyhow. "The Heenan Family" was a great idea, and something similar could work today. It's an easy way to bring random heels together, without looking all that random.

Sly is right. Managers are no longer relevant, haven't been for years. But that doesn't mean they cannot become an important part of the show, once again. The pieces are in place, they just need to pull the trigger. Not sure it will actually happen, but I'm hoping so.

Oh, and please, no babyface managers. That shit never works, and it bores the hell out of me.
See I dont see Managers just about talking.

Managers also distracted the ref so something underhanded could happen via the Heel, Or call the attention of the ref that his mans foot was on the rope during a pin cause well he or she put it there.

In the case of Cornette he would wack the opponent of his man in the head with his loaded tennis racket when the ref was not looking.

Paul Heyman would use his cell phone they were like a big brick back in the day.

Classy Freddy Blassie would hit people with his caine.

But think about it Alex Riley is in essence The Manager of the Miz
Michael Cole as well for the Miz and Swagger

Managers not only spoke but took pot shots at their guys opponent during matches and sometimes like Paul Heyman and Cornette at eachother. I remember Paul running down and smashing a phone in the back of cornettes head one time then beating him with his own loaded tennis racket it was hillarious.

When Sherri's man be it Harlem Heat, Booker T, Shawn Michales or whomever was down and out she would start flirting with the ref to distract him from counting.

MR. Fuji would throw powder in peoples eyes with Yoko, Dino Bravo and all the ones he managed.
I think it would be great

Being an old-school guy, I certainly miss the Manager role. They were perfect for the worker who could not talk
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i think its a great idea but like some have said it could also fail. But i am optimistic i want it to return mayson ryan need a mouth piece, tyler reks those typse of guys, the divas hmmmmm, i am sure hanging around with Kharma would get you noticed and mayrse was just selfish she did nothing to help him win a match period she just sat outside she was a waste. Vicke does her piece she distracts the ref and the hole nine is just that while maryse is hott she suck in that role, i mean she annoying on NXT!
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