WWE TLC 2016: WWE IC Championship Ladder Match - The Miz (c) VS Dolph Ziggler


In what I'm guessing is truly going to be the final match between these two, Miz defends the Intercontinental Championship against Ziggler in a ladder match. They've had a great feud over the title though I have to say I wish that Miz had never dropped the title to Ziggler since they just took the title off Ziggler so quickly.

Bryan said that this would be the final time they'd go at it so the natural assumption is that Miz retains. However, I suppose it's possible that Ziggler could regain the title and that WWE simply foregoes the rematch clause, they do it every once in a while as Randy Orton never got his 1 on 1 rematch against Daniel Bryan for his WrestleMania title loss back in 2014 and Triple H never faced Roman Reigns in a rematch for his WrestleMania title loss earlier this year.
Miz, I guess? He's certainly better than DZ, who's about as generic as they come lately. Maybe WWE can consult Vince Russo on this match and do an Aquaman on a pole match, since these are 2 of his favorites. The winner is the one who can keep Aquaman from saying ridiculously outlandish things about them on the internet.
If Miz wasn't gonna keep the belt, then why did he win it from Ziggler?

But then again, if Ziggler wasn't gonna have a nice reign, why did he lose it so quickly?

Taking those two factors into consideration, I really don't know who's gonna win, so I'm going with the guy I wanna win and of course, that's the Miz. Miz ftw all the way. He's the guy that can take the IC title into a meaningful match at Wrestlemania.
I guess Miz wins. I'll be glad to see them move on. Seen Ziggler vs. Miz so much the past few years.

SDL needs some more wrestlers. There really isn't much competition for Miz.
Miz wins. Hopefully there will be a draft where Raw gives SD Zayn or Neville for them to face Miz.

But of the current roster I hope he is going to feud with Shane O' Mac' until WrestleMania 33 where they will face each other (that's of course if Bryan isn't avaliable).
If they are not going to go there with Miz breaking the HTM's record, so i'll have Shane\ D.Bryan win the title from him, only to lose it in the SmackDown after Mania to a new up and comer heel (maybe Samoa Joe?).
Miz then can go on to the main event scene and face (and maybe defeat) the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.
I hope that The Miz retains the title and thus end this memorable Ziggler-Miz feud.

Ziggler shouldn't win the title again and should just move onto another feud.

Not sure about who challenges Miz for the title. We have already seen Apollo Crews get the chance. Baron Corbin is a heel. Kalisto, No please. Curt Hawkins is a jobber too. I could see Luke Harper challenging Miz if Wyatt Family turns face.

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