WWE TLC 2015: TLC Match for the WWE Championship- Roman Reigns Sheamus (c)

That N Word

Actively evolving

Just made official keep it all in here. I say Triple H will screw Reigns over setting up a match between the two with Reigns having to earn a spot in the Rumble for a title shot by beating H. He wins from the #1 spot. Meanwhile Cena or Lesnar will defeat Sheamus for the title at RR. Setting up the WrestleMania main event.
Roman can't win the rumble wwe desperately need a great rumble considering the last few have sucked with the crowd turning on the rumble winner
If Reigns doesn't win here, the already shrinking number of fans he has will get smaller. If you're going to put the title on him, do it already. The people who like him will just start to think he is a loser who can never do it. The people who don't like him most likely never will at this point.

Reigns should dominate Sheamus. Sheamus has been booked too weakly for the entire year. Just take the belt from him before he discredits it too much. He won't get cheered much, he might get nothing but boos. But if he is selling a good amount of merch, give him the title. Don't kill off the money he already makes by making him an even bigger loser.
I don't that many people being negative about Reigns winning The Rumble this year, so i guess this is his way to glory - lose to Sheamus thanks to Rusev/HHH - spearing HHH couple more times, entering RR match as #1 and win it, facing HHH at Fastlane, facing Cena at WM.
Sheamus in the main event of a PPV in 2015 is such a disgrace it's unbelievable.

Another month WWE won't be getting my $9.99.
I'll be the guy who is fine with this. Rollins is down, and this probably was going to be Rollins vs Reigns in TLC for the title; a match that Reigns may have won. I'm with the people above who don't think Reigns wins the 2016 Rumble, but he likely will main event Wrestlemania, so that means he'd have to be champion by then.

That being said, I don't think Sheamus drops the belt in a month. I'm grateful that his cash-in is finally out of the way, but I don't want another garbage Sheamus title reign. Really, he's had one good one, and even that one was forgettable.

- He beat Cena in a tables match, then lost it two months later in the chamber.
- He won a fatal 4-way, then lost it three months later in a six-pack challenge.
- He beat Bryan at Wrestlemania in 18 seconds, and held the title for almost 7 months (the good reign).

This reign looks like it will echo the first two, and he'll drop the title to Roman at either the Rumble or Fast Lane, allowing the Rumble winner to challenge Roman at Wrestlemania. Sucks to be Sheamus, but his role right now is to get Roman Reigns over as a face, something he seems to be doing actually, as people love to hate Sheamus' look.
He shouldnot win the Royal Rumble this year....
and yeah He should end Sheamus's reign either at TLC or Royal Rumble.....
And "The Lunatic Fringe" Dean Ambrose should win the Royal Rumble! :rolleyes:
I will enjoy this match regardless of the above comments. It's not to blast my rant on the other posters but the verity of the fact is, I have seen them battled in the Past and it never bored me. You can call Sheamus' match as boring but with certain competitors he doesn't bore. For instance, against the likes of Randy Orton (But I'm tired of it now), Wade Barrett, Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns. He plays a good heel role against these blokes.

Considering the match under TLC Rules, certainly you won't lack the entertainment. And I had seen people complaining about the buildup for this match. You see, what else you need to buildup this feud? Sheamus spoiled the Career Changing moment, Career Defining and an Emotional Moment of Roman Reigns and stole his title. What else more you need to buildup this feud?
Obviously Sheamus isn't world champion material but I still like this match. There are flaws in the characters of both but I'm a fan of both of their styles. It should be a hard hitting, enjoyable brawl.
The two of them and WWE face an uphill battle with this whole deal.

However, they couldn't pick a match more suited to both guys abilities to get this off to a strong start. All the potential in the world for something real good.
This match should be good as long as they get bashed with ladders, chairs and put threw tables. I like Sheamus, I don't give a shit about Reigns but i know he's over with a large portion of the audience. Hoping Sheamus retains here and keeps it until Fast Lane at least.
Sheamus works very well with men comparable to his size or larger. I've referenced Sheamus vs Barrett at a time where they were both heels as a great match, though ultimately unremarkable in hindsight. Could compliment with Reigns.

Roman, in his own right, is really growing as a performer, especially in gimmick matches.

Verdict; Cautious optimism.
I hope at some point in the match we see Sheamus dust off his original finisher and put Reigns through a table with his version of the Razor's Edge.

Should be a good match and we should see some good power spots through tables and onto chairs and ladders with these two.
This should be a perfectly fine match. Reigns has shown that he can take the beating when he fought Lesnar. Sheamus has shown that he's a long-term guy on the roster that can maintain the top. This will be tons better than the stupid tournament that was predicted from jump.

The worst thing to do is to take the belt off of Sheamus at this point. The second worst thing to do is to have Reigns continue to pursue the belt after losing at TLC. Have him pursue Barrett and Rusev or something, but keep him away from the Royal Rumble win and keep him away from the Title until after WrestleMania.

Anyway, this match will be fine.
This should be a perfectly fine match. Reigns has shown that he can take the beating when he fought Lesnar. Sheamus has shown that he's a long-term guy on the roster that can maintain the top. This will be tons better than the stupid tournament that was predicted from jump.

The worst thing to do is to take the belt off of Sheamus at this point. The second worst thing to do is to have Reigns continue to pursue the belt after losing at TLC. Have him pursue Barrett and Rusev or something, but keep him away from the Royal Rumble win and keep him away from the Title until after WrestleMania.

Anyway, this match will be fine.

I disagree. I think that Reigns should have won the belt at Survivor series. It's time to see if he can thrive and succeed at being the champion, or if he will crash and burn. They have invested a lot in this man, so what's the harm in seeing how he does? If he doesn't pan out, they can move on and start building someone else.
Yeah I don't think he wins the RR this year, but a match with HHH makes sense.

True. Just like HHH when he wanted a match at WM with Punk, I think this is the same situation. Even though HHH vs. Reigns probably won't be the title match, it should main event WM 32.

I see Brock winning the RR match and Brock vs. Sheamus being the next to last match before HHH vs. Reigns. They could easily have somebody like Stone Cold special guest referee the match to make it more interesting.
I disagree. I think that Reigns should have won the belt at Survivor series. It's time to see if he can thrive and succeed at being the champion, or if he will crash and burn. They have invested a lot in this man, so what's the harm in seeing how he does? If he doesn't pan out, they can move on and start building someone else.

Nah, the smark fans have ruined this run for Roman, the second in a row. Giving him the belt now will only aggravate an already established problem with specific fans thinking that they are smarter bookers than the WWE as long as their indy favorite is booked.

Roman should be away from the title for probably about another year. The Road to WM33 is probably his safest bet to be the face of the company at this point.
Sheamus will probably win. Not a big enough occasion for Roman to win. I'm not holding out much hope for this match. The fans are either gonna ruin it or it will just be boring and predictable. Probably both.
I don't know about anyone else but I'm getting tired of Reigns chasing this title. Give it too him already. He's been chasing it since this time last year, enough is enough. He's not believable as the underdog, he should be tearing through everyone.

This is not the hero's journey Daniel Bryan took, this is Roman Reigns, the juggernaut powerhouse of the Shield. One of the best factions ever put together. He should walk into the ring, beat the crap out of Sheamus, pick up the title, say "Thank you very much", give the fans the finger and walk off.

Let them boo or cheer, whatever, but for heaven's sake just give him the title already. I'd be much more interested in a Reigns title run than a Sheamus run any day of the week. If Reigns has the title, then Owens can drop his too Ambrose and go after Reigns.
He's not believable as the underdog, he should be tearing through everyone.

If they turn him bad, that's probably just what he'd be doing. I think the guy is terrific.....or at least, his potential is terrific.....yet, as much as I rant at people who essentially want everyone to be a bad guy, I say it's vital for Roman Reigns.

All the smiling he's doing is somehow making him appear less dangerous. The only type of smile he should ever use is an evil grin.....and at that, only seldom.

I don't know how long Sheamus is going to hold the title but since his League of Nations is still brand new, I would think they are going to make sure their guy retains this weekend. For all we know, that's the entire purpose for their existence.

Yes, I believe Roman Reigns is going to be a world champion in the near future. He's improved so much in the ring and on the mic these past months that he's just about there, but I maintain his finally achieving the goal will be a bigger deal than taking it home at a minor PPV like TLC.
Reigns is not the underdog, has not been booked like an underdog, and no one is mistaking him for an underdog. He's being booked as the top babyface that is barely missing his deserved title, because of things other people are doing. That's not an underdog. He's not being booked because he's smaller or less athletic, or has less talent. THAT would be an underdog.

His booking has been great, it's the fan reaction to him that is poor. And not all of the fans, since he generally gets the biggest pops of the night until some smarks start it up, and then those same guys come to the internet to rage about how much they hate Reigns.

Like I said earlier, just get Reigns away from the title. If they don't they're going to end up ruining him because there's one group more hard headed than Vince is, and that's the smark base of the WWE Universe.

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