WWE TLC 2011 - Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett - Tables Match


Gone but never forgotten.

WWE.com said:
Viper is defined as any snake belonging to the family Viperidae, characterized by protruding venom-conducting fangs.

Most men would steer clear of such a malevolent creature but Wade Barrett has proven himself to be bolder than most men. Since winning WWE NXT’s inaugural season, Barrett has managed to work his way up WWE’s food chain, first as the leader of The Nexus, then as founder of The Corre and now as the one man “Barrett Barrage.” The former bare-knuckled fighting champion is looking to knock off Randy Orton as WWE’s “Apex Predator.”

In Liverpool, England, on SmackDown, Barrett managed to escape the RKO and used a thumb to Orton’s eye to steal a victory. If that weren’t enough, Team Barrett outlasted Team Orton at Survivor Series when Barrett pinned The Viper with the help of his fellow survivor, Intercontinental Champion, Cody Rhodes. (PHOTOS)

Since then, the British grappler has been stalking Orton and has made it clear that he feels beating the youngest World Heavyweight Champion once and for all will clear his path to holding that same prize.

On the Dec. 9 edition of SmackDown, Randy Orton defeated Dolph Ziggler faster than Wade Barrett, and as a result of that Beat The Clock challenge, won the right to choose the stipulation for their match at TLC. Without a word being spoken, Barrett “suggested” a Tables Match and Orton “agreed” at the expense of Ziggler.

I must say, for an undercard match, the WWE really seemed to generate some interest and a decent buildup for this match. Barrett has been on a tear, lately, and Orton is always at the top dog level. It's interesting to see who comes out with a win here.

In my opinion, I think Barrett should squeeze out some sort of cheap victory. His "Barrett Barage" has been pushed to the moon, as of late, and a loss to Orton would really slow it down. Wade seems to be on a tear towards the World Heavyweight Championship and a win over Orton would most certainly earn him that title shot. However, Barrett can't do this against a heel champion like Mark Henry, so one of two things has to happen at TLC: Either Mark Henry must drop the championship to Big Show or Orton needs to pick up a victory here, thus extended the feud through another PPV.

My money is on Orton coming out with a victory.

Discuss the match here.
i see orton getting the win just because it would almost be too predictable for wade to win since he has had the advantage through out this entire feud. it will be a great match though and i doubt this feud will end afterward
This is going to be quite an enjoyable match in my eyes actually. Barrett has looked great in this one and so has Orton. It's the first time in a while I've actually been interesting in Orton and it all started with a Christmas Package to the back of Otunga's head. Barrett getting involved in yesterdays Tag match giving the heel team the win was a nice touch and Orton putting Ziggler through a table last week was even better.

This should have one final buildup on Friday night before Sunday. Then on Sunday, I think we should see Barrett win. Wasteland through the table, giving the "Barrett Barrage" a big push up front.

Prediction: Barrett wins.
Orton will win. They are not trying to bury him. Plus, a lose from Orton to Barret will not hurt the Barrage at all. It only builds the feud even longer.

IHWrestling's Prediction: RKO for the win.
How about D. Bryan cashing in on an injured Mark Henry, after Henry beats Big Show, and becomes the WHC. Then Barrett beats Orton which sets up a D. Bryan vs. Wade Barrett match at The Royal Rumble for the WHC. I can see this happening.
Very interesting build up, Barret has had the upper hand most weeks with Orton yet to really get his hands on the big man.

Would make sense if Barret won as he's due to get a big push, don't think it would hurt Orton either. Or you could have Orton go over and then a vicious beat down by Barret after the match to keep the barrage rolling. Either way i think these two will face off again at the rumble with Barret getting the win there and possibly getting a good run in the rumble match, last 4 maybe?

I'm hoping it's Wade's year next year and towards the end of it he wins the big one.
Pretty decent feud here. I expect Barrett to win here, continuing his massive push into the main event. I mean really, it's not like it would hurt Orton any. It's just a Tables match. But Orton has yet to get a victory over him in the last couple of months. It could honestly go either way, but having Barrett go over is probably the best way.
This is the only match IMO that isn't a lock on who wins or loses. Barrett has had the upper hand pretty much from the beginning but Orton is hard to beat. I don't think this feud is over though after TLC. Not while Mark Henry has the belt. My guess would be Barrett by a cheap victory. But how do you have a cheap victory in a tables match? No DQ and Barrett's "Barrage" has been without the help of others. Like I said, hard one to pick on the card. My guess: Barrett.
Wade Barrett seems to be on the path of destruction. He's gotten the best of Randy Orton and it seems like he's on his way to better things on Smackdown. With that said, he doesn't need a win over Orton to get a nice rub. A match with Randy Orton is a good day at the office. Orton is arguably the top three in the most over faces in the WWE and Wade Barrett will likely get some heat from locking it up with one of Smackdown's finest. I see Randy Orton getting a nice clean win and for a match that really has no reward, it feels like a great build-up. That's something I've been wanting more of; WWE focusing on lower/undercard feuds like this one.

Hamler's Prediction - Randy Orton will defeat Wade Barrett
I have no idea how this ends, and I have a feeling that this might be a feud that the WWE wants to continue with into the Royal Rumble. On the one hand, Orton is your top guy, and I don't see how he doesn't go over a guy so beneath him as Barrett. On the other hand, the WWE seems dead set on making Barrett a top heel for Smackdown, and what better way to get him over than by beating Orton?

If I had to make a prediction, I think this match ends in a DQ win for Orton. Orton will have the match in hand, but Barrett will pull some tricks and ensure that he comes out looking dominant. Whether it'll be a foreign object, a low blow, shoving the referee... I don't know, but I think it's more important to Wade to be the last man standing than to have his hand raised.

I am kind of excited for this match. I haven't been a fan of Wade Barrett for most of his career, but he's impressed me over the past few months. I have no idea where this angle is going, but I'm okay with that, it makes for more excitement come this Sunday.
If I had to make a prediction, I think this match ends in a DQ win for Orton. Orton will have the match in hand, but Barrett will pull some tricks and ensure that he comes out looking dominant. Whether it'll be a foreign object, a low blow, shoving the referee... I don't know, but I think it's more important to Wade to be the last man standing than to have his hand raised.

That would be interesting. A DQ in a tables match ;).

In all seriousness I'm actually excited for this one. I'm not a fan of Orton nor do I care much for Barrett but this feud has sparked some interest out of me. I think Barrett could be a world title guy and it seems they are trying to get him back on that track and what better way than to take out Orton. However Orton has seemingly been lost in the shuffle lately. He has been moved out of the world title picture and has been feuding with guys lower than him on the totem pole. Barrett thus far has come out looking better in the early going with his team defeating Orton at Survivor Series and Barrett just getting on Orton's nerves in general. I expect Barrett to fully dominate this match only for Orton to pull a comeback and nail a RKO through the table out of nowhere to score the win. This gives Orton some much needed momentum heading into the Royal Rumble, where you gotta think he is a favorite as it is in his hometown.
That would be interesting. A DQ in a tables match ;).

Oh duh!

Well then I guess my DQ theory is out the window. Maybe Wade will pick up a very cowardly win then. A low blow is a distinct possibility, or maybe Wade does the bare minimum to put Orton through a table after Orton DOES put Wade through a table, but the ref doesn't see it for whatever reason.

As you can tell I have a strong feeling Wade Barrett wins this one, but I still think anything can happen.
Ive said it before, and I'll say it again. I really feel like this feud has run its course. We've seen half a dozen one-on-one matches between the two within the past month and a half, and while I was first intrigued in this feud, it's really lost its luster to me. The idea of "Barrett needs to go through Orton to get into the championship picture" is a baffling one to me. Didn't he do exactly that when his team beat Orton's in the Survivor Series match last month, especially with Wade getting the emphatically clean pinfall over Orton to end it? Or are we to pretend that match never happened, or worse, means nothing? Sure seems that way.

Wade Barrett is an odd case for me. When he debuted with Nexus, I really wanted to like him. I didn't get all the drooling done over him with regards to his mic skills, but that doesn't mean he's wasn't very good, just overrated. His in-ring skills have always left alot to be desired to me, as he's not particularly smooth or fluid in anything he does, and he doesn't make up for that in being high-energy. He's very methodical. So while I've enjoyed his work in the past, it's not at a main event level to me, and I'm not sure he'll ever get there. He's still a valuable talent, and he's acquitted himself nicely in most feuds. He's mid/upper-midcard talent, and there's nothing wrong with that.

With all that being said, I think Orton pulls this one out. I understand the consensus of how this would derail the "Barrett Barrage", but there's no shame in losing to the face of Smackdown, especially since he's already pinned him twice prior.(Again, why do these victories mean nothing if Barrett needs to beat Orton to get into the title picture?) Anyway, I see this being something like the Kofi/Orton feud back in 2009. Kofi got the victory over Orton in the Survivor Series match, but Orton got the win at TLC. Orton's already lost one feud this year, I don't see it becoming two. I'm not terribly looking forward to this match, but I do expect some sick spot where Orton RKO's Barrett through the table to win this thing.
I think Orton wins the tables match. This feud was a success for Barrett. It was suppose to get some of his momentum back that he lost after Nexus and it did.

I do think Barrett is overrated. Cole keeps talking about how he is a bare knuckle champ, but you dont see him use those skills in his matches. People kill Miz for not being great in ring, but Barrett seems to get a pass. Miz has more entertaining matches than Barrett does.

Rhodes and Ziggler are both better than Barrett. The Garden is a heel loving crowd and they were way more into Cody than they were Barrett at SS.
Oh duh!

Well then I guess my DQ theory is out the window. Maybe Wade will pick up a very cowardly win then. A low blow is a distinct possibility, or maybe Wade does the bare minimum to put Orton through a table after Orton DOES put Wade through a table, but the ref doesn't see it for whatever reason.

As you can tell I have a strong feeling Wade Barrett wins this one, but I still think anything can happen.

I'm with you. WWE has been using the Table Match at TLC to put people over their top dogs like Cena and Orton without having said guys look bad in the process for the past couple of years. Last year it was The Miz over Orton, the year before it was Sheamus getting the WWE Title off of Cena. I fully expect this year to follow suit and Barrett to get the win over Orton.
I'd love to see Wade go over here, even under conspicuous circumstances, but Orton's PPV losing streak and the possibility of lengthening this feud lead me to believe that he'll get the win here. Wade's definitely on his way to the main event, and hopefully he'll put out a great showing here to prove that he belongs there. This should be a great match, where Orton will probably guide Wade throughout and make him look like gold. As I said, I expect Orton to win here, and we should get a rematch at the Rumble. From there, though, I haven't a clue what they'll do with these two at Mania, as there feud will likely be over by then. I'm probably looking too far ahead right now. I'll just sit back and enjoy this match on Sunday.
This is a very tough choice for me, but I'm going with Wade Barrett here. WWE seems to have some high hopes and major future plans for Wade Barrett, and a singles win over Randy Orton at a pay per view would give him a big boost. As others have said, I think Wade will find a way to squeeze out a win here, because I can't see Barrett walking away with a decisive victory in this match. Randy Orton is still a big star in WWE, Wrestlemania season is upon us, and you just know Orton will have a significant role at the big show. A decisive lost to Barrett could put a serious dent in any type of momentum Orton might build, but a close lose to Barrett shouldn't hurt Orton at all, because a close loss would make Barrett's win look like a "lucky" victory.

It's a close call, but I think Barrett will find a way to win this one, and he does need the win a lot more than Orton. I don't expect anything great from this, and tables matches usually bore me, but Barret and Orton could deliver something enjoyable here.
This has been a really good feud and seems that Barrett has gotten the best out of Orton as of late. What i would like to see is a great match between these two superstars. I would give the bout to Barrett I do not see how giving Orton win helps when they seem to be pushing Barrett up the ladder possibly to a title match or possibly Royal Rumble winner in 2012. To help out the cause for Orton I can find and ending to the match that would help both superstars out.

I would have the referee get taken out during the match and have Randy Orton put Barrett thru the table either ia RKO or his powerbomb that he has adapted to match. Then boom lights go out pyro hits and Kane comes out to ring Randy Ortton tries to get off an offensive advantage on him as he enters ring but then i would have Kane deliver a big boot to Randy and then have Kane Chokeslam Randy into remnants of broken table Kane exits ring and then have Wade Barrett regain composure and wake the referee up and have him view Randy laid out within remanats of Table. Your winner Wade Barrett and the Barrett Barage continues on.
I am looking forward to this match. I like both guys and I am glad they are pushing Barrett again. This feud getting restarted has been good for him. Orton also needed something to do while being out of the world title scene. I could see the match going either way, although a win for Barrett would make the most sense because it will give him some more momentum for when he climbs further up the card. Orton will remain over and a loss here will not hurt him. I can see the feud lasting a little longer and would not be against that.

Wade Barrett will defeat Randy Orton
Barrett hoists orton up on the announce table and does a wasteland from there through a table getting the victory.. Come royal rumble barrett eliminates orton and goes on to win the rumble then elimination barrett stops orton before he gets in the chamber and goes to town only for orton to still pull out the win and winning the WHC thus setting up ORTON VS BARRETT where orton finally gets a victory over barrett only for barrett to win the title at the next ppv
So my prediction is barrett wins
Barrett hoists orton up on the announce table and does a wasteland from there through a table getting the victory.. Come royal rumble barrett eliminates orton and goes on to win the rumble then elimination barrett stops orton before he gets in the chamber and goes to town only for orton to still pull out the win and winning the WHC thus setting up ORTON VS BARRETT where orton finally gets a victory over barrett only for barrett to win the title at the next ppv
So my prediction is barrett wins

Yeah I can see something like this happening. Orton wins tonight, then Barrett wins the rumble by eliminating Orton. Orton wins title in the Elimination Chamber.

And Daniel Bryan who has history with Barrett, will cash in his MITB briefcase making it a triple threat title match at Wrestlemania.

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