WWE Title underused on Raw?

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gully side adidja

Pre-Show Stalwart
This has been really bothering me till now.

Up until the sheamus/cena title match,the last time the wwe title was defended on raw was 6 months ago,orton defended against dibiase,i mean raw is the no.1 show on wwe,why can't the wwe title be defended on the show,once every month or every two months,not SIX MONTHS,it makes the wwe champion look uncompetitive,over the last six months all the champions(orton and cena) have done are non title or tag matches,a title match every 2 months is not a lot to ask is it? I also believe title matches will make more people tune into raw more,at the fought of a wwe title match on free tv instead of ppv.

One more thing,as the guest host thing will probably end shortly,and wwe will most likely drop ratings,do you think more title matches and possible title changes on raw could salvage the ratings drop?

The simple answer to this one is : You don't give away for free, what you can sell. Sure, I'd like to see more title matches on Raw for any of the titles really, but that isn't always the smartest business decision. I think instead of simply having the matches, the title should change hands on t.v. and if you did that maybe every few months that would keep things interesting. During John Morrison's Intercontinental Title reign he defended his title on Smack Down it seemed almost every week, so maybe you have been looking in the wrong places. The U.S. title has been defended on Raw quite a bit too.

As for the main titles, yeah it's lame that they don't give us more of them, but it's necessary to keep the matches few and far between. If they had title matches on Raw all the time, it wouldn't be a big deal. However, since it doesn't really happen all that often, when it does it is a big deal.

I stand by that they should or could maintain the same schedule with the title matches, if they title changed hands sometimes when they did it. As it stands you never really give a shit when they do it even though it is a big deal, because you know that the title will not change hands. If they surprised us one day with that, than great. If they don't, so be it.
First off, I would like to say that I was at the Dibiase-Orton Match, and it was not for the title. Also, we just had a title match about two weeks ago, so as long as they hype the storylines well, they really should limit the number of title matches on Raw. They don't have enough hype as is.
It wouldn't be a bad idea having a WWE title match every so often.

How good would it have been to actually see Cena beat Shemus fairly in the middle of the ring the other week when the title was on the line instead of everyone knowing it was gonna be due 2 disqualification as Cena is on his winning streak till he gets the title back.

It would have been very unpredictable.

How good would it have been if it was still Orton/Cena fighting for the belt (and they have been back and forth on every ppv) to see a match on Raw for the WWE title, and if it changed hands, wow. I would be up for that anytime.

Also i would just like to add, this is my first post so hi every1 :wave:
The title matches have to be used on free tv so sparingly so everyone will buy the ppvs. usually title matches on tv are a garauntee win for the champion anyway in most cases. it would be nice to see more than just the divas womens titles on the line on free tv more often but it just won't happen
I agree it has these 6 man tag or normal tag matches dont give either wrestler enough momentum going into ppvs.
Like from what I have seen on this looking at the house shows the titles get defended more on these shows than they do on tv.
I dont get this more wwe title matches on raw or wc title matches on sd would sell easier,put on a better show and get better ratings.
These days they seem to rather john cena giving long promos full of crap that no1 wants to here than good 15/20 title matches.
Dont get me wrong I like cena its just I feel wwe ruined his character with this "never give up garbage".
They need to turn him heel for a while than possibly make him a tweener papping on everyone and than turn face whilst keeping the rapping gimmick as he was alot more entertaining.
This would also be a good way of freshing up feuds as pure wrestlers and next generation wrestlers can say he is discgracing the wwe championship and he nothing more than a punk and a thug it worked before and i think this would be fresh
First off, I would like to say that I was at the Dibiase-Orton Match, and it was not for the title.

This is true, I do believe that it was Cody Rhodes who had the WWE championship title match however, with John Cena as the special referee(ending in a beat down) - as it was Dusty Rhodes who was hosting Raw.

As previously stated, it's plainly to seel more PPV's. It adds to the title's prestige as well if its only being defended on PPVs, rather than having a world title match each week.
My thought on the matter is that they should have more matches for the WWE championship. But they should make sure that the matches are able to keep the audience's attention. These matches should get them excited and make them sit on the edge of their seats. It is not only quantity but also quality that matters. If my memory serves me well, the WWE Championship was defended a lot in pretty interesting matches when it was in Smackdown. Think back to JBL vs Eddie Guerrero in Steel Cage Match or Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle in a 60 minute Ironman match. I would say that matches like these really made the WWE Championship look like a championship worth going after. I honestly would say that nowadays I don't really see the WWE championship with the same amount of respect that I used to see it with.
I think the fact that the WWE is going to be taking a few PPV's away the title defenses should increase. People whine and complian when Cena held the belt that he was instoppable every time he defended the strap. Can you imagine if Cena was defending it every four shows?

I am sick of the strap changing hands every two or three months, I miss someone holding it for a year or longer. Think about it JBL was the last person to hold a belt for any length of time, and think about all the battles he had and how great they were.
I understand the business aspect, saying that you shouldn't give away what you can sell. But there is another way to go about this. Last week on Raw, there was something that happened that may not seem have seemed like a big deal, but strangely enough could evolve into something WWE greatly needs. It was the Sheamus/Evan Bourne match. Now okay, yes, we all knew Sheamus was going to win, that Bourne wasn't going to get the shot at the Rumble. But at the same time, it gave Sheamus another opponent besides Cena. So what I believe the WWE should do is HAVE title shots. Just not those that are pay-per-view worthy. And I know what you're saying, what's the point in that. The point is, that what they could do is put on GREAT matches between the champion and some lesser known talent, that could boost the these guys INTO potential main even material. Build new main eventers. The championship title is the very symbol for the best. So by putting these younger, less known guys against the best could only help the company in time. How? By simply giving younger guys their time to shine, to which the audience will pick up on and only find refreshing. WWE is in DESPERATE need for a main event shift. And by doing this, perhaps they will.
i agree the title is defend way to less on raw.i wouldnt want this to be a weekly thing or even a monthly thing,just give us a reason to care about the title besides having it defended on every PPV. Ratings would probailly even go up a tad, i doubt they would sky rocket through the roof. But it could help a bit. To me, it makes me feel like the title is unimportant and just for just until that big ppv night. Hell even the world title was defend on SD like a month ago or so wasent it? I dont think it would kill them to put the strap on the line on the show once in awhile. It gives people a reason to tune in.
Putting new and fresh title matches on TV is a recipe for disaster. Back in the day, WWF didn't do that, or if they did it would be matches like The Rock vs Road Dogg that were the epitome of foregone conclusions. All of the big changes usually revolved around matches that we have seen before on PPV. Meanwhile, over on WCW, they were giving Hogan vs Goldberg for free. Giving away new title matches on TV is ******ed, as is giving away matches that still have PPV life left in them, though that is more understandable.

As you can see, there's a fine line. I would probably suggest that what they should do is have, every so often, the odd guy like MVP getting a shot. You know he won't win, but at least it gives the champion a bit more credibility. Otherwise, you have a situation where someone wins the title and loses it again without a single defense, which is a bit stupid. Title changes should only happen in moderation on Raw, and I think about one a year is a fair rate. That way, it might happen, but probably won't. If title changes happened never, the possibility, and hence the suspense in watching would vanish. If they happened all the time, nobody would buy the PPVs.
putting the title on the line every once in a while like they do on smackdown would be a nice change or if nothing else If they would give us a title match that doesnt last 5min. Thats the real issue is that raw puts to much time hyping their main event and then its almost always lackluster. So I think the real issue isnt how often they have title matches as much as the quality of those matches and the main event in general
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