WWE Survivor Series 2010 - Aftermath and General Discussion


Gone but never forgotten.
Even though the Raw main event has already been announced (and keep all discussion about it in the sticky thread in this section) there is still a lot of speculation as to what matches will be added to the card. Who do you think will be wrestling? Any titles on the line? How would you book the event?

Let's keep all of the general discussion about the PPV in here.
I would really wanna book Daniel Bryan vs CM Punk, maybe it is a demote for Punk to fight for the United States Title, but it would put prestige back in the title, to have Punk fight for it. And it would create an epic match between 2 former ROH guys, which could be match of the night, and also put prestige back in the title
i hope to see at least 2 traditional survivor series matches possibly a nexus vs wwe one
or sumthing like that. after BR edge shud b in the whc match and i like the idea of adding rey and del rio making it an elimination match and therefore a need to survive. punk vs bryan would be awesome but id like to see dolph and bryan go a bit longer maybe that cud be the other traditional tag match
team dolph: dolph kofi swagger rhodes drew team bryan:bryan punk morrison ted ezekiel
if not that then it will probably be a divas one where laycool get left on there own and lose.
dont really know what to do with miz though?
Any titles on the line? How would you book the event?

is it just me, or is it super tragic that titles are hardly ever defended on PPV these days? that's one thing that TNA does better than WWE at this point. why have a title if you're not gonna defend it? or write stories for it.

and no, this isn't WWE-bashing. i'm a huge fan of all wrestling, but WWE the most. i would just do things a bit differently.

women's/diva's title -- LayCool vs. anybody. anybody wins here. maybe even Gail Kim in a surprise. let her be the first to win all three major titles. plus, lest we forget, she can actually wrestle! let this be the turning point for this division where the emphasis is on the mat and mic skills, not the looks or the "entertainment". Gail can win here and then begin defending against Natalya, Tamina (possibly), Melina, a returning Beth Phoenix, etc...

IC/US Title -- unification match between Ziggler and Bryan. they put on a great match in the opening exhibition with no back story. now that we have a month to build and something very prestigious on the line, think of how great this could be. then, with the newly unified champ allowed to go on both shows (this is my booking, remember), that really opens up the possibilities for feuds and matches, including a Bryan vs. Punk for the titles. it could hardly seem like a demotion for Punk to be vying for a title, one of two singles titles that would be available for him.

Kane vs. ? -- this is a tougher one. Taker is reportedly needing some time off and Kane has not feuded with anyone since he began this feud. and now that there's not much build up, maybe just a throw-away match with another monster, like Big Show or Khali? the only problem is that those matches have been done to death and aren't very exciting as a rule. maybe a match with Swagger, except that i'd love to see Swagger and Edge go further. all that said, maybe this one title doesn't get defended (i know, thus nullifying what i said up above about the travesty that is the WWE for not defending the titles enough) and leads Team Smackdown vs. Team Raw. that's the best i can think of for Kane right now.

Orton vs. Barrett with Cena as special referee -- gotta say that this is tough to call. it seems very likely that Barrett will win as opposed to Cena getting fired. and this could lead to that much speculated and often hoped for Cena heel turn. as in, he gets the chance to leave Nexus but decides to stay. that could be huge. so let's go with that. let's say Barrett wins and Cena turns heel the next PPV, by laying down for Barrett in the main event, thus admitting that he wants to stay with Nexus and for Barrett to be champ.

it's a bit crazy, but that's the best i've got right now. i'll think some more about it during my meeting here at work and maybe edit this post a bit some or re-post later.
One thing I'd like is the 5 on 5 traditional Survivor Series match. At least two of them like last year. This time though, I want feuds on each side only, last year was a bit different. Daniel Bryan vs CM Punk would be great. It suck there in the midcard though. Unless CM Punk refuses to go for the US title, and because of his character/gimmick, it could make sense. He's actually more of a main event type. Randy Orton vs Wade Barrett isn't that excting. The stipulation makes it more interesting though. But what I've seen in BR, Orton can't make a good match with Barrett, Cena can. But unfortunately, it has to be Wade vs Randy again. This could be a good time for Cena to turn heel (If Vince wants to anyways). But as long as the feuds are nice and long, and booked properly, it beats Bragging Rights any day.
i hope to see at least 2 traditional survivor series matches possibly a nexus vs wwe one
or sumthing like that. after BR edge shud b in the whc match and i like the idea of adding rey and del rio making it an elimination match and therefore a need to survive. punk vs bryan would be awesome but id like to see dolph and bryan go a bit longer maybe that cud be the other traditional tag match
team dolph: dolph kofi swagger rhodes drew team bryan:bryan punk morrison ted ezekiel
if not that then it will probably be a divas one where laycool get left on there own and lose.
dont really know what to do with miz though?

No More Elimation Tag Matches! There was one in summerlslam, and one last night, and now more? They were exciting at first but the bragging rights one was like "ok??? now what" Here an idea, what if they took the "soul survivor/s" of the survivors series matches and say throw them in a battle royal to determin the #1 contender for a championship of "their" choosing?
It will be Punk and Bryan vs. Dolph and someone else. Why? Because Bryan fits in Punks Lifestyle. I know Daniel Bryan is a face, but his lifestyle fits with the straightedge lifestyle. Punk could say "I, CM PUNK asked to be traded because those who professed straightedge didn't really live it. I saw one person, besides myself profess the lifestyle and actually live it, Daniel Bryan." Could set up a feud or a team. I am hoping for the latter.
When Nexus interfered in Taker's match at Bragging Rights, I had a thought they would have a Team Taker vs. Nexus match at SS but looks like it wont happen now unless they have a team representing Taker but Taker is not in the team but that's very doubtful. But whatever the case, Nexus defintely need to be in a Survivor Series match as they are practically advertised all over SS' card, poster etc. I see the following happening...

Wade Barrett vs. Randy Orton w/ Cena as Special Referee - WWE Title

Big Show vs. Kane - World Title

Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk - US Title

Team Laycool (Michelle McCool, Layla, Jillian Hall, Maryse & Alicia Fox) vs. Team Natalya (Natalya, Melina, Gail Kim, Kelly Kelly & probably a returning Beth Phoenix)

Team Miz (The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio & Jack Swagger) vs. Team Mysterio (Rey Mysterio, MVP, John Morrison, The Great Khali & Kaval)

Team Nexus (John Cena, David Otunga, Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater) vs. Team WWE (Edge, Christian or Mark Henry, Evan Bourne & Kofi Kingston)
I have a question (possible rant) about the Survivor Series match... not something wwe did, but just whatever...

Why do a lot of people count only four people per team in the traditional Survivor Series matches? For as long as I can remember (which is at least 18 years) Survivor Series match has always been 5 on 5... except for the select few that's gone over the 5 on 5 cap. It's annoying (completely) to see people say "4 on 4 traditional survivor series" and not realize that it's not part of the tradition...


This year, I see there being only one survivor series match. Think about it. WWE originally had Survivor Series scrapped for this year, and not only that, but they just had TWO 7 on 7 elimination matches within the last three months. Why would they add a third one? I get that Dub Dub E has the tendency to wear out matches, but this is just overkill.

As for what matches I predict, they are as follows...

Diva's Championship Match
Natalya w/ Beth Phoenix vs. Layla (c) w/ Michelle
I see Beth coming back within the next month and being the "extra help" for Natalya to even the odds. She might end up costing Natalya the match, but that just leads to another rivalry... or even better, maybe Beth will attack Neidhart after the match.

Tag Team Championship Match
Slater and Gabriel (c) vs. McIntyre and Rhodes
McIntyre and Rhodes didn't get a rematch that they were rightfully entitled to, so I believe Teddy Long will make this match from Smackdown for the event.

I.C. & U.S. Unification Match
Daniel Bryan (U.S. Champ) vs. CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler (I.C. Champ) vs. Tyler Reks
I'm not sure of Tyler's placement on Smackdown yet, but I also don't see this unification match being a simple one on one. To me, it doesn't make much sense to hint a CM Punk/Daniel Bryan rivalry with no title on the line.

Traditional Survivor Series Match
Team Miz: Miz (Captain), Sheamus, Regal, Ted DiBiase, & Alex Riley vs. Team Truth: R-Truth, John Morrison, Darren Young, Santino, & Goldust
Darren and Regal are just thrown in there for good measures... I don't see them being a major factor though. I also can see the teams being in Sheamus and Morrison's holdings as well, but Miz is the one getting the bigger push and Team Miz vs. Team Morrison was last year.

World Heavyweight Championship
Kane (c) vs. Edge vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Big Show
I don't see Del Rio being put into the world title picture, however I do see this match taking place. Kane has nobody to rival until Taker returns and with that, comes the sad fact that Kane must lose his belt.

There would be other possible matches, but I'm going with instinct right now.
I do love SS and the emilination style matches, but straight after BR? Really? Nothing like over kill on a gimmick match. (saying that, all WWE does now lol.)
Anyway, because of that, I do think there will only be one or two elimination matches this year. This is the card I would produce, mostly based on opinion and aftermath or BR and RAW

Natalya v Laycool

Hopefully Natalya will win this one and Laycool will self destruct as I cant take much more of them. Maybe make this elimination to give PPV time to more Diva's. Dont really care tbh.

Bryan v Ziggler.

This was a great match up on Bragging Rights and again of RAW. Easily the best two matches of each night. This could get some great build up and possibly lead to the unification? Could possibly throw in Punk, but don't personally like the idea.

Sheamus v Morrison

If these two aren't involved in an elimination match I think this would be a brilliant match. For some stupid reason creative threw Sheamus in with Santino this week, was an awful decision, but bringing Morrison in to the fold may have saved it. I think these two could produce a great match and it can elevate Morrison that little bit more, and tbh save Sheamus from being throw into Santino oblivion.

Kane v ?

No idea for this one, creative will most probably just place Rey or Show in there, be a pretty poor match for SS standards but after Taker gone there is much they can do. They need new blood for SD! title picture atm. Sheamus over there? Jericho return when he is ready? HHH?

Nexus v Team WWE. 5 on 5.
Team Nexus: Gabriel, Slater, Otunga, Harris and McGillicutty
Team WWE: Edge, Rhodes, McIntyre, Mark Henry and MVP (desperate for PPV time)

Over the next few weeks get Gabriel and Slater showing off the tag titles, get in a few match ups/beat downs, not just on RAW either, SD! too seen as though they can with the titles (Rhodes and McIntyre etc). Get WWE again sick of it, someone stand up to them i.e Edge. Build up for a week or so, shows the Nexus is still a force and not just Barrett, show they can do it on their own.


Team Miz v Team RAW
Team Miz: The Miz, Alex Riley, DiBiase, Regal and Ezekiel
Team RAW Truth, Kofi, Goldust, and the Hart Dynasty

After last Monday on RAW we saw Eve (wtf) rant and mock Miz and Riley, this lead to Truth coming out and then having quite a good match up. Over the next few weeks this could lead to Miz getting more heat off other RAW superstars and not liking it, leading to him getting his own team and fighting back. This again can show how good Miz is on the mic, get him over more heel and give some PPV and RAW time to some other superstars.

Barrett v Orton with special referee Cena

Overall I think this PPV has the potential to be a huge success, it can show how good of wrestlers some of there 'performers' can be i.e Bryan and Ziggler + Sheamus and Morrison, it gives valuable and desperate PPV to others i.e MVP, Regal, Ezekiel etc. Some great experience to others i.e Riley, Harris and McGillicutty.

I think the WHC match will unfortunately not big any good, as they need new ME wrestlers to freshen things up over there, however I think Barrett/Orton/Cena can make up for it and extra.

Thanks for reading.
i think that there will be a team del rio vs team misterio also kane vs edge for the world heavyweight title. i can also see bryan vs punk and may dolph defending against someone.
2010 WWE Survivor Series Fantasy Pay Per View Card:
1) WWE Championship Title Match:
"The Viper" Randy Orton (current world champion) vs. Wade Barrett (leader of The Nexus). Special Guest Referee: John Cena (former 9 time world champion).
2) The Nexus (David Otunga, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, Husky Harris, and Michael McGillicutty) vs.
Team WWE (The Miz with Alex Riley, R-Truth with Eve Torres, "The Rated R-Superstar" Edge, Daniel Bryan, and John Morrison) in a 5 vs. 5 tag team elimination match.
3) Divas 5 vs. 5 tag team elimination match:
Natalya, Kelly Kelly, Gail Kim, Melina, & Beth Phoenix vs.
Alicia Fox, Maryse, Tamina, and LayCool (Layla & Michelle McCool).
4) Rey Mysterio, M.V.P., Vladimir Kozlov with Santino Marella & Hornswoggle, Kofi Kingston, & Kaval vs.
CM Punk, Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler with Vicki Guerrero and Kaitlyn, Ezekiel Jackson with William Regal, Jack Swagger.
5) Kane (current World Heavyweight Champion), "The Celtic Warrior" Sheamus, Ted Dibiase Jr., "Dashing" Cody Rhodes & Drew McIntyre vs.
The Big Show, "The World's Strongest Man" Mark Henry, Goldust with Aksana, & The Hart Dynasty (Tyson Kidd & David Hart Smith).
Bonus WWE Dark Match BEFORE 2010 WWE Survivor Series Pay Per View: 8 vs. 8 tag team elimination match: The Usos (Jimmy & Jey), The Dude Busters (Trent Baretta & Caylen Croft), Zack Ryder, William Regal, Tyler Reks, & Chavo Guerrero. VS.
Vance Archer, Curt Hawkins, Santino Marella, Yoshi Tatsu, Primo Colon, Luke Gallows, "The Masterpiece" Chris Masters, & JTG.
I think its time for Arun to book something...

Lemme see...

If having a dark match: Yoshi tatsu vs primo

Match one: Layla Vs Natalya For the divas championship, I would have Layla retain in a 10 min solid match to start the crowd.

Match Two: Dolph Ziggler Vs Drew mcintyre for the IC title. Do a heel vs heel, nice solid match with ziggler retaining the title. Then, after the match have him cut a promo on how he feels he is better than daniel bryan. Cm punk who is challenging bryan next for the US title tells ziggler to "sit down, take a break and watch the next match because cm punk is going to become your next US champion." Ziggler then sits down and does commentary.

Match Three: Cm Punk Vs Bryan Danielson (US TITLE with ziggler on commentary)
Let this be another 20 min+ match like bryan vs ziggler was. Let the two wrestle and let them do what they want to do. Have bryan win but not by lebell lock as i feel its been used many times before so have it end in a series of chain grapples then have it in a similar ending to Unbreakable when styles pinned daniels. Have lots of mma style moves e.g kicks etc

Match Four: Tag Team Elimination match: Heath Slater and Gabriel vs The Hart dynasty vs the dudebusters vs the usos. Have a solid 10-15 min match with lots of spots and good tag team action which will help restore credibility to the titles. Have slater and gabriel win with a great finish! Rules are, that when a team member gets pinned, his team is eliminated.

Match Five: World Heavyweight Title Match: Kane vs MVP (Have kane come out this week on smackdown and say how there isnt anyone to step up because he has destroyed everyone in his path and has gotten rid of the undertaker. Have mvp come out with his new theme song and a nice entrance, and say how MVP hasnt really been in the scene of the wwe for some time. He would then say how kane might have ended the story with him and his brother, but their story needs to continue and it can, at survivor series.) Have kane accept the challenge. I would have kane win, but MVP coming off as great and nearly winning the world title. With my personal genuis, i would have mvp be of high position because he is one to fill in the gaps the older guys have left.

Match Six: Traditional 5 on 5 elimination tag match: Team Morrison (John morrison, yoshi tatsu, the miz, sheamus, Mark Henry) vs Team Del Rio: (Alberto del rio, cody rhodes, mcintyre, tyler reks, Big show) Have quite a heated fued between morrison and del rio. Should be a decent match.

Match Seven: WWE TITLE MATCH: Randy Orton Vs Wade Barrett, Special ref Cena. Have a solid match with back and forth action. Then towards the end of the match, have JOHN CENA TURN HEEL by smacking orton with the belt when ref isnt looking, giving barrett the win, then having himself free from Nexus. But then the crowd turns on cena. Cena just cost randy orton the title. Cena says he's back! Hes the same old cena. But no, he cost orton so the crowd has less liking. This turns cena heel.

Let me know what you think of my booking. I'd love to be creative for wwe and book matches!
I would really wanna book Daniel Bryan vs CM Punk, maybe it is a demote for Punk to fight for the United States Title, but it would put prestige back in the title, to have Punk fight for it. And it would create an epic match between 2 former ROH guys, which could be match of the night, and also put prestige back in the title

How would having Punk bring prestige to the title. It doesn't bring prestige just because a top card fights a mid card. I agree it would be an awesome match and something I would like to see, but it would be good regardless of if it is a title match or not. It would however not add any prestige to the title itself.
1.) Natalya vs. Laycool: Who really cares anymore???

2.) Daniel Bryan (c) vs. CM Punk for the US Championship: This would be a very good match and Indy fans could defiently sit through this, considering both men worked in ROH before coming to the WWE.

3.) Team Miz vs. Team Mysterio: I really don't know who the members would be on each team. This would be a pretty good match and Miz did call out Mysterio on Raw last night; therefore, this is a strong possibility.

4.) Kane (c) vs. Edge for the WHC: Considering Taker was "buried alive" and Nexus has somekind of alliance with Kane, Taker will be out for a while. Therefore, Edge will take his place in the world title picture. Edge is once again a face and was one of two survivors for SD at BR. I'd rather see Kane/Edge than Kane/Big Show.

5.) Team Nexus vs. Team WWE: It's pretty much safe to say Nexus will consist of Slater, Gabriel, Otunga, McGillicutty, and Harris. Team WWE will probobly consist of any face in the WWE, give or take.

6.) Randy Orton (c) vs. Wade Barret w/ John Cena as Ref for the WWE Championship: This match will be BETTER than their bout at BR. With Cena as ref, it makes the match more exciting. Barrett wins = Cena relieved of Nexus Duties. Orton Wins = Cena is Fired. This could go either way, but in the long run, Cena will not be fired. I see Orton walking out champ with Cena somehow keeping his job.
i was thinking about this the other day. i love the elimination matches, but i want them to mean something. i say make 2 teams, and have one of the team captains be a champion. after the match, have all of the survivors fight each other in a match for the title.

Example (to help me explain): Team Bryan vs Team Punk (since everyone apparently wants to see them fight)

Team Bryan: Daniel Bryan, Goldust, John Morrison, R-Truth, Evan Bourne (i know he's injured, but this is for the sake of argument)

Team Punk: CM Punk, Miz, Alex Riley, Ezekiel Jackson, Ted DiBiase

There's so many ways this could go, so there is always room for surprise:

Say team Bryan wins and the survivors are Bryan, JoMo, and Truth. they then have a triple threat match for the title, which i think would be exciting.

or there could only be one survivor, say Bourne. He would then be the US Champ

or Bryan is eliminated early, so there will definitely be a new champ

or team Punk wins, and Riley and Miz are survivors. this could make an interesting teacher/student match.

So there is an almost unlimited number of possibilities that could result from this type of match. new feuds could start, or alliances could be tested or even end.
I hope that the WWE decides to actually treat this like one of the big four like it is and not just another PPV like it seemed to be last year. This does seem to have the potential to be a good PPV though although i'm not too excited about seeing more Elimination matches, we've had them at Summerslam, NOC and Bragging Rights already I dont want to see any more. Anyway here is what I think the card will look like.

Randy vs Wade w/ Cena as ref - I dont really look forward to the in ring aspect of this match, thankfully though that isn't what this is about. This match is about drama and it will undoubtedly revolve more around Cena than the two men actually in the match which is probably a good thing given what we saw at Bragging Rights.

Kane vs Edge: With Taker out of the ricture I fully expect Edge to step up and challenge Kane, it is either him or Show and I really hope it is not Show. Edge has been on a roll lately with his new gimmick and being the survivor as Bragging Rights so I think it will be him. Anyway this should be a good match given what they have done in the past.

DBD vs Punk: With the little staredown that happened on Raw I think this match will happen. This match given the right amount of time will obviously be excelent in the ring and most likely match of the night.

Sheamus vs JoMo : Given that JoMo cost Sheamus his match on Raw I expect this to happen. This is a good way of getting Sheamus on the card and keeping him looking strong with a win and continuing JoMo’s push at the same time. If this is anywhere near the standard of their Falls Count Anywhere match then it should be good.

Team Miz ( Miz, Riley, Del Rio, Rhodes and Drew) vs Team Rey (Rey, MVP, Truth, Henry and Kaval) : Miz called Rey out on Raw complaining about how he could have won with the right team so Rey will challenge him to this. This could be a good match with the talent in there but like I said I’m sick of elimination matches.

Team Nexus (Gabriel, Otunga, Slater, Harris and McGillicutty) vs Team WWE (Show, Ziggler, Swagger, Zeke and Kofi ): That seems like a weak line up for WWE but people like Bourne who would be perfect for this match are out so that dosent help. This could be a god match as well but as I have said he have seen these too many times in one year! Nexus would obviously win though.

There will also probably be something like Dibiase/Goldust and a Divas match but I dont really care about them.
Im as much a fan of Punk as any here, but I am really hoping to see Daniel Bryan vs Ziggler in a Unification match.

I am a big fan of Roster, and title unification... I think they should do it. The sooner, the better. And right now, these 2 are the best the WWE has.

If I were in charge, I would make it the main event. :)
one of the survivor series matches should be daniel's team vs dolph's team, i would have raw start with dolph demanding a rematch at survivor series, this time a 2/3 falls. then daniel comes out but before he can answer vickey g. makes a survivor series team match. ziggler is surprise and daniel accepts. then have daniel offer cm punk a spot but refuses. backstage ziggler doesn't know who to choose. but vickey tells him not worry because she already form a team. bryans defeats regal, darren, & primo in a fatal 4 way for the u.s. title . he then offers them a spot in his team and they all accept. now at smackdown, ziggler is waiting for his team backstage. vickey introduces chavo, the dudebuster, & vance archer. then to the next raw, daniel is looking for his last member. he goes back to cm punk. but before he replies, daniel tells punk that if he joins and his team wins he will give him a title shot. punk accepts.

an other survivor series should be sheamus team/ satino's team. on raw sheamus comes out tells the gm that he wants satino & morrison now, after what happen last week. gm sends his message and coles read it. he says sheamus will get satino & morrison but at survivor series in 5v5 match. sheamus smiles. satino is preparing auditions for his team. satino & morrison are both judges. ryder is first and satino denies him. goldust is next and is on the team. sheamus is backstage and ted walks up and askes to be on the team to beat goldust. sheamus says his team is all about vengeance and they will get at the ppv.ryder then askes sheamus but he refuses. next week on raw, sheamus & ted are beating up morrison & goldust, satino enters but gets laid out. as sheamus is about to finish satino, vladimer comes for the save and cleans the ring. satino recruits dh smith. next week sheamus recruits ezekial and tyson. the both team brawl in a 4v5 but ryder comes to help sheamus. sheamus then accepts ryder on the team.

another survivor series match would be team miz v. team rey. miz challenge rey last week to appear at raw this week. have miz and rey talking and then the usos twins attack rey. r-truth cames in but miz & usos bail. miz says he will see rey at suvivor series in a 5v5 match. at smackdown, miz offers swagger a spot which he accepts. alberto then walks up to miz and demands a spot. miz says that is what he likes about him and accepts. miz team are in the ring. rey comes out with r-truth, show, kofi. they brawl. next on raw both team captian face in a lumberjack match, but ends in a brawl. mark henry comes out to help rey. so at survivor series it will be miz, usos, alberto, swagger vs rey, r-trut, show, kofi, henry

another survivor series match could be team mcintyre vs team rhodes. teddy makes a 4v4 elimination match. drew recruits curt hawkins by telling they left their useless tag partner (curt left archer). drew also recruits tyler reks & shad. cody tries to mvp & masters but mvp denies. but masters convinces him. cody tries to recruits kaval. kaval accepts only to get back at tyler reks. so it would be mcintyre, hawkins, reks, shad vs rhodes, mvp, masters, kaval you could also have nexus vs team wwe 5v5. miz puts riley as the captian for team raw to test his leadership. riley only recruits yoshi, great khali, jtg. at survivor series have tyler black be the surprise member and win. so riley, yoshi, great khali, jtg, tyler vs nexus
I usually get excited for the Survivor Series PPV, but this year I am not feeling it. It could be that they have had elimination style matches all summer, or that they are booking the events to close together. I think the whole Bragging Rights match could have been put on this PPV instead of getting its own, hell the same could be said with the Elimination Chamber, it did debut at the event. I wounder if the WWE is trying to overdue the elimination matches on purpose, so we get tired of them and do not want to see them.There was the rumor of them getting rid of the event earlier this year, maybe they keep the name, but ditch the format. When most younger fans think Survivor Series they think of the Screw Job and not of the classic 5 on 5 elimination matches. I do not think it will be long before they are a thing of the past.
theres only 1 way i can picture john cena leaving nexus , barrett winning , and orton keeping his title in the same match .. okay wade barrett & randy orton battle it out .. barrett goes for the pin .. 1 , 2 . orton kicks out ! orton goes for the pin and cena freezes at the 2 count .. orton gets mad and attacks cena .. hes disqualified . keeps his title , barrett wins , cena is free , and orton and cena destroy barrett .. cena did said when its all over he's " beating the hell out of barrett " and no heel turn for cena .

what do you guys think ?
I don't know how I'm feeling about this years Survivor Series. It just doesn't look all that interesting to be honest, and I'm looking forward to TLC much more. Sure, I'll watch SS, but I don't think it'll nearly be as interesting as some of the old Survivor Series' were. From what I'm hearing there might not even be a traditional Survivor Series elimination tag match, which defeats the purpose of the PPV completely.

Really, the only thing I'm interested in is the WWE Championship match, I want to see what happens with Cena/Barrett and Cena/Orton. In my mind it seems logical to put the belt on Barrett then have him feud with Cena, eventually drop the belt to him and set up Orton vs Cena at Wrestlemania. If any of that was to happen then this PPV (Survivor Series) will be very crucial, and even though it's not shaping up to be much right now it might have a lasting impact with the storylines/feuds being put out.
In keeping with the Survivor Series tradition, and in keeping with the PPV Gimmicks why doesnt Survivor Series become something like this?

Match 1: Survivor Series match 1. 5 v 5
Surviving members go through to final match.

Match 2: Diva's championship Battle Royale.
Top 6 divas battle it out with elimination by pinfall or submission. Last Diva standing is Champion.

Match 3: Survivor Series match 2. 5 v 5
Surviving members go through to final match.

Match 4: Survivor Series match 3. 5 v 5
As per match 1 and 3.

Match 5: Survivor Series match 4. 5 v 5
As per match 1, 3, and 4.

Match 6: WWE/WHC Championship match
Gauntlet for the Gold. 6 stars, 1 v 1, next man enters when one man gets pinned or submits.

Match 7: Final Survivor Series match.
Winners of matches 1, 3, 4, and 5 battles out. Heels vs Faces or Raw vs Smackdown.

Match 8: WWE/ WHC Championship match
Gauntlet with 6 or 8 Stars or 4 corners elimination (e.g. Wrestlemania 2000 Main Event)
I am really hoping for at least a couple of traditional SS matches this year. They could easily get a team lead by Miz against someone else. Maybe even Rey, after their little confrontation before/during Bragging Rights. Other than that the card does look quite good so far and I have high hopes for the Kane/Edge match for the WHC. Survivor Series is shaping up nicely.

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