WWE Supplemental Draft LD

Turd Ferguson

If recent history shows us anything, the WWE Supplemental Draft usually means that if a wrestler is selected, they:

A.) Get a push after being underutilized
B.) Wind up in purgatory
C.) Are on the Fast Track To Future Endeavors.



Mark Henry went on to become ECW Champion.
Brian Kendrick had a failed push on Smackdown (although he was interim WWE Champion in a Scramble match!)
Kofi Kingston beat Jericho in his first match as a member of the Raw roster.

Other than that though, Finlay lost his push he had on Smackdown, DH Smith was unseen for a year, Noble was a comedy character with Blue Balls, Murdoch didn't even make it to TV, and Big Daddy V was gone in months. The rest are forgettable moves.



Zack Ryder came from nowhere to be the awesome Long Island Guido we all know and love.
After being gone for awhile, Zeke eventually became the last ECW Champion.
Ziggler had a strong start and then went like 1-26 (this is an actual stat) in US Title matches, with the one win being a DQ.

The rest... Chavo began a horrific losing streak to Hornswoggle. Kennedy was hurt, and then was released. Cryme Tyme did nothing on Smackdown. I don't think Ricky Ortiz wrestled one match as a member of the Smackdown roster. Mike Knox did nothing and was just released. Festus had one moment on Raw where he sang vs. Jillian in a sing-off. Then he was gone for months and resurfaced repackaged on Smackdown. Kendrick left the company jobbing to Lawler. Haas did nothing and got released. Helms did nothing on ECW and was released. Morrison has been an all-around bust since being on Smackdown.

So, what are your hopes for the draft this year? What success stories do you want to see?

It's on live on WWE.com at 12:00 EST tomorrow!
man, I'm looking forward to this. The Supplemental draft is always interesting, of course the biggest supplemental draft move ever was Zack Ryder going to ECW, where he got a singles push/gimmick change into the greatest gimmick of all the times. You fuckin Know It.

PS: Hopefully he gets moved to SD, so he can get he IC tile eventually.
Becoming the Hurricane is not doing nothing.

I hope Goldust doesn't get moved and released.

Vance Archer to gget INTENSELY drafted to RAW before getting INTENSELY fired due to hs INTENSITY causing several INTENSE kidney explosions.

Abraham Washington to be a breakout star.
I think Smackdown's going to clean up today and get Cody Rhodes, Zack Ryder, Yoshi Tatsu, and Evan Bourne.

All four guys will make up the new midcard for Smackdown (and Cody will go back to being a face).

MVP will go to Smackdown and feud with McIntyre as well.

I think Ziggler, Kane, and Finlay go to Raw.

Vance Archer and Tyler Reks already got drafted from ECW to Smackdown :lmao:
I hope people are here. I don't have access to WWE.com at school so I can't really report.
Everyone in the wwe.com draft chat thinks Santino/Khali Tag team. That would be funny, but now I expect Santino to be drafted to Smackdown.
wow. epic lulz from the wwe chat. Melina said she is still in bed. Some fan said he would join her with Duct Tape.
I tried following it last year but got bored after an hour. Just go on living your life, Shango. No shame in that.
They don't even have Fink and Melina doing anything useful. WE're all just sitting here with our thumbs up our butts waiting.

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