WWE Superstars on saturday mornings?


Dark Match Jobber
Now I know WWE superstars isn't exactly wwe's poster child and honestly not many people watch it. So I was thinking vince and co. should put it on during the weekend with kids shows. They did this in the 80's and it probably wasn't a huge commercial success, but it definitely made them more recognizable among children. I also know that saturday morning cartoons aren't what they used to be, but I just mean air them at a children recognizable time whatever that may be these days. I dunno, what do you guys think?
Maybe. Or do like a kids show on saturday mornings.

I think a kayfabe interview show would be cool. They have some fun stuff in WWE kids magazine. They had this thing where Sheamus was sun burnt and they had "sun safety tips". They could do something like that in interview form. I'm thinking like a "Confidential" for kids type of show. Just a short little 30 minute block. Sure the smarks on here who were born age 15 and were never children will mock it, but they can shove it up their ass. It works.
Totally! Believe it or not, that would work for the older audience as well. Mostly because with my schedule (school, acting, voice lessons, dancing) I miss a lot on TV so if Superstars were on Saturday mornings I would be able to watch them more often!
It's a similar slot to what it gets in the UK, it's on Saturday morning on Sky One here at like 10 in the morning? I always saw it as a morning show because it's very light and short and recaps the biggest angle of the week. It would be an excellent way to bait yet more kids and parents into the product.
Totally! Believe it or not, that would work for the older audience as well. Mostly because with my schedule (school, acting, voice lessons, dancing) I miss a lot on TV so if Superstars were on Saturday mornings I would be able to watch them more often!
I posted a thread like this awhile ago. I do think having a saturday morning wrestling program again would be great. Kids = their parents money and what better way to get some of the guys on superstars over than with the kiddies.

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