WWE Summerslam - WWE Divas Championship: AJ Lee (c) VS Paige


AJ is expected to give some sort of a statement on tonight's episode of Main Event following her suffering "whiplash" after being attacked by Paige this past Friday. At any rate, this match was one of those announced yesterday for the card.

Los Angeles is a pretty hot crowd, so this match should be well received if there've been some great matches to precede it. I thought they delivered a pretty good bout at Battleground, but I'm expecting a bit more here now that Paige has upped the ante with her heel turn and repeated attacks on AJ.
With the all the hype, time, and energy devoted to Brie VS Stephanie, Paige VS AJ is on the backburner for women's wrestling in WWE now. The champion and her challenger are an afterthought with Brie VS Stephanie as a featured marquee match at Summerslam, and you know there's a much better chance of AJ and Paige delivering a high quality match.

Feels strange, and if AJ and Paige upstage Brie and Stephanie in the ring, then you'll have an embarrassing elephant in the room problem for the future of the women's division, because Stephanie and The Bella Twins are in the spotlight as the top priority now. And with the way things are going now, I have a hard time believing in WWE ending this feud with one match.

I'll go with AJ to retain again. Maybe the match ends in controversy with Paige's foot on the rope to set up a rematch at NOC, or Paige forces a DQ to setup another match with more taunting after Summerslam.
Definitely the number 2 match on the card as far as hype and attention goes. This should be a really good match, and I see AJ retaining yet again. I have enjoyed this feud a great deal and I think it will continue well after this pay per view.
WWE likes AJ as it's diva champion. Each PPV, I expected her to lose the title, yet the only time it happened was when she planned a lengthy vacation and couldn't expect to take the belt with her.

Then, most tellingly, she won it back the very night she made her return.

"Thanks for warming my seat, Paige, but I'm back.....so piss off."

Unless the company has some sort of swerve coming, I see no reason for AJ to lose at Summerslam.
I hope that this match is great. I've heard that their matches at house shows have been great and their chemistry has grown considerably since their good but disappointing match at Battleground. I want this match to be a Submission Match, which Paige will win the title. Then, at NOC, they fight to a draw in a Last Woman Standing, meaning that Paige retains the title. Then, they have their rubber match...inside Hell in a Cell! After a very physical and back-and-forth match, AJ win her 3rd Divas Championship.
My baby AJ will retain at summerslam.. She is by far,the most entertaining Divas champion the company has had since Trish was the Women's Champion.. I like Paige,i do her heel turn was much needed and gives her character purpose and life..

But the WWE and fans alike love AJ.. Her Chuck Taylor Shoes,the innocent look she always gives,the skipping around the ring... Plus she is batshit crazy how can you not like her.. Paige one could argue just warmed the seat until AJ got back
I've got high hopes for this one. They should take it personally that they're on the backburner to Stephanie and Brie and deliver a great match. They didn't seem to click at Battleground, and the match was disappointing. Them locked together struggling to work themselves through the ropes pretty much summed it up. So I hope they're working on something big for Summerslam. I fully expect AJ to retain, Paige to make a full heel turn and to continue their feud through to NoC.
I'd expect this to be a much better match than Stephanie v Brie Bella, and it's a shame that not as much focus has been given to it in the build up to the PPV. Both AJ and Paige are very talented, but as a Brit I hope Paige reclaims the belt- although I'm pretty sure she won't.

There wouldn't be any point in switching the title back to AJ on her return only for her to lose it again so quickly. I'd expect AJ to reclaim here, but I hope we see the absolutely gorgeous Paige as WWE Divas Champion again in the near future as a heel which I think is her natural role.
Where's Brain to cry of happiness that people are caring about a diva's match?

Anyway should be a good showing by both of them and hopefully upstages the hell out of Brie and Stephanie. AJ and Paige has been hyped since Paige was owning down in NXT. It was an ok match last month at Battleground, but like someone previously stated, Paige is heel now and should up the intensity.

With Stephanie VS Brie having gotten a lot more attention, this will probably go on earlier in the night. I've enjoyed the feud so far and it's great to have a Divas Championship between two of the best divas on the roster on a show as important as Summerslam. I think they will end up putting on a pretty good match for divas standards, and it could definitely be better than their Battleground match. I'm happy no matter who wins, but if I had to pick it would probably be AJ. It seems too soon for Paige to win the belt back but I have no complains if she does. The feud might not end here, I can see AJ retaining here with the feud continuing until Night of Champions where it would ultimately end. Regardless of if it ends at Summerslam or not, I have AJ retaining and I look forward to the match.

AJ will retain the Divas Championship.
Asssuming the feud continues past Summerslam, Paige has to win this one. I see no point in AJ retaining here if they are gonna have another match at Night Of Champions. AJ has beaten Paige 2 times already, if she beats her again, she should be moving on to someone else. I know they'd be hot shotting the title here, which everyone seems to hate, but AJ has already had a long reign with the belt, another one isn't needed at this point. Actually, I think the title changing back and forth here, makes the feud a lot better as it makes them look like equals. Paige needs to make it 2-2 between them, setting up their fifth and final encounter at Night Of Champions. Also, with all the sneak attacks by Paige, AJ should be weakened down for this match. AJ would make a better challenger than champion, as the crazy chick chasing after Paige and the belt.
One of the best divas feuds in recent years. It just sucks Stephanie/Brie is going more promotion than AJ/Paige.

I got AJ with the win but it wouldn't surprise me if Paige captures the title at NoC just to keep the feud fresh.

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