WWE SummerSlam: World Heavyweight Championship - Kane (C) vs. Rey Mysterio


City Dweller, Successful Fella

At SummerSlam, World Heavyweight Champion Kane will heat up the squared circle, setting the biggest event of the summer ablaze with an explosive rematch against former World Champion, Rey Mysterio.

After winning the SmackDown Money in the Bank Ladder Match at the innovative pay-per-view of the same name, The Big Red Monster wasted no time stepping into the sun. After an injured Rey Mysterio beat the heat of battle with a heroic title defense against Jack Swagger, Kane emerged to become the first Superstar in history to cash in his title opportunity on the very same night he captured it. With an earth-shattering tombstone, Kane captured the World Heavyweight Championship.

Five days later on SmackDown, the still-injured Mysterio refused to take a vacation, once more defeating the ruthless Swagger – in an epic 2-out-of-3 Falls Match – for the chance to challenge the frightening champion at the biggest pay-per-view of the summer. When Kane attempted to send a scorching post-match message to his new No. 1 contender, Mysterio pulled the towel out from under him, delivering a seismic 619.

Despite the agonizing pain of his ankle injury, The Ultimate Underdog is determined to put every bit of his heart into getting his World Title back. But, will the sadistic World Heavyweight Champion cast a Big Red shadow over Mysterio’s summertime dreams? Find out at SummerSlam, Aug. 15 at 8/7 CT, only on pay-per-view.

Well this is the announced SmackDown main event match for SummerSlam. Keep all further discussion about it in here. Such as the fact that this may even become a possible triple threat match in the coming weeks with Jack Swagger involved. This thread is for discussion on this world title match and any possible changes that could be made to it over the next few weeks.
Im not really sure about this match, I think it does have potential to be a good match but im getting sick of Rey at the moment and this will just be another David vs Goliath match from Rey Rey. Kane will definitely retain here if it does stay with just thes two in the match, however I dont think and I hope it wont. There are three different scenarios that could happen.

1. The more likely option is that Swagger finds his way into this matchand makes it a Triple Threat it would make sense as he has been fueding with Rey and Kane in recent weeks and with Show fueding with Punk, Kofi fueding with Ziggler and Christian and Hardy fueding there are no other SD faces for Swagger to face at and he it too important to leave off the 2nd biggest show of the year.

2. This probably wont happen but I want it too, next week Taker returns and says Kane was the one who took him out mean while Swagger destroys Rey in a No DQ match (or even backstage) and leaves him unable to compete at Summerslam. Teddy Long announces that Reys replacement at Summerslam will be The Undertaker and it will be a casket match. Ok so that particular storyline probably wont happen but something along those lines will. This match probably wont happen as if they were going to bring Taker back for Summerslam they would have done it on this weeks SD so they could give the match more build. The other problem with this is that it still leaves Swagger matchless.

3. The Undertaker returns and this is made into a triple threat match, this is probably the least likely option as if Taker and Kane are going to have a match it should be one on one and if this match were to happen Rey would really just be a third wheel.

In either Scenario I see Kane retaining the belt, I really hope that he holds the belt for a while and fueds with Taker defeating him at NOC, and Bragging Rights and Possibly even HIAC (how have Kane and Taker never faced in HIAC before, this matcch would be ecip) then going on to eventually drop it at SSeries or TLC.
I think this has the Potential of being a Good Match, But I do think it would be better as a Triple Threat with Swagger or Possibly the Undertaker Involved.

But I do see Kane Retaining here, Because I highly Doubt WWE Want's to give Rey another Short and Crappy title run. I Really hope they let Kane successfully defend the title for at least 3 PPV's, Then it would actually seem like a "Real" Title reign.
This match should be decent I was never a big fan of there matchs in the past. I think Kane will retain his title here because he just won the belt and I don't think he will lose the belt this fast. But I think he will dropped the belt at Night Of Champions to either Jack Swagger or possibly Undertaker if he returns.
This match should be decent I was never a big fan of there matchs in the past. I think Kane will retain his title here because he just won the belt and I don't think he will lose the belt this fast. But I think he will dropped the belt at Night Of Champions to either Jack Swagger or possibly Undertaker if he returns.

I think this Match should be better than there previous one's because Now kane is more of a Face/Tweener, Back in his Feud with Rey I remember him being a Full fledged heel.
I feel this could be the dark horse match of Summerslam that could be good and suprises everybody. I see Swagger somehow working himself into the match either by making it a triple threat or interferring in someway to cost Rey the match or DQ although I hope it's just the triple threat option. I feel Rey needs to leave the main event scene after this match by either going down to fued for the IC title or have Kane or Swagger kayfabe take him out so he can take some time off. I'm looking forward to see how this situation progresses in the upcoming weeks though.
I really don't expect much from this match. It could be very good but it could be very bad too. But I think it would be better if this was a triple threat match including Jack Swagger and I think he is gonna find his way in the match.
i think it will be good as the deadman aka the undertaker who is played by mark calloway sr will make a return chokeslamming the big red monster oor machine depending on which country you liove in will retain his gold for a future match in the upcoming ppv of halloween havoc
Kane should win and I could see this title run going for awhile and he becomes a monster of sorts again. If they are really making him out to be the one who took out the Undertaker then I can only think of these two fighting for the title at Survivor Series or even Armageddon if they have this PPV. The title says it all and would be perfect for these two to meet. I prefer it to be someone else who took out the Undertaker though because Kane doing it would be very predictable and boring.

I do expect Summerslam to be a good match and yes Swagger will have some sort of involvement, and I do think a triple threat match would be a good idea so that the rivalries between these 3 can go for awhile and help maintain some fan interest.
i think it will be good as the deadman aka the undertaker who is played by mark calloway sr will make a return chokeslamming the big red monster oor machine depending on which country you liove in will retain his gold for a future match in the upcoming ppv of halloween havoc

Thanks for the history lesson.

Now onto the match. In all truth, I am not excited for this match as of right now. Kane finally gets his World Championship and the first title defense is against a guy he's fought numerous times before? I'm hoping this develops into a Triple Threat Match with Swagger since he's the guy most people are predicting. If they don't add Swagger, I'm hoping that there will be a match stipulation to spice this match up a little. Kane retains; we've waited too long for this.

I have low hopes for this match, but I'll always accept surprises.
With it being said that Rey was suppose to take time off, but then couldn't because Undertaker needed to, I see Rey getting destroyed after or doing the match so it will make Kane look more evil and so it will give Rey a storyline reason to take his time off now.
Why do I have a feeling this won't be as good as it could be? Because Rey Mysterio is in it. Sure the match could get better by that, but is it needed? No. This is just Rey pulling in the back again most likely. I hope Kane retains this one. Just because I don't wanna see Rey as world champion again.

Kane vs Jack Swagger could've made more sense. Especially to the fact that Kane is more of a tweener than a heel. So he wouldn't have to face a face. But could easily face Swagger. Which would've benefited Jack as well, Rey doesn't need to contend for the world title to have a legacy. Jack is moving to the main event card, so he can't get bumped down to build a mid-card legacy like Rey.

Here's to Kane retaining, hopefully.
This is something I don't get...why can't reyrey take his vacation now..Something I don't quite get...

As for the match, I think it will be Kane retain because I seesomewhat of a 3 month reign for him...I think he will drop it Taker...no one else..But I would be surprised if Kane lost this match..
Ahhh, This match.

First of all I see Kane retaining and Mysterio going away for awhile(thank god). But unlike everybody else I do not see Swagger or Undertaker working a way into this match at all. But anything could happen in the WWE,so you never know.
On the one hand, these two generally put on pretty damn good biggie-little matches, so not fussed there, but on the other hand, is it not a bit off that two guys who were DEFINED mid-carders not....Seven? Weeks ago? are now in the third biggest match at the second biggest show of the year? Surely, this isnt the plan they went in with. I imagine they rue the day they didnt draft Orton to SD. Anywho....

Should be a good match, albeit underwhelming since it would have been the opening match at last year's show. Rey will probably win, well, becuase WWE is focused on destroying the ridiculous scale this summer.
I anticipate this will be a good, entertaining match as most Kane/Mysterio matches normally are. Certainly, I've always felt the two work well together and they are able to execute the big man/little man story successfully most of the time. I think what put people off their matches in 2008 particularly, was the fact that Kane always lost to Rey when they met on PPV. People often took the view that Rey as the 'Giant Killer' simply wasn't believable any more, however, I'm hoping the roles will be reversed this time and that it will be Kane beating Rey cleanly to retain the title. It's also possible that WWE will work Jack Swagger into this match, thus making it a triple threat...
The chances of Kane losing here are incredibly slim. I think that swagger will cost rey the match. In my opinion swagger and mysterio feuding is a much better idea then giving rey another title reign and ending kanes. It would make no sense what so ever for the E to give rey the title. This could be a great match as kane and rey have feuded before and might be able to get something working.
This match has a lot of potential. This is the match that has a huge cloud over it. Does the Undertaker return to reveal who attacked him? Kane seems the obvious choice, and that is boring. When HHH and Michaels had a short reunion in some 8 years ago, and Michaels was attacked, we all knew it was HHH. Back then, HHH did not work as a face. Now, that was predictable. Why not do something unpredictable? Have Undertaker attack Rey. Reveal that Rey orchestrated the whole thing. It was he who stood to gain from this, as it let him have a title run, even though it was a short run. But at this point in his career, would Rey be able to be able to pull off being a heel, and would it work?
On the one hand, these two generally put on pretty damn good biggie-little matches, so not fussed there, but on the other hand, is it not a bit off that two guys who were DEFINED mid-carders not....Seven? Weeks ago? are now in the third biggest match at the second biggest show of the year? Surely, this isnt the plan they went in with. I imagine they rue the day they didnt draft Orton to SD. Anywho....

Should be a good match, albeit underwhelming since it would have been the opening match at last year's show. Rey will probably win, well, becuase WWE is focused on destroying the ridiculous scale this summer.

I am amazed that this match, a match that was a mid-card feud on RAW during the Autumn of '08, is suddenly a) for the world title and b) on the second biggest show of the year. Thats why i refuse to give up hope that Swagger is involved in this match. As for a winner, i think they've played hot-potato long enough with the WHC so i see Kane retaining, perhaps leading into a feud with Swagger. But again, as you say, if creative want to turn the ridiculous dial up to 11, i wouldn't be suprised to see Big Daddy V return and moonsault Rey before locking Kane in the Rings of Saturn for the win.
This should be a triple threat match. If they're gonna build up Kane as a face until he's revealed as Taker's attacker then he shouldn't be defending against a face. At least it would be better adding a heel like Swagger into it.

If it does end up as a triple threat I must ask,

Kane(c) vs Jack Swagger vs Rey Mysterio for the World Heavyweight Championship at SummerSlam 2010

How fucked up does that sound?
This match will be lack luster. I hope its a squash honestly because Rey is getting stale and no one cares about this match. Kane needs this to be a squash to re-establish himself as a monster in the E. Furthermore, he needs a series of squash matches to do this.

I wouldn't mind seeing Kane v Taker in the HIAC PPV now that someone has mentioned a HIAC match between these two. Any other combination other than Kane v Taker will not be worth while. Its only a matter of time before Kane is revealed as the attacker. If he wasn't the attacker, he would not be a heel right now. Its simple logic. Everyone would be garnering sympathy for him AND fearing him. People are only pissed at him and fearing an attack from him. I firmly believe that Kane getting the title is just a way to get Taker the belt at Survivor series. If this feud culminates to a Casket match or a Buried Alive match, that would be a great feud ender.
Christ. I was not a fan of their series of matches a few years ago, not in the slightest. Of course, they got worse and worse as the feud progressed. Perhaps the first wasn't so bad, I can't recall. It does mean there's still some hope here though.

Obviously Kane should be the victor here. No point in him dropping it so early, especially not to Rey. Undertaker showing up is a possibility too. Just like last here, that should be fun.
This match proves why Jericho, Morrison and even Edge should've stayed on Smackdown, I'd be much more willing to see any of those guys in this match taking Mysterio's place. Matches like this make me wonder why WWE doesn't take advantage of CM Punk's overness and just put him in this match, it would also make Kane look like more of a tweener than a heel and it would be cool to see Punk walk out of SS with the WHC for the third time in a row.
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I've got two scenarios for this match, in both Kane retains.

first of all, Kane vs Rey ends with a huge chokeslam. however Swagger rush's to the ring and snaps Rey's ankle and try's the same with Kane.

2nd scenario, between this weeks 'til Summerslam, same thing, Swagger sneak attack's Rey's ankle 'til he break it and therefor taking the vacant space of Rey.

as you see, both scenarios, Kane retains, Rey is off wrestling for a while.
Rey's matches with Kane were the low point of Mysterio's run because let's face it. When has Kane ever had a great match that didn't involve Taker? Maybe Benoit once and that's it. Should be a decent match because Mysterio is in the ring. I smell either Swagger interference or Swagger being put in this match which I don't know why. Kane will retain which will set up the inevitable match between him and Taker that would be light years behind their matches a decade ago.

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