WWE: State of the Divas Address


Too Sweet To Be Sour
So it's time for my first ever State of the Divas Address. So here in this thread, I'll address the current WWE divas, their gimmicks, storylines, champions, and say what I think they could be doing better. This could be a long one, so let me get started.

Alicia Fox: Alicia is getting better. She is defintely starting to grow on me if nothing else. I saw a match on Superstars last Thursday between her and Gail Kim, which impressed me for a divas match overall, nontheless for something on Superstars. Alicia impressed me with her improving in-ring skills and a seemingly ruthless streak. I liked it.

The Bella Twins: They're currently doing nothing but entertaining guest hosts. To be honest. They're really doing nothing. Then again, they're never doing anything. I honestly am beginning to think they're still in employment just so WWE can say they have a pair of twins on the program.

Eve Torres: This is our Diva's Champion. On the bright side, she does, in fact, "look good". She also had a decent fued with maryse which I'm not sure is going on or not, as I haven't seen much of diva's on RAW lately, I've either missed when I was watching or missed the show altogether. I'd personally like to see Maryse dominating the division with the championship, Eve is a decent champion.

Gail Kim: I don't understand what they're doing with this girl. Turn her heel and push her against Eve. She is one of the best in-ring talents in term of diva's that the WWE still has and she is rotting away. This is just a missuse of talent, plain and simple.

Jillian Hall: This girl needs repackaged. And quick. She is wearing out the gimmick, wait, it's done worn out, and it's sad. She actually is a pretty good talent. Another example o misused talent. One repackage away from a Diva's Championship run.

Maryse: This girl is great. She is got decent in-ring skills (I feel she is still improving, also) and has one of the best characters that is going right now. She is just being what, not she exactly is, but what she is made to be: One sexy French girl who thinks she is the best and too good for the fans. It definitely works for me. Her music is catchy too.

Melina: Injured. Will probably recapture the title upon return. Not much to say here. Great talent if nothing else.

Natalya: She can have a good fued with Tamina. She is an impressive young women with a great in-ring talent and ability. She can go far, but I like where she is right now personally. It's hard to crowd the Diva's title picture with too many women, and The Hart Dynasty is doing succesful at the moment. She's good

Tamina: Can't really say much here for this woman. She's new. Impressive debut. I like this Uso and Hart fued, and they can include Tamina and Natalya with it, which is good at this point.

Beth Phoenix: Same injury as Melina at this point. Two great talents hurt is never good. She'll be back in the title hunt when she returns, I'm sure. She is an amazing talent, she is like Chyna to me, ya know, but only good, and not a druggie.

Kelly Kelly: She is hot. She is okay when it comes to ring work, still getting better. She is definitely over, if nothing else. Not much to say, as she has only recently been drafted to Smackdown and only has had a couple of single matches. It'd be a good time to move her on up the card though, with Beth being injured and Rosa Mendez and Tiffany the only other Diva's to fued with Lay-Cool, and Rosa is a heel I believe.

Lay-Cool: These guys are going together in my judgement. This is possibly the best thing the WWE has going now. A very sucesful and entertaining answer to The Beautiful People and something I like very well. The co-Women's Champion thing is working very well and Layla is a good choice as Champion, and that can go many paths itself.

Rosa Mendes: Has she done anything? I think she is just taking up space, going nowhere fast. She hasn't done anything to impress me, and appearently not creative either.

Tiffany: She is okay. I find it weird for her going from General Manager to wrestling though. It is odd. She is't anything too impressive, but decent. I'd push Kelly over her, but if Tiffany can get over, that's fine with me. She is decet, once again, just give her a little bit of work and she'll be fine.

Champions: I addressed them in my posts about them, but I'll go ahead and do it again. Layla is good, as she is growing on me more and you can go different ways with her. You can break up Lay-Cool and start a fued there, open a fued with Beth win she gets back, or fued with Kelly or Tiffany. Eve also works, she isn't the worst choice, not my first preferred, but she'll do.

There are a few things I'd change. If this ued with Maryse runs it course, I would turn Gail Kim heel and have her fued with Eve. That could be good there. I would repackage Jillian. She needs it. Badly. I'm not sure what it needs, maybe a psycho bitch, possibly a snobby stuck-up thing, but something new. Lastly, I'd either sign some independent girl or bring some up from FCW, get rid of Rosa, and add a little depth to Smackdown. They have nowhere near the depth of the RAW roster.

Overall, I'd say the State of the Divas right now, in a letter grade, would be B+. With the exception of a few bad parts (Gail Kim and Jillian being missused, Rosa taking up valuable space) the girls are doing great right now. I encourage WWE to keep up the good work. There you go, that is the 1st State of the Divas address.
finally someone other than me with respect for the divas thank you now im a biased towards K2 so i want a K2-LAY-COOL FUED with K2 BECOMING CHAMP but great write-up and i agree with alot of what you said espically turn GAIL KIM heel i rember during her last run before this one in WWE she was an AWESOME HEEL and let her win the DAMN TITLE
finally someone other than me with respect for the divas thank you now im a biased towards K2 so i want a K2-LAY-COOL FUED with K2 BECOMING CHAMP but great write-up and i agree with alot of what you said espically turn GAIL KIM heel i rember during her last run before this one in WWE she was an AWESOME HEEL and let her win the DAMN TITLE

I agree with this thread mostly, but to what's being said about Gail Kim, I dont want her to get a title until next Draft and hopefully she gets drafted to SD!

Thing is, I just dont want her to win the Divas title because she doesnt deserve being the first to hold the Womens, Divas & KO's titles. And I believe WWE thinks the same which is why they havent put THAT belt on her.

If she showed more charisma or something unique like her first run there I may think differently, but you canhave talent and lack effort and right now she's lacking and needs more personality to make me care about her

Men struggle with that too. Beniot was a World Champ and wasnt a great talker and it just wasnt that memorable of a run, McCool is a bad heel andall her title runs were crap and Shelton was released because they tried to push the man, but he didnt run with it. They show you the door, you walk through it. You make yourself and if you want it bad enough you'll get it

But back to the overall thing I love the Divas, hate the typical IWC thoughts on them and jus understand that like the tag team division, this division is just going through a struggling transitional period that wont last forever and is only bound to excell in the near future

But Rosa & other sneed to step it up and some just need to get the passion back. Some men & women seem like they are just doing it for the money now
I'm so glad that you three respect the divas I respect them to this is a very good thread. I wish Vince would look at it them maybe he could improve the divas divison even more the divas are doing good right now but could be doing better.

When Melina comes back they will probley give her the divas title and they will probley give Beth the womans title when she comes back. One problem that I see with the divas divison is that some have a lot of talent like Gail Kim and Jillian but aren't used probley. Another problem is that there really isn't enough divas on SD to compete for the title on SD there is Laycool {co-womans champions}, Kelly Kelly, Rosa and Tiffany the question is which one of them will challenge for the womans title probley Kelly or maybe Vince will send Melina to SD in July when she comes back and she will fued with LayCool.
I have to agree with you on Gail Kim and Jillian, they really are wasted talent. A Gail Kim - Eve Torres fued would be epic.

I am going to have to disagree with you about Maryse, while I think she is so very hot and can cut a decent promo (she plays the snobby French Canadian very well, I think her move set is rather limited. Most of her matches are of her getting knocked down and then out of no where she hits the french kiss.

Beth is good so is Melena, I would love to see Gail Kim vs either one of these to Divas.

Tiffany and Rosa...um yea, whatever

I like the Bella Twins, and I think that's the whole idea. You almost have it right about these two, but WWE doesn't just want to have twins on the show, they want HOT twins on the show.

Kelly Kelly is just hot, that is her thing, if she was a better wrestler she could be the next Trish Stratus, but not right now.

Lay-Cool, I can not wait to see these two split and fight it out for the title, that will be awesome, they could easily build a good story with these and have the show down at Summer Slam.

Repackage Gail Kim and Jillian, yes! Jillian to face, Gail to heal. Make Gail mean as hell and put the belt on her already, she has more moves than Uhaul.
I agree with this thread mostly, but to what's being said about Gail Kim, I dont want her to get a title until next Draft and hopefully she gets drafted to SD!

Thing is, I just dont want her to win the Divas title because she doesnt deserve being the first to hold the Womens, Divas & KO's titles. And I believe WWE thinks the same which is why they havent put THAT belt on her.

If she showed more charisma or something unique like her first run there I may think differently, but you canhave talent and lack effort and right now she's lacking and needs more personality to make me care about her

Men struggle with that too. Beniot was a World Champ and wasnt a great talker and it just wasnt that memorable of a run, McCool is a bad heel andall her title runs were crap and Shelton was released because they tried to push the man, but he didnt run with it. They show you the door, you walk through it. You make yourself and if you want it bad enough you'll get it

But back to the overall thing I love the Divas, hate the typical IWC thoughts on them and jus understand that like the tag team division, this division is just going through a struggling transitional period that wont last forever and is only bound to excell in the near future

But Rosa & other sneed to step it up and some just need to get the passion back. Some men & women seem like they are just doing it for the money now

I agree thats what i meant if she showed her CHARISMA and PASSION again she could carry the division and if WWE forgets her going to TNA she would probally already had a title just like CHRISTIAN if VINNIE MAC gets over his hatred for CHRISTIAN he would of been a WORLD CHAMP already[and no i dont count the WWECW a WORLD TITLE] but thats for a different post sorry.
you took the words out of my mouth the divas and tag team divisions are in a trasnitional periods it'll be better in about probally 2 or 3 yrs but the IWC just wants to put down the divisions especially the divas I AM SO SICK OF PEOPLE CALLING DIVA MATCHES PISS BREAKS THAT PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH:banghead: THE DESERVE AS MUCH RESPECT AS THE MEN :banghead:
Up to this day I still respect the divas. I agree with the majority of your statement except the Kelly/Tiffany line.

Its not like I hate Kelly but I realized she IS the botch-a-mania. I saw the Divas Battle Royal on my DVR the other day and she botched Laycool's moves. They kicked and punched her but it seemed like she doesnt kno how to react.

Before Layla and Eve became champs they grew on me and both are decent wrestlers.

Tiffany is growing on me as well. She has her basic moves and she has the looks
Umm. u guys are forgetting Savannah, Serena, and vickie guerrero on smakcdown. well cant really count on vickie but a women character she is which i dont understand why they moved her from the women's division since it helped with some of the fueds and she is a grwat heel. Serena has not been used yet because there are not any "good" divas for her to battle but she is an unique type of diva which can help with the division to change. and savannah is just another lillian garcia type but hopefully they use her for in ring action. i saw her once on a live event and she was decent wrestler also, she was train to wrestle but add her to gail and jillian as being wasted talent. but overall i agree with the address.
I agree on Gail Kim, Jillian, and Bella Twins, talent being wasted.

Eve winning the championship caught me by surprise, but it good idea to change things up and she been a decent champion.

I love Mayrse, she is so hot, good gimmick, her wrestling skills are decent, and her feud with Eve is keeping the divas division on RAW exciting.

Alicia Fox is going to be the next top divas heel, I see it happening in 6 to 9 months with her challenging for the title or winning it.

Melina is out with the injury, and when she gets back RAW is going to better.

Natalya and Tamina both have bright futures, and their feud should be good with their tag teams.

Lay-Cool is a good idea, they should be a good heel champions, and SmackDown is looking better.

Kelly Kelly and Tiffany are hot, but when it comes to their wrestling abilities, I would rather see them in bra and panties match instead of wrestling with the other divas.

Where is Rosa Mendes? That explains her situation.

Beth Phoenix is out, but when she gets back and she will have the same effect as Melina will have on RAW.

Vickie Guerrero is a good heel, and she makes everybody hate her, so she doing a good job.
I hope to see Savannah role in the WWE grow besides being a ring announcer and interviewer.
Serena role in the SES is important, but I would like to see her wrestle and be involved in matches with the other divas.
I have to disagree with the overall assessment of the Divas as a B-plus. What exactly do you find entertaining about the division as it currently stands? Putting aside the fact that two of the most skilled women are out with injuries, which you can't fault the company for, I see next to nothing in the women's division that appeals to me at the moment.

Layla has actually stepped up, and her promos with McCool generally get about as much heat as you can expect 2 attractive women to get from WWE crowds, but what are they doing right now? They work the same tag-team or handicap match every week against one or both of Kelly Kelly and Tiffany. Rather than waste the 5 minutes on a sloppy match with an inevitable outcome, why not give someone like JTG or Cody Rhodes or MVP something do that doesn't involve not being seen by anyone on Superstars? Before that the James/LayCool feud was well-booked, but I don't see why we should be giving them credit for a storyline that ended 2 months ago.

As for Raw, again what do we see besides sloppy Battle Royales on a monthly basis and the same tag matches with Eve, Maryse, Alicia, and Gail? Since Eve went over Maryse, its just been an unnecessary pertuation of that feud, which has been compounded by the fact that no character development or narrative build has been used since the Maryse photo shoot attack. As for Tamina and Natalya, it remains to be seen if either of them will ever do anything more than be valets; I've seen Natalya wrestle about one match in the last 6 months. Maryse and Eve mean-mugging each other on a weakly basis isn't enough to rate a B-plus in my book.

Seriously, people seem to have horribly low expectations of the Divas. If they want to keep the hot chicks on the program, I need more than 5 minutes a week of entrance poses and sloppy wrestling to keep interested.

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