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WWE: Slammer

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The One and Only
Backstory: Vince McMahon had a heart attack out of nowhere and died. The McMahon family wanted WWE to stay alive, but didn’t know how it would. Shane McMahon stepped up and said he would take over the company. The first thing Shane did is cancel Raw, ECW, and Smackdown. He replaced it with one show to be on Monday Nights called Slammer.

Slammer Roster
John Cena
Lance Cade
Jeff Hardy
Hardcore Holly
Chris Jericho
Mr. Kennedy
Paul London
Robbie McAllister
Rory McAllister
Shawn Michaels
Trevor Murdoch
Randy Orton
Big Show
Cody Rhodes
Triple H
Shelton Benjamin
CM Punk
John Morrison
Rey Mysterio
Ric Flair
The Great Kahli
Mark Henry
Matt Hardy
Chuck Palumbo
The Undertaker

Mickie James
Beth Phoenix
Michelle McCool
Torrie Wilson

Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes
Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch
Robbie and Rory McAllister
Jesse and Festus
Deuce and Domino

Other On-Air Talent
Jim Ross-Play by Play Commentator
Michael Cole-Play by Play commentator
Jerry Lawler-Colour Commentator
Michael Cole-Play-By-Play
Josh Matthews-Interviewer
Lillian Garcia-Ring Announcer

WWE: Randy Orton
World: Batista
IC: Jeff Hardy
WWE World Tag: Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes
Hardcore: Vacant
Women’s: Beth Phoenix

Pay Per View Schedule
Backlash: April 20th, 2008
Judgment Day: May 18th, 2008
One Night Stand: June 8th, 2008
Vengeance: June 29th, 2008
Great American Bash: July 20th, 2008
SummerSlam: August 17th, 2008
Unforgiven: September 14th, 2008
No Mercy: October 5th, 2008
Cyber Sunday: October 26th, 2008
Survivor Series: November 16th, 2008
Armageddon: December 14th, 2008
Royal Rumble: January 18th, 2008
No Way Out: February 15th, 2008
WrestleMania 25: March 14th, 2008

I will just be doing the ending of the matches. I think I will do this longer if I just do the endings to the matches. Pay Per Views will be done in full.
I have decided to just post the results to all the Slammers and do Pay Per Views in full.


Intercontinental Championship
Jeff Hardy© defeats Kane to retain

Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes defeats Robbie and Rory McAllister

Triple H defeats Mr. Kennedy via DQ

MVP defeats Shawn Michaels

Umaga defeats Chris Jericho

Rey Mysterio defeats John Cena

Edge defeats Paul London

Ric Flair defeats Randy Orton
Looks decent but you should start color coding stuff and organize the information post with color codes,centering it and whatnot.You should probably do weeklies in full for storylines and stuff because since you're doing PPVs in full your storylines and matches wouldn't make much sense because we wouldn't know why certain matches happened and whatnot.Your backstory is decent as well.

Overall Letter Grade (D)
When I'm looking at "Book This!" shows, I want to see something that is going to interest me. To interest me, I need more than results. I know you said that you will do full pay-per-view's, but I still want to see more than that. You don't need to do full-on two, three paragraph matches, but details are good. You also need promo's and things like that so you can evolve rivalries, etc.

Keeping working at it.
I am going to continue this! I am going to restart at Backlash. So the first show will be Backlash! Here is the final Backlash Card.

WWE Championship
Randy Orton© vs Triple H

World Heavyweight Championship

Batista© vs Chris Jericho

Unification Match
Intercontinental and United States Championships

Jeff Hardy (IC) vs MVP (US)

Triple H vs Shawn Michaels

WWE World Tag
Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes(C) vs Deuce and Domino

Umaga and Edge vs Rey Mysterio and The Undertaker

Matt Hardy vs Chuck Palumbo
I can't see Shane just removing RAW, SD! and ECW like that, but its your BTB, the results look good though. Goodluck with this
Sunday Night Heat

*A video shows how the rivalry got started between Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels got started*

~Commercial Break~

Match #1
Lance Cade vs Domino

The match was a pretty good match with very good back and fourth action. In the end, it was Lance Cade who got the win after Domino got him self disqualified by using a steel chair.

~Commercial Break~

*A Video clip shows how the rivalry between Jeff Hardy and MVP got started*

*A Video clip shows how the rivalry between Chuck Palumbo and Matt Hardy got started*

~Commercial Break~

*A video clip shows how the World Heavyweight Title Match got started*

*A video clip shows how the WWE Title Match got started*

~Commercial Break~

Main Event
Rory McAllister vs Shelton Benjamin

The match had very good back and fourth action, but the Shelton Benjamin managed to pull out a victory after he nailed the T-Bone on Rory.

End Of Show

Backlash Final Card

WWE Championship
Randy Orton© vs Triple H

World Heavyweight Championship
Batista© vs Chris Jericho

Unification Match
Intercontinental and United States Championships

Jeff Hardy (IC) vs MVP (US)

Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels

WWE World Tag
Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes vs Deuce and Domino

Umaga and Edge vs Rey Mysterio and The Undertaker

Matt Hardy vs Chuck Palumbo

Note: The backlash Pay-Per-View will be short.

Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, and Michael Cole welcome us to Backlash and then tell us about the matches for the night. They then send it up to Lillian who announces the first match, which is the Unification match. Both men come out and the opening bell sounds.

Unification Match
Intercontinental and United States Championships
Jeff Hardy (IC) vs MVP (US)

Both men circle each other in the ring. They then lock up in the middle of the ring. MVP powers Hardy back into the corner. The ref calls for a clean break. MVP slaps Hardy and smiles at him. MVP says ‘Ballin’. Hardy runs at him, but MVP connects with a clothesline. MVP helps Hardy up and then whips him into the corner. MVP runs at him and connects with a huge big boot.

MVP goes to get Hardy up, but Hardy slips out of it and rolls MVP up.

…MVP kicks out

J Hardy gets up real fast, as does MVP. Hardy runs at MVP and MVP goes for a clothesline, but Hardy ducks it and jumps on the ropes and hits a whisper in the wind. The crowd cheers as Hardy waits for MVP to get up. MVP gets up and turns around right into Hardy who kicks him in the gut. TWIST OF FATE! Hardy goes to the corner. He starts to climb the turnbuckle. Hardy gets to the top. SWANTON BOMB! NO! MVP GOT OUT OF THE WAY! Both men are down. The ref starts his count. 1-2-3-4-MVP gets up and helps Hardy up. MVP whips him off the ropes and delivers a huge clothesline.

MVP gets Hardy up and lands a perfect uppercut on him. MVP then whips Hardy into the corner. MVP puts Hardy up on the turnbuckle. MVP gets up with him and gets ready for a superplex. Hardy fights out of it though with left and right hands. Hardy pushes MVP off the MVP falls to the mat. Hardy gets on the top rope. SWANTON BOMB! Hardy covers.


Winner: Jeff Hardy (STILL Intercontinental Champion and NEW United States Champion)

Matt Hardy vs Chuck Palumbo
The bell rings and Hardy and Palumbo go to the middle of the ring. They start trash talking each other. Hardy throws the first punch. He connects with a powerful right hand. Hardy hits him again. And again. And again. Palumbo backs up into the corner. Hardy continues the right and left hands. Hardy hits Palumbo wherever he can hit him. Hardy finally stops hitting Palumbo. Palumbo falls down in the corner. Hardy goes back over to Palumbo and gets him up and whips him into the corner. Hardy runs at Palumbo, but Palumbo gets a boot to Hardy’s face.

Hardy goes down to the mat. Palumbo helps Hardy up and then whips him off the ropes and delivers a sidewalk slam. Palumbo covers M.Hardy.

…Hardy kicks out!

Palumbo gets up and helps Hardy up. Palumbo whips Hardy off the ropes and connects with a clothesline. Palumbo helps Hardy up and then whips him into the corner. Palumbo runs at Hardy, but Hardy sticks his elbow out and hits Palumbo with it. Hardy then gets on the second rope. Hardy leaps off and gets an elbow to the back of Palumbo’s head. Hardy gets up and gets ready for the twist of fate. Palumbo gets up. TWIST OF FATE! Matt Hardy covers.


Winner: Matt Hardy

Umaga and Edge vs Rey Mysterio and Undertaker
Quick Results:
The match was a very good tag match. In the end it was Umaga and Rey Mysterio who were the legal men. Rey got the 619 on Umaga and was looking for the west coast pop, but when Mysterio leaped of the top rope, Edge came into the ring and speared Mysterio in mid air! Edge then speared Taker off the ring apron and Umaga managed to get to his feet and got Mysterio up and got the Samoan Spike for the win.

Winners: Umaga and Edge

This is not the end of the show. I will post the next half tomorrow!
The Ric Flair v Shawn Michaels match should be a good one.

If Deuce & Domino are in a tag title match, does that Domino will have competed twice? because he was on Heat
The next part of the show will only be the results. I wanted to get on the Slammer’s. All of my other shows should be much better than this.

World Heavyweight Championship
Batista vs Chris Jericho

Quick Results: Batista controlled Most of the match. Batista used his strength and over powered Jericho. Jericho came back though using his speed. Jericho got Batista down and then got a lionsault. Jericho covered for a 2 count. Jericho got up and waited for Batista to get up. Batista got up and turned around. CODEBREAKER! Chris Jericho covers Batista. 1-2-3

Winner: Chris Jericho (NEW World Heavyweight Champion)

Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels
Quick Results: The match has very good back and fourth action. Michaels was almost about to get the sweet chin music, but when he went for it, Ric Flair grabbed his leg and managed to apply the figure four leg lock. Michaels withered around the ring in pain. Michaels was just about to tap out before he got another jolt of life and made it to the bottom rope. Flair got up and pulled Michaels away from the ropes and into the middle of the ring and applied it again. Michaels tapped out!

Winner: Ric Flair

WWE World Tag Team Championships
Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes© vs Deuce and Domino

Quick Results: The match was a good one, but the veteran Hardcore Holly was able to pick up the 1-2-3 when he got the Alabama Slama on Domino

Winners: Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes (STILL Tag Team Champions)

WWE Championship

Randy Orton© vs Triple H
The match proved why it was the main event. The match has good back and fourth action; Randy Orton was stalking Triple H ready for the RKO. HHH got up and turned around. Randy Orton went for the RKO, but HHH reveres it and sent Orton over the top rope. The ref started to count Orton out. When the ref got to a 4 count, HHH got out of the ring and went to get Orton. HHH got Orton up and rolled him into the ring. HHH went to help Orton up, but Orton low blowed HHH and got him self disqualified.

Winner: Triple H (Randy Orton STILL WWE Champion

End of Show

Not a very good PPV I know. I promise that the next shows will be much better.
Card for Slammer
Intercontinental Championship
Jeff Hardy© vs MVP

Batista vs Mr. Kennedy

Kane vs The Great Kahli

Robbie and Rory McAllister and Deuce and Domino vs Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes and Jesse and Festus

Shelton Benjamin vs Matt Hardy

#1 contender for World Heavyweight Championship
Big Show vs JBL
JR, Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole welcome us To Slammer. They tell us about some of the matches. They then send it up to Lillian Garcia who announces the next match, which is for the United States Championship. She introduces the opponents and the match starts.

United States Championship
Jeff Hardy defeated MVP to retain the United States Championship after MVP had Hardy in the corner and was just about to get a big boot, Jeff Hardy moved and MVP ran right into the turnbuckle and Hardy rolled him up for the 1-2-3.

The camera then went backstage to CM Punk. The Great Kahli all of a sudden attacked him. Kahli throws him completely threw a wall. Kahli walks away as officials come and call for paramedics.

~Commercial Break~

Mr. Kennedy defeated Batista after Batista had gotten the spinebuster and was getting ready for the Batista Bomb, Chris Jericho appeared n the titan tron holding the World title. The distraction was too much for the Animal and made him really mad. He started shouting stuff at Jericho. Then all of a sudden, Mr. Kennedy rolled him up and grabbed the tights.


Camera goes backstage to people loading CM Punk into a ambulance. The ambulance drives away.

Camera cuts back to the ring. Triple H’s music hits and he comes out and the crowd goes crazy! He gets in the ring and tells everyone that Randy Orton was scared. Scared of the King of Kings. He then shows everyone how Orton got himself disqualified. He then challenges Orton to a rematch for the championship at Judgment Day. Teddy Long comes out and tells everyone and Triple H that the rematch at Judgment Day will happen. But the match will be in a 15-foot high steel cage. The crowd can’t believe themselves.

~Commercial Break~

The Great Kahli defeated Kane after Kane was about to try to go for the chokeslam. Kahli got up and turned around and Kane grabbed him by the throat, but Kahli chopped at Kane’s hand at made him release. Kahli then grabbed Kane’s throat with both hands and lifted him up and got a double-handed chokeslam for the win.

Camera goes backstage where Josh Matthews interviews JBL. JBL says he doesn’t care how big the Big Show is. Cause at the end of the night JBL will be the #1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship.

~Commercial Break~

Camera goes to Teddy Long in his office. Randy Orton storms in. Orton says that he can’t make that match. He can’t make it. Teddy Long then tells him he can cause he is the General Manager. Slammer is his show. Orton storms out mad.

Camera cuts to the ring where Lillian Garcia announces the next match.

Hardcore Holly, Cody Rhodes, Jesse, and Festus defeated Robbie McAllister, Rory McAllister, Deuce, and Domino after all four members of each team came into the ring, the ref couldn’t control it. The fight broke out. After all the smoke cleared, the two legal men which was Hardcore Holly and Domino. The exchanged punches. Holly got the upper hand after a hard right hand. Hardcore Holly picked Domino up and gave him the Alabama Slama for the 1-2-3.

~Commercial Break~

Shelton Benjamin defeated Matt Hardy after Matt Hardy missed with a leg drop. Shelton Benjamin whipped him into the ropes and hit him with a flying crossbody. Benjamin then took Hardy into the middle of the ring and connected with a T-Bone suplex for the win.

Camera goes backstage to Jeff Hardy walking backstage. All of a sudden, the lights go out and you hear laughter. When the lights come back on, Jeff Hardy is on the ground knocked out.

Camera goes to the arena for the main event.

JBL defeated Big Show after JBL looked as he was going to get the clothesline from Hell. JBL comes off the ropes and goes for it, but the Big Show is too big and JBL runs right into him. JBL gets up and comes off the ropes again, but this time the Big Show grabs his throat. JBL chops at the arms of JBL but to no avail. JBL then started to kick at the knees and gut of Big Show. The Big Show finally let go and JBL came off the ropes and went for the clothesline again. He gets it this time, but it doesn’t knock Big Show off his feet. JBL comes off again with another clothesline. This one knocks Big Show off his feet. JBL covers the Big Show and puts his feet on the ropes for leverage. 1-2-3

End of Show

Quick Results
Jeff Hardy defeated MVP to retain the US Championship

Mr. Kennedy defeated Batista

The Great Kahli defeated Kane

Hardcore Holly, Cody Rhodes, Jesse, and Festus defeated Robbie McAllister, Rory
McAllister, Deuce, and Domino

Shelton Benjamin defeated Matt Hardy

JBL defeated Big Show to become #1 contender for World Championship


Current Card for Judgment Day

WWE Championship
Steel Cage Match

Randy Orton© vs Triple H

World Heavyweight Championship

Chris Jericho© vs JBL
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