WWE Signs Eddie Guerrero's Daughter

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member

It has been confirmed that Shaul Marie Guerrero, the daughter of Eddie and Vickie Guerrero, has signed a developmental contract with World Wrestling Entertainment. The 20-year-old had been pursuing a musical career since graduating from high school and entering college in 2009. She was signed last week and will be reporting to Florida Championship Wrestling’s headquarters in Tampa shortly.

Well this is interesting. I don't know that much about her, but I'm sure Shaul will receive a nice push once she's called up to WWE's main roster. I wonder if she'll have any on screen interaction with her mom?

What does everyone else think about this?
I like this a lot! I see this going one of two ways for the time being:

1. She stays in FCW for a while, appears on the next season of NXT, and is given Chavo as her pro.

2. She stays in FCW for a while, appears on Smackdown, repackages Chavo and Vickie to faces (somehow), and regenerates Los Guerreros.

She seems too peppy to be a heel.
Looks perfectly wholesome and gorgeous.

Then upon entering the industry:

She'll bleach her hair or dye it blond, she'll throw on enough make-up to disorient herself and look like a clown or a prostitute, and fuck knows what else.

I bet she'll turn into the typical plastic, blond, bimbo clone.

And if she doesn't turn into that, she just might turn into something as bad as that: looking like Eve.

Fuck. Just stay away, lady. You're too good looking for the WWE.
Looks perfectly wholesome and gorgeous.

Then upon entering the industry:

She'll bleach her hair or dye it blond, she'll throw on enough make-up to disorient herself and look like a clown or a prostitute, and fuck knows what else.

I bet she'll turn into the typical plastic, blond, bimbo clone.

And if she doesn't turn into that, she just might turn into something as bad as that: looking like Eve.

Fuck. Just stay away, lady. You're too good looking for the WWE.

or she could end up looking like vickie :disappointed::disappointed:
Wow. The years go by fast. And to think she looked so young in 2005 during Eddie's feud with Rey.
They should totally have her start kayfabe dating Rey Rey, nothing like honouring your dead friend by dating his daughter. I jest, but this is still a likely canidate for a storyline....
if it is indeed true that she signed with developmental, then she won't be ready to come to the main roster for a VERY long time (maybe over a year), if she ever was ready. By that point, it's too hard to tell who will be around to have a storyline with.
They should totally have her start kayfabe dating Rey Rey, nothing like honouring your dead friend by dating his daughter. I jest, but this is still a likely canidate for a storyline....

A 35 year old man (who tends to bring his family to the ring and backstage on certain occasions) dating the 20 year old daughter of his [former] best friend?...Yea, that makes for a good candidate storyline...
A 35 year old man (who tends to bring his family to the ring and backstage on certain occasions) dating the 20 year old daughter of his [former] best friend?...Yea, that makes for a good candidate storyline...

Dude i was kidding, i mean, Russo is booking TNA, but at the same time they should have Rey take her under his wing and show her the ropes.
Stormtrooper made a very good point. It's going to be a while before we see her on Raw or Smackdown. She's going to be in FCW for a long time. And yeah, we're going to hear a ton of Eddie chants.

I think she lied, cheated and stole her way into a developmental contract.

Does anyone know if she's done any wrestling training up until this point? Or will developmental be her first experience of getting in a ring & taking bumps?

Good luck to her anyway & I hope she makes it to the main WWE roster. It'll be interesting to see whether WWE decide to have another Eddie cash-in or concentrate more on doing a storyline with Vickie. As has been mentioned earlier, Shaul doesn't seem to be heel material (could be wrong of course!), but they could do a good angle with her constantly being berated by her mother, and getting more & more pissed off with Vickie's actions.

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