WWE signs Brian Danielson


On A Nature walk with Daniel Bryan
Ring Of Honor issued the following press release:

Bryan Danielson has agreed in principle to a contract with World Wrestling Entertainment.

Bryan has been an exemplary talent and a wonderful member of the Ring of Honor locker room and family since the inception of the company. We couldn’t be happier for Bryan and all of his successes, many of which Ring of Honor has been proud to witness first hand.

We congratulate Bryan on the beginning of this next journey in his brilliant career, and wish him all the best as he progresses. Many Ring of Honor fans refer to Bryan as the “best in the world” and we look forward to looking on in earnest as he shows everyone watching the wrestling world’s biggest stage just why that is.

Bryan will appear as scheduled at all of the September Ring of Honor events. Please join us in Philadelphia, Dayton, Chicago, Boston, and New York as we say thank you and farewell to a truly one-of-a-kind talent.

What does this mean for the WWE? If he actually goes through with this where would you like him to end up, ECW, Raw, SD? I could honestly care less because I think he sucks. But who knows, maybe he could develop into a pretty solid wrestler and prove the doubters wrong? Or he can prove them all right. Who knows? I sure don't. Only time will tell.

So all in all is this actually a good move for Danielson, and for the WWE?
It means exactly what I've been preaching for quite some time now. WWE is becoming more like Ring of Honor every day, and this is just one more case and point. He will have a nice spot waiting for him on Smackdown, the wrestling show.

Now, we can look forward to even more ROH fans infiltrating the WWE and shoving their views down everyone's throats about what wrestling "should be".

At long last, IWC. Your God, Bryan Danielson, has arrived.

I must admit, I will get the biggest chuckle if they simply start jobbing him out, just to hear the ROH fans bitch and whine about how he is being treated. But we'll see.
The following was written by ROHWrestling.com:

Bryan Danielson has agreed in principle to a contract with World Wrestling Entertainment.

Bryan has been an exemplary talent and a wonderful member of the Ring of Honor locker room and family since the inception of the company. We couldn’t be happier for Bryan and all of his successes, many of which Ring of Honor has been proud to witness first hand.

We congratulate Bryan on the beginning of this next journey in his brilliant career, and wish him all the best as he progresses. Many Ring of Honor fans refer to Bryan as the “best in the world” and we look forward to looking on in earnest as he shows everyone watching the wrestling world’s biggest stage just why that is.

Bryan will appear as scheduled at all of the September Ring of Honor events. Please join us in Philadelphia, Dayton, Chicago, Boston, and New York as we say thank you and farewell to a truly one-of-a-kind talent.
So I am sure there are a lot of people that are going to be excited that he is joining them but to be honest I am not really a big fan of Danielson, but I do have to admit I am looking forward to him joining the company. I know he is a talented performer and I have seen a couple of good matches from him, so I want to see what he is going to do in the WWE. I just hope that they give him a fair chance and not bury him because of the fact that he is coming from ROH. So for now, before I see anything of what he does in the WWE, I am just going to wish him the best of luck. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how things turn out to be.

So what do you guys think? Are you excited or nervous? Or do you not really care about him at all? What feuds would you like him to have and what matches? Just give your thoughts.
Wow, I didn't see this coming. I hope they don't give him the Colt Cabana/Chris Harris treatment and erase his name value and past accomplishments. I hope he ends up on ECW or SmackDown to help train the younger guys and show off his wrestling skills. He would probably get buried on Raw, and I would love to see him wrestle John Morrison, Christian, and/or Dolph Ziggler.
Well god damn if I wasn't already having a nice night with that great finish to Summerslam, now I see this news. Let's just say, this has been a good night to be a wrestling fan.

If this is indeed true (which I have no reason to believe it wouldn't be), I am officially as excited as one can be. Despite the unfair treatment Danielson sometimes gets on this website, he is a damn fine talent, and a man I love to watch wrestle as often as possible. The sheer possibilities of great matches that are swimming about in my head right now with the idea of Bryan Danielson in the WWE...Danielson vs. Punk? Danielson vs. HBK? Danielson vs. Morrison? Ziggler? Christian? My god the possibilities for great matches are endless.

Can't wait to see how this story develops. Danielson in the WWE = Severely Epic.
It means exactly what I've been preaching for quite some time now. WWE is becoming more like Ring of Honor as the years go by, and this is just one more case and point. He will have a nice spot waiting for him on the Smackdown roster.

Now, we can look forward to even more ROH fans infiltrating the WWE and shoving their views down everyone's throats about what wrestling "should be".

At long last, IWC. Your God, Bryan Danielson, has arrived.

I must admit, I will get the biggest chuckle if they simply start jobbing him out, just to hear the ROH fans bitch and whine about how he is being treated. But we'll see.

What is so wrong with the ROH model? Rather than the storyline, soap opera that Raw often is, they are a pro wrestling company, and they focus on the wrestling. I understand if you enjoy the soap opera format more, but I find it kind of ridiculous to complain about a pro wrestling company focusing on the wrestling.

Oh, and FYI, you are a member of the IWC too, bud.
The Bryan Danielson you see in ROH will not be anywhere near the Danielson you will see in the WWE. If he gets into the midcard, he should be thrilled, even if it is a midcard that is jam packed. He is gonig from a big fish in a little pond to a little fish in a huge pond. If he gets the Punk treatment, he will be thanking his stars.
What is so wrong with the ROH model? Rather than the storyline, soap opera that Raw often is, they are a pro wrestling company, and they focus on the wrestling. I understand if you enjoy the soap opera format more, but I find it kind of ridiculous to complain about a pro wrestling company focusing on the wrestling.

Oh, and FYI, you are a member of the IWC too, bud.

And shoves his views down everyone's throats about what wrestling "should be".

I think Danielson's a damn good signing for WWE, if handled well he can really go places. Him v Punk would be good to open doors further to the ROH fan base which can't be a bad thing. I guess it's one of those time will tell sort of things, but at the moment it looks good.
Oh lord. I can already predict what's going to happen with him. He'll make his debut on ECW, as a face, with the IWC praising his ROH work. He'll do well for a while, and then the other half of the IWC will begin to bash him, call him overated, and they will say he sucks.

Then he'll turn heel, and the entire IWC will once again be on his dick. Does this sound familar? CM Punk? Danielson is going to have the same trouble Punk did. He's going to be instantly overated by half the fans because of the indie fans proclaiming he's god. Then he'll make a heel change, slowly but surely grab fans, and become a hit.

But honestly, I am a fan of Danielson, but there's something lacking for me. Not sure what it is(Charisma, look, the "x" factor), but I really hope he ends up becoming a star. It will be a long road ahead of him trying to prove the "haters" wrong, but with the way WWE is, and the way fans are, he'll have to work hard and have creative on his side.

Could you imagine a possible Cena Vs. Danielson match up? Two of the most hated, overated, and loved stars facing off. IWC's wrestling heaven, I do think.
What is so wrong with the ROH model? Rather than the storyline, soap opera that Raw often is, they are a pro wrestling company, and they focus on the wrestling. I understand if you enjoy the soap opera format more, but I find it kind of ridiculous to complain about a pro wrestling company focusing on the wrestling.

Oh, and FYI, you are a member of the IWC too, bud.

We already established that there are several political parties in the IWC, not just one.

I just happened to be a part of the Attitude Era Party, however am also a huge proponent of the Hogan Era, as well.

Well, if you are going to argue against me and my philosophies of what wrestling should be, you mine as well argue with the Vince McMahon of old, in promoting "sports entertainment" over wrestling.

I don't personally like ROH because I don't wish to view wrestling as a sport, unlike how their fans view the product. Rather, I derive my entertainment in stages.

I derive my entertainment from a good feud or storyline starting. Then, they build the feud/storyline on TV through angles. Then, you get the PPV payoff. I want the entire package. Not just the matches.

ROH wants to bypass the feud/storyline aspect and jump straight to the matches, as they view the other factors that build a feud to be unnecessary. Not only do I view those elements as necessary, I feel they are vital. And over-exposure of the matches between any 2 stars ultimately leads to deterioration of interest between the feud, which is what is happening in WWE today.

And, at the end of the day, I view simply focusing and analyzing technical wrestling to be boring. Scripted matches don't excite me in the least. If I am going to watch a fight, I want the fight to be real, with no scripted outcomes.

If I want to watch a show, then I want to see heroes/villains featured, great storylines built, and a great clash in which the two sides come head to head on PPV. Just like watching a TV show or a movie.

That is nothing new. That is what wrestling has been for years.

I don't have a problem with the ROH product having a platform. The problem I have is ROH fans who feel it is their duty to lobby in transforming the entire WWE into a product that reflects their vision. One show is fine. But to alter all 4 of WWE's programs (which is what they want) and cater to this very loud and obnoxious minority is ludicrous.
Bryan Danielson has agreed in principle to a contract with World Wrestling Entertainment.

Bryan has been an exemplary talent and a wonderful member of the Ring of Honor locker room and family since the inception of the company. We couldn’t be happier for Bryan and all of his successes, many of which Ring of Honor has been proud to witness first hand.

We congratulate Bryan on the beginning of this next journey in his brilliant career, and wish him all the best as he progresses. Many Ring of Honor fans refer to Bryan as the “best in the world” and we look forward to looking on in earnest as he shows everyone watching the wrestling world’s biggest stage just why that is.

Bryan will appear as scheduled at all of the September Ring of Honor events. Please join us in Philadelphia, Dayton, Chicago, Boston, and New York as we say thank you and farewell to a truly one-of-a-kind talent.

I like this, I've never seen him compete, but it seems as tho whenever I hear anything about Ring Of Honor Wrestling I hear his name so it must be a good pick up.

So I ask you who know him, watched him, what do you make of this signing? What will he do? How will he get his start?

Your Thoughts?
We already established that there are several political parties in the IWC, not just one.

I just happened to be a part of the Attitude Era Party.

Ah, yes, the ultimate no wrestling, more story time of wrestling.

Well, if you are going to argue against me and my philosophies of what wrestling should be, you mine as well argue with the Vince McMahon of old, in promoting "sports entertainment" over wrestling.

I'm alright with sports entertainment, I just hate watching a soap opera with 27 minutes of actual in-ring action.

I don't personally like ROH because I don't wish to view wrestling as a sport, unlike how their fans view the product. Rather, I derive my entertainment in stages.

I derive my entertainment from a good feud or storyline starting. Then, they build the feud/storyline on TV through angles. Then, you get the PPV payoff.

You can do that with actual matches, too. That aspect is actually much closer to real fighting, because it ends up like an MMA or boxing match, with months of out-of-ring build up before a single match.

ROH wants to bypass the feud/storyline aspect and jump straight to the matches, as they view the other factors that build a feud to be unnecessary. Not only do I view those elements as necessary, I feel they are vital. And over-exposure of the matches between any 2 stars ultimately leads to deterioration of interest between the feud, which is what is happening in WWE today.

They do have storylines, but with the lack of a major TV contract, they become tougher to do because of a lack of ability by the user to keep up. You can easily have a long feud if it is done properly, it is just that the WWE doesn't really have two guys on Raw that work well enough to pull it off, unless Cena/Orton works out. It all depends on how it's done.

And, at the end of the day, I view simply focusing and analyzing technical wrestling to be boring. Scripted matches don't excite me in the least. If I am going to watch a fight, I want the fight to be real, with no scripted outcomes.

Then why watch any wrestling!? I like being surprised too, so I put myself back in the mindset of the 10 year old who used to love Sting and Goldberg in WCW. You can appreciate it without analyzing it.

If I want to watch a show, then I want to see heroes/villains featured, great storylines built, and a great clash in which the two sides come head to head on PPV.

That is nothing new. That is what wrestling has been for years.

That can happen in the ROH model, it is just more wrestling oriented than the talking oriented Raw product. It is just a different approach to the same outcome.
Here's what I see happening.

Name: Bryan Danielson
Age: 26
New name: Jason Smith
Brand: ECW
Gimmick: Default wrestler #1
Position: Jobber
Estimated survival rate: 10%

Come on how many guys have made it to the WWE from ROH and been successful? Well there's CM Punk? And well.. You know.. Nobody else? It's clear that the 'E don't like these guys or something because they're obviously great wrestlers but used so poorly. The only chance Danielson has is using his connections with HBK to get him a good spot, otherwise he's doomed. As much as I'd like to see Danielson succeed, he just doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who'd be entertaining thousands. Instead he seems like the guy who should be entertaining the hardcore wrestling fans who enjoy watching technical matches. Danielsons not going to get over on his technical ability alone, he'll need something more and a lot of these technical guys just don't.
I'm in absolute goddamn shock.

I never really expected this to happen. I'm both excited at the possibilities, and...scared at the possibilities, really.

There's two ways for this to go, one which is very good, the other that is not. The first thing that needs to be established here is that Danielson is not going to have it as easy as Punk did. Punk has what Danielson does not - incredible mic skills. Danielson is not, contrary to most's belief, very bad on the mic. He is no god of the mic, but he's decent. Because of his only decent mic skills, I feel he's going to have a hard time making it to the top, if he ever does, which I feel is unlikely.

So now - the good. Danielson will make a quintessential midcarder for the WWE. Like I said - he has good mic skills. As good as, say, Kofi Kingston, Zack Ryder, or Shelton Benjamin. Two of whom have already held a wide variety of midcard titles, and one of whom is more than likely in the path for them. I really see Danielson, if allowed to display his best, being a United States, Intercontinental, Tag Team, or ECW Champion. I think the likelihood of him getting a good push and the chance to give his best is high - he's known to be tight with William Regal, and was trained by Shawn Michaels. I can imagine those two will give him some pull.

Danielson also enters at a brilliant time, since SmackDown is focusing on the in ring product much more as of late. A heel feud against Morrison could get him over extremely quick and make him a big deal. With CM Punk in his current position, one has to wonder if Danielson might get lucky and have a hot shot feud with Punk. I said at the beginning I found it unlikely that Danielson would main event, and still do, but there's a slim chance he could get hot shotted in a feud with Punk. Slim, yes, but present.

I find Danielson's odds well into his favor. The WWE is making a concentrated effort toward in ring action on two of their shows (ECW and, much more so, on SmackDown), which plays to his strengths. Punk is in a good position, which could work for him. Shawn and Regal will be pulling for him. Also, I think the company digs him in general - let us not forget he beat Lance Cade, who was at the time a hot midcard heel prospect, clean, in a dark match, before he had any kind of contract. Many things point toward Danielson becoming hot in the midcard and, with great luck, he may see big things in the future.

The bad way this can go is he winds up like a Paul London or a Brian Kendrick. Enter the company, get a quick midcard push under one gimmick, then turn against the gimmick and get released quick. Even worse, he might get the Colt Cabana treatment - developmental, which would be an enormous insult to Bryan, followed by a name change, shitty gimmick, and jobbing.

We can't say where Bryan is gonna go until we see his first appearance, which is when we'll get a good indication of where he's headed. If he gets vignettes, gets a win in his debut, etc, etc, I see him as a hot midcarder with some prospects for bigger things. If he comes on with no hype, jobs...well. We all know what goes from there. I think the odds are in his favor for a good push, but we have to be wary, considering what we've seen the WWE do to indy wrestlers.
I see Danielson being a very welcome addition to the WWE, but I don't see him as being a part of the RAW brand. His scientific style will fit in well with ECW and Smackdown style wrestling whereas I just do not see him being the type of showman that I believe that RAW favors.

The match possibilities are endless, though, as X pointed out, so I am very excited to see what the WWE has planned.
I admit, I have no clue who this guy is. The only reason I know his name is the IWC loves him. Never seen a match, never even seen a picture. I do hear he is a pretty good wrestler, and that's always a plus. I enjoy the entire product, but a good solid match usually highlights the program for me. I guess I would want him on Smackdown. He wouldn't make it past Chavo Land on Raw.
Well, Danielson won't even have to worry about mic skills until he gets to the Upper Midcard anyway, since WWE doesn't provide opportunities for the lower card to get on the mic. So he will have plenty of time to develop them.
I think this could be pretty good for the WWE. Danielson is by no means the greatest wrestler out there and I am sure it is safe to say, that his mic skills are average. However, he is a solid worker. He can put on damn good matches with just about anyone. I do not see him being a major star in the WWE, but he'll do good things in the mid-card. I just don't think he has the all around package to be a main eventer. So I hope he doesn't think he's coming in to fight for the major titles and be in major storylines, because I just don't see that. I see him as a mid-card lifer in the WWE for as long as he stays.
This is absolutely thrilling. And not just because of the surprise that Bryan Danielson, who was long considered one of the best technical wrestlers in the world has come to WWE. But because I think that we're gonna see the closest thing that we'll ever see to the in ring competitor that was Chris Benoit. And I hope to god WWE brings him up to be just that. There may only be a 50-50 chance of that, but he's definately gonna get the chance to rise through the ranks.

Here's what I see happening.

Name: Bryan Danielson
Age: 26
New name: Jason Smith
Brand: ECW
Gimmick: Default wrestler #1
Position: Jobber
Estimated survival rate: 10%

Come on how many guys have made it to the WWE from ROH and been successful? Well there's CM Punk? And well.. You know.. Nobody else? It's clear that the 'E don't like these guys or something because they're obviously great wrestlers but used so poorly. The only chance Danielson has is using his connections with HBK to get him a good spot, otherwise he's doomed. As much as I'd like to see Danielson succeed, he just doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who'd be entertaining thousands. Instead he seems like the guy who should be entertaining the hardcore wrestling fans who enjoy watching technical matches. Danielsons not going to get over on his technical ability alone, he'll need something more and a lot of these technical guys just don't.

Okay, how many ROH guys have been in WWE? 2? Punk was one, and he like The American Dragon was a former ROH Champ. Then there's Colt Cabana who is a mid-upper mid carder in ROH. He was jobbed out of WWE, but like WWE I never saw much in Cabana anyway. And not the guy to entertain thousands? He's the best technical wrestler I've seen that's been with the WWE since Benoit before he went crazy. Did he entertain thousands? No, he entertained MILLIONS and helped make Randy Orton the wrestler he is today. He's got the charisma of Jerry Lynn, but that's not always a bad thing. His promos and interviews will naturally come off more realistic, and that ought to give him the chance to connect with fans that way.

As far as the brand goes? Prolly ECW, and as part of the New Talent Initiative. Hopefully he can get over on guys like Ryder and Goldust and maybe even win the ECW Title like CM Punk. After he gets over, he's gonna get transferred to Smackdown and bring the full prestige back to the Intercontinental championship, and from there, we'll just have to wait and see.

Hopefully Danielson's coming to WWE will spark a movement that can bring guys like Delirious and Austin Aries to WWE too.
It seems that one of the greatest wrestlers never to step foot inside a WWE ring is getting his chance to prove his worth in the greatest professional wrestling promotion. This comes to a great shock to me after just watching the SummerSlam PPV. Byran Danielson is going to become a member of one of the elite rosters. I say congradulations to Danielson for achieving this feat.

As for how the WWE will be playing him into the roster, I am guessing he will be placed in the FCW developmental territory for a few weeks to get used to the WWE's style of wrestling & be pushed up to the ECW roster for a few month tenture to gain a proper WWE following. This is the only logical proposition as the WWE's two main brands are being used to advertise & promote the next stars for the future. Though Danielson is up for the part for being a mainstay on either of the main brands, but it would be better for him to start off small & become big. Sort of the transition CM Punk or Jack Swagger have been through.

Lets just hope all goes well for Bryan Danielson. He is better off in WWE with his skills than TNA thats for sure.
This is not a good move for Danielson. He's going to be misused. Out of all of the ROH talent that came to WWE, only Punk and Bourne to an extent has made it. Not to mention, Bryan Danielson does not fit the WWE mold. He's way too bland and his size is not exactly the type that Vince is big on. I don't see him doing much and I think he's just going to lower his overall wrestling value.
Im not sure how to respond to this. RIP Original ROH. I say that because im a hardcore ROH Fan but realize things are changing and have been since Gabe left and imo not for the better. HOPEFULLY Dragon will get a fair shake, but I dunno im just rather let down now.
Danielson's signing simply reminded me of the writings of the Prophet 48.7, with his scribe within the IWC Bible thread in the General Wrestling section.

9. There shalt be no other gods before me, but Bryan Danielson

Bryan Danielson is the God of the IWC. He's the best pure wrestler in the world, knows seven hundred variations of the wristlock and can chain wrestle for six straight hours! Bryan Danielson is a better wrestler than Triple Gay and Bortista. He should be main-eventing WrestleMania, because he's that damn good.

Now, the IWC God has arrived to claim his kingdom in WWE, and I know his fans couldn't be happier.

I know ROH's new TV deal is supposed to put them on Monday Nights before Raw, and we had a post on Wrestlezone stating that WWE was going to be raiding their talent. I really don't think WWE had anything to worry about with that move, as I don't feel Ring of Honor in its current form could ever become a serious threat to WWE ... unless WWE simply decides to adopt their style from within, which has transpired to a degree this past year. Nonetheless, I suppose this is WWE taking precautions with ROH moving to Monday nights.

If that is the case, then they simply may choose to bury Danielson. Like I said, a part of me would laugh my ass off if they did this, just to see all the upset ROH fans. Of course, we are assuming he will go on Smackdown, but what if they decide to simply keep him as a no-name jobber on ECW? LOL.

However in all seriousness, he can produce good matches, and could be a worthwhile investment in WWE. Their biggest problem is getting talent to connect with the audience. And that is the fault of Creative and not the fault of the talent. Danielson, as I stated, will have plenty of time to work on his mic skills, though for when he will need them.

However, his fans better be prepared for a name change, because it's coming. WWE will insist upon any and all rights to his character in the company, so a name change will be inevitable, which will take a lot of adjusting to on their part.
Honestly, this is nothing but win for Danielson. Think of what he's got going into this. He's undoubtedly the biggest indy star on the planet right now, drawing in fans just due to his name and reputation. Take that with the fact that he's one of HBK's boys. Also take into consideration the support he already has, not only from guys like HBK, Punk, and Regal, but with J.R. and Johnny Ace, who have gone on record many times praising Danielson.

And yes, Danielson may have to tone his style down, but then again...he may usher in a new era of wrestling styles in WWE.

All I know is they need to get him on Smackdown! ASAP to do programs with Punk and Jericho.

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