WWE should change it;s ring to a fluffy soft bed

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Man I didn't think that WWE couldn't get any lower with this kid bull shit but now I read how CW network doesn’t approve of Zack Ryder’s finishing move. This is professional wrestling it is not real Zack Ryder didn’t actually hurt William Regal. When did people become such so soft. WWE wonders why there haven’t been getting the best ratings and pay per view buys By WWE agreeing to CW it's just a big slap in the face to professional wrestling I know they used to target heavily to kids in the Hogan era but it was never this bad, Hulk Hogan wouldn't even be able to do his leg drop.

What’s next the ring is going to be a big bed and they are going to fight with sock em boppers. That may be to violent too so instead of matches they should settle their differences in hop scotch and patty cake matches. I just don’t get this whole anti neck and head move thing I mean pretty much any wrestling move could do damage to a person if performed wrong for anyone not just kids. Not just the ones the attack your head and neck. I watched that match and man does that show look weak it’s some of the worst watered down garbage a lot of the times when wrestler do their moves they keep cutting to the commentators.

I’m not one of those people that think wrestling should only be blood and weapons it’s cool every once in a while or if it serves a purpose like Edge vs Mick Foley but I like to see real wrestling the type of wrestling that doesn’t hold itself back and that is not what WWE shows now.Instead of targeting WWE to little kids who a good amount of them won't even be watching wrestling in five years target the product to your real fans that WWE now spits on. I wish that kids had easier access to watching ROH, and other promotions in Japan and Mexico then they would be able to watch real wrestling. I'm just getting sick of WWE I mean with all this crap going on in the last few years it seems like it just gets worse and worse.
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