WWE should buy the Hammerstein Ballroom

CM Steel

A REAL American
The hammerstein ballroom in New York City has been a decent venue for wrestling events ever since the debut of WWF/E monday night RAW, where the hammerstein ballroom served as home for RAW for sometime. The hammerstein ballroom was also the venue for ECW's "One Night Stand" 1 & 2.

Ring of Honor (ROH) had events there as well. But the hammerstein ballroom has been the venue for the WWE's most memerble events. So I think that the WWE should buy the legendary hammerstein ballroom as it's own house of entertainment.

TNA has the Impact Zone in Orlando, ECW had the ECW arena in south Philly, and WCW had the old TBS station in Atlanta. So the WWE needs an arena or ballroom where they can say that this is there's. They wouldn't be holding events there every week of course! But have events at the hammerstein ballroom every blue moon.

So I think that the WWE should buy the hammerstein ballroom.
Well first off, TNA doesn't own the Impact Zone. They run their shows there for economic purposes. They're not yet at a point where they can travel much for Impact. And I'm guessing ECW ran the ECW arena so much for the same reason. WWE has reached the point where they sell tickets everywhere. It's a different situation.
This is in the top 10 of most idiotic things I have ever read on this site. For one, like a previous poster mentioned, TNA doesn't own the Impact Zone. Also, WWE should try to emulate something that TNA does? That in itself should tell you how stupid your idea is.

Also, don't you realize that filming an episode of RAW at the Hammerstein Ballroom would be a colossal waste of money for the WWE? Because I'm pretty sure if they wanted to tape a RAW in NYC they could make a ton more money by.......let me think about it for literally .00001 seconds......freaking SELLING OUT MSG??? Something TNA or ECrapW couldn't ever dream of doing.

People that sell out MSG don't think about EVER filming another episode of RAW at, let alone buying, dumps like the Hammerstein Ballroom.

I don't see the point, they'd be paying rent, maintenance and upkeep on a building that they can visit as often as they can now?

renting out big name areans is just better from a business sense for a traveling business.
buy the ballrooom for FCW maybe that'd be about it, would get more people into a parking lot. When RAW was just starting they did tape from ballroom type setups but there was far less people buying tickets then.
The hammerstein ballroom in New York City has been a decent venue for wrestling events ever since the debut of WWF/E monday night RAW, where the hammerstein ballroom served as home for RAW for sometime. The hammerstein ballroom was also the venue for ECW's "One Night Stand" 1 & 2.

Ring of Honor (ROH) had events there as well. But the hammerstein ballroom has been the venue for the WWE's most memerble events. So I think that the WWE should buy the legendary hammerstein ballroom as it's own house of entertainment.

TNA has the Impact Zone in Orlando, ECW had the ECW arena in south Philly, and WCW had the old TBS station in Atlanta. So the WWE needs an arena or ballroom where they can say that this is there's. They wouldn't be holding events there every week of course! But have events at the hammerstein ballroom every blue moon.

So I think that the WWE should buy the hammerstein ballroom.

WCW filmed out of Orlando Studio's from 1996 same as Impact does.

and WWE does have a home base. MSG, thats the first base and unofficial home of WWE history.
Well you see they could.

But the question would be would they really want that. My answer is no and not because if would be a waste off money (come on now how much did Vince spend on Mayweather again for no reason? ).

No the real question would be if you really payed attention to what treatment Cena got in ONS 06. If you where you noticed that he was booed out of the arena.

I really doubt WWE would want their Face Of The Company to get trashed like he did last time. Oh and it was still during the time when Cena was ruthless aggressor unlike Mr Pg that he has become.

Just imagine how bad it would be. And I'm not even talking if he was there. Oh and if he was there and some ECW original won this time around they would riot. I really do believe that.

Not that controversy doesn't create cash but it's more or less a safety procedure to say the least. Just something to think about OP;).
buy the ballrooom for FCW maybe that'd be about it, would get more people into a parking lot. When RAW was just starting they did tape from ballroom type setups but there was far less people buying tickets then.

Great idea, lets put Florida Championship Wrestling into New York

The only purpose I could possibly see them ever buying the ballroom is to use it as the base for the Hall of Fame museum, even then it would make little sense considering it isn't built for such use.
WWE buying it to run events from there is a bad idea, especially considering Madison Square Garden is right down the street. But if Vince himself were to buy it and rent it out to other events then that could work. But I don't think Vince is much in to real estate.
Logistically for a travelling company, it's kinda difficult to have your entire crew travel back to the same location every 7 days, regardless of where they are in the World at the time. This is one reason why back when they first used the static location for RAW, every other week was a taped show (well that and the fact that live TV is so much more expensive).

I will admit though, that the Ballroom just creates such an awesome atmosphere for a wrestling event. The look of it. The acoustics in the building. The intimacy that allows the crowd to become a bigger part of the show. It's all just so much better than the generic big arena show that they put on every week.

If they could find a way to make that work with the travel schedule, I'd say go for it (not necessarily buying Ballroom, but making regular use of it). I'm not exactly sure how you'd make that work within their travel schedule though, without turning it all into an absolute nightmare for the performers and crew.

If they could work something out to use
Wow, I really like the idea of moving FCW up there. It would kind of give them an identity of their own while using the history of the building to their advantage. I love old small arenas like that, but other than the FCW idea I can't see any other reason why Vince would want to buy it other than maybe renting it out for other things. Its a great sentimental idea it's just not very practical.
It'd be cool if they did buy it for some use, but WWE could sell out around the US and the World on any tour. Why bother with a ballroom that holds a couple of thousand people.
I don't see the point in owning The Hammerstein. Let's be honest here, they rarely run shows out of that venue anymore. I also hear it's a pain in the ass to move the ring and TV equipment in to the ballroom.

On top of that, owning the venue is a considerable amount of expense. That venue costs money for upkeep every year. And unless they're using it regularly, the ballroom is not going to be generating any revenue on it's own. So to make it profitable, they would have to expand in to property management and hire people who will book the building out on days the WWE aren't using it.

For WWE's purposes, it's financially cheaper to just rent buildings per show. Often, the venues they hold their events at, the building operating costs are subsidized by the cities that they sit in. That means Vince can often rent these buildings per use at a rate a lot lower than if he owned the building outright himself.

I did like the hot crowd at ONS and the old ECW cards at the Hammerstein though. But it hardly gives you the viewer the feel of a global promotion.
This is in the top 10 of most idiotic things I have ever read on this site. For one, like a previous poster mentioned, TNA doesn't own the Impact Zone. Also, WWE should try to emulate something that TNA does? That in itself should tell you how stupid your idea is.

Also, don't you realize that filming an episode of RAW at the Hammerstein Ballroom would be a colossal waste of money for the WWE? Because I'm pretty sure if they wanted to tape a RAW in NYC they could make a ton more money by.......let me think about it for literally .00001 seconds......freaking SELLING OUT MSG??? Something TNA or ECrapW couldn't ever dream of doing.

People that sell out MSG don't think about EVER filming another episode of RAW at, let alone buying, dumps like the Hammerstein Ballroom.


A couple things in this post I must address however let me answer the proposed question. No the WWE should not buy the hammerstein ballroom as the venue is not only old and in need of expensive repairs it is also a relatively smaller venue compared to those the WWE perform in on a regular basis.

Now to the quoted statement... How in Gods green Earth can you say "ECrapW"? Did you ever once watch ECW? A match? A Promo? A PPV? Yes if you base good wrestling product solely on lighting and production value that may be a credible statement. But if you watch wrestling for good performers, good storylines, and a chance to leave the real world to be enveloped into a storyline then ECW was top notch. So you sir know nothing...
While it would be cool if only to see more shows in there I just don't see them doing it. Renting venues like they do now means they aren't the ones who have to pay for maintenance and property taxes on it. Plus you know Vince's ego wouldn't let him go "slumming" down to Hammerstein when Madison Square Garden is down the street.
the only 2 ways i could possibly think that the wwe would have any use for the Hammerstein ballroom is a new developmental territory which i don't think is likely personally i like FCW it works well and if rumors are true they are already opening one up in Connecticut.

the only other way i can see any use is if they turn it into the wwe hall of fame building/museum. i hear they have been looking for a real representation for the hall of fame so maybe an iconic wrestling venue would be good for that
The Hammerstein Ballroom is just a single room in a much larger building, The Manhattan Center. Why would Vince want to buy an entire building for just one room that MAY hold some sentimental value too him? If Vince McMahon were to ever buy a building as their "home base" it would be MSG, a building that three, going on four, generations of the McMahon family have promoted events in. It's hosted three WrestleManias, including the first one ever.
Shut up the lot of you!

A) WWE should actually consider being Hammerstein. Why? Well for one Shane Douglas will not have his last meal ticket reunion wheelchair slam PPV ideas. And another almost equally important, you can test the waters maybe twice a year by putting a taped show like Smackdown on it and see what the adult crowed is responding too. If it was too offensive they can always edit it right? WWE might not stay PG-13 forever, and it would be prudent if they had a good analysis as to which way the mature demographic is, so as to target'em.

B.)Never EVER have a developmental program there like a FCW. People might see all the smarky lewd chants and shit but I digress when people bring the argument it will 'help the newbies get a thicker skin'. As a worker you are bound to make mistakes in promos and in ring. That's why usually rookies go to their hometown local federation as to start from a pop.
buy the ballrooom for FCW maybe that'd be about it, would get more people into a parking lot. When RAW was just starting they did tape from ballroom type setups but there was far less people buying tickets then.

This is actually the same idea I had in my head when I read the title. This is where WWE screwed up when they brought back ECW.

First off ECW should have never been resurrected. It was a cheap attempt to cash in on the fan base and make some money running the ONS PPV's and was quite a success on that side of the coin..On the other side is the cheap and downright stupid weekly shows that took place. Botchtista in ECW?.. REALLY? REALLY?!!

ECW should have been a small "regional" promotion much like it was in ECW's early days. They should have masked the fact that Vince was running it by giving all creative and booking responsibilities to Paul Heyman. All financial responsibilities would be handled by WWE which would free Paul up to do what he does best...Develop talent.

ECW/FCW...It doesn't matter what you would call it but if you did this and used the Hammerstein Ballroom for your weekly television tapings it would work. The big NorthEastern market would allow you to gain exposure for little known talent before they even debut. Look at CM Punk's debut for a prime example of what I'm talking about. He wrestled and gained exposure in the indies before he even went to OVW and when he eventually made his debut in ECW he was almost as over as RVD.

I don't think WWE would actually do this but I do think it could honestly work for a feeder federation owned by WWE.
Well you see they could.

Of course the can;)

But the question would be would they really want that. My answer is no and not because if would be a waste off money

That and it there is no reason to own any arena when you are a huge financially wrestling company. When Raw and Smackdown go week after week with a venue always open and hosting the TV shows then there is no reason to purchase an arena.

(come on now how much did Vince spend on Mayweather again for no reason? ).

I actually found that story-line very entertaining .

No the real question would be if you really payed attention to what treatment Cena got in ONS 06. If you where you noticed that he was booed out of the arena.

I really doubt WWE would want their Face Of The Company to get trashed like he did last time. Oh and it was still during the time when Cena was ruthless aggressor unlike Mr Pg that he has become.

What? Cena's current character is based upon "Rising Above hate". I seriously doubt that WWE would care about the type (boo or cheers) reaction he gets as long as it's a big reaction, that is after all a big part of his job. In all seriousness there is no better arena to further Cena's character in than the Hammerstein ballroom. Imagine the kind of promos he would cut in the arena upon a sea of boos, it would do wonders to establish him a man that sticks to his 3 principles no matter the circumstances.

Just imagine how bad it would be. And I'm not even talking if he was there. Oh and if he was there and some ECW original won this time around they would riot. I really do believe that.

If an ECW original were to beat Cena there would be a riot? That is a bit misleading. If Cena where to walk in there the worst they would do is throw toilet paper at him, which if you watched One night Stand 2006 seemed to confuse him rather than upset him.

Not that controversy doesn't create cash but it's more or less a safety procedure to say the least. Just something to think about OP;).

As far as safety goes I wouldn't be that concerned. How would you know that ECW crazed fanatics would even attend a Raw there, maybe only an ECW based event would draw those kind of people in. Of course that could only be set in stone if WWE were to ever hold a Raw there.

Once again the thought of owning an arena is stupid when you are as big as a wrestling company as WWE is. TNA doesn't even own their own Impact Zone, it's a sound stage owned by Universal Studios. When WWE never has problems getting arenas in every venue they go to host their television shows then there really is no reason to buy arena, a complete squander of money if you as me.

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