WWE Screwing Ryder, #AreYouSeriousBro?


on the 63'rd episode of ''z true long island story'' zack ryder said he would debut a new catch phrase. But apparently it sucked and he didn't even debut a new catch phrase. And on a report on Wrestlezone, WWE edited his show and cut out over 2 minutes of it.

zack ryder tweeted about the episode......
Sorry Zack Pack. This episode sucks. It would have been one of the best. That's all I can say about it. Next topic...

First WWE put his show the WWE youtube channel, they turned off commenting. And now their editing zack ryder's show!!! that pisses me off and i can only imagine how pissed ryder is right now. I mean zack ryder made that show off of a video camera his parents bought him for christmas, and turned it into gold and it got him on TELEVISION which was the whole plot of the show. And not only did it get zack on TV, it got him the United States Championship. He had people chanting ''WE WANT RYDER'' during a rocky promo at Survivor Series.

While we are on this topic, i'd also like to talk about Zack Ryder's recent loses each week. I mean this guy got at least the same pop as rocky at WM 28. And zack Ryder was amazing at WM, he was on fire.

I created this thread to get your opinion on WWE screwing up something special Ryder was having. What do you think about this issue? Oh and while we are on the topic, WWE screwing Ryder...... #AreYouSeriousBro?
I get he has a lot of fans. I just don't understand why, so I kinda agree or am fine with the WWE cutting him out. His gimmick sucks, I'm not even sure what the hell it is supposed to be and what is with all the woo woo woo, yes yes yes, boom boom boom catch phrases. They suck, I mean they are great for in the ring, maybe an entrance but walking around saying that like a pokemon saying his name is just stupid.
I think WWE set him up for a big fall personally, i mean they are never happy with superstars doing things outside of WWE to make themselves big, hell they even make their own films so that they dont have to lose them to Hollywood.

So i think they took it upon themselves to build him up to where he was almost a main eventer in WWE, to making him a complete nobody again, soon he will be fed to tensai or ryback as cannon fodder basically.

Another point to this is how they responded to Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks making videos on youtube, by making the cartoon "The Mid Card Mafia", from what has been said, they started this after they saw what Ryder's youtube channel did for him, and wanted to make themselves big, but WWE took exception to it and put them in the metaphorical "Doghouse" and they were sent packing to NXT as punishment, where they have now flourished as a tag team.

But back to Ryder, WWE set him up for a big fall, to send out a message to all their "Talent"....
"WWE owns you and we can make you or break you" is the basic message here.
Good. Zack Ryder sucks. His show sucks. I still have not figured out what the appeal is. He will continue to suck until he drops this jersey shore, woo woo woo crap gimmick. He was cooler as an Edgehead. Idiot fans cried for him to get a push, he got one. Now that his push has halted or stopped completely, they're all gonna cry even more. Wah!!
I would like to say that this probably part of a storyline to reinvent Zack Ryder. Something where he's finally had enough, what with losing the United States Championship, getting played by Eve, getting fucked up by Kane and having his show that he started getting edited by the WWE.

But if this is legit, than it's pretty fucked up. I mean, here's a guy who was pretty much told by the WWE that they had no plans for him whatsoever and was damn near close to getting released. So he decided to get himself over by reaching out to the fans through his Youtube show. It worked and Ryder slowly found himself moving up the ladder. That's something to be commended. But if this is true, it seems to be something that is actually discouraged.

You would think with John Cena endorsing him that Ryder would do extremely well. Look at Sheamus and his friendship with Triple H. This reminds me of a shoot interview Mr. Kennedy (he'll always be Mr. Kennedy to me) gave sometime after his release following the alleged injury Randy Orton suffered from him. He gave the impression that, unless you have the endorsement or approval of Vince McMahon or any of the big dogs in the company, you'll never rise past a certain point.

I admire Zack Ryder for making himself a star in spite of the WWE's reluctance to push him. Will he ever become a future World Champion? Who knows? But it just sucks if the WWE screws him over just because it wasn't in their plan.

Again, I'd like to say that this is part of some storyline. But if not, the message it truly sends out to all current and future WWE superstars is that you'll only be successful if Vince McMahon allows you to be.
I was just about to say this is probably one of WWE's new Twitter story lines, but somebody beat me to it. I think this is part of a story line to get Ryder more serious. Over the next few weeks he will keep mentioning how his show is getting edited until finally he's had enough.

He'll confront someone, Big Johnny?, on Raw saying his show was the one thing he had left and he's fed up. This leads to Ryder "fighting the power" on Raw along with Punk.

I think it's all a story, but if not, fuck WWE. Zack should post the unedited version on his own channel.
Ryder being screwed by WWE????? Really???? Christ the guy is an idiot. He only got over by getting himself over, the WWE machine cannot take the credit for this. He got a great push, a US Title run and a spot on Wrestlemania. For a guy who has no business being nay further than mid card, he should be pretty fucken happy with his spot in WWE. For anybody to think he is main event bound or deserves to be is a delusioanl person or an 8 yo child who doesnt know any better. Alot of that around here I know, but if WWE wanted to screw Zack Ryder, they would be doing a much better job, like taking him off RAW AND SMACKDOWN, a cease and desist on his youtube show, pull his merchandise at arenas....I could go on. Ryder will not get a bigger push than he is getting now, be happy for him
WWE has not screwed anyone in this scenario. Ryder screwed Ryder.

The dude is a chump in every sense of the word. He puts the "this guy freaking sucks" in the sentence "dude, this guy freaking sucks." You give the example of fans chanting for him, as an example of him getting over without a push, yet you also complain that he isn't getting chanted for any more and use his perceived lack of push as an excuse for it. Maybe the truth is that he got exposed as a talentless hack, and nobody cares about him anymore.

I see a perfect new gimmick for Ryder, brought on by Eve: he can be the guy that gets kicked in the nuts every week. That would at least give him some entertainment value.

Zack Ryder sucks and everybody knows it. Don't blame the WWE for this.
WWE has not screwed anyone in this scenario. Ryder screwed Ryder.

The dude is a chump in every sense of the word. He puts the "this guy freaking sucks" in the sentence "dude, this guy freaking sucks." You give the example of fans chanting for him, as an example of him getting over without a push, yet you also complain that he isn't getting chanted for any more and use his perceived lack of push as an excuse for it. Maybe the truth is that he got exposed as a talentless hack, and nobody cares about him anymore.

I see a perfect new gimmick for Ryder, brought on by Eve: he can be the guy that gets kicked in the nuts every week. That would at least give him some entertainment value.

Zack Ryder sucks and everybody knows it. Don't blame the WWE for this.

Ryder was getting huge crowd reactions from his own work, not the WWE's work. When they finally decided to recognise it what did they do with him, use him so badly less people cared because we can see what the WWE is doing to him.
It doesn't help that he is constantly getting squashed by Kane, even after trying to link Ryder and Cena together (which again was a stupid move if you were to push Ryder). The WWE had a golden opportunity to have Ryder fued with Vickie's group over the US title, instead they just past the US title between the three of them and now to Santino (who would have been the better partner for Ryder and to go after Ziggler/Swagger... but WWE tends not to do midcarder feuds that much)
This is definitely part of a storyline. He was going to debut a new catchphrase and now its edited out??? I say we just sick back and watch but if it isnt then thats WWE being controlling. Ryder is STILL on tv which is the whole point of the youtube show. He just wanted and oppurtunity and he got it. He isnt suppose to win every match he is suppose to struggle and everyone who he has been beating by lately is all top tier stars and former champs, Del Rio, Kane, Miz... He is the underdog which is why we like him in the first place so why change that???
WWE are fn with Zack because he's not their ideal model, they're jobbing him so the fans go wtf he sucks. but no Ryder takes to twitter and rallys the pack around him and spreads the word. This shit isn't new WWE fucked over WCW guys like they did to the ECW lot, and why??? BECAUSE THEIR NOT WWE HOME GROWN TALENT, Ryder got himself over, not WWE, so their fking with him to show it doesn't matter wtf you do they still pull the strings.
I do think with the whole "twitter storyline" era that this is going to lead to some sort of angle (as others have said in this thread)... If it doesn't then I agree with the OP and others that if the WWE is doing this just to say "we didn't make you and we resent what you did" it sends a bad example... I'm going to give it a bit though to see what comes of this however...

also to those saying that the people who like Ryder or like his show (me being one of them, although once his move to the WWE channel happened they've been a little less good.. Frankly, they've been less good since he actually started winning more and more.. anyways i digress) want to see him in a main event role, we dont, at least not right now... There's no reason however to have him job continually on the screen each and every week, and there was no reason for him to basically be the whipping boy in the kane vs john cena storyline... no reason for him to be the bitch to eve essentially... He's a decent mid carder and could be going for one of those titles (well not currently as both are held by faces) or at least feuding with someone (vickie's minions?!?!) not jobbing out to miz or Kane in minutes just to get him on tv... We don't expect him to challenge for any world championship, but there are better uses for him than what they are doing currently (unless as mentioned its part of a storyline to bring out a meaner more kick ass ryder and a potential feud with big Johnny)
Dont take this as Ryder bashing, i actually get a laugh out of the guy! But as a WWE worker, he is at their beck and call, required to do what he is under contract to do!

The fact that he went and put himself over is fantastic, but by rights his charachter is still their intellectual property, and if they want to change anything to do with it, they have the right to do so!

Also, think back to all the losing streak guys and how they changed afterwards! Miz, losing streak to winning Johnny Aces team the match at wrestlemania, so on and so forth! Think of it possibly as a way to get him over more as a competitor than a cartoon, you never know, it may just work to have him get more serious aswell as having the fun cartoonish side!
Zack is pretty much losing everything his fans loved about him by gaining popularity.
Now that he's no longer his own person and just a product the WWE is selling, his character has lost it's edge (no pun intended). We're just going to see Ryder being a twitter draw, and not a star, and it's a damn shame.
Its like ive been saying (To Myself) from day one. WWE (Vince) is mad that he Got Over/Got Major Fan support Without the use of the WWE "Machine". They give him the US title to make him think he means something to them, put him through a series of Momentum killing Storylines, then WWE Debuts Their YouTube shows. They are trying to get the fans and that they couldnt get themselves, Instead of just using Ryder Himself, to get those fans.
And now their editing zack ryder's show!!!

The reason Zack initiated the show was to force his employer to sit up and take notice of him. To the surprise of many, it worked. I thought they might vow to never give him TV time after going off on his own that way.....and I was completely wrong.

But once WWE opened the door, I imagine they laid down conditions under which Zack could walk in. Included would be their right to edit whatever he puts on YouTube. So that's that.

I have no idea whether Zack's introduction of a new catchphrase is part of a program ......but when you consider the question of whether WWE is screwing him or not, consider this: Should Zack have even gotten to the point he's reached? To their credit, the organization rolled with Zack's unique way of getting their attention and went with it, even knowing there might be a built-in ceiling to his character. It could be the second his Internet-fed popularity fades, he's either gone from the company or fodder for the Lord Tensai/Damien Sandow faction.

Either way, it's been an interesting ride for Zack. He's attained the heights and it could be there's nowhere left to go but down. C'est la vie.
Ryder is a joke. The only reason people ever got behind him was in reaction/protest to the overall product at the time. The general fan reaction to him was cooling even before WWE started screwing Ryder over. This is one time where I am glad that the WWE are not pushing him anymore. He is horrible.
I mean this guy got at least the same pop as rocky at WM 28. And zack Ryder was amazing at WM, he was on fire.

His pop was as big as the Rocks? What the fuck are you smoking? I was there and it wasn't even close, not even remotely close. Hell, he was behind Daniel Bryan as well.

Ryder did well getting himself over, props to the man. The fact is all he's done is push back his release date by a year or so. The reason? He's average in the ring, his on-screen personality is shite. WWE hasn't done him any favours since he came on tv, but he's hardly turned anything into gold has he.

He had his us title moment, soon he'll be on the spring cleaning list
Zack is pretty much losing everything his fans loved about him by gaining popularity.
Now that he's no longer his own person and just a product the WWE is selling, his character has lost it's edge (no pun intended). We're just going to see Ryder being a twitter draw, and not a star, and it's a damn shame.

lol. What "edge?" He's always been a boring, cookie cutter dbag with a couple of horrible catchphrases and shitty in-ring skills.
What's all this 'WWE holds a grudge because they didn't make him a star' nonsense? Was Zach Ryder not a WWE Superstar when he launched Z! The True Long Island Story? Didn't this whole rise happen on WWE's watch? How is that WWE not getting him over?

And aren't guys like CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, or Sheamus evidence that WWE is NOT afraid to push 'outside' guys into the main event?

Is WWE even holding him back? I mean, he's been elevated from roster fringe to solid midcarder. Sure, he loses a lot. Know why? His character is a loser. A goofy comedy character who doesn't look remotely like a serious competitor. Hell, it takes away from his character if he acts like a serious competitor. And that's fine. There's nothing wrong with being part of the midcard for a while. Ask Tyson Kidd or Yoshi Tatsu if they think Ryder's getting buried.

Then again, the OP thinks Ryder gets cheers just as loud as The Rock (!) so it seems like some perceptions are distorted when it comes to Zach Ryder.
After reading the replies here, I have come to the realization that the majority of the IWC are complete IDIOTS!!!! You guys are the same people who complain about the WWE, yet you guys bash Zack Ryder? Who gives a f**k if you goof offs don't like Zack Ryder. Everyone who watches his youtube show and cheers for him does, and they are the majority. Those fans support Zack for everything he's done for himself, and Vince obviously hates that.

Listen MORONS, Zack Ryder made a name for HIMSELF!!!! Not WWE. Obviously that means that his self-made gimmick is putting himself over. The internet was his canvas and he painted that s**t. WWE is fixing what ain't broken, and you PAWNS are just following along.

Also, we have seen WWE start all these ridiculous Youtube shows trying to garner the fan base that Ryder has, and they're failing miserably.

They give him the U.S. Title, making him have an amazing storyline with Dolph Ziggler. The story featured Ryder as the underdog, who couldn't overcome the odds but eventually did with the help of Cena. Now, they put him in a ridiculous one sided rivalry with Kane. WHY???? If he overcame Kane, the fans would cheer for him again, but NOOOOOOOOO....WWE doesn't wanna see that. PUT HIM OVER ON TV and the kids, women, and half of the adult male demographic will support him. That's 85% of the fan base....better than the 60% that Cena has.

WWE is definitely screwing Ryder, and trying to build superstars with Ryder's internet method in the process. Was Ryder the first to do internet shows? No. But his is the most popular. WWE is just f**kin' it up now.

You guys hate Ryder....so what do you like? Ryback? Brodus? Tensai? No offense to Albert but the gimmick is stupid. What pisses me off is the love for The Miz' monotonous gimmick. Miz is a guy who has SOME in-ring skill but can put the crowd to sleep with his drivel. WM 27 sucked because of The Miz....because they gave him the ball and he dropped it. WWE needs to allow Miz to reinvent himself, just like Ryder did and is popular for it.

Triple H reinvented himself all the time. Difference is, Miz and Ryder aint no Triple H. They can't reinvent themselves without WWE stepping in. Because in WWE, the fans don't choose the stars.....Vince does.
Sure, he loses a lot. Know why? His character is a loser. A goofy comedy character who doesn't look remotely like a serious competitor.

Why is he goofy, moron? Because WWE makes him that way. Brodus Clay is a goofy character but he hasn't even lost yet. I don't even think anybody has even tried a pin attempt on Brodus. If Zack Ryder had the same undefeated streak he would be super over. Does Rey Mysterio look like a 'serious competitor'? No! But it's a damn television show, anything is possible.

Think before you speak.
Why is he goofy, moron? Because WWE makes him that way. Brodus Clay is a goofy character but he hasn't even lost yet. I don't even think anybody has even tried a pin attempt on Brodus. If Zack Ryder had the same undefeated streak he would be super over. Does Rey Mysterio look like a 'serious competitor'? No! But it's a damn television show, anything is possible.

Think before you speak.

Okay, in one breath you're saying that Ryder got HIMSELF over with his SELF MADE GIMMICK, and in the next you're saying the WWE are the ones who make him goofy. Which was it? I don't think Z! The True Long Island Story was a hard-boiled crime drama.

Zach Ryder's character is a dopey Long Island stereotype. He's a little dim-witted but makes up for it with courage and heart. A classic good guy archetype: the dumb but loyal friend. Perfect character for a midcard face, which is exactly what he is. But that kind of character is going to lose matches. He's an underdog.

People don't seem to understand that TV time, not title runs or winning streaks, are the most valuable thing you can give a wrestler. Ryder gets lots of tv time. He was part of a main event John Cena storyline. He got a memorable spot at Wrestlemania, getting betrayed by the heel to get screwed out of the match. He's not part of a major storyline at the moment, but they still find a way to get him in the show each week.

You're not buried when you start losing matches. You're buried when you stop getting lines.
Funny thing is, I posted a thread on here when they first put Ryder in the Cena/Kane feud asking if WWE was burying Zack Ryder. I was called a lot of things. Yeah. I'm laughing now. I was right. I love being right.

Personally I don't like Zack. I'm taking nothing away from his obvious dedication and determination to get on TV. I think he is fairly decent in the ring and can go with certain guys. I don't like his gimmick and I don't think he's all that good on the mic. Part of that is lack of time on tv and I do understand that.

His show wasn't that good anyway. At least the parts that have him in it. His dad showed a lot more charisma and comical ability in MY opinion. Obviously a lot of you out there won't agree with me. I get that. Fact is, at this point, he's average at best.
I feel for Ryder. It was a bad decision to give wwe rights over his show in the first place. The moment i heard that his show will be broadcasted on the wwe network, i knew that those rogues' intentions are not good. Maybe they forced him through this stipulation if he wanted a push, who knows.. But right now Ryder is screwed bad. His medium of getting himself over has been taken away from him, and there is nothing he can do about it.

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