WWE saturday night

Mighty NorCal

While reading peoples opinions on the talent exchange, it made me wonder about something...I think WWE should scrap heat, and ECW(so as to stop tarnishing its name) and have a WCW saturday nightlike show, were under under card guys from all three brands can compete...and try to make it more of a pure wrestling show, no promos, or very little promos...and make the CWs exclusive to this show, to make it different....and prolly have a somewhat big match to main event it every week, say a US title or IC title match...Itd be a good place for the pure wrestlers with little charisma, or newer guys, and the CWs to get over...and Im sure that whatever USA, or the CW, or Sci Fi has on saturday evenings cant be getting higher ratings than what this show would, I know that I for one would tune in every week...

What do you guys think, and would you watch???
I think that it would be a good idea, but I don't think the WWE should ever be associated with WCW again. Something good, something new. Maybe call it Wrestling Spotlight (there was a show called that earlier, but I think it fits right) and guys like LonDrick, Highlanders, Dykstra, Kevin Thorn, Cody Rhodes, Super Crazy, Charlie Haas, Dave Taylor, Nunzio, I think you get what I'm saying. And yes, I'd tune into that.
well the only connection it would have to WCW would be it being called WWE saturday night lol...and yes, I agree with your roster, Id def have Shelton benjamin on there too, in a dominant role, as well as a masked charlie haas...I think it would be a good stop for newer guys as well, to get them on TV, and a little over before going to SmackDown, or Raw. I also think if they finally combined the tag belts, this would be a fantastic place for them to be defended and fought over...I think they would need to keep this show based in a local area, say just 4 or 5 arenas, in close proximity to one another, that arent real big. I think you could keep it at 2,000 seat or so arenas, cuz like i said u could have half decent main events headlining each show, say like Hardy VS Carlito for the IC, Or MVP Vs whomever (lol) for the US, or something like that so you could still sell out a smaller arena with that I belive...
That'd probably be best, keep it small so it looks better. 5,000 at the most because really, most people won't be tuned in for a Dykstra-Nunzio match. So yes a few Upper Mid-Carders to the show could build up it's credibility, but knowing the WWE they'll bury the lower superstars to guys like Mark Henry.
That'd probably be best, keep it small so it looks better. 5,000 at the most because really, most people won't be tuned in for a Dykstra-Nunzio match. So yes a few Upper Mid-Carders to the show could build up it's credibility, but knowing the WWE they'll bury the lower superstars to guys like Mark Henry.

see the thing is, is this would be an "open show" of sorts, in tht nobody would really be sent "to" this show, it would just be for whomever, whenever (at least in the kayfabe world I mean) so they wouldnt really have a set "roster"...and yes it would be a place for Henry squashes, and things of that sort, but the point is, they wouldnt be taking up as much time on SD for that sort of thing, so it will make the quality of the other shows go up as well. this show wouldnt be assighned to any brand, and wouldnt be a brand to itself, itd just be a show, and thats it, it wouldnt have its own titles or anything like that. Just a wrestling show.
I honestly think you just described E.C.W. on Tuesday nights, without the talent. :lmao: If you think about it, they only have one or two storylines working on the E.C.W. show.

Anyways, I like the idea, but hate the time slot. The worst day to hold a wrestling show, is the one day of the week everyone seems to think of as the "night out" day. That being, Saturday. Now personally, I'm the guy that constantly wants to work on the weekends, & have the entire week off. I was never huge on Saturdays being worth shit, especially when you could make more working on them.. & then have 4 days instead of 3 off. Anyways, thats side-tracking. :lmao:

I love the idea of creating a new show that is basically just pure wrestling at its best, without storylines. I'd love to see guys like John Morrison, C.M. Punk, 97% of the cruiserweight roster, Shelton Benjamin, Carlito, Elijah Burke, & several others compete in head-to-head matches with nothing on the line.

I think the show would get lost in transition however, because people don't seem to enjoy watching pure wrestling without storyline anymore. (If they did, T.N.A. might get more viewers. hahaha) People generally anymore want to have a reason behind seeing the match they're watching. Unfortunately, I'm half & half on that.. because lately, wrestling has become stale. They need something big to stir the pot.. & by big, I don't mean Wrestlemania.. I mean ground-breaking, industry-shattering.. & no, I'm not refering to Big Show's return.. which a company like T.N.A. would call "revolutionising." :rolleyes: I'm talking.. completely refacing the entire land-scape of Professional Wrestling. (for me, something similar to the New Blood v. Millionaires storyline)
I think that this would be a good idea, it is essentially what ECW is right now. I remember watching WCW Worldwide and WWF Shotgun Saturday Night, they were interesting shows. New talent proving themselves, no boring 15-minute promos, and everyone is busting their ass to earn a spot on the main roster. I remember seeing Edge and the Hardys before they made their "debuts."
Plus, it could also be the proving ground for new commentators, to fill the spots when JR or anyone steps down. The same could be said for managers and the like. They could even throw the annual Diva Search on there to spice things up.
I honestly think you just described E.C.W. on Tuesday nights, without the talent. :lmao: If you think about it, they only have one or two storylines working on the E.C.W. show.

yessir. actually thinking about the talent exchange is what made me think up this idea....the difference is that this will be a "show" as opposed to a "brand"...ECW has a set roster, and its own title belt. My show wouldnt have either of these things, and wouldnt have layla VS Kelly Kelly every week lol.

Anyways, I like the idea, but hate the time slot. The worst day to hold a wrestling show, is the one day of the week everyone seems to think of as the "night out" day. That being, Saturday.

The point to that is, I think it would be easier to convince a network to put this show on saturday evenings, becuase lets face it, a show of this nature probably wont garner the kind of ratings raw or SD does, but putting a show on in this timeslot will be very low risk for a network, becuase like you said, most people will be going out anyway, so whatever ELSE they could be showing wouldnt be getting great ratings either....so I think since its a low profile spot anyway, it would be easier to convince a network to put on a wrestling show that will prolly pull 1.5s at the best. I belive this is why WCW saturday Night survived for 200 years lol....and besides, if you put it on in the evening, say 6 o clock, it would be over by 8...which is before most people would be going out anyway....

I think the show would get lost in transition however, because people don't seem to enjoy watching pure wrestling without storyline anymore. (If they did, T.N.A. might get more viewers. hahaha) People generally anymore want to have a reason behind seeing the match they're watching. Unfortunately, I'm half & half on that.. because lately, wrestling has become stale.

well, if you look at WWE's current programming this would be different and earth shattering in comparison...you know just wrestling and not soap opera lol...but on a serious note, your totally right, that this show probably wouldnt be a huge money maker, or get massive ratings, or interst too many casual fans who enjoy more of the storyline apsect of things, but I think it would have a niche, and a purpose to serve, and would be a better way of doing it than they have now (ECW). You are damn right, wrestling is very stale, but I think that this will in its on way, be somewhat refreshing. I dont think little kids really care much about storylines, they just want to see their favorite guys "fight"....and I know hardcore fans such as myself couldnt really care less about the storylines either, so I think that is the fan base you will be working off of....

They need something big to stir the pot.. & by big, I don't mean Wrestlemania.. I mean ground-breaking, industry-shattering.. & no, I'm not refering to Big Show's return.. which a company like T.N.A. would call "revolutionising." :rolleyes: I'm talking.. completely refacing the entire land-scape of Professional Wrestling. (for me, something similar to the New Blood v. Millionaires storyline)

yessir, you are 100% correct. And my show certainly wont be what will fix the biz, I just think it will be a better way of doing things, and a refreshing change to what we all usually see. As for what they should do to change things?? sounds like a good idea to start a thread about...
Everyones saying how crowded Raw is going to be when everyone comes back from injury, so why not do it. Most mid-card matches are pointless anyways, and only last a couple of minutes. Let them perform on their own show, and give them more time to show of their moves. It could also be a good place to expand the tag division. Maybe even bring back the hardcore belt. Personally, I would never watch this show if it was saturday, unless it was being re-ren when I get home sauced.
gotta go with BigWill on this one... sounds just like ECW...

ECW is an hour long - shitty promos - 3 matches a night... maybe 4... if they did do something like this is would have to be on ECW and they would need different belts to add to the show to bring up younger talent. they could add the cruiserweight belt to add depth to the show... make the tag team belts unified and keep them there to bring some value to them and that away they wouldnt treat the younger talent on raw with 5 minute bullshit matches.

what else would make it better?

try to make it more of a pure wrestling show, no promos, or very little promos...and make the CWs exclusive to this show, to make it different....

that would be it right there... give us little promos and some good gimmick matches here and there with just a bunch of wrestling... none of this scifi bullshit...(i.e. kevin thorns old gimmick)... lame anywho

sorry but i wouldnt tune in on a saturday night, that wouldnt be a good idea... i would record it and watch it later, just like i do with SD....not a good idea to have on a saturday night it would prob get worse rating then ECW does now... they should keep it on tuesday nights to keep the week full of shows to watch.... speaking of which i would love to have a show on wednesday night too... maybe a wednesday night show would be nice, just an hour long show... there really isnt anything to watch right now... i mean nothing on wednesday nights and that would be cool.

overall its a great idea but it needs to be a complete re-vamping of ECW.
lol im still trying to get people that this isnt gonna be on saturday NIGHT...does anyone remember the old WCW saturday night??? this show would be on saturday evening really, about 6 pm, that way its be over by 8pm....if your sauced up already, or THAT damn concerned about going at at 8 friggin PM your very different than me lol....and the show wouldnt be just an hour, it would be 2 hours...and it wouldnt be ECW, sa it would have guys from all three shows, nd no world title to have to force a storyline around, and there would be no extreme expose/anything involving crap divas at all ever. There would be more time alotted, for better matches, no girls wasting time, and no championship belt that there HAS to be a storyline tied to...of course anyone could come there and defend their belts, but THE SHOW WOULD NOT HAVE ITS OWN BELTS. THIS IS A NEW SHOW, NOT A BRAND...did anyone watch wrestling before the brand split?? lol everyone seems to be clutching to this HAVING to be a brand or brandlike...half the success and value of this, is that its NOT a brand, just a pure show.

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