WWE Royal Rumble 2013: WWE Tag Team Championship - THN (c) VS TRS


As with the World Heavyweight Championship match, last night's Raw saw the announcement of Team Hell No facing Team Rhodes Scholars for the WWE Tag Team Championship at the Royal Rumble.

Bryan & Kane has been constantly entertaining since their pairing and were one of the biggest & most pleasant surprises of 2012. They've done a great job as tag champs, but I think they've come to the end of their rope at the Rumble. I think they'll drop the titles to Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow, possibly due to an implosion between them. We haven't seen them be all that dysfunctional for a little while so I think they're due.

At the same time though, there's not really another babyface tag team in the WWE right now that really has the juice. WWE has slacked off a bit in building the tag team division in the past few weeks and I hope that's not a sign of the tag team division slipping back into irrelevancy. They've got too many good, solid teams and have put in too much work just to let that happen, in my opinion. So because of that, Team Hell No might hold onto the titles a while longer.
A team that would have been good to face Team Rhode Scholars @ WM for the tag titles could have been Tyson Kidd & Justin Gabriel but since Kidd is injured that won't be happening. Rey and Sin Cara is probably gonna face them even though that match has been done heaps. The Uso's would be good, or they could turn PTP face. They would make a pretty good face tag team. People already like them. They're funny. I say turn them face and have a TRS V PTP feud. I had to edit my post because I completely got off topic and ignored the subject. I think it's about time THN lose the titles. Then at EC have Kane eliminate Bryan then they end their feud at WM Which Bryan wins. Cody and Sandow are more than capable of taking over the tag division for a while. Kane and Daniel Bryan have really helped the titles get back some prestige aswell. Give TRS a shot.
Team Hell No! lose purely so they can split in time to appear and amke up the numbers in next months Elimination Chamber matches.

Personally I think WWE could do a lot worse than having a 4-way ladder match at Mania involving these two two teams and two others. WWE likes to have a match where they basically just throw a few people together, often in MITB matches, and this match at the Rumble would actually be a nice way of building towards a match like that.
I actually like John Cena and The Miz teaming up. I think maybe after wrestlemania wwe should think about putting these two as a tag team. Maybe Im just crazy though but I actually thought they worked well together. The Miz is not really doing much lately and Cena is becoming stale. Maybe it will be good for both of them to get out of singles action for a little while. I know Cena is meant to be "the top" superstar but really, how many times can he get beaten and still get a crap load of title shots. I think putting these two together on a regular basis will freshin them up and would really help the tag team division.
I've never found Hell No entertaining, so I'm really hoping they put the belts on Rhodes Scholars (I refuse to put the word "Team" in front of the team names, it's stupid). It's been a good reign for Hell No, and I think it's past time for them to drop the belts.
I could stand to watch Rhodes Scholars get some one on one wins, even if they're not clean wins, before they win the titles. On the mic, they have momentum, but not in the ring with winning results. And like you said, who is there to challenge them after Hell No gets their rematch and RS needs a new feud?

Like you, I think WWE has dropped the ball just a bit with the tag division over the last month or two. I don't think it'd be that hard to build up the tag division as a whole, as it would just take 2 segments on RAW and 1-2 on Smackdown, but I'm thinking WWE decided to give up some of the tag division's air time to give it to the Main Event crowd in light of WM being around the corner.

One of the steps needed to rebuild the division is something I thought about over the last couple of weeks.....Why can't each member of a team have a finisher, like Hell No and RS and PTP has, and then each team also has another finisher they do together? Tag matches are already extremely repetitive and predictable, can they at least make the end of the match not so predictable? Have the team change the way they end the match every time. When PTP gets a win, one time let it be Young's finisher that seals the deal, the next time Titus' finisher, and the next time a combined finisher. Same with the rest of the teams.

Another thing....can we make the middle of the match just a tad more unpredictable? Does it always have to be the same exact formula of smaller face guy gets beaten down for 6 minutes the same way each time, hot tag to the bigger face guy, finisher, smaller guy finisher, pin? Just mix it up a little. I want the tag division to be rebuilt and I want to enjoy it, but I find it hard to do when it's the same every match, no matter what the teams are.

The Usos have been needing and deserving of a big push for a long time, but if WWE doesn't want to put the belts on them right away (and they shouldn't), can the push still come? Does it always have to be Face team vs Heel team for the titles, with no other tag teams anywhere close to TV time? Like I've been saying all along, any division is better when there are intertwining storylines. Right now, it's Hell No against RS, but PTP looked to be having a decent start to a feud with HN....can they be involved in a feud with another team, and still cost HN a match? This goes for anybody, whether in the tag division, mid card for a title (or not for a title), or for anyone in the Main Event.....can we have wrestlers involved in a primary feud, but also have a secondary feud that is used to plant seeds of a future feud when the timing is right or when the stakes are bigger? The biggest reason the Attitude Era was so popular and successful, in my opinion, wasn't because of the cursing and the t.its and a.ss, it was because nobody ever looked like they were feudless and sputtering their tires.....any feud that was going on was the culmination of a smaller feud that started while both wrestlers were involved in other feuds. I'm waiting for WWE to go back to that.....that's when people will stop complaining about boring RAWs and predictable storylines.
Rhodes Scholars will take this one. Kane vs. Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania is bound to happen and now is the time to build that up, starting with an implosion in the tag title match, which costs them the belts. Then it can be further built later on in the Royal Rumble match with one of them eliminating each other from the match, then at Elimination Chamber the other partner eliminates the other in the EC match, before one of em turns heel on the other the next night on RAW. As for Rhodes Scholars and who they can defend the belt against, now would be a perfect time to bring back the New Age Outlaws to feud with them, with Wrestlemania coming up. They already faced the Scholars at a house show and got a good reaction from what I heard, and Damien Sandow has a good enough reason to go after them with what happened to him on RAW 1000.
This is a rematch I have wanted to see on PPV for awhile now but I'm glad WWE has saved it for the Rumble. (I wonder if we will see any of these 4 guys in the rumble as well?) I hope this is the longest & best of their, what I believe will be a total of 3 tag team championship matches now???

I really hope we see Team Rhode Scholars win the Tag Titles here. They WAY MORE than deserve the titles, Team Hell No needs to start their split & I still am hesitant on if we will see any other titles change hands here, so I think it's the perfect time. This Rumble looks promising!
I think at this point Team Hell No will implode and cost themselves the titles. I don't see it happening at the RR though. From a couple of reports I have read the match between Rhodes and Bryan Monday night was supposed to go longer but got cut short at the last second due to concerns about run over time. That would have made TRS look like a more credible threat, but they need some singles wins or a non title win first, which is why I don't think they will take the titles yet. Plus as was mentioned, there isn't really another solid face team yet. The new pairing of Ryder and Brodus may get a push, personally I'd like to see the Usos step up, but I think they will build another face team to be at least semi credible before EC, which is when I think Kane and Bryan split.
It does seem like the WWE has regressed in building the tag division over the last month or so, and we are left without a real strong face team to feud with Rhodes Scholars if they win. I also agree with the poster that said PTP would be a great team to turn face to feud with them. I still think Rhodes Scholars gets the win. It just seems to me that Kane and Bryan have held the titles long enough, and the split should start at RR.
The only reason I can see Team Hell No holding onto the straps would be The Shield.

Currently, they're the hotter unit right now, and a feud between Bryan/Kane and the Shield seems to be slowly brewing. However, in a long term picture, Sandow and Rhodes have worked hard to go from being randomly thrown together to becoming an actual Tag Team people view as such.

Which is a shame, considering Rhodes can't seem to break away from tag teams. Bob Holly, Ted DiBiase, and now Sandow. He either deserves more, because the talent is there, or he deserves the top spot in the Tag Team division because he'll never break away from it and always continue to be pushed back to it.

I see people pointing out how there are no top face teams. Uhm, Mysterio/Cara, Uso's, Gabriel/Kidd - all are very capable of becoming the next top team.

On the flip side, Kane and Bryan are only a Tag Team because the Company has no real future or plan for them as singles stars, currently. So causing them to lose only shoves them back into a feud with each other - then into nothing-ness right before the biggest ppv of the year. That's why I'm once again re-directing this to a Kane/Bryan/Shield build-up.
The only reason I can see Team Hell No holding onto the straps would be The Shield.

Currently, they're the hotter unit right now, and a feud between Bryan/Kane and the Shield seems to be slowly brewing. However, in a long term picture, Sandow and Rhodes have worked hard to go from being randomly thrown together to becoming an actual Tag Team people view as such.

Which is a shame, considering Rhodes can't seem to break away from tag teams. Bob Holly, Ted DiBiase, and now Sandow. He either deserves more, because the talent is there, or he deserves the top spot in the Tag Team division because he'll never break away from it and always continue to be pushed back to it.

I see people pointing out how there are no top face teams. Uhm, Mysterio/Cara, Uso's, Gabriel/Kidd - all are very capable of becoming the next top team.

On the flip side, Kane and Bryan are only a Tag Team because the Company has no real future or plan for them as singles stars, currently. So causing them to lose only shoves them back into a feud with each other - then into nothing-ness right before the biggest ppv of the year. That's why I'm once again re-directing this to a Kane/Bryan/Shield build-up.
I don't see it that negatively. Rhodes had a good singles run, now he's in a team and still entertaining. Since when is being featured every week, tag team or not, a bad thing? He's getting over, he's good. Also, Daniel Bryan is more over now because of the team. Kane's character was stale as shit and works better as this.

I'd love to see some sort of multi-team stunt fest at mania. Maybe Shield vs 3MB vs RS vs THN in an elimination or ladder match?
Rhode Scholars for the win.

WWE continues the strong push for Rhode Scholars with the win at the Rumble. Bryan and Kane have done all they can do as a tag team. As a team, they peaked a while ago, and it's time for someone else to carry the straps. I don't expect the impending implosion to happen at the Rumble, though. I think Bryan and Kane will stick together for a little while longer, breaking-up sometime before or after Elimination Chamber, setting up a one on one match at Wrestlemania.
I love both of these teams. Team Hell No and Team Rhode Scholars have clicked tremendously since they formed a number of months ago. Both are fucking hilarious and when the need to be, great in ring performers. But, with Wrestlemania just around the corner, both Daniel Bryan and Kane – being some of the WWE’s most over stars – will need a reason to be on the card. Unless there’s a plan to have a rematch a Wrestlemania, I cannot see why they would split these two up. I see Team Hell No winning the match after something faulty happens between Rhode Scholars.

Hamler's Prediction -Team Hell No will retain the WWE Tag Team Championships.
It's time to shit or get off the pot with TRS. Team Hell No has won many of the battles during this feud but I think Rhodes & Sandow end up winning the war. Question is if Team Hell No breaks up, Who do Rhodes & Sandow feud with? With Tyson Kidd out the only options I can think of are Primo & Epico, But I think there heel right now and The Usos and lets face it WWE just doesn't wanna push them. I'll go with TRS here though I don't think a split happens between Kane and Bryan...at least not yet.
This is probably going to open the show. I've enjoyed the feud and I can easily see it ending here in what will likely be a good match. Although the team of Rhodes and Sandow has ended up being better than I thought they would be, I'm unsure about them being tag team champion material. Someone is going to have to take the giant pennies from Team Hell No eventually and I just didn't ever see it being them. I'm happy with either team winning, though when it comes down to it I would rather see Team Hell No continue their run, at least through Wrestlemania. It would make sense to keep the belts on the most popular team until after the biggest show of the year. The champions keep the giant pennies and then all four move on to lose in their attempt at winning the Royal Rumble match.

Kane & Bryan will retain the WWE Tag Team Championship.
I have been wainting for these two tag teams to have a great match for months! I hope this time is going to be better than the last time they met inside the ring. I'm not sure who is going to win, a feeling that I love.

Honestly I would like to see the tag titles to change hands on "the biggest stage of them all". Just for that, my pick is Team Hell No retaining.
This one is hard to call as well. Team Hell no has done a great job of creating some buzz for the tag division while teams like The Rhodes Scholars, PTP, and the Usos are helping to revitalize the division for the long term hopefully. I think most people here expect Kane and "The Dazzler" Daniel Bryan to go back to singles careers after they drop the belts, so do they drop the belts now or at Mania?

I think it would be better for them to drop the belts tonight. This way, the implosion could lead to a Kane vs. Bryan match at Mania that fans would really enjoy. Dr. Shelby could side with one of the two, or could turn on both of them tonight and help the Rhodes scholars win. From a booking perspective, it seems better for them to drop the belts tonight.

Prediction: Team Rhodes Scholars win the Tag titles

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