WWE Roadblock: WWE Universal Championship - Kevin Owens (c) VS Roman Reigns


As we all know, Reigns defeated Owens to earn a title shot at Roadblock last week on Raw. All in all, I think most people are fine with this so long as Reigns doesn't come out with the title. Reigns has improved during his time out of the main event spot but I think it's too soon to end Owens' reign. Also, there'll be a pretty significant backlash against WWE if Reigns does win and becoming the first ever Universal AND United States Champion; I mean, I can practically see the "WWE is shoving Roman down our throats again" threads and posts already and it's not something I'd be looking forward to.

Overall, Reigns had a good feud with Rusev and I'd like him to continue as United States Champion for a while as, in my opinion, it's a good fit right now for both the title and Reigns himself.
I genuinely hope that Roman Reigns is victorious at Roadblock: End of the Line against Kevin Owens.
Here is why: Being someone who was genuinely happy for KO winning the Universal title a couple of months ago(regardless of how he was handed it), I think his reign has been so terrible such that, he has(through poor booking) done virtually nothing to elevate himself or the title, rather his 'sidekick' and his 'sidekick's prop' are more over than he is.
lMO, at this point, Reigns and Rollins(set for HHH at Mania33) remain the main viable options to carry the Universal title into Mania season as they both are clearly treated as being above the other guys on the Full-Time roster(whilst being way below the Part-Timers themselves).

Also beyond that, with the return of Finn Balor to happen possibly by the Royal Rumble, I believe a Demon surprise appearance and win at the Rumble to setup a match between the Guy who got the Draft Rocket push vs the most reviled Superstar in WWE would be a great feud for WrestleMania and would definitely elevate Finn Balor and the Demon to being Top Babyface at least for the short term whilst also allowing Roman Reigns to finally become a Heel and undergo much needed changes to his bland character.
Also beyond that, with the return of Finn Balor to happen possibly by the Royal Rumble, I believe a Demon surprise appearance and win at the Rumble to setup a match between the Guy who got the Draft Rocket push vs the most reviled Superstar in WWE would be a great feud for WrestleMania and would definitely elevate Finn Balor and the Demon to being Top Babyface at least for the short term whilst also allowing Roman Reigns to finally become a Heel and undergo much needed changes to his bland character.

I like this idea a lot. It would work well. It would get Reigns over (officially) huge as a heel, while simultaneously sparking a great face return feud for Balor. Though, imo, for it to work best, I'd say Reigns would need to come out on top and I'm sure that would upset Balor fans.

The biggest problem with the plan is, for some odd reason, WWE refuses to turn Reigns heel.

So, if your plan were to come to fruition, I'd be all for Reigns winning here. But if they keep Reigns a face, no way should KO lose this match, and I doubt he will.
I don't think Reigns will win it just because he is still the United States Champion. The WWE are not stupid, they are trying to get Reigns to be at least a little over as a babyface (as they ignore that he needs to turn heel...). Making him a duel champion will cause him to be more overhated then he is already (do you see what I did there?).

Owens retains. Feuds with Jericho. Reigns loses goes on to feud with Strowman for the US title.
End of the Line.
Been pretty disappointed with the KO title run so far. I was REALLY hoping he wouldn't be a coward champion but that is exactly what he is.

I don't want RR as champion yet either. I think he is FINALLY starting to get a little fan support, and to put the strap on him now is too soon, it would just destroy all that.

Let Roman lose, doesn't have to be clean. Feud with others for a bit then maybe by Wrestlemania.
It's rumored Reigns will win the title at Roadblock. I'd say let Owens keep the title and have him hold to WrestleMania.
I am all in for a Reigns victory only and only if Reigns' overdue heel turn is nearing to reality.

If he's not going to turn soon, Reogns shouldn't win this match and the title in any case whatsoever.

Reigns is just getting his fans back and the booing is less now but still significant. Putting him in main event scene again this soon won't do any favours to him.

Problem with Kevin Owens' title reign is that there's no reasoning given about why Triple H supported him for a win over Seth Rollins. There's no base for his title reign to grow upon.
Reigns win, well because it's Reigns. He can win the title for all I care, because I'd look forward to turning off Raw early every Monday.
I like this idea a lot. It would work well. It would get Reigns over (officially) huge as a heel, while simultaneously sparking a great face return feud for Balor. Though, imo, for it to work best, I'd say Reigns would need to come out on top and I'm sure that would upset Balor fans.

The biggest problem with the plan is, for some odd reason, WWE refuses to turn Reigns heel.

So, if your plan were to come to fruition, I'd be all for Reigns winning here. But if they keep Reigns a face, no way should KO lose this match, and I doubt he will.

After reading again, I dont think Finn Balor will be active for the Royal Rumble. Tho, my scenario is for him to be a surprise return during the match itself like Edge some years ago.

As for Roman Reigns being heel. I would have him remain the bland hated, booed babyface going up against a true babyface Finn Balor as I feel the latter would be cheered big time in such a situation to defeat 'same old boring' Roman for the Universal title at Mania 33.

The actual Heel turn for Reigns could then be done on the RAW after Mania itself.
They do like to have faces close WM with the win. I just personally wouldn't want to go through the months of "face" Reigns holding the title.

Either way, though, turning heel on Balor would get him major heat. I maintain that if you'e going to have him lose the belt and turn heel, he must win it back in short order. Or "injure" Balor and get it back. But that would be a bad idea simply because Balor just returned from a legit injury.
After reading again, I dont think Finn Balor will be active for the Royal Rumble. Tho, my scenario is for him to be a surprise return during the match itself like Edge some years ago.

As for Roman Reigns being heel. I would have him remain the bland hated, booed babyface going up against a true babyface Finn Balor as I feel the latter would be cheered big time in such a situation to defeat 'same old boring' Roman for the Universal title at Mania 33.

The actual Heel turn for Reigns could then be done on the RAW after Mania itself.

It could still happen. With SD! getting Elimination Chamber and Raw getting Fastlane. WWE could easily go the route of trying to get Shawn Michaels to return at #30 and win the whole thing. AJ Styles successfully defends inside the Chamber and turns around to an outta nowhere Superkick for Shawn's decision in his first appearance since winning the Rumble.

Meanwhile on Raw, Roman retains his title in some sorta gimmick match against multiple wrestlers. The next night he cuts a heel like promo (ala the night after WrestleMania.) Finn Balor return after his rematch and Reigns turns it down and walks away. Storyline being Balor is taking Reigns lightly because he already beat him,which gets under Reigns skin. At Mania, Balor beats Reigns to regain the title and gets his WrestleMania moment. Either at Mania or the night after, Reigns goes full blown heel and beats his ass.

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