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WWE Reportedly Signs ROH Champion Tyler Black


We shy worth hair
source: www.PWInsider.com

According to multiple sources within World Wrestling Entertainment, the company has signed reigning ROH World Champion Tyler Black to a contract.

It is believed that Black signed a developmental deal with WWE, but it has not been confirmed. He is expected to start with the company in September.

Black, who has been with Ring of Honor since 2007, has several title defenses scheduled next month. He will defend the ROH World Championship at the Glory by Honor Internet pay-per-view on Sept. 11 against Roderick Strong.

Black recently indicated on his Twitter account that he had some "decisions" to make, which sparked rumors that he would be joining WWE.

News of this is very interesting. Black is the size and build that WWE likes to push plus he is only 24 and has his entire career ahead of him and he can work. His past in ROH may have him "Daniel Bryan'd" on NXT. Still he is the ROH world champion and he has to lose that title before he can do anything in their development terrortory.

To see the guy on NXT might be good though i don't know if i would prefer to see him get vignettes though that may be giving him too much speculation but if he were to be on NXT he may be saddled with a dumbass name and a shitty pro were a dream pro for him would be someone like Edge or Randy Orton.

My questions to you are :

Do you feel Black's possible WWE signing is a good thing for black?
Do you think Black would be buried at first in WWE due to his past in the Indi's and ROH?
For him, yes its good, its never a bad thing when the top company in the industry wants you. I dont think he will be buried at first, he wont be main eventing at first, but he should be just fine. On the flipside, we probably wont get to see the great matches we know he can have he'll have to have WWE type matches, but with the work, he does, I don't think it will effect him too much. I'm happy for him, but he will definitely be missed in ROH.
If this is true, then I must say I am very intrigued by this. Tyler is a very good wrestler and can put on great in-ring performances with guys of all different styles. He has a good look and tons of potential. His mic skills do need quite a bit of work, but it's nothing that won't improve with practice.

I hope WWE gives him the same kind of opportunity CM Punk got, allowing him to stay in ROH for the first couple months after he signs so he can lose the title rather than forfeiting it and throwing ROH's title picture into some disarray.
If I'm honest, I couldn't care less. I'm sure Tyler is an excellent wrestler who can outwrestle half of the main eventers in WWE but I don't care about this news.

Firstly because I have no clue who this guy is. He's in ROH and thet decided he should be their champion. Great for him, the biggest of the little leagues thinks he's worth building their promotion around. No idea if he is in fact worth building a company like WWE around, and TBH there's no way to tell until we see how he fits into the grand scheme of things.

Secondly because he isn't Bryan Danielson, he won't be going to WWE, he'll be going to FCW. This is great for him, he can make some friends, learn the WWE ropes and hone his persona until he's deemed TV ready. Assuming his ability is somewhere between Kaval's and CM Punk's he'll be there for a year. For people who don't live in Florida he's spending a year under the radar, and when he debuts he won't be Tyler Black he'll be Rex Tyler (or whatever ring name they come up with), and what he's dont before he signed on the dotted line won't matter.

So yeah good for him but I won't hold my breath for his debut.
He's a good wrestler. Okay, phenomenal. He's going to WWE, wrestling is not allowed there. You can't wrestle, you must punch and kick and be like the rest of the guys, or else Orton will get you fired.

Let's face it, guys that were AMAZING in the indy scene go to WWE and have ther moveset and persona chopped into little bits until they're just a shell of the man they used to be. Look at Evan Bourne ( Matt Sydal ). If you think he's exciting now, go ahead and check his matches in Japan out. Watch his art against AJ Styles.

Personally, I hope Tyler goes to WWE and makes him some money, I'm sure he needs it. I'm not AT ALL excited about it. The guy looks like a piece of shit, I couldn't pick him out of a crowd. I've seen and heard his promos and Kozlov can run circles around that long-necked scruffy alien looking thing. ROH respects wrestlers, WWE respects merchandise.
Thank god punk shaved his head otherwise black would look like punks little bother.

I hope all works out for black im a huge fan of his , and i hope he uses gods last gift as a finisher.
It's good for tyler, being with the biggest promotion never hurts. He is a pretty good wrestler, but i dont really like his personality, he's abit bland.
I doubt he'll be anything major to be honest, but vince does like big muscly wrestlers so there is always a chance he could do something. Maybe he could be a rookie on NXT but he'd be at risk of getting burried like DB.
Tyler Black I have seen him wrestle he is good, not great. He really didn't impress me and to be honest I don't like his look. So, I am not all that exicted on this potenially signing. At best he is mid-carder. But to me it is far more likely he will be released within a year, regardless of being called up to the main roster or not.
I assumed WWE would sign him sooner than later because unlike most indy guys he at least has a WWE acceptable look. Problem is even indy fans find him boring and have trouble caring about him. Yes, his personality is that bad. So if you take his wrestling down to a WWE standard I doubt anyone will ever care about him. Tyler probably becomes the token Phoenix splash guy, like WWE now has for the shooting star and 450.
I give Tyler Black a year before they future endeavor him. He's a good wrestler, but WWE isn't a wrestling company. They're a second-rate entertainment company.

But on the plus side, when Tyler goes back to the indy scene after being buried on WWE TV, his asking price is bound to go up do to national exposure.
If this report is actually true, well....this would be a big loss for Ring Of Honor. And if Tyler Black thinks that he hasn't gotten boo'ed enough already from the fans, imagine after this. I could already hear the "You Sold Out!" chants and a tidal wave of boos going at him.

And would he be buried in the WWE? There's a high chance he will. I mean he's going from a professional wrestling company to "Sports-Entertainment" and with that comes money, politics, misuse, and the ridiculous schedule. If he's really going, then good luck. He'll definitely need it...
I don't know anything about this guy other than the usual IWC propoganda. Some of which says that the guy is a god and some of which say he's an overrated hack.

Looking at pictures of the guy, he kind of reminds me a little of CM Punk in terms of build and overall size, just more cut and without that tattoos. He's definitely not a huge powerhouse of a guy, he's got to be about 210 pounds at most. He may well wind up on on the next season of NXT.

When it's all said and done, he'd probably be better off in WWE than in TNA. No matter how you look at it, at least he'll be getting paid and there are a few things working agains thim if he went to TNA. For one thing, Black wasn't a star in the WWF, WCW or ECW so TNA. As a result, TNA fans wouldn't be able to jerk off to nostalgia as they normally do. Another factor is that, at only 24 years of age, he'd have to hang around TNA for a good 12-15 years before TNA decided to really even attempt to do much of anything with him.
I don't know anything about this guy other than the usual IWC propoganda. Some of which says that the guy is a god and some of which say he's an overrated hack.

Looking at pictures of the guy, he kind of reminds me a little of CM Punk in terms of build and overall size, just more cut and without that tattoos. He's definitely not a huge powerhouse of a guy, he's got to be about 210 pounds at most. He may well wind up on on the next season of NXT.

When it's all said and done, he'd probably be better off in WWE than in TNA. No matter how you look at it, at least he'll be getting paid and there are a few things working agains thim if he went to TNA. For one thing, Black wasn't a star in the WWF, WCW or ECW so TNA. As a result, TNA fans wouldn't be able to jerk off to nostalgia as they normally do. Another factor is that, at only 24 years of age, he'd have to hang around TNA for a good 12-15 years before TNA decided to really even attempt to do much of anything with him.

Wow you are absolutely pathetic. You always find a way to somehow talk up WWE and talk down TNA CONSTANTLY in a thread that has nothing to do with TNA whatsoever. It's like your job or something. YOU ARE NOW OFFICIALLY A TNA HATER! You clearly know nothing about wrestling but what you see on mainstream tv. Go youtube Tyler Black. Go pickup an ROH dvd and learn something. You talk as if WWE is the king of opportunity. They've misused about 3/4 of the talent they get their hands on. Want proof. Look at Kendrick, London, Noble, Shelton, Christian, MVP, Lance Storm, Mike Awesome, Dean Malenko, Taz, I can go on and on forever. So don't sit here and give McMahon and the WWE a happy ending and try to give TNA shit when the fact is that TNA gives guys as green as Tyler Black a chance and platform to showcase themselves. TNA has given guys like AJ, Joe, Daniels, Gunz, Gen Me, and lots of talent that WWE wouldn't normally pickup a chance to shine. So yeah, quit being an ass. Tyler Black's lack of promo would make him a better fit for TNA because they wouldn't rush him and push him out there so much and would take there time with him like how they're currently doing with guys like Gen Me.
Wow you are absolutely pathetic. You always find a way to somehow talk up WWE and talk down TNA CONSTANTLY in a thread that has nothing to do with TNA whatsoever. It's like your job or something. YOU ARE NOW OFFICIALLY A TNA HATER!

You really need to grow up kid, seriously. You're easily the most immature poster on WrestleZone and need to accept the fact that not only is TNA the shining beacon of greatness that you endlessly attempt to make it out to be, but that not everyone is willing to mindlessly buy into the illusion that you endorse. If someone dislikes the WWE, I've got no problem with it. There have been plenty of posts in this thread in and of itself that put down the WWE, yet I see that you have absolutely no problem with those particular posters. As long as someone is willing to drop their pants and take it up the tailpipe from TNA and then say "Thank you sir, may I have another", when it's all said and done, you have no problem whatsoever. Thanks, but I'll pass. I've no desire to become a mindless drone. There are enough of those populating the internet already as it is.

You clearly know nothing about wrestling but what you see on mainstream tv. Go youtube Tyler Black. Go pickup an ROH dvd and learn something.

Actually, I've been to a large number of indy shows over the course of my life. Some have been good, some have been bad. As for ROH, I haven't had the opportunity to see an ROH show, which is why you never hear me praise or condemn them. I also don't have access to the channel that ROH comes on Mondays. Unlike yourself, I actually try to keep from shooting my mouth off in either criticizing or giving praise if I'm not overly familiar with something.

You talk as if WWE is the king of opportunity.

In what way exactly? By suggesting that Tyler Black could possibly make a lot of money if he signed to the WWE? You see kid, in the real world, wrestlers are people just like you and me. In the real world, wrestlers have bills to pay and families to take care of. If a wrestler is able to work for a company and possibly make as much in a day as he would traipsing all over the country for a month working for small indy companies, then what exactly is wrong with that? When it's all said and done, most wrestlers want to be able to have something more to show for their hard work than just a body full of scar tissue and bones riddled with arthritis.

They've misused about 3/4 of the talent they get their hands on. Want proof. Look at Kendrick, London, Noble, Shelton, Christian, MVP, Lance Storm, Mike Awesome, Dean Malenko, Taz, I can go on and on forever.

Yes, I'm sure you could go on forever. So I suppose that since you're a fan of those particular wrestlers you've listed, that must mean that they're so talented, that they shine so brightly that it hurts to even look at them? A few of them are actually talented, but most of them should've just been thankful to have had a job. It's fairly obvious that you probably believe that you could run things better than Vince McMahon, even though you honestly have no clue but try to insist that you do like so many other fools among the IWC. Sometimes, Vince does make mistakes on who to push and who not to push. That's life, that's just how it goes as creating stars in wrestling isn't exactly an exact science. I do believe that Vince has made mistakes with Christian and he could've done more with Malenko. However, the rest of those guys are just plain dead weight.

So don't sit here and give McMahon and the WWE a happy ending and try to give TNA shit when the fact is that TNA gives guys as green as Tyler Black a chance and platform to showcase themselves.

I see, so the fact that most of the legitimate stars in TNA are consistently pushed aside so that older wrestlers can have some more time in the spotlight doesn't count? I suppose it doesn't count that wrestlers like Eric Young, Orlando Jordan, Rob Terry, Raven, Tommy Dreamer, etc. are all given time to shine on TNA is a good thing when someone like, say, Desmond Wolfe is used for fodder?

TNA has given guys like AJ, Joe, Daniels, Gunz, Gen Me, and lots of talent that WWE wouldn't normally pickup a chance to shine.

AJ Styles, you mean the same AJ Styles that's spent much of this week criticizing TNA for essentially pushing him aside for Rob Van Dam? You mean the same Samoa Joe that TNA has suspended for a month? You mean Daniels, the guy that TNA reduced to jobbing to the likes of Sean Morley and then kicking him to the curb despite all the hard work he put in for TNA? As for Gen Me, I can count the number of times Gen Me has been featured on iMPACT! this year on one hand.

So yeah, quit being an ass.

I'd never consider being an ass, not when there are world class masters like yourself floating around the internet. I'd look like a second string amateur compared with the likes of yourself. So, the best thing for me to do would be to sit back and observe you, then I'd find out all I'd need to know if the day were to come in which I wanted to look like a clueless fool.
This makes absolutely no sense on so many levels. Tyler Black is going to the WWE where his moveset can get cut in half, he'll have to roll over and play dead for 99% of the roster, he'll have to slow down his ring work, and he'll have to talk. None of that is good for Tyler. Tyler's strong points are ring work and psychology, and his weak point is mic work. He's basically what would happen if PJ Black (Justin Gabriel) and BDB had a love child. Great technical wrestler, great high flyer, can grapple, uses submissions very well, all of that. He's the perfect in-ring wrestler; the complete package, if you will. His weak point is mic work, which he isn't exactly a natural at, but he isn't terrible. His promos just seem forced.

Like I said, this doesn't make sense. Tyler's basically selling out for money. Leaving behind true art for big bucks. And the WWE signed him because he draws; whether you hate him or love him, at this point, if you don't know who Tyler Black is, or at least know of him, you probably aren't a wrestling fan. That's why the WWE is signing him, and to be frank, I can't blame them. But him...yeah, you could say I'm a little pissed.
This makes absolutely no sense on so many levels. Tyler Black is going to the WWE where his moveset can get cut in half, he'll have to roll over and play dead for 99% of the roster, he'll have to slow down his ring work, and he'll have to talk. None of that is good for Tyler. Tyler's strong points are ring work and psychology, and his weak point is mic work. He's basically what would happen if PJ Black (Justin Gabriel) and BDB had a love child. Great technical wrestler, great high flyer, can grapple, uses submissions very well, all of that. He's the perfect in-ring wrestler; the complete package, if you will. His weak point is mic work, which he isn't exactly a natural at, but he isn't terrible. His promos just seem forced.

Like I said, this doesn't make sense. Tyler's basically selling out for money. Leaving behind true art for big bucks. And the WWE signed him because he draws; whether you hate him or love him, at this point, if you don't know who Tyler Black is, or at least know of him, you probably aren't a wrestling fan. That's why the WWE is signing him, and to be frank, I can't blame them. But him...yeah, you could say I'm a little pissed.

You're pissed because Tyler wants to make some money? Are you kidding me? You're gonna sit there on your high horse and say if the WWE came to you and offered you a contract, you'd refuse? You're so full of it, my friend. I don't blame Tyler one bit for jumping over and trying to make a name for himself outside of the indie scene. Punk did it, McGuiness did it.. Hell, Bryan Danielson of all people finally left the indie scene for a while to see if they could break through. Sure, Tyler probably wont be pushed to the moon right off the bat, but if he gets any of the same treatment Punk got.. We could see good things from the one true God's Last Gift to Professional Wrestling.

And sure, he struggles the mic from time to time.. But, everyone didn't come out sounding perfect on the mic, now did they? The Miz was God awful his first couple times with a mic in the WWE, look at him now. If Black works at it, he'll be fine. It's not like he's gonna do a whole lot of talking to start with anyway.

So, seriously.. You guys need to lighten the hell up. I'm a pretty big ROH fan, and an indie fan in general.. But, when one of the bigger names jumps to the big stage, I don't throw a hissy fit like the lot of you. It's the same shenanigans that go on when bands, "sell out". Money makes the world go 'round, people.. Live with it.
You're pissed because Tyler wants to make some money? Are you kidding me? You're gonna sit there on your high horse and say if the WWE came to you and offered you a contract, you'd refuse? You're so full of it, my friend. I don't blame Tyler one bit for jumping over and trying to make a name for himself outside of the indie scene. Punk did it, McGuiness did it.. Hell, Bryan Danielson of all people finally left the indie scene for a while to see if they could break through. Sure, Tyler probably wont be pushed to the moon right off the bat, but if he gets any of the same treatment Punk got.. We could see good things from the one true God's Last Gift to Professional Wrestling.

And sure, he struggles the mic from time to time.. But, everyone didn't come out sounding perfect on the mic, now did they? The Miz was God awful his first couple times with a mic in the WWE, look at him now. If Black works at it, he'll be fine. It's not like he's gonna do a whole lot of talking to start with anyway.

So, seriously.. You guys need to lighten the hell up. I'm a pretty big ROH fan, and an indie fan in general.. But, when one of the bigger names jumps to the big stage, I don't throw a hissy fit like the lot of you. It's the same shenanigans that go on when bands, "sell out". Money makes the world go 'round, people.. Live with it.
Money makes the world go 'round, but why the hell does Tyler Black need more of it? He's getting paid at least $5k a month at ROH. That's a lot of fucking money. Just not enough, I suppose? I don't know, I just don't like it. I would love nothing more than to see Tyler Black get a CM Punk level push and for the WWE to allow him to be himself. Literally, nothing more. I'd be so happy for him and the WWE, and wrestling in general. But the chances of that happening are slim. If it does happen, I take back everything I said about Tyler. If it doesn't, I stand by what I said.
This rumor is a little upsetting to me personally, to be honest, as I really though Tyler Black would have had a greater future in TNA's X Division than he would have/will have with the WWE, but it's a little difficult to gauge just yet, as we have no idea whether or not he's actually signed, nor do we know how the WWE will use him.

Having said that, I'm more than aware I'll catch a significant amount of flack for saying so, but I would be inclined to believe Black had more potential to a company like TNA, a company who tends to relish the type of performer he is, regardless of the fact he lacks that over-the-top personality, as opposed to the WWE who rarely in their history have put performers like him in positions to succeed. I cite Evan Bourne most recently – another performer who IMO would have had much more success had he signed with TNA instead. Bourne, like Black, lacks that discernible "care factor", but his abilities in the ring tended (past tense) to compensate for that fact, which is why I'm of the train of thought that he'd have been much better suited with a company who's historically put performers just like him (and Black) into positions to succeed regardless. See: Amazing Red – need I say more?

Because he lacks that over-the-top recognizable personality, Black is the type of wrestling character who needs a purpose, and more so the proper tools to make him look better than he is. He's a very talented wrestler, and provided he does in fact get those tools from the WWE, I'd imagine the future for him is quite bright – I'm just wary he'll actually be given them.
This rumor is a little upsetting to me personally, to be honest, as I really though Tyler Black would have had a greater future in TNA's X Division than he would have/will have with the WWE, but it's a little difficult to gauge just yet, as we have no idea whether or not he's actually signed, nor do we know how the WWE will use him.

Having said that, I'm more than aware I'll catch a significant amount of flack for saying so, but I would be inclined to believe Black had more potential to a company like TNA, a company who tends to relish the type of performer he is, regardless of the fact he lacks that over-the-top personality, as opposed to the WWE who rarely in their history have put performers like him in positions to succeed. I cite Evan Bourne most recently – another performer who IMO would have had much more success had he signed with TNA instead. Bourne, like Black, lacks that discernible "care factor", but his abilities in the ring tended (past tense) to compensate for that fact, which is why I'm of the train of thought that he'd have been much better suited with a company who's historically put performers just like him (and Black) into positions to succeed regardless. See: Amazing Red – need I say more?

Because he lacks that over-the-top recognizable personality, Black is the type of wrestling character who needs a purpose, and more so the proper tools to make him look better than he is. He's a very talented wrestler, and provided he does in fact get those tools from the WWE, I'd imagine the future for him is quite bright – I'm just wary he'll actually be given them.

I'm pretty much in agreement with this. While Black is good in the ring, I don't find him particularly interesting, personality-wise. He doesn't really draw me in, and that's a big deal for me. I like wrestlers with personalities that make you connect somehow. The reason I'm such a Danielson fan is because I connect to his "Normal guy" persona. Black, to me, is just sort of...there. He's a good wrestler, but that's all he has going for him.

Then again, maybe some time in FCW will improve his mic skills and personality, and my mind will change when he gets called up to the main roster. Or perhaps they're already planning on using him for the third season of NXT.

So yeah, I don't know if this was a good signing or a bad signing quite yet. It's always nice to see an independent wrestler get signed to one of the Big Two, especially if he's the current ROH champion, but I don't really know how far he'll go in the WWE.
I, for one, am geeked about this. I don't have HDnet(I think thats where it comes on), but I like to youtube ROH matches and Tyler Black is my favorite wrestler. He isn't great on the mic, but passable right now. As mentioned, he's only 24 and only has room to grow. His in ring skills are enough now, but he is gonna have to prove himself like everyone else.

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