WWE Releases - Who Goes Where

I actually reckon Sandow is more likely TNA bound than Barrett to be fair. Although probably both of them will end up there
I could see Sandow and Barrett going to TNA and becoming stars.

Ryback might be a good fit for Japan. The stiff style seems to suit him.

Zeb Colter should retire and go into the HOF next year.
Wade...errr.... Stuart Bennett shows up in TNA as Mike Bennett's ******ed sounding cousin. It is later revealed he sounds like that b/c he is fron England.

Seriously though, I think he takes a break from wrestling to pursue other forms of entertainment.
Sandow would be a good fit in Lucha Underground character wise. But they've taped so much it probably wont happen anyway
Wade Barrett to take some time off
Sandow to TNA
Ryback to NJPW
El Torito to AAA
Zeb & Santino to enjoying retirement life
Hornswoggle to random acting jobs as midget #3
Alex Riley to random lower level Indy promotions that are desperate for a "name" to help draw 25 people to their event.
Cameron to... Umm... Yeah I got nothing. Which I assume can also be said for her future career in wrestling.
With the valuable experience they got from being in WWE, they could be stars anywhere. I can't remember one former WWE star that didn't become a top star in a competitor's promotion.
Wade...errr.... Stuart Bennett shows up in TNA as Mike Bennett's ******ed sounding cousin. It is later revealed he sounds like that b/c he is fron England.

> Not appreciating Wade's glorious Mancunian drawl

Anyway I heard he was looking to move into sports commentary/analyst type stuff.
Barrett is taking some time off from wrestling period. I know he claims he's coming back to wrestling someday in his statement. It's not going to be soon, though. I suspect if you do see him return to wrasslin' it's only going to be for WWE. He left on good terms.
As he's from Preston, UK I fully expect to see Wade Barrett make an appearance (even non-wrestling) at Preston City Wrestling which is one of the most popular, and fastest growing UK promotions.

I'm friends with the promoter on Facebook and even when Barrett started rumours about him potentially leaving WWE a few months back, the promoter was already talking up a future Barrett appearance.

I think Wade will try other avenues though, such as film or TV as well as the expected PCW appearance.
Once Barrett is 100%, he'll end up in TNA.

Sandow hopefully to LU or maybe NJPW, until LU catches up on their tapings.

Ryback would be best in NJPW, and staying away from TNA or ROH.

El Torito is going back to Mexico...somewhere. Hornswoggle could pop up in LU, but I'd prefer he stays away and just does conventions and shit.

Alex Riley will end up somewhere like ROH, where he can say he was misused at the top level, and is somewhere where he can be appreciated. Maybe even an anti-Cena promo.

Cameron to music videos.
Looking forward to Ryback in Japan if that happens, Barrett is prime TNA material.

Pfft, like you watch puro.

Barrett will be TNA champion by years end. Assuming they're still in business.
Pfft, like you watch puro.

Barrett will be TNA champion by years end. Assuming they're still in business.

I've been retired for 7 years, what do you think I do with my spare time? Watch TNA? Get outta here.
Ryback would play very well in New Japan, but they're currently very thick with largeish muscular gaijin. I'd imagine someone will eventually want to head stateside for a bit, so there's no reason for them not to add another, it just might not happen immediately.

Alex Riley stuck around the WWE for a number of years, and you don't do that if you're a complete idiot about professional wrestling. He just has almost no facial recognition. There's a job out there in the mid-tier echelons of professional wrestling if he wants it- it just might not be in front of a camera. He brings a lot of experience to the table, and that's valuable in and of itself.

Hornswoggle + El Torito: If they want to stay in professional wrestling, it's tours of indy shows in their respective countries. Otherwise, it's into our hearts and memories; never forget WeeLC.

Wade Barrett has said he's stepping aside from professional wrestling, and I have no idea what other projects he has going, but the natural transition away from that is into broadcasting or acting. He's got a job in any other promotion if he wants it; he's a case of the WWE screwing up a good thing.

Cameron is probably done with professional wrestling. Best of luck to her in whatever she chooses to do.

Damien Sandow would work out well in ROH; if TNA is still throwing money at people to achieve the same steady decline in their viewership, I'm sure he'd take it. Not sure if he was unhappy in the WWE and that's why they stopped using him so much or if the WWE just dropped the ball, because he was the natural successor to Santino Marella's act at the time.

Dutch Mantel (Zeb) either enjoys his retirement, or works for whichever promotion is willing to pay him enough to keep working.

Santino's out of professional wrestling now, and if he was smart with his money, enjoys his retirement from professional wrestling with a project he's passionate about.
Completely expecting Sandow to debut in TNA or ROH Galloway style. Wherever he lands, it's likely he comes in as the pissed off, anti-WWE "rebel" and gets put in the main event scene pretty quickly. Can't see there really being too much interest from Japan or Mexico, but I could be wrong on that count.

Ryback would work well in Japan, although he strikes me as somebody who would much rather stay in America. I don't know if the guy is committed enough to wrestling to uproot his entire life. Either way, he'll find easy work if he decides to stick with it.

Zeb will likely get picked up quickly as a behind the scenes hand, any company would benefit from having him. Unless of course he decides to just retire.

Riley will probably land in TNA. I'd be surprised if they haven't already opened discussions with him. Torito will find work in Mexico. I can't remember the rest.
Nah, he won't do a day in jail, at least not because of this. He'll plead to some minor assault charge. (Dunno if spousal assault is still a charge in Florida; it's basically "yes you hit someone, but it was your wife so it's not so bad." Kinda messed up, but a lot of states still have and use that charge.)

In exchange, the tampering charge gets nollied or dropped, and he pays a fine, gets probably a year of probation, and spends a couple hundred hours over the next year telling various groups about why it's wrong to hit women, even with an open hand.

Pleading guilty to the assault charge would end his WWE career, but that bridge has already been crossed.

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