WWE RAW LD 9th March - #Axelmania Running Wild

Hopefully Orton/Rollins is a violent gimmick match at Mania. No point in it being a regular match considering Orton is out to maim Seth. Though with WWE's thinking lately, they'll probably make the stipulation that if Orton loses control, he loses the match ala HHH/Orton at WM 25.
It never ceases to amaze me that they can't fit everything into three hours and have to cram thing into an overrun, but they won't let anything important happen on Smackdown.
Surely there is something under the surface with regards to Brock... they can't have seriously used another appearance just to show him standing around doing nothing, surely?!?!
I was at the show tonight. Was definitely one of the worst Raws I've attended. Wiz Khalifa was great....to give me time to buy a Daniel Bryan shirt and a $12 beer.

I always thought the Undertaker lightning was a pyro trick but it must be an effect they add to tv. In the arena, you just saw the chair pyro go off and dont see the lightning until the replay on the tron.

Undertaker's gong, Cena, Brock and Bryan in that order got the loudest pops from what I heard in the arena. It was kinda quiet for Reigns, not many cheers or boos.
I know he ain't a wrestler but Wiz actually looked comfortable on camera, like it wasn't scripted. If any of you guys saw his movie with Snoop Dogg you would know that isn't an easy thing for him haha.

Apart from that whats with the Raws lately. Been pretty boring. Thing I disliked the most was Cena telling Rusev not to dis America or he will fight in without a match. I know it's the storyline but geez come on. As if Rusev would consider what Cena says, really should of got Cena to do something more to get under Rusev skin. Not a I'll beat up the incredible hulk if you say a bad word.

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